View Full Version : Any SoCal Smog Check Techs available for experimenting??

05-27-2005, 03:47 AM
Both a buddy of mine & myself just BARELY passed our California smog tests this year due to high Hydrocarbon readings, (all other tests were within norm).
On the Hydrocarbon portion test, we BARELY passed at the limit!!!
15 MPH Test - California HC max limit=88 / ave=21 / ACTUAL measured=88
25 MPH Test - California HC max limit=53 / ave=13 / ACTUAL measured=53

My Proposal:
What I would like to do is hook up with a Smog Check Tech here in the SoCal area to do some experimenting. I want to see if I can figure out what component(s) in both my car and my buddy's car that's not working properly resulting in the high hydrocarbon readings. My goal is to see if I can get my engine running at the average limits of 21/13 respectively. I don't want my car to be polluting... running at the limits they are at now 88/53!!

I'm willing to pay for shop time PROVIDED we can run 2 or 3 PRE-TESTS on the smog machine after I've replaced those components. For obvious reasons I don't want the results going to DMV.

For testing purposes I want to see what happens resultwise after I replace what I think are the possible faulty components which I think may be responsible for the high hydrocarbon readings. Current testing with ECU AND OBD II Reader doesn't indicate any DTC's OR problems with ANY components that are currently in my car. I want to see how much the HC levels drop after each part is swapped out, (if any). In order to do this, I need to have access to a smog testing machine.

Anyone willing to help me out here. PM me in private so we can discuss this further....

'95 S14 SE
my buddy's car
98 S14

05-27-2005, 08:30 AM
Diego, FWIW, ANY smog shop can perform a smog test without the results going to DMV.
I forget what it's called.. Like a practice test or some such.
I know this is fact, because a friend of mine at the Nissan dealership I worked at was performing a smog test on Lisa's car (still with SOHC KA) and it was continuously failing, but since we were doing it in this practice mode, it wasn't going to DMV.

05-27-2005, 09:57 AM

Its called a pretest, like Kevin was saying. BUT please be sure that it really is a pretest. On my brothers car a long while back, I was getting a "pretest" but the idiot had the results going to DMV...guess what now that car has a gross polluter....I know of a few reputable shops that will allow you to run a pretests but I imagine they would be in the order of at least $50 a run. Email me for more specifics...
