View Full Version : s13freeaak - the reply to your pm. And, a zilvia vote session.

05-17-2005, 07:57 PM
I locked a thread... http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=80316

So, I get a PM from the user. Now, I'm all for private messages being private, but I think this guy (hopefully you read it) is totally wrong. But, there's the chance I'm wrong, so I'm removing the wall of dictatorship, and opening it up to discussion.

Locked Thread

Why can someone post that their car was stolen, and I can't post that my money was stolen (part of my car)

Thanks for helping the bad guys.

I'm not trying to be ignorant but, thats all you've just done.

Now. The Slippery-Slope theory sucks. Always has, always will. And this is a prime example of it. I am helping the bad guys because I locked a thread that directly violates the "Zilvia is not a grievance forum" aspect of the Forum Rules and Guidelines. Gogo slippery slope. I'm sure I'm financing terrorism by paying for the electricity required for me to type up this response.

Next up is that when a car is stolen, one guy had a car lost by another guy who took it. This is a large, unique, physical object, with traceable components (VIN, serial numbers, unique part combinations). There is a chance that a passerby can see this car, and contact the original owner. Or, maybe scour ebay for the owner's parts showing up. Or local shop. Again, think physical.

You lost money to a guy who has made a post in the past couple days. I am not willing to read 9 pages of original thread to figure out what happened, but you're pissed, which means dozens of others are, too. Why can you make a thread, in the wrong forum of course, about it? You didn't even mention the others who lost their money or are waiting on parts. You're a self-centered individual with incorrect ideas. Your money cannot be traced. I cannot hold a $20 bill and say "Hey.. this could be that Zilvia guy's" with any confidence. So, I told you to go contact every person/business/company and the FBI, because they can help you. Zilvia cannot.

Now.. am I wrong here?

05-17-2005, 08:07 PM
My vote is that it would have been wrong to NOT lock the thread, if only basing such an assessment on the precedent set by the dozens of threads locked before it on the "zilvia is not a grievance forum" rule in the user agreement

05-17-2005, 08:20 PM
my vote is "do not lock"

its not hard to know that if one person got ripped in a thread, many people are mos tlikely in the same position. ive been reading that 9 page thread from the start so i pretty much know whats going on.

like i stated a long time ago


bitch and moan about who jacked you in your ass and who didnt all you want, as long as it stays there

i know its most likely difficult to make another forum, but its a suggestion

granted i know he made an entire thread all to himself, but there are also poeple on there bitching for their money back such as s14turbosilvia or watever and other people. and im sure that if people saw his thread, they will post in there as well.

05-17-2005, 08:25 PM
Yep, Your right then.

On a side note I have a group buy going for some rb26dett motorswaps for sale, $100 each, you can send me the money. You may receive them, you may not, but apparently it doesn't matter either way. Keep up the good work thanks for making it safe for me to take people's money.

And by the way, everything about this situation can be tracked. The "money order", the "emails" all I was trying to do was raise awareness.

05-17-2005, 08:37 PM
i say do not lock.

if it was just ranting i would understand a lock but if he is trying to file a lawsuit so he can take legal action as a group then I could understand why he wants to post for everyone to see. Sure he can pm some of the people on the thread but some other might not have posted on that group buy so the only way to get the message to them would be to post it.

05-17-2005, 08:39 PM
While I don't think the comparison of a stolen car, where someone is not directly calling out who stole it, vs. stolen money, where the "theif" is being called out, is really valid. I think the buyer/seller rating certainly has merit, as often pointed out there is already a section for this, however, it might be more useful for people using the site for it not to be buried under "Reviews", perhaps a link on the marketplace section would be more intuative. To be even more thorough including that "ranking" as part of a users post, as reputation is, would be even more useful on a cursory level.

This situation is particularly interesting because it directly involves a forum sponsor. Personally, I have read the 9 page thread out of interest, and from the sideline it looks "suspicious" at best. Ultimately it is "buyer beware", but no harm in helping discern the good from that bad.

05-17-2005, 09:00 PM
I think it should have been locked because of the well established “Zilvia is not a grievance forum” rule. I also think that there should be a “Buyer seller forum” so that the ass holes can be identified, and dealt with in the proper legal ways. This is not by any means Zilvias responsibility, none the less it is a good idea.

I also think if your going to buy things off the internet you assume you own risk in doing so, and should not be going to forums and trying to make people feel bad for you. You got ripped off in a transaction over the internet. The guys with stolen cars just went to sleep so they could get up the next day and go to work, and all they are asking is for people to keep an eye out for the car. It’s not like they put themselves in a situation to get ripped off they just got ripped off.

So Jeff I think you are right. But I think Zilvia should make a new forum for buyer seller crap.

05-17-2005, 09:15 PM
Exactly. We should have a buyer/seller rating forum. It would solve alot of things. I would of put that post there instead of chat.

And I will put up another post letting people know if/when they send me my money back. I believe that me posting that thread I have helped my situation.

05-17-2005, 09:41 PM
Exactly. We should have a buyer/seller rating forum. It would solve alot of things. I would of put that post there instead of chat.

And I will put up another post letting people know if/when they send me my money back. I believe that me posting that thread I have helped my situation.
I agree with that idea as it is used perfectly on other forums and is used like an ebay sller rating.

05-17-2005, 09:50 PM
having been the participant in tons of disciplinary action on many occaisions i say it has the merits that ask for the lockage. thus, jeff is doin his jay oh bee...

its like the one time i fix a guy's comp for free. the next time he's like "well the last time..." etc etc. there has to be a line somewhere and it looks like the one that is drawn at least points you in a decent direction.

i say get your head out of your rectum and go do something about your money. nobody ever gets the best of me because i dont allow it. you allow bad things to go on in your life without consequence.

there are a million and one ways to ruin a life through a wire... figure it out.

i say keep it locked and lock this one too cause its done.

05-17-2005, 09:56 PM
This is locked because the guy stated that he'll give a refund. s13freeaak - print screen his posts or something to get proof incase he backs out again. When/if he refunds you, post up. You've done what we try not to do on Zilvia, and drug the guy through the mud. If it works out, the least you can do is clean some of it off.

05-17-2005, 10:24 PM

I stand by the "zilvia is not a grievance forum" rules. One thing to call the guy out in the thread you bought it in. It's another to make a new thread bitching. I think S13FREEAAK went overboard cause it looks like the problem was corected in the orginal thread. It also looks like the deal didn't even go down on zilvia.

The thing that pisses me off to no extent is the "MemberX ripped me off on another fourm. I think he's on here too. I want my money back." If the deal went down here and you can prove that you were scamed and not some misscomunication we will help you. You can see in this thread http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=78420 how the deal went down on zilvia and the guy never responded and the could prove that they were scamed so we helped them out.

To wrap up S13FREEAAK was wrong to create that thread and it should have been locked.