View Full Version : what cell do you rock?
05-23-2005, 11:56 AM
alright people, time to brag/boast/bitch
i "had" an at&t wireless account, but the fucks at cingular bought them out
so im stuck...anyways
ive had my nokia 7210 since it was 1st out, and i finally need another phone.
im either going to;
a. buy a nokia 7260/7270 off ebay and keep my "at&t" account status at cingular
b. give in to cingular and get a v3 razr
c. cancel for $175 penalty and go with tmobile
what are your thoughts?
ps i love nokia, and hate flip phones pretty much.
AMD 240
05-23-2005, 12:19 PM
i have cingular and the phone i currently have is the moto razor :D
cingulr is pretty good still.....well...for me atleast....there are alot of really nice nokias out and nokia dont get along...
i would say for you to stay with cingular
05-23-2005, 12:21 PM
Just stay with Cingular/ATT. I have the Moto V551 and love it.
05-23-2005, 12:45 PM
i have a sony erricson...p800 if you interested..problem is you broken screen but can be replaced..
05-23-2005, 12:53 PM
nokia 5190.
05-23-2005, 01:27 PM
i heard the razr is really weird shaped, imma try n go check out one today
n fuckin cingular dont got the black version of course =[
As long as you are on AT&T GSM everything should be fine. The older TDMA networks are getting taken down. Cingular and At&T have been sharing towers and service for quite a few months now so your service won't change. The only downside I see is that you may have to pick a new monthly plan.
There is no good/bad service providers. Which provider is good for you depends on where you live.
I have a V600, pretty nice, bluetooth, mp3 and video playback, camera, real aluminum body. Few phones in its price range have a real polished metal body. Only drawback is it is larger than my pervious phone and heavier. It lives in my pocket most of the time so it gets pretty dinged and scratched up.
The Razr is cool because it's slim but the drawback is it is also wider than most other flip phones.
05-23-2005, 02:06 PM
Cingular sucks.
go with Verizon. I was with Verizon before, but switched to cingular for m2m with the GF. Man I wish her contract was up so that way she could have gone to Verizon. anyways the phone I got is the v551, its cool. But man I get more dropped calls, and more non reception areas with cingular then I did verizon.
05-23-2005, 02:15 PM
motorola i830...............................nextel sucks... :jerkit:
05-23-2005, 02:20 PM
Personally I hate cellphones (I don't like the idea of being available to everyone all the time, plus I'm afraid of turning into a shitty cellphone driver), but I finally broke down and got one. Went with a Moto V188 through TMobile, mainly because it didn't cost me anything and it plays mp3 ringtones, and the TMobile plans seemed to have the best bang for my buck besides Cricket. I would've gone with the Razr or something bling like that on one of the other plans, but I'm trying to save up some cash so I can move into my own place soon...
i use sprint. i've never had a problem with it. and i always use samsung phones.
05-23-2005, 02:54 PM
I had the motorola Razr V3 since DEC.. Got it for free too~!
Cingular phone + T-mobile service
Check out this out..
I also use Mobile Phone Tools v3.0 to interface my V3 w/ my PC.
Transferring ring tones..
AMD 240
05-23-2005, 03:35 PM
one of the reasons i got the razr was cuz of the keys...TRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bowdown: and the phone is PIMP!!
05-23-2005, 03:50 PM
Whetever you do, DON'T go with Nextel. I have had nextell for over 5 years and never had a dropped call, and always had service where othe phones couldn't get any. Ever since sprint took over, 1/3 of the calls drop, and the signal just goes to shit whenever it wants too. Plus I don't get signal in places I used to (like my appartment). Just a warning Nextel=Great Sprint=Horrible sprintnextel=just as crappy as sprint.
05-23-2005, 03:58 PM
v600 is trash
v3 is trash
i had both...both sucked, from extremely high radiation to glitchy software, got them both for free but hated them
so now i just got a sony ericsson S700i. best phone EVER well for now... got it for free too..
I <3 Chinese cell phone shops.
05-23-2005, 04:06 PM
I <3 Chinese cell phone shops (I live in the 626). Like boba tea shops, cell phone stores are everywhere.
Anyhow, the SE S700i is a nice phone. But its a brick compared to the V3. Also, the camera isn't all that great as Sony advertised it would be. I agree that the software interface isn't all that great, Motorola definately needs to innovate more if they expect to keep marketshare. But overall, the sleekness of the V3 prevails.
My next phone is for sure not going to be a Motorola. I'd look into getting a Nokia N90.
05-23-2005, 04:10 PM
motorola v710 w/ motorola bluetooth earpiece and I also bought the sandisk transflash memory card so I can transfer pics and shit...
05-23-2005, 04:11 PM
I <3 Chinese cell phone shops (I live in the 626). Like boba tea shops, cell phone stores are everywhere.
Anyhow, the SE S700i is a nice phone. But its a brick compared to the V3. Also, the camera isn't all that great as Sony advertised it would be. I agree that the software interface isn't all that great, Motorola definately needs to innovate more if they expect to keep marketshare. But overall, the sleekness of the V3 prevails.
My next phone is for sure not going to be a Motorola. I'd look into getting a Nokia N90.
its actually not that bulky..its as thick as a v600 from motorola and
swivel phones > flip phones
the 1.3 megapixel is pretty good quality, i dunno what you talking about, but you also got to put into consideration that it's still a phone not an actual camera
05-23-2005, 04:11 PM
the Razor v3 sucks ass. its like any other motor phone just thin. nothing big over the others
i rock the lame NEC 525
05-23-2005, 05:49 PM
mpx220, tethered to to the laptop and go online wherever...useful at the track, also syncs to exchange server, mp3 ring tones and all that stuff you can do on the smartphone OS.
05-23-2005, 06:01 PM
well i have a motorola T720, its ok, but i want to get the moto razor!
05-23-2005, 06:25 PM
Sanyo PM-8200 on Sprint. Had a Treo, it started locking up when recieving calls, traded it in on another which did the same, warranty ended, got the Sanyo, and a month later, now IT freezes up! I think I must have some wierd magnetic field in my house or some shit, cause all my electronic stuff has problems like this.
05-23-2005, 06:43 PM
v551 here. works for me.
05-23-2005, 07:50 PM
Any reviews on the s710a? Nobody's been able to beat my At&T plan yet so im gonna stick with it and get a gsm phone from ebay or something. BTW T-mobile sucks balls in my area.
05-23-2005, 09:25 PM
i rock the motorola mpx220 smartphone palm... badass phone..
im surprised that the buttons on your guy's moto v3's havent taken a crap... and dont drop the phone.. its a weak ass phone...i had it the first month it came out and i didnt like it. thats my IMO though...
05-23-2005, 11:41 PM
So many hardasses saying something flat out sucks. And I'm quite sure that 95% of these gripes are due to Sour Grapes. If it sucks, give a reason. Don't forget that regions account for differences in cell phone service. Stop being closed minded arrogant assholes.
Sprint sucked in Tampa because in my past apartment, I had to go outside to ensure I did not drop a call. Then, on campus at USF, 1 in 20 tries of calling out, I could get a line. Other than that, it was "Network Busy, Please Try Again."
So, I switched to Cingular with the Razr, and have absolutely no complaints.
Quit hating just to hate. It's immature.
Holisticbeatz - Wanna hook me up with the MPT that works for the razr?
i rock the old school panasonic g51 on t-mo service. no camera or fancy options, but this thing is tiny.. also gets lots of attention from teh girls, haha
05-24-2005, 02:27 AM
My phone is so busted. PM 8200
05-24-2005, 02:34 AM
OK, I worked for T-mobile for about 2 months, they are still pretty new to the west coast market. In the in the San Francisco Bay Area their coverage is very unreliable in many areas as I had their service and it rarely worked on 3 of the demo phones I tried. The best service I received was in Downtown San Francisco and that was about it. I ended up quiting because about 50% of my sales ended up being returned and service terminated due to the service not working in various areas. It probably works better in some areas outside of the Bay though. If you do try their service you do get a 30 day return policy in California with no penalties for cancellation and you can return the phones undamaged.
05-24-2005, 03:11 AM
Nokia 3220 on t-mobile for me. Yea nothing special, crappy camera, small memory... blah blah but it WORKS and I use it to call people, not impress.
I live in a shitty reception area and pretty much all providers suck. T-mo included. Used to have the Samsung D415 and E315 as well from them, but the Nokia gets better reception for me.
BTW if T-mo didn't stop selling the 6600 the week I decided to go get a Nokia, that's the one I would have right now. Kick ass phone!
05-24-2005, 06:42 AM
Toshiba 5506t
1.3 megapixel camera, gps navi, internet, email, removeable mini-sd memory, 2.2 inch lcd, etc. no TV though...
have had it since Sept. last year.
discontinued now I think, was old news 6 months ago, cost me 1 yen
05-24-2005, 07:44 AM
I got a Vodafone V402SH. It's manufactured by Sharp. Features include a 1.3 (shitty, I know) MP CCD. I put in a 128MB SD card. Takes video and pics of course. It also has a built in FM tuner and I can pick up any local channels to watch TV on it. TV is the whole screen too. All 2.5 or 3 inches of it. Great speaker on it, and it has like ten different languages it can show. The coolest thing is I only have to recharge it for like 4 hours every four or five days. When I used to work the night shift, I would start my night off by either watching a boxing match or some anime. Kinda bulky, but it works well.
05-24-2005, 07:55 AM
I've had verizon for 2 years, no complaints about them. Just renewed my contract and got a new phone, a Motorola v265. I love this thing, full mp3 ringtones rock. I need a data transfer cable though, $4 for an mp3 ringtone on verizon's get it now thing sucks.
05-24-2005, 08:45 AM
i plan to stick with my att&t plan, cuz cingular cant touch it
and i plan to get the nokia 7260 or 7270 off fleabay
ill let ya all know how it goes :)
05-24-2005, 09:57 AM
I use the Sony Ericcson S710a
Got it the first day it came out!
Hook-ups from my cousin.
I will admit, it does have its flaws. Like Small numberpad, Battery life, no screen cover, and it does lagg a little, which is the same with all high-tech phones.
But the Pros of this phone: Memory Stick duo!(No need to buy ringtones, that for suckers. Just load your favorite song, and use that as a ringtone. You can also store pictures and even short movies) 1.3MP camera with vid. recorder. MP3. PLUS i get stopped by chicks where ever i go cuz they want to check out my PIMP phone.
05-24-2005, 10:14 AM
Verison LG camera... do not get verison it sucks stay with suncom/ cingular the best
05-24-2005, 01:32 PM
Verison LG camera... do not get verison it sucks stay with suncom/ cingular the best
Don't tell people what sucks and what doesnt. That's only in your area. Verizon works great in other places.
This is the problem when people start talking about mobile providers. You think ALL reception for said provider comes from that one crappy tower that's closest to you (that you are probably far away from and didn't consider it when signing up)?
BTW I don't even like Verizon. I go to Europe often and I can't use CDMA there, plus I like to switch phones. GSM>CDMA
05-24-2005, 02:06 PM
V3 razor i think sucks, its like any other motorola phone except they added the feature of Vibrating and Ringing at the SAME time, it doesnt have a flash, only does VGA size pics. its just thin, oh wow. sony ericsson 710 is a much better phone.
sanyo happens to have excellent phones, great features, camera, Vcast(broadband TV for your phone!)
05-25-2005, 01:30 AM
I have Sprint w/ LG phone. I get terrible reception indoors (If I don't stank stationary I will loose many calls), and always get service unavailabe warnings when making phone calls during peak hours. I used samsung phones before this and they definitaly worked better.
05-25-2005, 11:10 AM
using a free Audiovox 8910 with cellular one service (midwest mostly). used to have Sprint and I'd get reception everywhere except my house.
05-25-2005, 11:19 AM
I have Verizon and I <3 the service. I'm currently rocking a LG phone...but I'm debating on upgrading to the Motorola v265 or v710.
Justin - Give in and go with Cingular.
05-25-2005, 12:21 PM
I've a motorola a630. I like it, it also bring attention, " oh, I like it, it's small and cute." I've also t-mobile service. This is my first cell so t-mobile service to me is alright, i've only experiance one place where i've completly have no service. Now only if I could get my windows me to recgonize my phone with mpt
05-25-2005, 04:42 PM
i have the free nokia and that is all i have ever had my cell phone is just something i use to make calls and recieve.
05-25-2005, 04:56 PM
samsung s300 series. Small, and gets the job done.
05-26-2005, 03:23 AM
im hating through my personal experience with the phone... i have a friend that works at cingluar, and when i was looking into buying the razor, he told me it wouldnt be a good option.. he had about 23 returns on the razor in the first 2 weeks of release. sure no big deal.. might just be some production defects... then he started to average 2 returns per week with the razor... the majority of my friends that bought the razor hated them as well...4 of them had broken buttons, just from playing the games. 2 broke just by dropping them... and it sucked because you couldnt get insurance on the phone if you wanted it in the beginning.. dont know if its still like that...
i agree that the razor is a beautiful crafted phone... but the phone has a lot of major weaknesses... the moto v551 is exactly like the razor.. sure it may not be as fancy looking, but it has a little more features, and is more durable.
those stated above, is a good enough reason, IN MY OPINION, why i wouldnt get another razr.
05-26-2005, 04:19 AM
I recently got a Samsung d415.
05-26-2005, 09:06 AM
Just go with a free phone, I'm not sure if the Nokia 6230 is free but i hear thats a kick ass phone. I was going to get it, but went with the sony ericcson cuz of the digi cam.
05-26-2005, 01:20 PM
Motorola V60 - Oldschool... i refuse to use a phone w/ cameras and other useless trash
05-26-2005, 07:23 PM
I rock LG on verizon I like it a lot. Plus my dad works for them so I get a good deal.
05-27-2005, 01:27 PM
ordered an i860 yesterday so now I'll have nextel for co-workers and stuff that have it and my verizon for friends with that. I'm dropping both to a minumum plan which is actually going to save me money each month. like $10 less a month total...
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