View Full Version : newb qeustion on how to post pics

05-04-2005, 02:24 PM
Im stupid im sorry i went to the FAQ and i still dunno.. can i post pics takin from my digital camera put onto my computer and post them on here? or does the pics HAVE to be hosted by a website or something.. if i can how do i type it in..? ex [img]pictures/240sx/pic001fmic[img]?? im confused im sorry but im an idiot.

05-04-2005, 02:31 PM
Zilvia will host your pics if you add them to the gallery, or if you purchase a Premium Membership and put your pics in Members rides. Otherwise you must host them on a different site and then post them here. I recommend using www.imageshack.us . Then post the link as:
Your image link.
Next time search a little harder, I know for a fact this is covered numerous times, and it's also not a CHAT question.
