View Full Version : Search Relocation

06-03-2005, 03:30 AM
I Think the search button should flash, and locate another search button right next to the NewTopic.

Maybe a 3Strike rule for Not Searching? Say, "Probation" for a week which only allows 1-3 posts for that entire week? for All sections?

I keep seeing the same kind of questions day after day. "Can a SR be swapped into a __ 240?" or something of its kind.

Or everytime you access Zilvia, have a popup (just like the PM popup) to inform the user to SEARCH, in big bold lettering, so they won't "forget"

My 2cents

06-03-2005, 07:59 AM
I am in full support of putting the search button where the current "new topic" button is and makin it red, move the new topic one to the right a little bit. I think any of the 5-speed swap, SOHC-twincam, and the million other weekly tried questions SHOULD get a member pinked for a week at least, longer if they repeat the transgressions again later, leating up to a ban and a beatdown if they never learn.

06-03-2005, 09:52 PM
I support this as well.

06-03-2005, 10:38 PM
How about you make this a ForumWide mandatory vote? And how about making the AIMing Ettiquette a Sticky? People and their "hey, can you hook it up with blahblahblah penis enlarger?" Never an actually "hello"

06-03-2005, 11:37 PM
now honestly did YOU search before starting this thread?

06-04-2005, 02:48 AM
it's this simple:

06-04-2005, 03:12 AM
You should really make that when startin a new thread. make it flash, and give them seizures.

nice, bold, big lettering. EyeCatching.

And yea, i searched. :p

06-04-2005, 08:31 AM
it's this simple:
Oh, I agree with that one wholeheartedly, but these idiots never seem to notice that thing, perhaps IT could be red, a little larger and have a label? Or maybe a popup that comes up when someone clicks to start a new thread that says "WAIT! Have you searched?"

06-04-2005, 05:58 PM
Oh, I agree with that one wholeheartedly, but these idiots never seem to notice that thing, perhaps IT could be red, a little larger and have a label? Or maybe a popup that comes up when someone clicks to start a new thread that says "WAIT! Have you searched?"

eh i never noticed that thing either.. it should have more detail or text along w/ it just that by itself isn't enough, make it flash purty colors or something

06-05-2005, 12:22 AM
eh i never noticed that thing either.. it should have more detail or text along w/ it just that by itself isn't enough, make it flash purty colors or something
Yeah, mrmeph called it to my attention a while back in a discussion about it and I have suggested once before that it be made larger, an opaque color and possibly flash as well... It would be sweet if the sumbitch just danced around the screen whenever someone tries to start a new thread

06-06-2005, 01:54 PM
i never noticed that thing before. here are some suggestions i have

- make a common topics page, where most of the common topics are placed for viewing
- everytime you post, in the box where you type it should say "have you search? blah blah blah" and when you click on the text, it disappears for you to add words. i seen this on team-integra.net, what they put in the box before you type is "are you posting in the correct forum? blah blah blah"
- search button next to "new topic"
- do a newbie time period thing like honda-tech, where you cant post in certain spots for a while unti you build up your post, that way we will get less poeple trolling n everything

06-07-2005, 01:52 AM
how about we just make all these common topics stickys and lock em and everyone would have to use page 2 which we can set to default and all the noobs will be busy looking on page 1 hahah

06-07-2005, 04:21 AM
I think when someone logs in, that isn't a premium member, that picture should pop up. LOL.

06-08-2005, 01:47 PM
woot, I learned something new today.
I also, have never noticed that thing... doesn't help that it appear semi-transparent...ish.

I remember for a brief time the search button was slightly larger font and in red... seems like it'd be easy to change back, IIRC, you can just change pic URL for hte dropdown to a slightly larger animated GIF of your choosing... I'd be more than happy to make a real bright one :D

06-11-2005, 06:35 AM
whats search? hahahahahahahahahahahaha just kidding, please dont pink me!