View Full Version : Installed a Boost controller for a friend

04-04-2002, 02:46 AM
Well.  This is for a z31, but most manual boost controllers should be the same setup.
I cut the actuator hose, slipped the T-connector into it, ran a line into the boost knob, stuck the "orifice" bullet looking thing into the other end of the actuator.  Just like it says on the instructions.
But.  I think there is a problem with the knob adjustor.  It has an inlet and an outlet.  The inlet is for the 3rd hose off the T-connectore, and the outlet is for a "suction line".  What the hell is that?  Where do I find one?  
Basically I'm asking, where did you turbo people attatch the "suction line" to?
Thanks in advance!

04-04-2002, 08:19 AM
I'm really not sure with the manual controllers, but electronic controllers like the SBC Dual have two lines from the box that holds the solenoids- one to the turbo side, and one to the wastegate actuator side. There is also another smaller hose that runs to the manifold to keep tabs on MAP. If this line isn't hooked up, the controller won't work, because it has no gauge to take readings from! I don't know if your manual gauge has that, but that's the only light I think I can shed. I never use those manual controllers. Electronics are much more accurate and stable, not to mention flexible!

Good Luck!

04-04-2002, 02:26 PM
My guess would be to run another vacuum line from around the intake and stick it on the contoller and see what happens.