View Full Version : Passenger Side Power Window Problem

06-27-2005, 06:05 PM
Hey, got a problem, the passenger side power window will not go down IF I use the driverside switch. It will only go down if I use the passenger side switch. The fuse can't be out could it? Being that the passenger side switch still lowers the passenger side window normally. The driverside window/switch works fine. Any advice what could be wrong? Thanks

06-27-2005, 06:08 PM
Well, first thing id check is the plug. Just pull out the handle and jiggle the plug behind it a bit.

If that doesnt do it, could be the window button thats bad. Could check that w/ a multimeter.

If thats not it, then it probably in the wiring somewhere which would probably be a pain to trace.

06-27-2005, 06:23 PM
Did both. Still nothing when I wiggled the switch and the multimeter read that it was still good. I was hoping it wasn't a tracing problem, but looks like it. :bash: