View Full Version : Real ID: You Can Still Fight It

05-09-2005, 08:00 PM
"This Tuesday, the US Senate is scheduled to vote on the implementation of a national ID card system. The Real ID Act is nothing less than a Real National ID Act. The only thing left to the individual states is to decide which pretty picture they will choose to put on the card: everything else will be controlled by Washington DC bureaucrats."



05-09-2005, 08:20 PM
Dear Mr. Senator,

Due to the fact that I am quite the pessimist it troubles me that the topic of a national id would even be a topic in our country. Like Nazi germany and their yellow stars, will all these religious groups be proven right by the passing of such a blatantly communistic bill? Fifty years ago the proposal of such a ridiculous idea would have gotten a man tarred and feathered.

will the next step involve computer chips surgically implanted in our bodies? laugh and call all these christian fundamentallists nuts but i say they're on to something. all it takes is one tiny step in the wrong direction. thats all hitler needed. pretty soon he had a whole country murdering jews for the sake of some arrogant ambition.

I'd like to think we are way beyond 1984... but i fear that i am wrong... and i fear that bills of this nature could indeed spark yet another american revolution.

Good day,

Douglas J

05-09-2005, 09:47 PM
Does anyone recall the utter bullshit that was apartheid in South Africa? Where one had to have a black book holding their identification and credentials that they were to be in a specified section of the township they reside in... This was too keep the ghetto people in the ghetto and so forth. Why do I see this not following far behind the implimentation of such a nonsensical national ID system?

05-09-2005, 10:14 PM
because if it came to that there would be another civil war... and i think the populous of the red states wins vs the blues.

it wont happen because if it does an impending doom will certainly be felt all throughout our country.

05-09-2005, 10:54 PM

to short

05-09-2005, 11:28 PM
politicians need to stop wasting our tax payer's money. You know how much this would cost to replace? Gosh do we really need something like this??? They really need something better to do.

05-10-2005, 12:43 AM
sometimes i cant wait for the nukes to hit us

05-10-2005, 01:47 AM
im with makoto .. too bad arabic ppl are the new jews isnt that some sort of irony... read a book about apartheid... some shit by mark mathabane... forgot the title.....

hmmmm im not ready for a computer chip.. nor a barcode tattooo or a retina scan...

but i am ready to move to the 209

Andrew Bohan
05-10-2005, 04:02 AM
i think there should be a national ID. most countries have a national ID, not ID from states, provinces, prefectures, whatever they have.

it should have the same info as a state driver's licence. nothing more, nothing less.

i was pretty pissed when i first moved to california and some places wouldn't take my washington driver's license for me to buy alcohol. that's just one reason.

people who check ID's often like at airports and such waste time looking for info on unfamiliar cards. a national ID would have the same info in the same place always.

05-10-2005, 07:15 AM
"sure, i don't mind a little theft of my own personal privacy so long as its convenient."

pretty soon they're installing telescreens in every room.

05-10-2005, 09:06 AM
um...why the fuck do you need a national ID? We already have passports to get in and out of the country, and interstate travel is a constitutional right....

Andrew Bohan
05-10-2005, 12:13 PM
the US and canada are the only countries i know of that have state/province ID's. there may be more, but i don't know about them.
anyways, why do we need that? national ID is fine. and passport is too big for people to have to carry around all the time. passport is for going to other counrties anyway

05-10-2005, 10:56 PM
i was pretty pissed when i first moved to california and some places wouldn't take my washington driver's license for me to buy alcohol. that's just one reason.

I get pretty pissed when they don't take my Oregon driver's license to buy alcohol. Then again, I'm 17.

sLip techniques
05-10-2005, 11:36 PM
hmm, well it could be worse we can have some crazy technology like in the movie minority report with the eye id scan.

05-10-2005, 11:44 PM
Ah well...fuck it...It passed 100-0. But, and I mean a really promising but, there is the possibility that states are threatening to challenge in court and even disobey new orders from Congress.

There is some concern among many states that they will be stuck with a large tab to pay for implementing the new rules and that getting a driver's license will become a bigger problem for law-abiding residents. Pretty much delaying the inevitable, until someone can get some dough to finance the entire system.



05-11-2005, 12:18 AM
I don't see the big hassle, yeah maybe it shouldn't nescessarily have religion and such on it but how bad is a national ID? It'd be a lot better than when you go out of state and your asshole liquor stores don't want to accept another states ID then also refuse a military id w/ it. Shit 1 national id is cool in my book, but just have this info: name, birthdate, hair, eyes, height, weight, blood type, donor (y/n), and a side profile and face picture, and address. just the nescessities to figure out who's who and such, no need for a religion to be on there, jobs, etc...

05-11-2005, 12:42 AM
It'd be a lot better than when you go out of state and your asshole liquor stores don't want to accept another states ID then also refuse a military id w/ it.
Unfortunately, I am a minority in this issue, in that I do not drink. So I cannot see that analogy applying to me, but good point. It is still a system that is not needed, and if it is...it is not for the reasons stated. Piggybacking is a very sly way of getting dirty work done.

05-11-2005, 05:40 AM
im more concerned right now with the michigan pricing law that may be overturned soon, we have to individually price every single item with tags and I work at home depot, we sell lots of small ass parts, but If I get done with this letter maybe ill start on another,

05-11-2005, 08:11 AM
So what do the millions of illegal aliens get? :jerkit:

05-11-2005, 08:21 AM
So what do the millions of illegal aliens get? :jerkit:
Construction and cleaning jobs, where they are (under)paid under the table, just like they are right now...

Andrew Bohan
05-11-2005, 10:31 AM
in california, illegal aliens can legally get drivers licences. don't ask me how. it's the most retarded thing ever. even more retarded than smog laws.

05-13-2005, 06:29 PM
So what do the millions of illegal aliens get? :jerkit:

A trip back across the border.

Americans doing the jobs our Government won't do.
Operating within the law to support enforcement of the law.


05-14-2005, 02:42 PM
hmm, well it could be worse we can have some crazy technology like in the movie minority report with the eye id scan.
Iris Scanning To Begin At Orlando International Airport

Associated Press | May 11, 2005

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Florida's busiest airport will begin using high-tech iris-scanning technology to filter out possible terrorists and add an additional layer of security, according to Local 6 News.

People at Orlando International Airport will have both irises scanned at special computers to determine their identity.

"This will be an additional layer of information that is enrolled, which will be biometric information," OIA director of security Brigitte Rivera Goersch said. "Employees irises will be enrolled for the additional layer of security."

The Airport Access Control Pilot Program or AACPP is a first of its kind, according to the report.

A person would be required to stand in front of a special mirror and have both eyes scanned.

"It has to verify both irises, not just one iris," Goersch. "Statistically it is very reliable. Iris scanners -- the technology of iris scanning -- is considered one of the most reliable biometric technologies."

"You know just like we did with the airplanes with the cockpit doors and air marshals and all of that kind of stuff," federal security director Art Meinke said. It is just another step to try to figure out what can we do better."

Local 6 News reported that the 90-day test could be expanded and eventually moved to airports throughout the nation
Interesting information how the National ID card could affect gun owners..

Here's your future:

* You walk into a gun store, fill out your 4473, and show your government ID just as you now do. But instead of looking at your license and taking down some information, the clerk runs the license (which is likely to contain a radio-frequency ID chip) through a scanner. Your purchase is instantly recorded in your _state_ drivers license registry. The federal government isn't currently allowed to keep a gun registry. But no problem; the Real ID act gives them an open door into your state records.

* Complete information on every firearm you buy will be instantly available to every police officer (and possibly every government employee, store clerk, or computer hacker) you ever encounter. You'll be an instant criminal suspect every time you deal with someone who has access to the database.

* Just as travelers are encouraged to get background checks and give fingerprints to avoid some of the worst excesses of TSA screening, gun owners will be encouraged to get background checks and give whatever biometric ID the Department of Homeland Security requires. This will be sold as a "benefit," ensuring you'll never again experience an "instant-check" delay. In fact, Congress, the ATF, or the FBI might even "mandate" 5-day or 15-day delays for anyone not enrolled in the "Trusted Firearms Buyer" program.

* The private purchase "loophole" will be closed, so that all gun buyers must make trackable purchases. (The ultimate goal is for _every_ purchase of every kind to be trackable.)

* Buying ammo? The store scans your national ID card and -- bingo! -- your purchase is registered in the state database.

* The federal government or state governments can now also _effectively_ legislate limits on the amount or kind of ammunition you're "allowed" to purchase. Try to buy more and the database instantly rejects you.

* The federal government or state governments can now also _effectively_ legislate limits on the number of guns you may own. Try to buy more, and the database rejects you.

* Eventually -- after the federal government "discovers" the obvious, that national ID won't stop either illegal immigration or terrorism -- the old attack on "evil guns" will resume. When they want your .50 BMG . they'll know just where to find it (because the Real ID act says your home address _must_ be revealed). When they want your evil "scoped sniper rifle" (you know, the one you hunt deer with), they'll know just how to get it. Ditto with you "Saturday Night Special" or your "assault weapon."

* If you don't surrender your guns, well, then the Department of Homeland Security will cut off your driving "privilege," as well as your right to escape the growing police state via plane. You'll be a prisoner in your own home, in your own country. Or you'll be forced to function as an outlaw, operating and living a precarious existence beneath the government radar.