View Full Version : FS: Inltet/outlet pipes, lines, fan shroud

06-28-2005, 12:40 PM
I have for sale:

1 compressor outlet pipe
1 compressor inlet pipe
---insted of the inlet pipe being a curved peice, mine has a straight tube comming off of the flange, can be used on turbos where you have to cut and re-weld the inlet.

1 set of turbo oil and water lines. the oil inlet and coolant inlet line are the stock hardlines. The coolant outlet line is a stainless braided line from taka. The lines include the hardware with them.

1 S13 SR20 fanshroud.

send me offers, highest offer gets whatever. Email me at [email protected]

06-28-2005, 01:04 PM
hey im interested in the inlet... lmk how much shipped to 06114.. i get paid thursday. and i have paypal... lmk thanks

10-20-2005, 05:15 PM
pics of sr20 fan shroud to [email protected] how much?