View Full Version : writing a paper on abortion. need some input

05-23-2005, 12:14 AM
well im writing a paper on abortion. dont know if i am pro life or pro choice. i'm sorta in the middle but i have to think one way to write a good paper.

well im asking you guys to give me some good points i can talk about in my paper. any info will help. i will be adding the info that i think is a good reason for believing one way or another. need both sides so yeah!

05-23-2005, 12:24 AM
Oh god. Keep this clean AND INTELLIGENT guys.

05-23-2005, 12:33 AM
When is this paper due?

05-23-2005, 12:41 AM
I'm against abortion. Only times I would be for it is in certain circumstances, such as rape and incest. Other than that, I think it should be illegal in this country.

My $0.02.

05-23-2005, 12:48 AM
paper is due soon enough. i have plenty of books that ive scanned through and found a couple good stuff to talk about. moral issues, government ways and etc. i just need your opinion and WHY you believe it.

of course circumstances like rape and incest is a good reason for aborting a baby. but do you actually know the ways babies are aborted? it still sounds wrong to me. but i still believe abortion is a choice mothers can make.

anyone know any good sites with straight statistics on this? i have a few but dont really cover for what exactly im looking for.

05-23-2005, 12:56 AM
I strongly believe that if you're in the situation where you're having a baby, that it's your responsibility to have it and take care of it, or at least have it and have it adopted. If you're responsible enough to be having sex, and then the girl gets pregnant, tough it out. Killing the unborn baby is a stupid way out of responsibility.

05-23-2005, 01:00 AM
someting else to think about is what if the mother or baby would be in danger. My wife has a heart condition and cannot get pregnant without doctor consent. She could die and also she has to change her medication for six months proir so the baby does not come out deformed. She should not be deprived of sex, so we just have to be very carefull. Will be a very tuff choice to make if we have a slip up.

05-23-2005, 01:03 AM
Life or death circumstances, and the other ones I mentioned, I'm all for it. Other than that, I'm against it.

05-23-2005, 01:04 AM
Abortion is the worsth thing ever..there are hospitals that will accept them without asking any questions. I just wish that people could learn how to live right and give the baby a chance to be born and grow up in this society. Abortion = excuses for not being responsible.

05-23-2005, 01:10 AM
. Abortion = excuses for not being responsible.

:wavey: Bingo.

05-23-2005, 01:27 AM
some good points. keep them comin'!

05-23-2005, 01:47 AM
yah i agree with you guys, i dont think people should be fawking in the first place if they aint really planin a baby.. thats like playing god, you cant just play with lives.

but at the same time, i hate seeing young mothers, esp young mothers left for single and just had the baby... the best thing would be to prevent the whole fucking idea in teh first place.

05-23-2005, 01:51 AM
That's also a major problem, that the guy runs away from his responsibility and leaves it all to the woman.

05-23-2005, 02:03 AM
if you get raped or incest stuff there is still the morning after pill which you can take up untill 3 days after the act. my gf wrote a thesis paper on birth control and abortion and got an A let me know if you need anymore help, also a friend of mine had his gf get an abortion and he regrets it and it broke them apart. so im totally against it.

05-23-2005, 02:15 AM
damn. send me your girlfriends paper. haha jk man. or am i?

yeah there are so many reasons why abortions should be illegal and legal. seeing young teenager girls without having a stable life pregnant is the worst. i just pray for the kids life and how the kid will grow up. i am still inbetween both pro-life and pro-choice and taking in all the facts i can. i keep changing my side on the topic since i keep going back and forth.
i believe the first trimester is wrong but not as worse as the others. second trimester and last trimester is A NO NO. it should never happen and it just sucks. dont even get me started on partial birth abortion. how would u like it if i stabbed you in the back of your head and suctioned out your insides?


05-23-2005, 02:21 AM
Are you doing this for your senior project?

05-23-2005, 02:23 AM
LOL, Rainier's in college, not in HS.

05-23-2005, 02:51 AM
ooh haha i see..i was just wondering.

05-23-2005, 03:05 AM
been trying to write ever since i started this thread. have only about 3.25 pages. not bad since i only talked about the procedure of abortion and now for the fun and important stuff towrite about

05-23-2005, 03:15 AM
i quit for the night. thanks for the info guys. still want some more though!

05-23-2005, 04:16 AM
Girl: "OMG! I got raped!"
Man: "Damn bitch, you a ho!"
Girl: "lets get an abortion!"
Man: *punches stomach*
Girl: "No, for real!"
Man: "Its illegal you ho"
Girl: "Shit, keep the punching going Muhammad!!!"

Abortion is up to women. It should stay that way. It is a womans' right to abort or not. If you think that aborting a baby is wrong, and its taking lives, ask them "do you want this baby?" Cuz you can make that happen. And if you think its a cheap way to ditch responsibility, what if you don't have enuff money to have a kid? What if you are just in HS, and got fucked up at a party? Kids, or teens, have a pretty stupid outlook on life. "Drink, fuck, make money" One track mind.

05-23-2005, 04:28 AM
Hills like white elephants

By Ernest Hemingway

Recite a few qoutes from that thing and have your instructor eeating out of your palm. Its sad, how easy insructors become maluable (sp?) to horrible published novels of there time.

I have sat through way to many Communication class presentaions on the matter, I noticed that if you simply speak with no real opposition on either for or against it will go fairly well. For the most part anyway, just have solid refrences and sources.

Edit: Dude from pomona, See that intself is a great part of Natural Selection; an organism now has two/three indivuals to provide for. It exerts itself until fatigue is reached and is fully exerted and parishes, killing it and all its dependents.

Happends in Ecosystems all of the time in all kingdoms, its harsh and swift. But alleviates the world of such ills. If only our goverment wouldn't support such inadeqcuice and incompotence. Ha, if you think i'm harsh sit in any Ecology or Biology class.

05-23-2005, 08:17 AM
you might want to include some sort of religeous imput on this as well for some filler.

I'm against it, but I've been in those shoes before. It is up to the woman, and I'm glad that she had it. I was going to be there through and through, but she turned out to be a whore in the end, so it's a good thing that she didn't cause I'm sure she was with other people.

05-23-2005, 09:24 AM
hehe teens are stupid, anyone remember hearing about that teenage boy in palm springs that got into an argument with his gf cuz she wanted to get the abortion and he went to the clinic and shot her? just write the last 2 pages on how guys are stupid haha. just write a page on how underlooked the situation can be looked at by teens.

05-23-2005, 11:06 AM
People are stupid. Pushing their anti-abortion views on others. The subject of abortion is not a topic for discussion until two people are in a situation where abortion comes into play. Who cares what people do behind closed doors? Really? Murder? Glad you think so. However, if I have a parasite inside of me, I have the right to choose to keep it, or get pills and destroy it. Like a tapeworm. An embryo is about as close to a parasite as you can get. And to the person that hosts it, it's their choice. You can't outlaw something like this, because all the "what ifs" pop up. We've had 3 or 4 so far. But what if the baby is severly retarded. Grossly deformed? Born to a crackwhore mother and will be so addicted to drugs that the withdrawals will kill the baby? Anymore? I can play this game all day. Quality of life is the issue here.
It's not like we're sucking out 6 pound babies. Most of the developement to make it human is during the last trimester, where it's flat out illegal to abort except in life or death circumstances.
This world is so overpopulated that within our lifetimes, this Earth should reach critical mass. And you all want to outlaw abortion, a law that will have so many holes in it. Just keep to yourselves. Abortion doesn't hurt you. And if you were aborted, you couldn't live life outside the mother anyway. Pain isn't an issue at that stage, so who cares how it's done? It was a parasite, not a lifeform.

05-23-2005, 11:24 AM
you're right. pain isn't an issue at that point. then again, people would hear you if you screamed.

05-23-2005, 11:38 AM
Doesn't matter how illegal it is. There will always be the clothes hanger D&C.

05-23-2005, 11:44 AM
Aborted within the first 2 trimesters? Bullshit, I say! I think the recent influx of children popping up around Zilvia, let alone the rest of the world we encounter, should make it legal to abort them up to 20 years after being born...
Cops: "Sir, you're under the arrest under the charge of murder, you have the right to remain silent, anything you--..."
Me: "HEY, WAIT A MINUTE, MURDER? HELL NO, I ABORTED THAT PARASITIC LITTLE SHIT!!! There's a difference, he was causing detriment to the world in his continued existence, I did YOU a favor."

05-23-2005, 03:02 PM
i'm with Jeff on this matter...and secretly with Phlip too.

Like Jeff said. It's about quality of life. Some think that every unborn baby has a right to live. In a perfect world i would agree, but i think most people that think this way are naive. Do you want a crackbaby being born. Do you want to have more unproductive members of society. Kids that grow up in the wrong environment have a high change of fucking up in the future, and contributing to the downfall of the human race. So if a child cant have a proper and healthy life, then we dont need him. I wouldnt want to be that kid.

05-23-2005, 03:29 PM
i'm with Jeff on this matter...and secretly with Phlip too.

Like Jeff said. It's about quality of life. Some think that every unborn baby has a right to live. In a perfect world i would agree, but i think most people that think this way are naive. Do you want a crackbaby being born. Do you want to have more unproductive members of society. Kids that grow up in the wrong environment have a high change of fucking up in the future, and contributing to the downfall of the human race. So if a child cant have a proper and healthy life, then we dont need him. I wouldnt want to be that kid.

im not disagreeing with anybody since i'd be weak enough to allow an abortion with a chick i didn't care about if i knocked her up. what some of you aren't thinking about is the fact that there are billions of perfectly healthy unproductive people all over the world.... steven hawking is doing something with his life so anybody can.

05-23-2005, 03:41 PM
Yeah im with the pro-choice guys on this one. I'm sick of all these people over imposing all their self righteous bullshit, that if they had not known about it wouldn't have bothered them anyway. I wish that these people could just put themselves in in the pregnant womens' shoes, you dont know what she is going through and what is best for her, just need to worry about themselves.

05-23-2005, 04:09 PM
Yeah im with the pro-choice guys on this one. I'm sick of all these people over imposing all their self righteous bullshit, that if they had not known about it wouldn't have bothered them anyway. I wish that these people could just put themselves in in the pregnant womens' shoes, you dont know what she is going through and what is best for her, just need to worry about themselves.

yeah that's good. support something out of blind spite because you just want to oppose the "goodie goodies". yeah, brilliant.

you're missing the entire point. sex is treated as recreation nowadays. its trivialized by everything in our culture to the point that 14 year olds think its perfectly natural to screw. well it isn't and shouldn't be considered as such.

someone has to say whats right even if the whole world wants to do wrong. if i am alone in my beliefs then i wont have much support.

someone has to have a spine...

05-23-2005, 04:19 PM
Makoto - Are you serious? Steven Hawking? The guy with Lou Gehrig's Disease? A disease that wasn't known about during the time of his birth (discovered afterwards) and not genetic (3-5% of it is genetic, while 90% is sporadic". You're comparing a kid with a known genetic malformity, say Downs Syndrome - which is a defunct chromosome and can be detected with amniocentesis - to someone whose immune system shut down on them and they came down with ALS. I thought you were better than that.
Everyone can make something of their life, and there are billions of people who are worthless members of society. However, we don't need more. We don't need a 13 year old mom and 14 year old dad. We already know that those children have higher incidences of violent crimes and murders, and we already know the quality of life for the child. It's unnecessary to pass more legislation.
I agree with no-abortion during the third trimester, but before that, it's not up to us. It's up to the couple, their families IF THEY CHOOSE TO ASK ABOUT IT, and their religion IF THEY CARE.
We had this discussion in one of my law classes, and I was one of the three people out of ~60 who were pro choice. But there, and probably here also, those who are the most anti-abortion - if dealt the wrong hand with their child, would think about it, and maybe act on it. There is no way to say what you'd do in that situation, just as you can't ask someone what they'd do if you put a gun to their head. You aren't currently in that situation. You don't know and can't make a judgement about someone who is.

05-23-2005, 05:07 PM
Lets see.. Pro Life or Pro Choice.. i would have to say Pro Choice

I had got some bitch knocked up i wouldn't want her to have an abortion but its her choice (i want to say our choice but we men have no say in this matter) but she should have the right to choose if she wants to have the child or not. If you preech pro life you are saying that women don't have the right to be free of the burden of child labor and parent hood - some say what about adoption.. oh please there are enough horror stories of kids getting bounced arounded and being abused as it is already. Pro Choice doesnt mean you HAVE to get abortions just that you CAN and you have the choice. I mean if you want to take freedom away from the people you might as well force them to have the kids and then put the kids into government programs and raise them as soilders (damn too much starwars)

so yea i say pro choice.. its fair to women and gives guys who fucked up a fighting chance to escape child support

05-23-2005, 05:21 PM
im not disagreeing with anybody since i'd be weak enough to allow an abortion with a chick i didn't care about if i knocked her up. what some of you aren't thinking about is the fact that there are billions of perfectly healthy unproductive people all over the world.... steven hawking is doing something with his life so anybody can.

gotta disagree with you here Doug.

1- you can't "allow" abortion. it's not up to you

2-there arent billions of unproductive healthy people...maybe millions and healthy can mean different things.

3-being physically healthy and mentally healthy are different. you can be in top physical shape but still be a fuck up because the way you were brought up. the word healthy in this convo pertains more to mental, and disreguard people with actual diseases(ADD doesnt count)

4-I dont know about Steven Hawking's childhood. I'd like to know how and where he was raised and what his parents were like. I'm almost certain his parents weren't teenagers, drug addicts, or criminals. but i could be wrong.

05-23-2005, 05:23 PM
Makoto - Are you serious? Steven Hawking? The guy with Lou Gehrig's Disease?
Nah, I think you're confusing Stephen Hawking with Simon Birch or one of those other touchy-feely movie kids... Stephen Hawking is the genius physicist/philosophizer who was paralyzed after being hit by a car IIRC.

Anyway, I'm pro-choice...

05-23-2005, 06:40 PM
I think issues of supposed morality (which, in the modern political attitude, is simply a veiled term for "right-wing christian views") are irrelavent. It's not the place of the government to legislate this.

05-23-2005, 09:10 PM
gotta disagree with you here Doug.

1- you can't "allow" abortion. it's not up to you

sure it is. i can choose to not knock a chick up.

2-there arent billions of unproductive healthy people...maybe millions and healthy can mean different things.

aw c'mon NOTHING good comes from china (cept for jackie chan and jet li)

3-being physically healthy and mentally healthy are different. you can be in top physical shape but still be a fuck up because the way you were brought up. the word healthy in this convo pertains more to mental, and disreguard people with actual diseases(ADD doesnt count)

correct. so what you're saying is that there is no basis for your #2 statement seeing as how we cannot judge their mental fitness? i love you too.

4-I dont know about Steven Hawking's childhood. I'd like to know how and where he was raised and what his parents were like. I'm almost certain his parents weren't teenagers, drug addicts, or criminals. but i could be wrong.

i dont know or care, how about that? i could argue this either way. i choose to be swayed by the belief that life is precious until you take that same life for granted.

this can only get ugly, i'm out.

05-23-2005, 09:15 PM
Nah, I think you're confusing Stephen Hawking with Simon Birch or one of those other touchy-feely movie kids... Stephen Hawking is the genius physicist/philosophizer who was paralyzed after being hit by a car IIRC.

Anyway, I'm pro-choice...

Hmm.. I know you're not correcting me.
Here. Go to his website. Infact, I'll link it.

And, so nobody says "ALS isn't Lou Gehrig's Disease" I'll link this:

I'm not confusing anything.

05-23-2005, 10:52 PM
Oh yeah.... my bad.

Anyway, I'm pro-choice...

05-24-2005, 01:47 AM
you're missing the entire point. sex is treated as recreation nowadays. its trivialized by everything in our culture to the point that 14 year olds think its perfectly natural to screw. well it isn't and shouldn't be considered as such.

haha I agree with this. i cant stand hearing about a girl i like that has ftf... its soo stupid. you really dont get anywhere in life with that.

05-24-2005, 02:05 AM
haha I agree with this. i cant stand hearing about a girl i like that has ftf... its soo stupid. you really dont get anywhere in life with that.

Just because you don't get laid as much as I do isn't a reason to adopt an entire viewpoint without having experienced both sides frequently, then taking experiences from both sides to come to a legitimate decision. Girls are just like guys, they want sex just as much as we do. Back to the case of abortion tho. I'm pro-choice, reason being, I was going to be a dad a few months ago, and at the time, I was scared, nervous, etc... then my gf at the time had an ultrasound, then amniotic fluid taken. Only to later find out that her medication she had been taking for other reason had caused a mal-formed child. Sadly, the fetus was terminated. One thing that must be pointed out is that sex is natural and in a way recreational, don't get mad when nature succeeds at what it was designed to achieve. IMO it is the worse thing to leave someones given right to decide taken away to be made by someone else not in their position or current state of life. However, in Cali, women using abortions as a form of BC is wrong. Psychologically, most people think of the abortion clinic more often then planned parenthood, where condoms and BC is free dammit!!! shit they even hook it up with the falvored lubes(my girl loved those).

PS yah its late and im drunk, but I have decent grammar skills for being non-sober.

Peace, BIATCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-24-2005, 02:06 AM
this can only get ugly, i'm out.

awww dont go just yet. I gotta clear something up. IMO YOU of all people should be pro-death. It seems to me you are very critical of people like I am, and not to get too deep and bring religion into this. I would think you would want LESS idiots roaming around and causing you discomfort. If you are willing to deal with more idiots for the fundamental views that are pro-life, then you are a stronger man than I.

05-24-2005, 02:35 PM
im too lazy to ready the entire thread... but if its at all possible - focus your paper around the right to an abortion or the lack of a right. If you're going to say if its moralistic or not, your professor is gonna hateyou as a person. he/she has had this same topic thousands of times before him/her... he/she will skim through and edit grammatical errors and judging on length, and your initial and concluding statements give you a B or C.

focus the paper on if the girl/couple has the right to have one or not - using the good ol constituion, as well as modern laws showing that a woman has the right to an abortion or not.

05-24-2005, 06:51 PM
Just because you don't get laid as much as I do isn't a reason to adopt an entire viewpoint without having experienced both sides frequently, then taking experiences from both sides to come to a legitimate decision. Girls are just like guys, they want sex just as much as we do. Back to the case of abortion tho. I'm pro-choice, reason being, I was going to be a dad a few months ago, and at the time, I was scared, nervous, etc... then my gf at the time had an ultrasound, then amniotic fluid taken. Only to later find out that her medication she had been taking for other reason had caused a mal-formed child. Sadly, the fetus was terminated. One thing that must be pointed out is that sex is natural and in a way recreational, don't get mad when nature succeeds at what it was designed to achieve. IMO it is the worse thing to leave someones given right to decide taken away to be made by someone else not in their position or current state of life. However, in Cali, women using abortions as a form of BC is wrong. Psychologically, most people think of the abortion clinic more often then planned parenthood, where condoms and BC is free dammit!!! shit they even hook it up with the falvored lubes(my girl loved those).

PS yah its late and im drunk, but I have decent grammar skills for being non-sober.

Peace, BIATCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nvm... id be no better if i where to counter your post.. :rl:

05-24-2005, 07:08 PM
I believe I am against abortion once it's in certain stage of the pregancy. Once the fetus creates a brain wave is when you should draw the line. Before that, it's just cells to me. You can argue we are still made of cells but we have conscious, we have thought and we have heart beat. We don't consider lodging as murder do we? Or kicking flowers as plant abuse do we? Even thou those are living things, yet they are not considered living to us because they don't have thoughts. In medical field, a patient is juded as fully dead when he or she is brain dead. So yea summing it up. Once the child develops a brain wave, I would say killing him is no different than murdering a person walking on the street.

05-24-2005, 09:54 PM
Hey, does anyone remember that somewhere, hidden all this subjective opinion and bullshit, there is someone who is looking for some objective assistance with a paper on a pretty difficult subject? All I have seen is the continued complication of the problem he initially presented.

05-24-2005, 09:56 PM
If you are willing to deal with more idiots for the fundamental views that are pro-life, then you are a stronger man than I.

abortion a solution? far too simple. in the world i see there is no need to kill a fetus. in the world i see filled with hate, greed, corruption, and immorallity i see the need for properly distributed death. killing babies is a solution to a population problem... not the right thing to do.

These decent men with loving families, they go home every day after work, and turn on the news and you know what they see? They see rapists and murderers and child molestors and they're all getting' out of jail.

"Mafiosos," getting' caught with 20 kilos, getting' out on bail. Same fucking day.

And everyone, everywhere thinks the same thing: that someone should just go kill those mother fuckers.

Kill 'em all. Admit it, even you've thought about it.

in this world that so freely distributes rights to animals and criminals i just find it hard to accept the fact that unborn children are without such courtesy.

05-24-2005, 10:05 PM
Unborn children suck. They're parasites until they reach the age where they can survive outside the mother's womb. Until that point, the host needs to have the ability to eradicate the parasite under normative circumstances. Birth control method - terrible.
Why are non-pregnant men trying to debate this? Why do people not involved with this situation care? It's not you. Has nothing to do with you. Mind your own fucking business. Same for you, you vegan, bible thumping, tree hugging, femin-nazi, PETA member hippie elitist yuppie assholes. Go fuck yourselves!
Whoa.. got a bit carried away there.

05-24-2005, 10:23 PM
One word for you pro-lifers....Overpopulation.

05-24-2005, 10:27 PM
Same for you, you vegan, bible thumping, tree hugging, femin-nazi, PETA member hippie elitist yuppie assholes. Go fuck yourselves!
Whoa.. got a bit carried away there.
I am fucking IMPRESSED

05-25-2005, 12:45 AM
unborn babies are easier to kill cause they dont need a death certificate, a funeral, all the paperwork is done in the clinic, and they dont fight back..

i cant believe i just said that. i hope i dont go to hell

05-25-2005, 12:53 AM
unborn babies are easier to kill cause they dont need a death certificate, a funeral, all the paperwork is done in the clinic, and they dont fight back..

i cant believe i just said that. i hope i dont go to hell

its all true though. but oh so wrong.

05-25-2005, 02:18 AM
its all true though. but oh so wrong.

Hahaha, this is Zilvia! Where no one gives a fuck! :gives:

05-25-2005, 02:32 AM
You really should choose one side and stick with it, dont try to argue both sides. If you try to fight for both sides makes it ALOT harder.

Maybe some one said that already, i didnt really read th whole thread.

Any ways good luck.

05-25-2005, 02:47 AM
done writing it. wrote it on the pro-life side since it was real easier. lol

05-25-2005, 03:10 PM
Unborn children suck. They're parasites until they reach the age where they can survive outside the mother's womb.

even still they are parasites.. upto the age they move out haha

05-25-2005, 03:10 PM
done writing it. wrote it on the pro-life side since it was real easier. lol

post it so we can rip it apart =)