View Full Version : an infestation

05-15-2005, 01:05 AM
Is it just me, or is the majority of this forum all new members with under 50 posts....some under 10.

I'm sorry to all you newbs, but if you get heckled on here because of your post count/join date, you have to live with it, it's called seniority.

I know the "drift scene" is "blowing up," but damn! I didn't know there were so many guys on here with S13 Silvia front ends, SR20DET's, and mad JDM tyte flush Professor SP1's, all with 7 total posts and absolutely no loyality or history with Zilvia.

As far as me, before I buy a car and claim it as a project, I do my research. I know the car inside and out before I ever sign my name on the title, and I can only hope that every 240sx out there is being treated the same...catch my "drift" guys?

Sorry, needed to rant. If I'm outta line, mods feel free to delete this thread.

....schweet, 500 posts.

05-15-2005, 01:11 AM
Someone has spoken words of wisdom,Cool. :wiggle:

05-15-2005, 01:16 AM
At first, I thought you were talking about an actual infestation like the one I had one of my restoration projects. It had ants and mice living up in there. The intake manifold had the ants (inside there was dirt moounds) and the mice were living on top of the gas tank...:(

05-15-2005, 02:43 AM
yah man im starting to get tired of the tech section...... im lookin forward to the off-topic section more and more.... seems like theres so many cats out there that cant even find a thermostat... and stupid threads like " this is a setup im dreaming of is this good?" like i should acknowledge their skill of thought...and what about the SR20 smog legal ones.......IDIOTS wouldnt call it a infestation tho... definetly a epidemic...

Andrew Bohan
05-15-2005, 03:15 AM
all you guys is n00bs compared to me!

only like 19 people have more posts than me. that means i know almost everything and i'm a better person than most people :coolugh:

05-15-2005, 03:18 AM
Is it just me, or is the majority of this forum all new members with under 50 posts....some under 10.
I'm sorry to all you newbs, but if you get heckled on here because of your post count/join date, you have to live with it, it's called seniority.
It's the "silver spoon" generation...everyone expects everything to be given to them on a silver platter. No such thing as respect...it's all about me type of thing.
As far as me, before I buy a car and claim it as a project, I do my research. I know the car inside and out before I ever sign my name on the title, and I can only hope that every 240sx out there is being treated the same...catch my "drift" guys?
Sorry, needed to rant.
You're a dying breed....doing your homework. Most people don't even bother. They just ask anyway. Us people with knowledge just need to start posting correct troubleshooting methods & technical information in the Archive section and refer all NOOB's there...Either that or switch to FA!!..hahaha..

....once a Noob years ago..now a little more enlightened...

05-15-2005, 03:20 AM
This makes me think of Resident Evil :rofl: Haha I am going onto 4 Digit post count soon. Truely ur knowledge increases with ur post count and time spent here.

05-15-2005, 03:25 AM
Yep a lot of people have under those post status. But a lot of um are here learning, and a lot of times I don't post. I never really used to post much untill i passed newb stage, and then when i started selling stuff.

But the drift scene has had the same effect as on civic/integras, im sure at one point they wre tight, then everyone got um and started stealing each ohters shit

05-15-2005, 03:41 AM
i seen a lot of... i own a 240 for ___ # of years and didnt bother to post. but here my newb question. so much people playing off like they had 240sx for so long yet a simple question or a stupid one in some eyes.

05-15-2005, 05:01 AM
all you guys is n00bs compared to me!

only like 19 people have more posts than me. that means i know almost everything and i'm a better person than most people :coolugh:

hahaha. We also know that you have an rx and have dreams about 240s

05-15-2005, 08:00 AM
Yea there are alotta new members. But who really cares. How do you expect people to learn the car if they don't have some interaction with people on here, do some searching and ask some questions.

I agree with you to reseach before you buy a car. That's what I didn, and that's always what I tell people when their like, "I'm gonna get one of those mad tyte 240's yo".

I say whatever though. Whatcha gonna do. No reason to get all worked up about it.

Don't forget you were a newb once too.

Shoot I've been on here for over 2 years now, and I still feel like a newb sometimes. :hsdance: And I come on here everyday and do a little research, and learn a little more.

05-15-2005, 10:13 AM
I was a member for 6 months before I purchased my car. I came to the boards with intentions of buying something fresh and newer (hence "S14turbosilvia"). But after I did all my research and actually thought about what I was really going to be using the car for, I found out that an S13 coupe was what I was searching for.
It was the lightest 240sx out of all (S14, RPS13, and S13), and it was far cheaper to work on, buy parts for, and go racing with than an S14.
Not to mention I spent at least 3 of those 6 months going through every coupe I came acorss with a fine tooth comb. With all of my patience, research, and good judgement, know what I ended up with...

A 1992 coupe with a serious rod knock in the engine and 102,xxx miles on the odometer, making it perfect for a motor swap. I have not come across another coupe, much less S13 in such good condition than the one I now proudly own. :) All for under $1000 too...put that in your pipe and smoke it! jk jk.
It has a fresh body, no rust, making it a great car all around. But just the fact that it's not going to have those 200,000 mile bushings, bent control arms, etc. makes it that much more stable and fun to drive on the track.
oh, btw... I was 18 when I bought this car too. It takes a lot of discipline when you're that young and that excited about this car not to jump on the first one that comes your way. So I hope that this is not a dying breed, I hope.

05-15-2005, 10:14 AM
who cares...

i joined in 2002, have over 1k posts, but that doesnt mean that im not going to listen to someone with less than 50 posts

05-15-2005, 10:20 AM
who cares...

i joined in 2002, have over 1k posts, but that doesnt mean that im not going to listen to someone with less than 50 posts

I'm not saying that I won't listen to them at all, I'll listen to anybody, give them all a chance. What I'm annoyed with is the tendancy of that bracket of members to ask stupid, dumb questions and expect an answer in .2 seconds without getting flamed. Just because they owned their honda forum doesn't mean they can come to Zilvia and hold a candle to any older member here. I do agree with recent thoughts though of having some sort of "Zilvia boot camp" for new joining members. haha, that would really weed out some of those bandwagon newbs.

05-15-2005, 11:21 AM
I dont feel I have the need to reply much on any of the forums because I usually find my answers somewhere. Thanks to the almighty search button. I have mainly a general knowlegde of cars and how they function but nothing to the extent of how gases, internal parts, and correct exhaust flows work in conjuction with the car. So I guess my post count doesn't really count for my knowledge status anyway.

05-15-2005, 12:31 PM
This thread is gay. It's nothing more than a "Man this sucks, everyone has a 240 now so I can't be unique anymore" type of thread. Deal with it or go to ziptied and try out "american idol" style.

05-15-2005, 12:33 PM
i am just the quiet one on zilvia.....have been a member for a while now and i am on here everyday but dont talk... but seeing the new people on the board saying that"hey i just picked up a nissan 240sx!" and they dont know nothing about it makes me somewhat mad in a way but then again half of the people like that only have it for a little while then get sick of it...right now it is just a fad to have a 240sx becuase it seems like everyone wants to be a jdm tyteee drifter....every year is somethig different and this year is the 240....

05-15-2005, 01:18 PM
all you guys is n00bs compared to me!

only like 19 people have more posts than me. that means i know almost everything and i'm a better person than most people :coolugh:
And I am one of those 19, beeotch...
And I actually still own an S-Chassis, my second one to be precise

05-15-2005, 01:26 PM
... but back on topic, I lurked on Zilvia for a long time before registering, like 6 months, and posted VERY little for my first few months... I know how a search button works, so the majority of my posts have been in off-topic. I too am growing weary with the recent influx of threads popping up on a weekly basis asking question a question that was just asked EXACTLY 3 days prior, it's wearing me really thin here most recently

05-15-2005, 08:55 PM
I see more STi's around here than s14s actually i see more Ferraris around here than s14s. I see more Bentlys than s14 koukis. I see more srt-4s than s13s.

*Random post of the day.

05-15-2005, 10:24 PM
I see more STi's around here than s14s actually i see more Ferraris around here than s14s. I see more Bentlys than s14 koukis. I see more srt-4s than s13s.

*Random post of the day.

It's the same situation here. Barely any 240's around here, but I'm talking about Zilvia as a community in general. I think the west coast has been the hardest hit.

05-15-2005, 10:39 PM
im only here cause it moves faster (in terms of topics, discussions and replies)

05-15-2005, 10:46 PM
Since this has become a pissing contest... I AM DEE WEEEE-NAR! :P
I many not have the most posts, but I've been here longer than the lot of ya :P whoooop-a-dee-dooo! :D

Anywayz, I'm on board with that idea of having a "Trial Period" for new users. It would help curb the influx of ignorance that most forum newbs bring with them. You either adhere to the guidelines or be warned, failing that, buh-bye :bow:

05-15-2005, 10:48 PM
Since this has become a pissing contest... I AM DEE WEEEE-NAR! :P
I many not have the most posts, but I've been here longer than the lot of ya :P whoooop-a-dee-dooo! :D

Anywayz, I'm on board with that idea of having a "Trial Period" for new users. It would help curb the influx of ignorance that most forum newbs bring with them. You either adhere to the guidelines or be warned, failing that, buh-bye :bow:

i know what you are talking about heehee

05-15-2005, 10:52 PM
i am lucky enough to have a local board with a giant knowlege base, and i dont have much use for national forums unless im looking for pics or things like that. half the time i see so many conflicting answers on these big boards, or answers from people that have no idea what the hell they are talking about. many of these answers come from people with high post counts. to me, all this means is they make lots of posts consisting of smiley faces or one liners. using post count as a measure of automotive knowledge is pretty lame.

05-15-2005, 11:43 PM
yeah a grip of people are starting to join with little knowledge about thier 240. but some of them have had thier 240 for a long ass time and just signed up so really cant tell. its those stupid posts about does this fit this or should i do this that gets to me.

oh well i signed up not too long ago so i cant be saying anything. haha

05-16-2005, 12:36 AM
who cares about post count... what about join date?

05-16-2005, 01:42 AM
I post rarely. I just like to soak up as much info as I can. Info gathering is hard when everone asks that same question and the veterans get irritated. Oh well....

05-16-2005, 01:56 AM
who cares about post count... what about join date?
indeed I am still teh win :fruit:

05-16-2005, 02:07 AM
Where am i? Dammit yoshi wins..

05-16-2005, 04:30 AM
Can you specify on how exactly? In no way has the T-Virus or the likes of its existance been perpetuated. RE Geek in full effect...

I have no real insight on the matter at hand ( I tend not to associate with many 240 owners anymore, sadly), but i just got done playing OB2, and saw this. This is nothing new, and doesn't not evoke thought nor interest.

That is all..

This makes me think of Resident Evil :rofl: Haha I am going onto 4 Digit post count soon. Truely ur knowledge increases with ur post count and time spent here.

05-16-2005, 04:40 AM
i just read tech forum and learn.

05-16-2005, 04:51 AM
the new people to zilvia take the "search" button too far... digging up posts that are super old... my friend told me he got a IM about some suspension parts that he was selling TWO years ago.. how crazy is that...

05-16-2005, 06:49 AM
all they have to do is check the dates. these people probably drink expired milk a lot.

05-16-2005, 07:48 AM
I think a lot of people don't post as much as they read (except dousan). I probably read about 25 for every 1 post that I respond to. I don't really think post count really matters.

05-16-2005, 09:54 AM
Who cares about post counts and join dates? They could be the most knowledgable people but never go online. I know a lot of people who are into cars that don't even know car message forums exist. Not everyone uses the internet...

I don't really care how long someone's been on a board as long as they post intelligent stuff. Not crap like what u think, does the VS front bumper look good with my GP sides?

05-16-2005, 10:37 AM
i want 1000 posts already


05-16-2005, 01:04 PM
+1 post count yay im getting smarter. :x:

05-16-2005, 01:15 PM
I say have a newb section with a sticky that answers the most basic of questions and includes links like howstuffworks.com and other informative sites. Make the newbs stay there a week then have a quiz for them or if they ask any question answered in those stickies or links then BANINATE.

05-16-2005, 01:23 PM
they have that section on fastcougars.com. they also have 98% spineless pussy infestation. coincidence? i think not.

05-16-2005, 01:27 PM
Well then the only other option that doesnt cause problems is ignore the newbs. "like that'll ever happen"
Its a forum there are gonna be trolls and newbs. And at times there will be a lot of Trolls and Newbs.

05-16-2005, 01:48 PM
Some people are just confused. Aside from the forum. People that i meet on the streets. One guy in a Chevy tahoe or blazer stopped me and Driftaholic yesterday on the street and asked if we wanted to trade a 240 for his turbo Eclipse because he wanted to drift. WTF? What makes you think i would want an eclipse? It's the manifestation of all ricer dreams. I've yet to meet an Eclipse owner that I vibe with. And sadly there are 240 owners that are worse than this. Just cause you own one now, doesnt mean shit to me. I can read people within a minute of car talk. 80% suck at life

the head
05-16-2005, 01:49 PM
Why only go with options that dont cause problems? Mocking people anonymously is part of what the internet is all about...well that along with sharing term papers and downloading porn. That is what this electronic cosmos is all about kids. I love throwing a few well placed verbal jabs I find it liberating and most importantly I don't let anything said on the internet get to me mailnly because no matter how deep the conversation gets in the real world it doesn't really matter anyway.

05-16-2005, 01:54 PM
ya but half the tards that get picked on dont know how to let shit go. and as far as a turbo eclipse (gst) they are slow i waxed one other day and my s14 is nearly stock.

05-16-2005, 02:01 PM
l33t p05t c0unt5 matt3r

05-16-2005, 02:05 PM
since this thread progressed from the obvious to not making sense a long time ago.
:gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives:

05-16-2005, 02:36 PM
Solong as you soak shit up and learn from posts/mistakes, thats all that matters. I agree that there are too many "leaky injectors. HELP!" and "My car is doing this alot and its making my penis smaller" posts. Use the Funking Search button. Makes your life, and ours, alot easier. But isn't it amusing to see people get butthurt when you flame them about not using the search? Pretty funny shit, IMHO.

05-16-2005, 02:49 PM
Is it just me, or is the majority of this forum all new members with under 50 posts....some under 10.

I'm sorry to all you newbs, but if you get heckled on here because of your post count/join date, you have to live with it, it's called seniority.

I know the "drift scene" is "blowing up," but damn! I didn't know there were so many guys on here with S13 Silvia front ends, SR20DET's, and mad JDM tyte flush Professor SP1's, all with 7 total posts and absolutely no loyality or history with Zilvia.

As far as me, before I buy a car and claim it as a project, I do my research. I know the car inside and out before I ever sign my name on the title, and I can only hope that every 240sx out there is being treated the same...catch my "drift" guys?

Sorry, needed to rant. If I'm outta line, mods feel free to delete this thread.

....schweet, 500 posts.

I haven't read this thread at all.....

but honestly

WHO CARES.....yea so I have 50 posts...........

05-16-2005, 03:29 PM
Ooh what's my post count?
Ah there it is...

Big Daddy
05-16-2005, 04:05 PM
Sorry guys, i shall try to post more. just been real busy and there is a vast library of information on this forum. been busy reading :D

And to the thread starter, i bought my 240 not for the drifting scene, granted i have dabbled in it and wish i had the mad enough skills like most but the reality is i don't and probably never will. I got my 240 cause it was a car offered to me at the right moment for the JUST ABOUt :wackit: price. i've always loved Japanese cars and will probably die in one. Yes i have plans for my baby but she will lay dormant until i have the funds and time to play Dr. Frankenstein. Once again Woot To this board! :hug:

Big Daddy
05-16-2005, 04:15 PM
they have that section on fastcougars.com. they also have 98% spineless pussy infestation. coincidence? i think not.
hey bro, what color is that on your car? that's the stock color right. looks like mine but i'm not sure what it's called. :rawk:

05-16-2005, 04:43 PM
I WAS NOT making an observation about all people with under 50 posts. I WAS linking the observation of stupid questions to people having little post count and little time here on Zilvia. I do realize there are exceptions, and there are some experts on here lurking around with 2 posts.
My comment was a generalized one, and it was observing that:


And on a side note, that was Saturday night that I started this thread. I had just gotten home and I was drunk. Excuse me if the initial post comes off to you as a little harsh, but I was simply trying to spark a conversation about how to deal with this sudden "honda coming of age" crisis that we currently all experience here on Zilvia. I don't care what any of you say, I can bet that at one time or another, you have been fed up with this problem and have thought about doing something about it yourself.


05-16-2005, 05:25 PM
hey bro, what color is that on your car? that's the stock color right. looks like mine but i'm not sure what it's called. :rawk:


that would be the stock KG1.

stock doesn't suck :)

05-16-2005, 05:30 PM
the title fooled the hell outta me, thought i was gunna reat about some bugs...

05-16-2005, 05:51 PM
Hmm... Here's my view:
Newbs trying to learn: good
Newbs buying 240's and asking questions on their old honda forums: too retarded to even laugh at.
bandwagon jumpers: bad
bandwagon jumpers pretending to be Takumi and crashing their cars, meaning cool (but mostly stock) parts showing up in junkyards for me to buy cheaply: good for me.

No. What's worse than all the bandwagon jumpers on the forums are the ones on the mountains. This weekend, a couple friends and I drove up one of our favorite runs, and were sliding around the last corner when our headlights picked up over 15 CARS, all civics or mostly stock S13's, crowded with high schoolers, thumping music, with a couple girls in the bed of a pickup filming everything. Some of them were out in the middle of the road, kind of like the rally fans in GT4. :squint: It was like a touge rave or something, wtf.

05-16-2005, 07:11 PM
OMG I KNOW, I saw three 240s in one day a week ago. an s14 and 2 s13, and guess what, they were all old chinese men, and one girl. (I bet the old chinese men had like 23 posts combined, the girl I think was a troll. I could tell by her "baby on board" sticker, dead giveaway) This is getting out of hand, too many ricer wannabe commuters, I hate michigan, maybe ill move to Iowa.

05-16-2005, 07:36 PM
ricer this, newb that...

Hey, that was good for one post on the old ticker!

05-16-2005, 08:17 PM
Wtf Iowa is worse its full of hillbillies and rednecks no offense if you are one . I live 5 min away from Iowa so... don't. [\end of thread jacking]

I might start a "touge rave" sponsered by Q104-7. :keke:

05-16-2005, 08:31 PM
I saw a white "Touge Friends" car up at azusa. chased me, i slowed down, he crashed. I pulledover and talked to him.

"man, i should power-overed that last turn. You got me good."

I shutup, walked to my car, and did a peelout with the welded diff. Shot dirt, rocks, and other shit on his car. Retard... I feel bad for him.

05-16-2005, 08:39 PM
Thats cold maybe he thought he was Bunta.

05-16-2005, 09:06 PM
Hmm... Here's my view:
Newbs trying to learn: good
Newbs buying 240's and asking questions on their old honda forums: too retarded to even laugh at.
bandwagon jumpers: bad
bandwagon jumpers pretending to be Takumi and crashing their cars, meaning cool (but mostly stock) parts showing up in junkyards for me to buy cheaply: good for me.

No. What's worse than all the bandwagon jumpers on the forums are the ones on the mountains. This weekend, a couple friends and I drove up one of our favorite runs, and were sliding around the last corner when our headlights picked up over 15 CARS, all civics or mostly stock S13's, crowded with high schoolers, thumping music, with a couple girls in the bed of a pickup filming everything. Some of them were out in the middle of the road, kind of like the rally fans in GT4. :squint: It was like a touge rave or something, wtf.

That I agree with, all the places I used to go now are total busts now cause everyone and their mother has a s13 trying to slide around with an open diff. I can't even drive up to the run now with out getting pulled over and being told to turn around and go home. It only takes a handful or idiots to ruin it for everyone.

I saw this S13 the other day with cut out stickers that said shift_drift on it and AIC seat covers and some GIANT red looking stearing wheel and a skull shift knob. I so wanted to kick the car. Because it's probably that same idiot that slammed his car into a wall or tried drifting down Crenshaw Blvd to show off for his HS buddies.

Oh well I hear the rumor that the import car scene is dying and cars like the new mustang and GTO are gonna be the next big rave. ROCK on, I can't wait.

05-16-2005, 09:11 PM
You know that having a lot of posts could just mean that you have no life except for your obsession with your stupid car...

There's a place to draw the line people, complaining about there being too many newbs in the forum is just another example of having too much time on your hands. Realize that if you don't like that there are new people being drawn to your personal style of car, then you do withhold the right to SELL YOUR CAR and move on if it bothers you that much. OR you could not read this crap so much, then you wouldn't notice this, 'infestation' so much.

Just my .02

05-16-2005, 09:18 PM
It pisses me off that if it werent for the whole scene going on, a lot of people wouldnt give two shits about 240's. It seems to me people dont genuinely like the car, but rather they like to be seen in one. These IMO are the type of people making crap posts.

I cant stand "picture request" THreads. ARRRRRR that pisses me off. Or "name this body kit" threads.

FastBack 240
05-16-2005, 10:37 PM
Ive been a member since 02. Im sure 1/2 the people on here and some so called " Newbs" even know more then me. Who gives a shit.

05-17-2005, 03:51 AM
^^^^^ just wondering... is that you with flames on your chin??

Was that water the dood try to tosss or was that more alcohol and thought it was water :O !

Drunk Bastard
05-17-2005, 04:01 AM
^^^^^ just wondering... is that you with flames on your chin??

Was that water the dood try to tosss or was that more alcohol and thought it was water :O !
The drink was most likely a "Flaming Dr.Pepper"

Big Daddy
05-17-2005, 09:51 AM
I WAS NOT making an observation about all people with under 50 posts. I WAS linking the observation of stupid questions to people having little post count and little time here on Zilvia. I do realize there are exceptions, and there are some experts on here lurking around with 2 posts.
My comment was a generalized one, and it was observing that:


And on a side note, that was Saturday night that I started this thread. I had just gotten home and I was drunk. Excuse me if the initial post comes off to you as a little harsh, but I was simply trying to spark a conversation about how to deal with this sudden "honda coming of age" crisis that we currently all experience here on Zilvia. I don't care what any of you say, I can bet that at one time or another, you have been fed up with this problem and have thought about doing something about it yourself.

No worries bro. i understand where you were coming from. i was just giving a bit of my input as well ;) Plus it was helping my post count :D

Big Daddy
05-17-2005, 09:59 AM
the new people to zilvia take the "search" button too far... digging up posts that are super old... my friend told me he got a IM about some suspension parts that he was selling TWO years ago.. how crazy is that...
ok then my question is, if the thread is so old, and the parts were sold or what not. then why leave the thread open. why not close it?

Big Daddy
05-17-2005, 10:00 AM

that would be the stock KG1.

stock doesn't suck :)
Stock KG1 Cool thanks. that is the same as my car then. i love that color. :naughtyd:

05-17-2005, 11:02 AM
ok then my question is, if the thread is so old, and the parts were sold or what not. then why leave the thread open. why not close it?
Because that takes more work to close the thread than the common sense it takes to simply understand that a thread with parts for sale for over a month or 2 where the thread starter has not bumped the thread has likely seen the item sold already

Big Daddy
05-17-2005, 11:13 AM
Because that takes more work to close the thread than the common sense it takes to simply understand that a thread with parts for sale for over a month or 2 where the thread starter has not bumped the thread has likely seen the item sold already
Then that's just being lazy. not that hard at all. i'm a Mod on another forum and with my limited time for personal issues i still find the time to close a thread, especially if someone digs up the old thread without paying attention to it. a mod should step in and close at that point. just my .02.

Andrew Bohan
05-17-2005, 11:15 AM
i don't think most people know you can close your own threads.

Big Daddy
05-17-2005, 11:19 AM
i don't think most people know you can close your own threads.
and then there is that option as well.

05-17-2005, 11:23 AM
i don't think most people know you can close your own threads.
I agree, but then if people read enough to know that they could, then there likely wouldn't be a reason to have to, because no one would needlessly bump the already dead ones anyway

Big Daddy
05-17-2005, 11:51 AM
I agree, but then if people read enough to know that they could, then there likely wouldn't be a reason to have to, because no one would needlessly bump the already dead ones anyway

05-17-2005, 05:32 PM
i think post #s should be hidden so then people will fight less oover something as stupid as "seniority" on a freaking web forum, kinda nerdy...

05-17-2005, 05:40 PM
Yeah, that might work, but then the arguments would turn into being about join date

05-17-2005, 06:16 PM
I like post counts because it encourages people to post. Usally people with high post count usally research more about something and try it and tell you facts. Just means that they might know more than someone who has a lower post count due to them being a noob to the internet and not knowing how to look for the facts before posting something.

Like lets say someone has a post count of 500+ and someone has a post count of 30 maybe the 500+ knows more because hes read more and found that searching is the best way to learn something. With that searching he might get an idea and try it out then post some facts that are actually real. With a 30 post count guy he might post something which he has just heard and not from real experience which leads to just opinon.

Just to make this easier. Lets say some noob post up "how do these rims look" and they are the fn01s. The noob post "i want to get the ones with the +42 offset because they are cheap". People with more post usally read more so they answer "they'll look like shit". Then if someone with a not many post, hasent really been around that much... he cant really imagine in his head how does rims would look and he just says "that offset looked good in my honda accord so it should look right on a s14".

These are just post counts though now if you actually have experience dealing with stuff like this like if you work in a rim shop or have just learned a lot from other places then it dosent really apply right...

Just my .02 cents.

Andrew Bohan
05-18-2005, 02:12 AM
Just means that they might know more than someone who has a lower post count due to them being a noob to the internet and not knowing how to look for the facts before posting something.

i'd been using the internet for seven years before i joined nico (my first forum). just because they're noobs on the forum doesn't mean they're noobs to the internet.

05-18-2005, 02:22 AM
and just because posts counts are low doesnt mean they dont know shit. SOme ppl are jsut post whores and think that by posting more, it means they know more which is wrong. :spank: :spank: