View Full Version : 2 exhaust cams swap

05-26-2005, 11:12 AM
I know that this subjet has been discuss in the past and I have read them but still, here goes: I have installed a new upper chain and tensionner this past weekend and I am supposed to do the cam swap within 2 weeks. When I changed the chain, I didn't marked the sprocket nor the chain (and I also kept the guides), there is 2 black links and 1 yellow. So TDC on cylinder 1 and I have align dots on sprockets toward the middle of each link (2 black up, yellow down) and everything is perfect with the change I did. My question is this one, how to proceed with the 91 cams (2xexhausts). I know I have to rotate 4 teeths conterclockwise etc, but still, I am not sure how to do all that swap even if I have read all those how to. Any one did it here that can give me more details, maybe pictures. Thx
Here are the links I have read to give me reference but still...I would need some more help.


Drunk Bastard
05-26-2005, 01:20 PM

05-27-2005, 01:04 PM
thx for the pics, that help. Any other pics ?