View Full Version : FS: Last of the HIDs. H1 and H4 kits by Korzen.

05-11-2005, 02:02 PM
These are the last HID kits that I'll ever sell or import, so I figure I'll give Zilvia a shot at them before they go on Ebay this weekend.

These are complete kits, no cutting wiring or splicing anything. Plug and play. Everything is included. Ballasts, Ignitors, bulbs, and stuff to mount (sticky tape and zip ties). And instructions.. but you will not need them. The install is cake and takes ~5 minutes.

H1 kit: 6000K. White with slight blue tint.

H4 kit: 6000K.
H4 kit: 6500K. These are purple. Pic of them in my gf's cougar can be seen:

This pic taken with Silverstar High Beams on also. You can see that the blueish tint of the silverstars are so overpowered, they look dingy yellow.

Anyway, don't ask if I have other kits, sizes or colors. No, I don't and won't.

Price = $275+20 shipping.
Email = [email protected]
or PM/AIM me.

05-11-2005, 07:05 PM
got pic of the kit itself?

CO S13
05-11-2005, 07:35 PM
These are very nice kits. I have a set of these on my car and I love them. If I knew what the plans are for the FD headlights I would pick up another set from you.

05-11-2005, 09:17 PM
CO_S13, thanks for that. These are different kits, slightly. Made by the same company, imported from the same guy.. but that company made a few slight changes to the kit, and apparently changed names. These aren't the Kaixen kits that I sold. The bulbs are the same, just relabeled, but the ballast was changed. The Kaixen have an external ignitor, these are built into the ballast. That's the only difference between these kits.
Here's the pic to show the difference:
Note the external ignitor. Same connection - you just can't tell by the angle of the 2nd pic.



05-11-2005, 10:10 PM
are they low beam only H4?

05-12-2005, 11:26 AM
You got mail jeff

05-12-2005, 04:51 PM
are they low beam only H4?


05-13-2005, 07:13 PM
H1s are GONE.

H4 kits still available.

05-13-2005, 11:31 PM
Gotta make those HID bulbs shorter for the S13 Silvia front ends.......I would buy a set but they are too long...

05-14-2005, 06:04 AM
Didn't have an issue for any of the other 8 sets of H1s I sold to Kouki/silvia face owners. Doesn't really matter, the H1 kit is sold :(

05-14-2005, 11:57 AM
Ohhhhhhhhh what! Every H1 HID set I wanted to buy didn't fit because of the size of the bulb! JEFFFFFFF NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

05-14-2005, 12:12 PM
sent pm.................