View Full Version : Anyone on Zilvia a vegan or vegetarian?

05-21-2005, 02:21 AM
Just wanted to see if there were any others out there.

05-21-2005, 09:39 AM
People for the
Eating of

Card carrying member since '82.

05-21-2005, 09:42 AM
Im Vegetarian.

05-21-2005, 09:57 AM
in the wild an animal wouldnt think twice about eating you

so why cant you eat an animal?

05-21-2005, 10:35 AM
^^^^ Very well said.

05-21-2005, 11:03 AM
Just wanted to see if there were any others out there.

no thanks, i prefer my testicals to remain in tact.

05-21-2005, 11:13 AM
The drummer in my band was vegetarian for a few years, then vegan for a year and a half, now he's vegetarian again. At least he can have a slice of pizza now. I understand being vegetarian, but being vegan ?? i dunno

05-21-2005, 11:36 AM
I think it would be hard to be a vegan, but oh well thats not my cup of tea. My girlfriend is a vegetarian only because she doesn't like the texture of meat, kinda wierd but oh well.

05-21-2005, 11:47 AM
The reason I dont eat meat is because it contains so many harmful chemicals.

05-21-2005, 12:10 PM
i don't eat meat. i just don't need it to stay alive. i don't care for animals and i think hunting is necessary. i also don't care for nazi vegans.

05-21-2005, 12:13 PM
The reason I dont eat meat is because it contains so many harmful chemicals.

wow, thats the dumbest thing i've heard all week. you win. if only having a nice car made someone intelligent.

FastBack 240
05-21-2005, 12:13 PM
My diets pretty much consists of meat only. Nothing like wearing my leather jacklet, leather shoes, leather belt, and my swead cowboy hat while eating a huge steak. mmmm mmm good.

05-21-2005, 12:39 PM
Vegetarian: Old Native American word meaning-Bad Hunter. :rofl: :rofl:

05-21-2005, 12:52 PM
Hmm, I advise everyone to Meet your Meat (www.meetyourmeat.com)

05-21-2005, 12:54 PM
wow, thats the dumbest thing i've heard all week. you win. if only having a nice car made someone intelligent.

Youre obviously the retard here.. go do some research.

05-21-2005, 01:24 PM
All this talk is making me hungry for a nice steak :yum:


05-21-2005, 02:17 PM
cars that are vegetarians......thats a strange thought.....
whatabout the bbq after the long night of working!!!!!!
i eat healthy.......no soda, as little preservatives as possible, no fast foods, etc....but shit, "Meat, its whats for dinner"
nothin lik grillin a nice ribeye on a open charcoal flame....mmmmmmm :rawk:

05-21-2005, 02:34 PM
I was a vegetarian, then I took my first vegetarian shit. I never went back. It's not good for your system. The Vegan people are the most sickly people I've met. They look like they have cancer.

I would say the production of all food has the same amount of handling. I haven't seen the violence of corn shucking on the web. They're food not pets. Oh, if you're in PETA you shouldn't own a pet or your a hypocrite.

05-21-2005, 02:38 PM
a nice fat burger will set all these veggie people straight.

AMD 240
05-21-2005, 02:53 PM
All this talk is making me hungry for a nice steak :yum:


MMMMMM steak :yum: that looks soooooo goood! :drool:

05-21-2005, 03:33 PM
i was vegetarian for about a year, and for no reason really. i just wanted to try it out and now i don't mind being either or. a balanced, healthy diet is all that matters anyway.

05-21-2005, 04:05 PM
I eat freerange every so often.. but I refuse to eat meat with growth hormones and antibiotics.

05-21-2005, 04:37 PM
I've met my meat, and it was pretty good. Lytle Cattle and Ranch over in Abilene, TX. Biggo steaks the size of your head. Took me a good hour to finish. Later that night, the meat returned. So i stabbed him with the plunger... but he multiplied. Magic white lever made him go woosh!

And to all the Vegan Nazis, try an In'n Out 4x4. And if you still feel like complaining about robbing animals of their right or whatever, go live in the forest you neanderthal.

05-21-2005, 04:42 PM
haha, but really, have any of you tried Bocaburgers? Its the vegan's hamburger. My science teacher Mr.Monge gave the whole class burgers cuz we beat him in a debate about veganism and my arguement that Disney is always right, and the Circle of Life got him. Having stonerbuddies always helps.

Eat Meat.

I don't think Yogi is very happy BooBoo!

Totoko the Indian Chief says: Vegan bad Hunter. Scalp him!

05-21-2005, 05:26 PM
My ex-gf was kinda vegetarian. She'd eat meat but prefered not to. We used to cook meatless meals a lot. Not bad... never filled me up though.

05-21-2005, 05:42 PM
I don't work for PETA but I do support them when it comes to animal cruelty (KFC, Covance, etc...). I believe in owning pets, but only because pets are companions to me... not something I can abuse. I have a dog, and fish. If your a meat eater that's fine, but I wanted to see how many vegans or vegetarians were on this site. If there is any nonsense about unhealthyness from being a vegetarian or vegan, that's a bunch of crap. If anything you stay healthier. Theres a right and a wrong way to be a vegetarian. The right way is consuming what your body needs, all the vitamins and staying active. A person does not need meat or dairy to survive. Milk was meant for calves, not for humans. Im not here to preach anything just curious as to who eats smart on the site :p

05-21-2005, 06:15 PM
Milk was meant for calves, not for humans. Im not here to preach anything just curious as to who eats smart on the site

when you say "meant", you are totally ignoring the fact that humans can breast feed. that's THE dumbest thing i've ever read on this website

05-21-2005, 06:20 PM
The right way is consuming what your body needs, all the vitamins and staying active. A person does not need meat or dairy to survive. Milk was meant for calves, not for humans. Im not here to preach anything just curious as to who eats smart on the site :p

It's called a "balanced diet" for a reason. Do you deprive your dog of meat? Because, well.. he needs it too.
Humans don't *need* milk? I guess not, not if you chew on enough coral. Without suppliments, milk is one of the best ways to get calcium and necessary fats. Yogurt has enzymes to aid in digestion, and good bacteria that use body resources, so that harmful bacteria have a hard time thriving. Dairy isn't necessary. But I'd rather have a cup of yogurt and a glass of milk than swallow moldy bread and a half dozen vitamins.
Humans don't need meat to survive? Do you not know anything about human anthropology? Because without meat, humans would have stopped a long time ago. Humans are developed as Omnivores. Our bowel length isn't as long as a true herbivore and longer than a carnivore. Our teeth are shaped and jaws are formed with canines. Something only carnivores have. Our teeth are more jagged/serrated than the flat teeths of strict herbivored. Now, 2 million years ago, H. Habilis developed stone tools, meant for killing animals for food and protection (clothes, blankets). What else would these tools be used for? Ok.. so, only 8,000 years ago did agriculture first appear. This implies that man ate much more meat than veggies/fruits/grains. Our physiology says so too.

With that said, going Atkins is also wrong, because for the past 2 million years we have been eating grains and nuts. Our bodies, over thousands of generations, have developed to a point where we are today, off a balanced diet of readily available food types. We also get important nutrients from what we eat, things our body is used to getting. Cutting out a massive part of one's diet is a bad... terrible idea. Eating it in moderation is the way to go. You don't like meat? Eat it just once a week. There's been millenia where our ancestors did that (ice ages). Too many carbs? Cut back. Not cut out.

Who is eating smart here? The people starving themselves of chemicals, amino acids, minerals and vitamins because they don't believe in something? Idiots.
By the way. You're "too see who eats smart on this site" is a pompous, assinine statement. Eats right to you does not equal eats right period. I eat very near 1600 calories a day, from most of the food groups in the proper percentages. According to science, and ancestry, I eat right.

05-21-2005, 06:39 PM
According to biologists and anthropologists who study our anatomy and our evolutionary history, humans are herbivores who are not well suited to eating meat.

Unlike natural carnivores, we are physically and psychologically unable to rip animals limb from limb and eat and digest their raw flesh. Even cooked meat is likely to cause human beings, but not natural carnivores, to suffer from food poisoning, heart disease, and other ailments.

People who pride themselves on being part of the human hunter tradition should take a second look at the story of human evolution. Prehistoric evidence indicates that humans developed hunting skills relatively recently and that most of our short, meat-eating past was spent scavenging and eating almost anything in order to survive; even then, meat was a tiny part of our caloric intake.

Humans lack both the physical characteristics of carnivores and the instinct that drives them to kill animals and devour their raw carcasses. Ask yourself: When you see dead animals on the side of the road, are you tempted to stop for a snack? Does the sight of a dead bird make you salivate? Do you daydream about killing cows with your bare hands and eating them raw? If you answered "no" to all of these questions, congratulations—you're a normal human herbivore—like it or not. Humans were simply not designed to eat meat.

05-21-2005, 06:44 PM
when you say "meant", you are totally ignoring the fact that humans can breast feed. that's THE dumbest thing i've ever read on this website

I think you knew what I meant by milk, because we are referring to dairy products from animals in this topic as well.

05-21-2005, 06:52 PM
i still eat meat and stuff cus its natrual, if u only eat greens ur body will not function properly unless you take a vitamin b12 suppliment... So yea.. we arent WELL suited to eat meat but we HAVE to in order to get b12. i forgot the symptions of a b12 deficiency but yea... cant be good.. lots of people become vegetarians to be more healthy and lose weight, but all you really need to do is eat more healthy in general well balanced meals, cut down on the fast food, and soda, and if u still need the caffeen just drink diet.

05-21-2005, 07:07 PM
There's B12 in soy beans and soy milk.

05-21-2005, 07:07 PM
My mistake, I meant dairy.
Wrong again, "dairy" refers to milk, which is native to mammals, named as such because they all lactate (produce milk). This milk is the most efficient source of lactic acid. Lactic acid is necessary in mammal young (including HUMAN babies) for the development of mucus membranes. The problem with lactic acid in adults (or children outside the first few years of life) is that it aids in the OVER production of mucus membranes, causing respiratory health issue, such as asthma and what have you. Lactic acid is ALSO the reason to avoid egg yolks...
I, personally, do not eat red meat, but cannot knock any individual for choosing to or not to eat meat, whatever meat they choose to consume. I refuse to be some blind and self-righteous jerkoff who pickets department stores for carrying animal skin clothing, or the individuals who eat meat...
Personally, I TRY to avoid dairy products to the best of my ability, but I am intelligent enough to have to concede that there are few places to find the GOOD vitamins and calcium that dairy products contain.
I have common sense enough to understand and not eat what is USELESS to me on a nutritional level, but I PERSONALLY know 3 people who were strict vegans who recently started back eating fish because of things that their diets lacked that were beginning to cause digestive and skin problems. I know one other who happens to be the most sicly individual I have met in my life, are you telling me that these 4 of are simply unlucky, or that thery are victims of proveable fact that no one is any more healthy as a result of being vegetarian or any less as a result of eating meat?

... people who become vegetarian/vegans for anything other than religious reasons are self-righteous tree-hugging hippie jackasses.

*steps off of soapbox*

05-21-2005, 07:15 PM
We're not talking about human milk. How many people here go out and purchase human milk? Again, I'm not preaching, I'm just being informative.

Besides humans (and domesticated animals who are fed by humans), no other species drinks milk beyond infancy or drinks the milk of another species. Cow’s milk is suited to the nutritional needs of calves, who—unlike human infants—have four stomachs and gain hundreds of pounds in a matter of months, sometimes weighing more than 1,000 pounds before their second birthdays. Cow’s milk also contains about three times as much protein as human milk.

Cow’s milk is the number one cause of food allergies among infants and children, according to the American Gastroenterological Association. Most people begin to produce less lactase, the enzyme that helps with the digestion of milk, when they are as young as 2 years old. This reduction can lead to lactose intolerance.Millions of Americans are lactose intolerant, and an estimated 90 percent of Asian-Americans and 75 percent of Native- and African-Americans suffer from the condition, which can cause bloating, gas, cramps, vomiting, headaches, rashes, and asthma. Studies have also found that autism and schizophrenia in children may be linked to the body’s inability to digest the milk protein casein; symptoms of these diseases diminished or disappeared in 80 percent of the children who were switched to milk-free diets.
A U.K. study showed that people who were suffering from irregular heartbeats, asthma, headaches, fatigue, and digestive problems “showed marked and often complete improvements in their health after cutting milk from their diets.”

FastBack 240
05-21-2005, 07:29 PM
Unlike natural carnivores, we are physically and psychologically unable to rip animals limb from limb and eat and digest their raw flesh. Even cooked meat is likely to cause human beings, but not natural carnivores, to suffer from food poisoning, heart disease, and other ailments.

This is because over time the human bodies have adapted to the food we eat today. Thousands of years ago it was normal to eat raw meat and skins.

05-21-2005, 07:33 PM
We're not talking about human milk. How many people here go out and purchase human milk? Again, I'm not preaching, I'm just being informative.

Besides humans (and domesticated animals who are fed by humans), no other species drinks milk beyond infancy or drinks the milk of another species. Cow’s milk is suited to the nutritional needs of calves, who—unlike human infants—have four stomachs and gain hundreds of pounds in a matter of months, sometimes weighing more than 1,000 pounds before their second birthdays. Cow’s milk also contains about three times as much protein as human milk.

Cow’s milk is the number one cause of food allergies among infants and children, according to the American Gastroenterological Association. Most people begin to produce less lactase, the enzyme that helps with the digestion of milk, when they are as young as 2 years old. This reduction can lead to lactose intolerance.Millions of Americans are lactose intolerant, and an estimated 90 percent of Asian-Americans and 75 percent of Native- and African-Americans suffer from the condition, which can cause bloating, gas, cramps, vomiting, headaches, rashes, and asthma. Studies have also found that autism and schizophrenia in children may be linked to the body’s inability to digest the milk protein casein; symptoms of these diseases diminished or disappeared in 80 percent of the children who were switched to milk-free diets.
A U.K. study showed that people who were suffering from irregular heartbeats, asthma, headaches, fatigue, and digestive problems “showed marked and often complete improvements in their health after cutting milk from their diets.”

You ARE aware that I am of mixed blood, consisting of Native American, Native African, African American, White and Trinidadian, correct? I have NEVER been lactose intolerant, but my understanding of what keeps me healthy came around the same time that I weaned myself from my mother's pocketbook... Before this occurrence, I was STILL perfectly healthy, I am just a little more so now...

Multivitamins and regular exercise are the SHIT

05-21-2005, 07:44 PM
According to biologists and anthropologists who study our anatomy and our evolutionary history, humans are herbivores who are not well suited to eating meat.Who are these experts and who taught them?

Unlike natural carnivores, we are physically and psychologically unable to rip animals limb from limb and eat and digest their raw flesh. Even cooked meat is likely to cause human beings, but not natural carnivores, to suffer from food poisoning, heart disease, and other ailments.That's why we a tool using Mammals. Ever heard of Sushi or steak tartar? We can very easly eat raw meat. It's inproper care and prep that causes food posioning. Heart Disease is from the overintake of fats and oils not meat.

People who pride themselves on being part of the human hunter tradition should take a second look at the story of human evolution. Prehistoric evidence indicates that humans developed hunting skills relatively recently and that most of our short, meat-eating past was spent scavenging and eating almost anything in order to survive; even then, meat was a tiny part of our caloric intake.

Humans lack both the physical characteristics of carnivores and the instinct that drives them to kill animals and devour their raw carcasses. Ask yourself: When you see dead animals on the side of the road, are you tempted to stop for a snack? Does the sight of a dead bird make you salivate? Do you daydream about killing cows with your bare hands and eating them raw? If you answered "no" to all of these questions, congratulations—you're a normal human herbivore—like it or not. Humans were simply not designed to eat meat.we are Omnivores not carnivores. You ovilosy have no clue what your talking about. PETA does not care about animals, in fact it routinely kills pets in it's headquarters. It's main goal is anti-corporation and anti-capilism agendas. Not animals.

Do you have any pets Tygma?


05-21-2005, 07:58 PM
not to mention vegans are notorious for taking vitamins and supplements up the ying yang because they lack the nutrients you get ONLY from meat. And a balanced diet includes EVERYTHING. oils, transfattys, monofattys, vitamins, minerals, metals, etc.

05-21-2005, 07:58 PM
We're not talking about human milk. How many people here go out and purchase human milk? Again, I'm not preaching, I'm just being informative.

Besides humans (and domesticated animals who are fed by humans), no other species drinks milk beyond infancy or drinks the milk of another species. Cow’s milk is suited to the nutritional needs of calves, who—unlike human infants—have four stomachs and gain hundreds of pounds in a matter of months, sometimes weighing more than 1,000 pounds before their second birthdays. Cow’s milk also contains about three times as much protein as human milk.

Cow’s milk is the number one cause of food allergies among infants and children, according to the American Gastroenterological Association. Most people begin to produce less lactase, the enzyme that helps with the digestion of milk, when they are as young as 2 years old. This reduction can lead to lactose intolerance.Millions of Americans are lactose intolerant, and an estimated 90 percent of Asian-Americans and 75 percent of Native- and African-Americans suffer from the condition, which can cause bloating, gas, cramps, vomiting, headaches, rashes, and asthma. Studies have also found that autism and schizophrenia in children may be linked to the body’s inability to digest the milk protein casein; symptoms of these diseases diminished or disappeared in 80 percent of the children who were switched to milk-free diets.
A U.K. study showed that people who were suffering from irregular heartbeats, asthma, headaches, fatigue, and digestive problems “showed marked and often complete improvements in their health after cutting milk from their diets.”
American Gastroenterological Association does no work with food allergies. They do do work with Lactose Intolerance which does not devlope untill you are at least 2yrs of age. Even people that are lactose intolerant can consume dariy products cause it's the lactose sugar not the dairy. Infact many Non-dairy creamers have lactose in them.

you are totaly misinformed and spreading total bullshit.

05-21-2005, 08:27 PM
Tygma, you can go to articles.animalconcerns.org and get your *cough* unbiased *cough* information that is 100% incorrect as s14db and Phlip have told you.
I am telling you what I've gotten from my Anthropology class, and Human Development. Lets figure out who is unbiased here.
"you are totaly misinformed and spreading total bullshit."

05-22-2005, 12:21 AM
I dont know about the PETA killing animals thing.. Ive never heard that before.. But Ill agree with you guys in saying that Veganism is a bit far... I am primarily Vegatarian but I eat fish and I also eat freerange every so often. I havent even had a cold in over 4 years.. There is a proper way to do it. Dont take all of your info from one source. Do your research before you play arround with your body!

05-22-2005, 01:35 AM
Meat is teh best.
Had a damn fine tenderloin last night... jeebus that was good.
Also, the shit you take after eating ~1lb of beef is GREAT.

FastBack 240
05-22-2005, 03:15 AM
my 16oz New York strip I had tonight was amazing. So juicy. The huge shit to follow was swell as well.

05-22-2005, 03:28 AM
some fucking Everett and Jones hot links would set you fucking twig eating pansies right straight about the whole not eating meat thing!

05-22-2005, 03:32 AM
and TurboRotary, if you are sooooo concerned about poisons and harmful chemicels, may i suggest you not drive a fucking wankel, i burn gasoline like there's a hole in my gas tank, powered car? go move to tibet or something...

05-22-2005, 03:47 AM

05-22-2005, 03:48 AM
Yea, we should all just eat meat. Who really cars. Whats crazy is that they now have chicken or beef flavored tofu. WTF is that. Just eat the real thing already!!!1 :rl: :rl: :rl: :rl: :rl: :rl:

05-22-2005, 03:51 AM
If you think about it, we were "meant" to be herbies. Our intestines are extremely long, as is the elephants, giraffes, and other herbies. Carnies have short intestines, like tigers, lions, etc.

05-22-2005, 06:29 AM
If you think about it, we were "meant" to be herbies. Our intestines are extremely long, as is the elephants, giraffes, and other herbies. Carnies have short intestines, like tigers, lions, etc.
Umm... That was addressed back on page 1 of this thread, here ya go:
It's called a "balanced diet" for a reason. Do you deprive your dog of meat? Because, well.. he needs it too.
Humans don't *need* milk? I guess not, not if you chew on enough coral. Without suppliments, milk is one of the best ways to get calcium and necessary fats. Yogurt has enzymes to aid in digestion, and good bacteria that use body resources, so that harmful bacteria have a hard time thriving. Dairy isn't necessary. But I'd rather have a cup of yogurt and a glass of milk than swallow moldy bread and a half dozen vitamins.
Humans don't need meat to survive? Do you not know anything about human anthropology? Because without meat, humans would have stopped a long time ago. Humans are developed as Omnivores. Our bowel length isn't as long as a true herbivore and longer than a carnivore. Our teeth are shaped and jaws are formed with canines. Something only carnivores have. Our teeth are more jagged/serrated than the flat teeths of strict herbivored. Now, 2 million years ago, H. Habilis developed stone tools, meant for killing animals for food and protection (clothes, blankets). What else would these tools be used for? Ok.. so, only 8,000 years ago did agriculture first appear. This implies that man ate much more meat than veggies/fruits/grains. Our physiology says so too.

With that said, going Atkins is also wrong, because for the past 2 million years we have been eating grains and nuts. Our bodies, over thousands of generations, have developed to a point where we are today, off a balanced diet of readily available food types. We also get important nutrients from what we eat, things our body is used to getting. Cutting out a massive part of one's diet is a bad... terrible idea. Eating it in moderation is the way to go. You don't like meat? Eat it just once a week. There's been millenia where our ancestors did that (ice ages). Too many carbs? Cut back. Not cut out.

Who is eating smart here? The people starving themselves of chemicals, amino acids, minerals and vitamins because they don't believe in something? Idiots.
By the way. You're "too see who eats smart on this site" is a pompous, assinine statement. Eats right to you does not equal eats right period. I eat very near 1600 calories a day, from most of the food groups in the proper percentages. According to science, and ancestry, I eat right.

05-22-2005, 09:25 AM

hey, you know peta equates chickens in farms to jews in a concentration camp right?

no, really

no, really, im not joking clicky (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=peta+chickens+holocaust&spell=1)

05-22-2005, 10:15 AM
The average intestinal length for a carnivore is 3x the length of it's trunk. A herbivore's intestines are 15x longer than it's trunk. Human's intestines are 10x longer than our trunk. Now, only a true idiot (or, the aforementioned animalconcerns.com) will have the nuts to say "it's closer to herbivore, we're supposed to be herbivores!" And those nutjobs are incorrect. Vegitation is extremely hard to digest, so our intestines need to be much longer than what's needed for just meats. However, we're not supposed to feed only on vegitation due to our physiology, therefore, we did not grow herbivore-sized intestines. Agreeing with the above nutjob statement is like owning a car that uses 91 octane (mid-grade in most states). Then saying "well.. 91 is closer to 93 than 87, so I'm supposed to run premium". No, you idiot. You're supposed to run mid-grade. See my point?
2 million years of human evolution put us where we're at. Our brain could not grow to the size it is on vegitation alone. Our brain uses 30% of the calories we intake, and only started growing once our ancestors started needing to hunt, use tools, and eating meat. We owe alot to meat. Not eating it because of a dumbass belief is a poor choice, at best. Even strict religions disallow one type of meat, never forcing one to go strictly vegitarian - that I know of.

05-22-2005, 10:24 AM
91 is premium in california :wtc: :wtc: :wtc: :wtc:

05-22-2005, 12:01 PM
Youre obviously the retard here.. go do some research.

kid i just might have more intelligence in my right nut than you have in your entire cranium. way to overlook the fact that i disagreed with your point but at least said you had a nice car.

you have some seriously jacked priorities.

honestly, have you EVER seen a healthy looking vegetarian? i sure as hell haven't and don't know anybody that has.

all of you retards that are saying "we're obviously meant to eat vegitation" are the same people that grab onto the evolution bandwagon yet this believe of "mastication destiny" would have to be some sort of creationist ideal.

and there is NOTHING better than home cooked ribs or a nice 16oz ribeye from tony's down in the bay.

05-22-2005, 12:09 PM
honestly, have you EVER seen a healthy looking vegetarian? i sure as hell haven't and don't know anybody that has.

I duno, I consider myself pretty healthy, and healthy looking. I'm fairly lean but tall and weigh a pretty good amount.. I hit the gym 2-3 times a week and run about a mile 2-3 times a week, and practice Muay Thai twice a week. My protein intake is fairly large before/after I work out, and I eat balanced (well, to me it's balanced) meals 3 times a day. I hardly snack, and make sure I take my multi-vitamin in the morning. I've never done well with milk, so ditching it wasnt a problem for me. And I can do without meat as long as I obtain the nutrients that are in it. Oh well, it works for me.

05-22-2005, 12:20 PM
I say, eat Beef Jerky, and be happy.

05-22-2005, 01:41 PM
kid i just might have more intelligence in my right nut than you have in your entire cranium. way to overlook the fact that i disagreed with your point but at least said you had a nice car.

you have some seriously jacked priorities.

honestly, have you EVER seen a healthy looking vegetarian? i sure as hell haven't and don't know anybody that has.

all of you retards that are saying "we're obviously meant to eat vegitation" are the same people that grab onto the evolution bandwagon yet this believe of "mastication destiny" would have to be some sort of creationist ideal.

and there is NOTHING better than home cooked ribs or a nice 16oz ribeye from tony's down in the bay.

If you judge my intellect from a just a few statements then you cant be to smart yourself.. I appreciate the fact that you like my car.. but this thread is about vegetarianism. Like I said a few posts ago... I am very healthy. I have not had any ailments of any sort in over 4 years. If you want to eat meat I have no problem with that. Its youre choice. Im not here to try to sway anyone. Being a vegetarian works for me and thats all Im concerned with. I have made no posts saying that anyone was wrong or stupid for eating meat. Lets try to show some respect here and not bash someone for thinking differently than yourselves.

05-22-2005, 03:16 PM
Youre obviously the retard here.. go do some research.

so... i'm stupid because i based an assessment of your intelligence by the product of your own mind AFTER you called me point blank retarded... now you wanna play nice and pretend like you want a friendly discussion?

nah, there's no fun in that. i'm not sure how familiar you are with my approach to problem solving but insulting me then trying to crawfish under the guise of intellectual superiority is like trying to stop a freight train with a BB gun.

i eat a not so balanced diet of junk food and good food. i work out a bit but nothing too serious. i have the metabolism of a crack head and outside of allergies i get sick with a rarity that most health nuts would be jealous of.

why? genetic luck. the fact that i listen to what my body wants instead of just eating folliage could have something to do with it but for the most part i just came from a good gene pool.

i dont care if you ever get sick and are a veggiehead. i dont care if you're trying to recruit or simply defend your position. i am stating my points and if you feel threatened by them or me you should go back to your bean farm and have a nice big soyshake or whatever the hell you hippies are drinking nowadays.

05-22-2005, 03:25 PM
And.. she's done.
No recruiting to PETA or vegitarianism or any of those neo-conservative agendas.