View Full Version : BS tickets cops give you

05-07-2005, 12:20 PM
im bored and i was wondering what kinda BS cops give you guys.... me for example got a stupid ticket for having yellow headlights... i have silvia front end and my middle lights are yellow... according to the cop its suppose to be "amber" which is bs when i read the law it said it could be white or yellow....stupid cops...anyways what kinda tickets did you guys get... btw i never got a fix it ticket before... if i wanted to fight it.. how would i?

05-07-2005, 01:11 PM
We really don't need another "Cop Bashing" thread on Zilvia.

05-07-2005, 01:22 PM
A friend was following me to formula D nj, we were both in the left lane on the parkway, he wasn't tail gating me or anything, and we both were speeding. Cop gave us speeding tickets which is his job but he also gives us a racing on highway tickets which I completely disagree with and hopefully it will be settled in court.

05-07-2005, 01:54 PM
I got a "Driving While Black" ticket in 1998

05-07-2005, 02:36 PM
i got a assault w/ a deadly weapon charge that was totally BS back in 2002 cops suck

Andrew Bohan
05-07-2005, 04:37 PM
I got a "Driving While Black" ticket in 1998

i think you can fight it.

05-07-2005, 05:31 PM
My lawyer took that one for 50 bucks, I didn't even have to pay court costs

05-07-2005, 05:49 PM
im bored and i was wondering what kinda BS cops give you guys.... me for example got a stupid ticket for having yellow headlights... i have silvia front end and my middle lights are yellow... according to the cop its suppose to be "amber" which is bs when i read the law it said it could be white or yellow....stupid cops...anyways what kinda tickets did you guys get... btw i never got a fix it ticket before... if i wanted to fight it.. how would i?

oen time i got a ticket for speeding (passed the cop goin 90+ in an 89 olds) what a rippoff! another time i was speeding. i was ONLY going 18 over (what a bullcrap pile of donkey do). then i sped some more and got caught some more. in between all those tickets i've been given over 37 verbal and written warnings.

man, cops SUCK!

05-07-2005, 07:16 PM
Makato, Cali cops don't give written warnings and if they go through the trouble of pulling you over then you are going to get a ticket. So, if you where else where you would have 37 more tickets. In another light your Wright in your sarcasm I have never been given a ticket I didn't deserve.

05-07-2005, 09:58 PM
i got pulled over for nothing, popped my hood, they didnt find anything and in the end, after about 20 minutes of inspecting my engine bay as well as a WINDOW TINT test, they gave me a ticket for having no front license plate.

i never even got a front license plate

complete bullshit and profiling...this is in Rowland Hts near Life Plaza and it sucks having to live there with this kinda of crackdown

05-07-2005, 11:03 PM
but it IS in fact a law that you are required to have said license plate right>?

thought so.

i will rock sans front plate till i have exhausted every means short of huge fines and jailtime before even displaying a plate in my windshield.

to fight the man there is a price one must pay.

05-08-2005, 12:08 AM
Driving while black, whats the fine? Is it similar to driving while brown. I got a "cruise warning ticket" when i was lost downtown. I was trying to get over to a certain street, and since it was a big concert cops set up road blocks, so getting around wasnt that easy. Cop was in the middle of the street and flagged me down, Said he saw me drive by a couple times. Then issued a ticket.

05-08-2005, 01:11 AM
i kno a guy that got a ticket for having a college parking sticker (2"x2" sticker) in the bottom corner of his back window. said it was illegal to have that on his car because it obstructed his view.

05-08-2005, 04:05 AM
does ticket for exhaust count?!
anyways i was goin to work, right when i leave my house this cop starts to follow me and im rollin on a downhill then he turn on his lights. he pulled me over for exhaust but tell me y da ech he went to look for my front license plate?!grr... dats bs.. i wasnt revvin or anything he just saw my DD exhaust. and he put down my car as a 83 nissan pulsar..hahaha btw i drive a 85 corolla gts w levin conversion... wut a dick head... oh well shit happens

05-08-2005, 08:33 AM
If he put down pulsar and you drive a corolla, dont quote me, but Im pretty sure your in the clear. He fucked up, you no longer have to pay that ticket. Go to court and fight 'er till the end.

05-08-2005, 10:57 AM
oen time i got a ticket for speeding (passed the cop goin 90+ in an 89 olds) what a rippoff! another time i was speeding. i was ONLY going 18 over (what a bullcrap pile of donkey do). then i sped some more and got caught some more. in between all those tickets i've been given over 37 verbal and written warnings.

man, cops SUCK!

haha that sucks i live around that area i know how you feel

05-08-2005, 10:57 AM
If he put down pulsar and you drive a corolla, dont quote me, but Im pretty sure your in the clear. He fucked up, you no longer have to pay that ticket. Go to court and fight 'er till the end.

yep i think your right.

05-08-2005, 10:58 AM
ive been pulled over in my driveway, YES my own friggin driveway

reason? cops said me and my friend (he was the driver) cut them off earlier, which we didnt, they were dozens of yards behind us...then changed the story later, searched the car, and took one of our passengers into a holding cell for carrying a knife

my friend in the holdin cell asks them "do you like to pull over people for fun?" and the cops said "yup"

05-08-2005, 12:11 PM
I know how all you people feel. Damn cops for giving us tickets while we break the law. I hate it when i get a ticket for drifting in an empty parking lot. This one time I was speeding(106 in a 65) and this cop pulls me over. WTF!!! I can't beleive he gave me a ticket for going 94 in a 65. Cops are such ass holes. Or maybe you should just come to terms that when you do something stupid in your car, you might have to pay a price. As for people complaining that cops bug them all the time I find it hard to believe. I am in the USAF and move every two or threee years. Have dealt with cops in many different states and countries and have yet to get a ticket I did not deserve.

05-08-2005, 12:18 PM
If you find it hard to believe, then you haven't moved to the right places. Also, what color is your skin. Face reality.

05-08-2005, 01:09 PM
San Francisco downtown, Civic Center. Clearly nothing said no parking, there are regular cars parked on the street, and a cop rolled over. I asked him is it illegal to park here? He said no. So we parked. Went in the place and came out 5 minutes later with a parking ticket. Same cop rolled by again so I went up to him told him you said it's Not Illegal to park. Then he is ignored me and keep on driving around the block and issued two more cars tickets. Within the 15 minutes span I saw him issuing 3 parking tickets. Another family was arguing with him too. It was like almost end of the month, clearly he needs to finish off his ticket limit. It's just sad how he would trick ppl into getting tickets. Isn't the purpose to giving tickets in the first place is to provent ppl from breaking the law? Anywayz, I brought a camera at the store near by and took picture of the street and where I parked since there are no SIGN anywhere near saying no park and no painted curb I can just protest the ticket.

05-08-2005, 02:29 PM
Back in HS, there was a time that the faculty was complaining of the students doing burnouts in the parking lot. One morning cops wait at the only entrance to the school parking lot. The cops would either wave you by as you went in or tell you to pull to the side.

Well the cops only pulled over asian students in import cars, regardless if they were modified or not. They gave out tickets for tints(some ticketed had factory tint), loud music, no front plate, things hanging from rear view etc.. (anything they could find.) However the baja lifted trucks with oversized and no mud flaps didn't get pulled over.

After the cop finished ticketing me and my friend (in a 70's VW bug) the cop said "Tell your little friends to stop doing burnouts in the parking lot."

It was then that I actually got upset.

To top it all off, teachers refused to excuse tardy people due to the ticketing. So eveyone ticketed had detention. The detention hall that day was filled with asian students(this is a mostly white school)

I think part of it was just having no rights as a minor.

Yeah that was pretty wack. I think it was a pretty bad judgement call on admin and the cops.

05-08-2005, 02:49 PM
i got one for have lazy eye mod..

05-08-2005, 02:52 PM
i cant say it enough..thread after thread. it should be okay for me to kill cops(but only under good judgement)

05-08-2005, 03:52 PM
i got a carpool ticket along with front plate

sLip techniques
05-08-2005, 04:02 PM
hah, a SUV beach cop was tailgating me and when i turn to exit the beach (seal beach by the way) pulls me over and says why i didnt stop for the stop sign (there wasnt one) and how come i didnt signal? he was a dick, so whatever.

05-08-2005, 05:15 PM
should i fight it... i mean is only 10 bucks if i fixed...well not counting w the stock muffler dat i have to weld.. is it worth fightin it..

05-08-2005, 06:07 PM
I got a ticket for running a stop sign. $194 and I contested it in VT, and it got dropped. I think the judge wanted me. I got pulled over two days ago for passing a car on double lines which inst illegal but can count as driving to endanger, my exhaust, and my sticker was out of date. And I was going 70 in a 35 when i passed the car. I got a verbal warning from a ME state trooper. So my times getting pulled over, and no tickets I've had to pay yet.

05-08-2005, 11:51 PM
for passing a car on double lines which inst illegal

It's not...?

FastBack 240
05-09-2005, 01:22 AM
Don't do stupid shit and you wont get tickets.

05-09-2005, 12:31 PM
oen time i got a ticket for speeding (passed the cop goin 90+ in an 89 olds) what a rippoff! another time i was speeding. i was ONLY going 18 over (what a bullcrap pile of donkey do). then i sped some more and got caught some more. in between all those tickets i've been given over 37 verbal and written warnings.

man, cops SUCK!

Okay I really hope you aren't serious and are being sarcastic because 90+ is definatley ticketable to me, and 18 over is also deserved. And I don't know if 37 warnings is something to brag about that shows you are a pretty bad driver or you just drive like a total moron constantly, but thats just my 2 cents man.

I have been pulled over only 1 time and that was for having a headlight out on my 240...it was a sheriff and he came to my window and said "Did you know you have a headlight out?" (I didn't know honestly) and then he said okay well let me see your license anyways so I gave it to him and it took like 15 minutes for him to run me and then he came back and actually appologized for making me wait, and told me to have a nice night and fix it as soon as I could.

I have been pulled over with my friend multiple times in his cars (240 coupe, Buick Grand National built up, and his dads Corvette which is also built up)
one time when we were in the corvette we were just driving and a cop pulled a U turn and just started riding our ass so my friend was driving 15 in a 35 for like 5 miles then the cop finally pulled us over and asked why we were going so slow and he told the cop that he was letting him run his plates and didn't want to lose him haha....so the reason we really got pulled over was because my friend was doing dohnuts in a parking lot earlier that day when I wasn't with him.....so we get pulled over and I don't have my ID so they ask me my address and name and stuff and I give it all to them and I have an older brother so they are running all this crap on their computer and radio and then they come over and ask me to get out of the car and they cuff me and put me in the cop car and they start asking my friend who I am and what my name is because they though I was lying to them and saying I was my brother or something and then the cop actually told me I lied to him about my address (I asked if he wanted my physical or mailing address because I live in a small town where some people have P.O. Boxes so he said mailing I have it to him and the address on my liscense is my physical address. Either way I got let go and while I was in the back of the cop car, there were 2 other cops by the vette talking to my friend acting like they were his buddies saying stuff like "oh man this thing must be pretty fast" or "you must have been the guy doing burnouts this car is sweet" and my friend just told them he wasn't dumb and wasn't going to admit to anything and that he didn't know how to turn the traction control off haha.

Sorry that was a long story and probably really pointless but I am bored.

05-09-2005, 03:08 PM
Don't do stupid shit and you wont get tickets.

Like having brown skin ;)

05-09-2005, 07:55 PM
i got a warning ticket for reckless driving here in san diego. i was doing pretty big dnouts in this large empty dirt parking lot. he said if he could search the car and didnt find anything i could leave. i said ok.

FastBack 240
05-10-2005, 02:37 AM
Like having brown skin ;)

I got pulled over in Detroit by a African American police officer which was in a prodominatly African American area. Is this profiling if im white?

05-10-2005, 03:48 AM
I got a no front license plate ticket when my car was parked on the street between a long line of cars... when I looked at the time the ticket was issued, it was around 1am...! I mean, cmon.. it's parked in a residential area.. what if I took it off to wash my front plate?!

05-10-2005, 09:02 AM
Okay I really hope you aren't serious and are being sarcastic because 90+ is definatley ticketable to me, and 18 over is also deserved. And I don't know if 37 warnings is something to brag about that shows you are a pretty bad driver or you just drive like a total moron constantly, but thats just my 2 cents man.

none of which were in daylight, crowded areas, bad weather, residential areas, or heavy traffic OR for recklessdriving. open highway cruising... my foot is heavy and i am a firm believer that 65 on a texas highway is just too slow.

05-10-2005, 11:08 AM
well i dont know all the details but some black dude got shot 4 times by cops for not stopping so he wins and you all lose haha

oh yea this was in compton so you know this guy was a hardcore pimp/drugdealer/gangster/terrorist/supervillian/all around bad guy i cant wait for this guy to sue

05-10-2005, 01:39 PM
dammit just got a speeding ticket.. thats what i get for talking shit on cops and posting my car pic haha oh well more $ for califuckingfornia

05-10-2005, 01:53 PM
in all seriousness your car does look fuggin fast lol

05-14-2005, 01:00 AM
tickets..eh..what can you do...

05-14-2005, 02:46 AM
all you people who say "don't do stupid shit and you won't pull over" have never driven your cars in san diego or southern california in general. one time i was driving home from my friend's house, and there was a cop parked on the side of the road. there were about 7 cars behind me, so i though nothing of it. but next thing i know, he turns on his lights WAY back there, so i thought he was pulling someone over back there. but then, he made all 7 cars behind me pull over, then stopped behind me. the other cars left, and he said i had "blue parking lights". i have the stock amber parking lights. i tried to argue with him, but he wouldnt listen. he popped my hood and all that, didnt find anything, then gave me a citation for the parking lights and for no front license plate, when it was in my windshield. right after he pulled me over, he took off after a dropped prelude with exhaust that had just passed where i was pulled over. cops go after imports, regardless of who is driving.

and to be honest, the only cops that are cool with me are the minority cops. the black, mexican, and asian cops are really cool with me, and i'm white. it's the white cops who are dicks, regardless of your own skin color.

other cops are just plain stupid. my friend got pulled over with a redtop in his car, they popped his hood, and were looking at the passenger side of the engine for like 10 minutes. they went to the driver side (where the turbo is located), then went BACK to the passenger side and looked for 5 more minutes. then finally, they pointed at the filter that's attached DIRECTLY to his turbo and said "that's illegal unless you have a carb sticker". he got reffed for that =\

some cops are dicks, some cops are cool, some cops are just plain stupid. that's just how things are in this world we live in. i can't wait till our generation starts to become officers of the law ;]

sorry for the long drawn out reply.

05-14-2005, 11:12 PM
i got pulled over for being asian, i was in s14 with 2 of my friends and we got pulled over, we were guessin it was because of his exhaust, which is jus a axle back and wasnt loud at all, so he tails us for awhile n finally decides to pull us over, next thing we know there are 3-4 more cop cars behind us and they are all accusing us of being gangsters because we were wearin hats

this is pretty much our exact convo with the cop

cop: are u guys gangsters?
us: no
cop: do u know any gangsters?
us: no
cop: have u seen any gangster lately?
us: no
cop: who do u ROLL with? (with an attitude)
us: no one, we're not gangsters
cop: where u guys headed?
us: home
cop: where u guys live?
us: (named the city we live in)
cop: going to dave n busters?
us: ummm no
cop: then were are u headed?
us: umm home??

then my phone rang, n i asked nicely if i could pick it up(he heard it ringing) and straight up said NO(again with an attitude) i guess i understand why he didnt let me pick it up but he doesnt have to be an ass about it

then asked my friend if we had any ink, which we had no idea WTH he was talking about(now we know its tatoos), then he told us to take off our hats and my friend had a cambodia flag hanging on his rear view mirror n made him take it off, then after a few more minutes let us go, no ticket, didnt even mention the exhaust, jus wasted our time, and inforced a fuckin BS dress code in a free country

i admit there are nice cops, i've gotten an exhaust and headlight(i have blue HID on my s14) warning, i like talking to SOME cops, but alot of the others ones are the biggest assholes in the world, so all i have to say is F THE POLICE(some of them)

Drunk Bastard
05-15-2005, 04:00 AM

05-15-2005, 11:19 AM
delete sorry mod

05-15-2005, 11:19 AM
i was going home from a party at 3am

i was pulled over in fucking neutral and given a ticket for a "loud" exhaust and sleepy eyes. this was in baltimore co.

then when i got into the city i got pulled over ( this is 5 min later)
for my s13 jdm tag lol.

that was a shity night but i went drifting and made me feel better inside

05-15-2005, 07:02 PM
i drove around the block to my friends house and on the way back i stopped at a cross street to let a jeep wrangler take a left turn...instead of taking the left that he signaled for the car came straight up to me stopped right in front of me and a guy walked out...he walks over and then this is the convo:

guy: what the fuck are you doing?
me: nothing i was waiting for you to turn
guy: (takes off jacket to show police uniform) im a cop i could arrest you right now
me: for what i didnt do anything
guy: you couldve ran right into me
me: but i was stopped waiting for u turn
guy: what are u doing here?
me: i came to see tom
guy: i know tommy very well
me: thats nice
guy: where are you headed?
me: home
guy: if i see you fucking around here again im going to arrest you
me: but i didnt do anything
guy goes in car and drives away

this cops my friend toms neighbor....major asshole...i guess you can get arrested now for being nice...fuck him...

05-15-2005, 10:39 PM
i got pulled over for being asian, i was in s14 with 2 of my friends and we got pulled over, we were guessin it was because of his exhaust, which is jus a axle back and wasnt loud at all, so he tails us for awhile n finally decides to pull us over, next thing we know there are 3-4 more cop

they were probably the guys in high school who were fucked with all the time. so now behind the badge they feel like they are the shit. what i do is lower my self esstem for a few sec and let them feel like they have the power, they love that shit. i have gotten about 5 warnings and only 1 ticket in about 5 years of driving/racing/drifting

05-16-2005, 01:21 AM
harrold nd kumar ^^^

05-16-2005, 01:03 PM
I got pulled over in Detroit by a African American police officer which was in a prodominatly African American area. Is this profiling if im white?

Umm, it usually doesn't work out like that.

There's a police culture in where minorities are seen as sub-human and presumed criminals. If you are a minority and join the police, you become "accepted," as if you are somehow reformed or an exception rather than the rule. There has been a lot written about this oddity, I don't have the studies with me, but if you research it, you'll find it. There is also a scene in "Boyz in da Hood" that alludes to this as well.

Again is all generalities, please don't retort with "well I know a black cop, blah, blah, blah..." Not every cop fits the mold, but the culture exists, no doubt.

05-16-2005, 01:22 PM
I've gotten 5speeding and 3 wreckelss drivings in past 2 years and only one of the wreckless did I think was unessecary and could have been written as a lesser ticket. Otherwise I've deserved every ticket I've gotten. People do get BS tickets but its really really rare. Its safe to say that 99% of us if we got a ticket we were doing something wrong.

05-16-2005, 07:39 PM
I just got cited for:


You know this is the vehicle code that states cops should pull you over for DOING NOTHING.

05-16-2005, 09:37 PM
I have a question. How often do you get pulled over for your exhaust? Especially to those who have Apex'i Dual exhausts. I don't want to buy something that will cause me lots of trouble with the police department. I live in California btw.

05-16-2005, 09:58 PM
I have a flowmaster with no resonater. It's louder than most exhausts. I never get pulled over for it. And i have a roll cage and racing harness with blue padding on the cage. I feel confident accelerating past cops on the freeway sometimes. They dont really mess with me for some reason. It's probably cause the flowmaster doesnt give that annoying 4 cylinder noise and i dont have nice rims or a body kit.

05-18-2005, 08:26 PM
It's not...?
Not in Maine, they are merely "suggestions".

UPDATE: Got pulled over today for "visible emissions". My oil seals are toast and need to be replaced, but I have other shit that needs to be done first. Like a clutch, tires, cat, and of yeah, an inspection sticker.

05-19-2005, 03:10 AM

lets start with the reason I got pulled over tinted rear 3 and taillights without amber turn signals.
A: tinted rear three in NJ is legal as long as its not reflective or covers the 3rd brake light. None of that applies.
B: My turn signals have amber bulbs and look amber when turning.
C: failed inspection sticker (I still have about week but I didnt have the papers to prove it)
D: expired registration card
E: from the expired registration card they automatically decided my plates were fake.

Oh and they supposedly found pot but no chargers were pressed. FYI I dont smoke pot or cigarettes and have no clue where the supposed pot came from. The supposed marijuana they found in my car looked like green confetty

05-19-2005, 11:51 PM
I just got cited for:


You know this is the vehicle code that states cops should pull you over for DOING NOTHING.

is that a real code? that is a longgg code

05-21-2005, 03:10 AM
I have a question. How often do you get pulled over for your exhaust? Especially to those who have Apex'i Dual exhausts. I don't want to buy something that will cause me lots of trouble with the police department. I live in California btw.

I got the N1 Duels and have never gotten pulled over. ofcorse i dont rev it up around cops, truth is ive only gotten pulled over once in LAX and it was for no front plates and tinted windows. this was like at 5-6am in the morning how the fwk do you know if my windows are tinted... black interior too. Well she told me what was wrong got my info, came back and told me im not supose to have tinted windows and need a front plate. And let me go!!! She was a nice cop!

Then on my fwking street where i live in west LA there is this DUM FWK parking patrol that give's me a no front plate ticket every fucken time i pay the ticket. ive gotten 3 tickets. if i pay it early he gives me a new one early, if i wait the 21 days then pay he give me a ticket on the 22nd day.. that low life mofo. WTF!! i should wait for him one nite, cause the ticket is always around 3am and egg his fake cop ass!! :mephfawk:

05-22-2005, 10:43 AM
man..smellslikecurry and kouki s14...really..if they start shit like that..you don't really have to do anything...you can be dead silent..just get his badge Number..and report his ass..you have other people in the car thats listenin to all this...cops aren't suppose to do that..they say all that because they know your not gonna do anything bout it and just do what he or she ask..

05-22-2005, 03:06 PM
I know how all you people feel. Damn cops for giving us tickets while we break the law. I hate it when i get a ticket for drifting in an empty parking lot. This one time I was speeding(106 in a 65) and this cop pulls me over. WTF!!! I can't beleive he gave me a ticket for going 94 in a 65. Cops are such ass holes. Or maybe you should just come to terms that when you do something stupid in your car, you might have to pay a price. As for people complaining that cops bug them all the time I find it hard to believe. I am in the USAF and move every two or threee years. Have dealt with cops in many different states and countries and have yet to get a ticket I did not deserve.

Heres an example of how Northwest Arkansas is. Last December a buddy of mine got a new car,(BMW 850i) we immidiatly took it for a road trip. We drove over 3,000 miles, with no tags. Saw tons of cops, especialy in Albaqurque. The only place that we ever got questioned about it was in NWarkansas. Even border patrol in New Mexico didnt care. That should tell you how bad Arkansas is.

05-22-2005, 04:26 PM
man i regularly drive around town in my car with NO PLATES while passing cops and all that jazz. its usually to just take it to autozone or sumthin but still... a few times and no heat. this has gone on for about a year.

i think in rural areas cops tend to be a lot mroe relaxed due to the fact that people actually have project cars and stuff. this kinda kills that whole "cops hate imports" stigma eh?

05-22-2005, 07:42 PM
Heres an example of how Northwest Arkansas is. Last December a buddy of mine got a new car,(BMW 850i) we immidiatly took it for a road trip. We drove over 3,000 miles, with no tags. Saw tons of cops, especialy in Albaqurque. The only place that we ever got questioned about it was in NWarkansas. Even border patrol in New Mexico didnt care. That should tell you how bad Arkansas is.
I can understand makoto driving to autozone or something with no tags, but what dumbass does a 3k mile road trip w/o tags. I find it hard to believe that you saw tons of cops and even talked to border patrol w/o tags on a car, especially an 850i.... sorry but I gotta call bs on that. :bs:

05-28-2005, 12:56 AM
tonight i got a repair order from a cop that gave me a spoof repair order in November 04. I pullled off from a red light and got about 3 feet and he puts on the light, comes to my car and says," U dont have a aftermarket exhaust(yes i do) it too loud sir ill have to right u up. I got a 55 dollar ticket which ill pay and a repair order which ill pay someone and have stamped by some car buddie :x: .

Another night of hanging out with a 240 with a huge wing lol

05-28-2005, 01:11 AM
no ticket, but i was stopped at a light and a cop came up to my window. my front license plate is held on by zip ties, and i didn't bother to cut the ends off. they stick out straight in front of my car.

he asked me what was up with my license plate.
i said it was held on by zip ties.
he asked me why.
i told him i used to have it held on with bolts, but they kept falling off so finally i ziptied it right to the bumper.
he told me to cut the ends off and drove away.

besides that incident, i got pulled over for speeding and cop let me off with a view obstruction ticket (anything that hangs from your rear view mirror). that's pretty much it. be respectful and don't talk back like a smartass, and most cops will end up being pretty cool. maybe it's just my area? NY/NJ

05-28-2005, 01:25 AM
you said:
Heres an example of how Northwest Arkansas is. Last December a buddy of mine got a new car,(BMW 850i) we immidiatly took it for a road trip. We drove over 3,000 miles, with no tags. Saw tons of cops, especialy in Albaqurque. The only place that we ever got questioned about it was in NWarkansas. Even border patrol in New Mexico didnt care. That should tell you how bad Arkansas is.

and then Kevin said:
I can understand makoto driving to autozone or something with no tags, but what dumbass does a 3k mile road trip w/o tags. I find it hard to believe that you saw tons of cops and even talked to border patrol w/o tags on a car, especially an 850i.... sorry but I gotta call bs on that. :bs:

... and I agree with Kevin... I have been stopped on the way home from the DMV with the new registration sticker in the seat next to me, I have been stopped because the tag was in the back glass on the way home from the paint shop, I have been stopped in my caprice because the tag was flipped down leaving the gas stationm I have been stopped for some other shit that was completely invalid, but I have no choice but to call ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT when you say you took a 3k (that is THOUSAND on this planet) mile road trip and did not once get stopped... This story is as assinine as that bish at Wild Magnolia's that night that tried telling the guys and I that she'd once had 7 flaming doctor peppers without getting a buzz, let alone drunk

05-28-2005, 07:02 AM
besides that incident, i got pulled over for speeding and cop let me off with a view obstruction ticket (anything that hangs from your rear view mirror). that's pretty much it. be respectful and don't talk back like a smartass, and most cops will end up being pretty cool. maybe it's just my area? NY/NJ
no its not just your area, its just that a good majority of people are too immature/assinine to realize that if you treat cops with respect they tend to be pretty chill usually....

as for the incidents phlip mentioned... I was riding shotgun w/ my buddy in a late 80s/early 90s body camaro and we got pulled over for having the tag down, small county, cop taught us senior high DARE, walks up says "Hey tony, how are you?" blah blah blah, walks to the back flips the tag up and says have a good evening, and to corroborate w/ your stories he was the backup at another traffic stop about a 1/4 mile down the road when we passed him with the tag down, he apparently got into his car and caught up with us cause I guess one of the first things they are trained to look for is the tag/reg stickers....

05-28-2005, 11:59 PM
Lol so yesterday i was in my cousin's car with him driving, and a cop pulled us over.
Cop:Do you know why i pulled you guys over?
Cop:(talking to cousin)your buddy there didn't wear his seatbelt.
Us:oh but officer we were wearing the seatbelt.
Cop:well it doesn't matter, it looks like he has it under his arms, which is NOT allowed.
Us:oh alright, we didn't know that.
Cop(instead of letting us go with a warning...)here's your ticket, wait for us to send you mail.

You know what's gay? Cops don't even need a good reason. Whether they are right or not, they give out like random tickets. Most cops don't just pull people over accusing them of something, then suddenly change it to something else cuz he wasn't right about the first one.
Sucks for me..heard it was like 500 bucks too. Damn.

05-29-2005, 02:18 PM
Lol so yesterday i was in my cousin's car with him driving, and a cop pulled us over.
Cop:Do you know why i pulled you guys over?
Cop:(talking to cousin)your buddy there didn't wear his seatbelt.
Us:oh but officer we were wearing the seatbelt.
Cop:well it doesn't matter, it looks like he has it under his arms, which is NOT allowed.
Us:oh alright, we didn't know that.
Cop(instead of letting us go with a warning...)here's your ticket, wait for us to send you mail.

You know what's gay? Cops don't even need a good reason. Whether they are right or not, they give out like random tickets. Most cops don't just pull people over accusing them of something, then suddenly change it to something else cuz he wasn't right about the first one.
Sucks for me..heard it was like 500 bucks too. Damn.

Sucks for you also, when you get in an accident while wearing that seat belt tucked under your arm. I thought only children did that, complaining that seat belts are "uncomfortable." :-/ Hah, it's like the tv commercial says, cops write tickets to save lives. ;)

05-29-2005, 02:35 PM
Funny thing is, i've been wearing my seatbelt like that since i was born, no one ever told me it wasn't allowed lol. Coulda at least given us a warning..

I also got a big ass cut on the top of my right shoulder from a bike accident, which gives me a reason to wear it under my arms. You think i got a chance in court? And how much is the fine?

05-31-2005, 11:02 PM
dude....i got a not yeilding to pedestrians....this was 2 years ago.........my 240 was bone stock and a mustang nxt to me was revving for some odd reason. still in high school off to lunch, i was making a right turn. he said i pushed my way through the kids....but ummmm i dont think its possible to just push someone outta the way in a car. stupid ass cop. he was the school resource officer too >_< got one point for it

06-01-2005, 02:44 PM
You think i got a chance in court?
Probably not.

And how much is the fine?
No idea. :(

06-04-2005, 08:10 PM
anybody can get a loud exhaust ticket, my roommate got one in his lifted ranger here in san diego.

but I also drove a camaro with my exhaust sawzalled right before the cat for about 3 months with no pull overs, just got a warning for driving like a douchebag one night.

Got stopped for screeching my tires comin around a corner pretty fast by my school, and got a ticket for not having my insurance with me and for not having a front plate.

06-05-2005, 12:40 AM
Get a Valentine 1 people!!
And always be on the look out.

06-17-2005, 07:43 PM
i just got one for waving my friend was behind me taking his exit so i reached through the sunroof to wave good bye when a cop turns on his lights and pulls me over.
cop; licence and reg
me; the reg is in the back while geting it
cop; why
me; had to get at the ecu so i moved the glove box
cop; what you just throgh out the windo there
me; nothing i was waving to my friend
cop; rols eyes but then gets a call that there was an accident down the raod so he has to go but not before yelling at me to fix the car