View Full Version : help on brake

05-06-2005, 04:11 AM
my rear brake has squeek noise all the time and it is driving me nuts. It is very loud and it is there all the time (high pitch squeek) It also made my car as a head turner in parking lot, that people were turn around and curse at me.

I took out the brake and checked, the pad and the disc are looks like new. I cannot figure out the problem what is it? I noticed the brake pad didnt have brake shim, is it normal? It is a 90 fastback. I checked my friend's 90 fastback and he didnt have brake shim too, but his brake is quiet.

please help, thanks

05-06-2005, 05:28 AM
hahahahaha........curse back, ive got ceramic pads and they squeak a little bit before they get hot, ive never been cursed at though ;). Put a shim on the pad, see if that helps, or just change pads and turn rotor.

05-06-2005, 10:05 AM
ok, so i suppose have brake shim on my brake? only ceremic pad make noises? thanks for the fast response

05-06-2005, 11:07 AM
did u put that glue thing to hold the brake pad in place? Or you could just drive it around for a while and hope the noise goes away. And the shim will help if you dont have it.