View Full Version : Car Stolen!

05-06-2005, 06:24 PM
Hey all,

My car got stolen in Berkeley last night. It is a 1993 Nissan 240SX Coupe Dark Green. It is dumped on 16" gold SSR formula mesh wheels. Dent on right rear quarter panel, some peeling clear coat on the rear bumper. Black Sparco Speed on driver side. Mods include a Blitz SBC i-D Boost controller, old school apexi intake, custom dp, tein he's, alpine deck, greddy shift knob, c's shortshifter, so if you guys see any of that stuff for sale please let me know. Please keep an eye out for anything, especially the rarer stuff like the shortshifter and the wheels.

05-06-2005, 07:07 PM
hope you recover your car soon man!

Jonnie Fraz
05-06-2005, 07:10 PM
That is weak.. good luck getting it back.
Low Jack

05-06-2005, 09:39 PM
I'm never moving to California

05-06-2005, 09:50 PM
i feel sorry for u... hope u can get yr car back sooner

05-06-2005, 10:38 PM
This remineds me of my best friend. He is a retard. In 9th grade he stole a peice of crap faded doodo-brown Dodge Omni. The funny thing was he drove it around for two weeks, he thought it was his car. I go to house and he's in the car armoraling the dash of that peice of crap as if it was his new car. After two weeks of driving, he parked on the side of the street in a neighborhood near our school. Once school was over, he goes to the car, and as soon as he touches the door handle, three cops come running from out the woods. He had blood coming down his head from being smacked with a bigass Maglight. Which the cops got introuble for, and he got off on a lesser charger. I thought that insedent was funny as crap, and it aplies to your situation aswell. Think about it as this, those thives best case senerio: they get to drive for two weeks, the get smacked by a maglight, and you get your car back, plus comission.

05-06-2005, 10:55 PM
I park my car at a train station here in Bartlett, IL. and some mufflucker has tried to break into it. you can see a screwdriver was being jammed into the rear hatch key lock and driver's side key hole. assholes.

i hate people who try n deprive people of what they WORK for. damn monkey terdz. but good luck forsaken on the car, I'll keep an eye out for the parts online...

05-06-2005, 11:03 PM
Is this the same car I saw a "heads-up" post for on Craigslist?

05-07-2005, 12:42 AM
"Battleship Celica Darkvader" 's Never get stollen.

05-07-2005, 02:32 AM
yeh, his frend posted on Craigslist too... man i feel like i was robbed too! I was just sitting in that car a few days ago dammit! I hate theives... no honor or respect... too bad if u shoot em, u go to jail [know sumone who did]... KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THE BASTARDS!

05-07-2005, 06:54 PM
yea that was the same thing on craigslist. and the other post about a stolen coupe is the same too, heh my friend went a little overboard... thanks for the condolences tho.

05-07-2005, 07:32 PM
that sucks...hope you recover your car.

drift freaq
05-09-2005, 10:45 AM
I'm never moving to California
its not just cali its starting to happen all over the country. The more popular our cars get the more they are targets. I fee bad for the guy, but you have to realize, that the guy had some nice parts on the car that were in plain site, i.e. the seats and wheels. For most kid car thieves, thats enough to take the car. Especially in Berkeley which is right next to Oakland i.e. lots of barrio/ ghetto thieves. Plain and simple people, if your going to put expensive parts on your car and park it outside you need to get at least a crazy alarm and most likely the real deal Low Jack!! At least with Low Jack the cops can track the car and catch the thieves in a timely manner and possibly recover your car intact.
anyways my condolences to the guy.

05-09-2005, 12:02 PM
Already posted this in the other thread, but I should do it here too. My car was found in Newark, CA completely stripped. Motor, suspension, wheels, interior, everything gone. :wtc: As of now Im done with the 240 world. I really dont like the way its gone in the past few years and I dont really want to go back to it.

05-09-2005, 02:10 PM
^^ that's funny, all the cars on the east coast that get stolen end up in Newark, NJ stripped.

05-09-2005, 03:27 PM
ill keep an eye out for it man, i feel your pain....sigh

05-09-2005, 03:54 PM
^^ that's funny, all the cars on the east coast that get stolen end up in Newark, NJ stripped.
heh, i was thinking of that too when i was posting that... but get this, they left ONE wheel :confused:

05-09-2005, 06:41 PM
Really sucks, i dunno what I would do if this happned to me. but ey the wold is a cruel place

05-13-2005, 03:08 AM
Hey all,

My car got stolen in Berkeley last night. It is a 1993 Nissan 240SX Coupe Dark Green. It is dumped on 16" gold SSR formula mesh wheels. Dent on right rear quarter panel, some peeling clear coat on the rear bumper. Black Sparco Speed on driver side. Mods include a Blitz SBC i-D Boost controller, old school apexi intake, custom dp, tein he's, alpine deck, greddy shift knob, c's shortshifter, so if you guys see any of that stuff for sale please let me know. Please keep an eye out for anything, especially the rarer stuff like the shortshifter and the wheels.

Sorry to hear about your car bro. If by chance the police should happen to recover it, kindly ask the officer that notifies you that your car's been recovered if you can get your car checked for fingerprints. Also call the detective that's assigned your case & ask him the same thing...if you can get your car checked for fingerprints. It has been my experience that if you car wasn't stolen just for joyriding, then it was stolen specifically for stuff on or in your car, body kit / rims & tires / stereo etc. Check all the pawn shops in the area along with the newspapers, Recycler/Autotrader etc for that area. Most criminals are stupid...they will either keep the stuff for themselves & use it on their car, sell it to a pawnshop or advertise it somewhere for quick cash.
If the cops ARE able to recover fingerprints off your car, then there is a good chance that they might be able to find the dirtbag that stole your car in the first place. Just make sure you followup with the detective every so often & ask him about the results of the fingerprint search.
Hope this helps...
PD Crime Scene Tech

05-14-2005, 10:01 AM
kindly ask the officer that notifies you that your car's been recovered if you can get your car checked for fingerprints.

It's a sad fucking state of affairs when the VICTIM has to badger the police to do their job...

My CBR600 was stolen several years ago and I'm still pissed about it. I remember my conversation with the detective:

Him: "Forget about it. It's a write-off -- call you insurance company and let them handle it."

Me: "I didn't have theft coverage on the bike."

Him: "..."

It would be nice if law enforcement vigorously policed these sorts of crimes. Unfortunately, car theft is very low on most agencies' agendas: Terror and Drugs are much bigger federal/state funded cash cows.

Although I do pay $10 per year 'Law Enforcement Fee" through my insurance, I seriously wonder where that money goes...

93 Coupe
91 SE-R

05-15-2005, 02:31 AM
It's a sad fucking state of affairs when the VICTIM has to badger the police to do their job...

That's not it....there is sooooo much shit going around & not enough money/resources to handle it that the cops are too busy running around trying to handle stuff incident by incident. Unfortunately there will never be enough money or cops to handle it all. People throughout history have always been doing stupid shit, regardless of the existence of laws. Cops can only do so much....

It would be nice if law enforcement vigorously policed these sorts of crimes.
Unfortunately, car theft is very low on most agencies' agendas: Terror and Drugs are much bigger federal/state funded cash cows.

Cops DO investigate these sort of crimes...problem is, they need evidence to take to court. Remember your Civics/Government class and your Constitutional rights. The accused have the right to hear the evidence against them. Even though a cop can take the results of a criminal investigation to a District Attorney and ask for a prosecution, ULTIMATELY it's up to the District Attorney to file a case. No evidence, or not enough evidence...no case. And even after a case has been filed by the District Attorney, a judge can still toss a case. Somebody was asleep in their Civics/Government class that day eh?? hahahha....

Crimes against people will ALWAYS get priority over crimes against property. You can replace a car.....you can't replace a life.
Although I do pay $10 per year 'Law Enforcement Fee" through my insurance, I seriously wonder where that money goes...
93 Coupe
91 SE-R
Then ask!!!....Worse thing that you can allow to happen to you is to let your local State legistator write a bill & expect you to pay for it. Taxation without Representation.....All that $10 bucks is doing is making the insurance industry richer....Go raise some hell!!

Anyhow, that's my opinion....it may be wrong or right at the moment or it may change later but I'm entitled to one....that's what make America so great.

Crime Scene Tech

Cliff notes: Car gets stolen...ask for fingerprints when found. Followup with detective every so often. Detective CANT track every case NOR is results of evidence testing available immediately, but with time answers come in. Just be patient and remember to followup.

06-09-2005, 09:02 AM
Well theres a car thief thread in the local section maybe you want to read.
