View Full Version : Opinions on this mix-mach kit?? Would it Flow? VS 1 + Yasho Sides + Zenki Valance

05-04-2005, 12:37 PM



I'm a huge fan of this car...he's running a GP sports front bumper, with yashio factory sideskirts and zenki valance in the rear???

IMO this kit flows well....however what is everyones opinion on this setup with a Version Select I front bumper instead of the GP sports??? Would this look agressive yet clean at the same time??? I'm looking to attain a look that has elements of the 'drift' style but reamain smooth and sleak like a touring car...

Opinions please...while I still have the Version Select I bumper + Sideskirts + Zenki Rear valance in mind, I'm kinda diggin the Yashio/Nismo Knockoff sides...(I loath the VS rear bumper...yuck!!)

05-04-2005, 12:43 PM
front = sharp
sides = sharp
rears = round

which does not belong?

also ihmo the sides are just plain ugly


05-04-2005, 12:48 PM
^^^ what he said.

I don't like sides with vents or holes in them, bleh.
But I have to say the mirrors are by far the worst thing on that car...

05-04-2005, 01:38 PM
So you'd both suggest perhaps to stay with the VS 1 sideskirts???

Kouki KA-T would you be able to email me pics of your [email protected] army network sucks and won't let me view certian pictures that are on blocked photo host sites

05-04-2005, 01:41 PM
I have a friends bumper, zenki sides and rear valance and I think it looks clean. That red car would look beter with zenki sides. I dont mind when it doesnt have a rear bumper cause i think the stock one is nice.

05-04-2005, 02:01 PM
front = sharp
sides = sharp
rears = round

which does not belong?

also ihmo the sides are just plain ugly


I disagree. Simply because that describes a Kouki in general, not just that kit. What would look good is a rear valence that is a bit more sharp at the bottom.

I think that car is well done, except for the mirrors...a little too much.

Second, I don't think Zenki sides would look better, but worse.

05-04-2005, 02:01 PM
I prefer full matching kits, since they were designed to be used together, the lines match up and everything looks right. That being said, the red S14 looks ok in that... "touring car" sort of way. It would be better with a huge diffuser fit under the rear bumper! Just get a full VS type 1 kit, it would look a lot better.

IMHO p11driver's black S14 in his sig looks like a pile of donkey shit. Nothing lines up or matches, its got a 4x4 lift kit, and ugly wheels. =)

05-04-2005, 02:13 PM
what was the pont in bashing another persons car.. anyway i think stock looks best..

Buffalo Daughter
05-04-2005, 02:55 PM
front = sharp
sides = sharp
rears = round

which does not belong?

also ihmo the sides are just plain ugly


are you saying yashio factory sides are ugly? TRIPPIN. Those are some of THE best sideskirts that look nice. I think if the front and sides flowed nice you would have to go with a rear that would even them out. The red kouki pictured is nice but the rear doesnt really flow with it.It does because it peaks up but but it would be even nicer if it have a like a jdm rear bumper or like i said something that flowed nice with the lines of the kit. The valances sort of just dissappears. Kind of like half assing it. Like you got peices of a rear but not the whole. You get the picture.

05-04-2005, 03:00 PM
i havent seen that car in a while, but yea it looks like it flows good

05-04-2005, 03:07 PM
go full gp sports

05-04-2005, 03:17 PM
man... for all we know, those could be NISMO style knock off side skirts, or even the real GP sports, they all look the same simular style.. blah

who cares. that car works

05-04-2005, 03:21 PM
Like I said, my opinion. I'm not a huge fan of most aftermarket kits, but worst would be mixing and matching OEM aero with aftermarket aero IMHO. Subtle doesn't go with that flared out, ground scraping stuff most aftermarket kits sport.

As you can see from my personal taste, I'm a big fan of urethane. Personal preference: very few kits will ever match a car as well as OEM aero, and I don't really care people say its "only" stock....

But if you like it, buy it. Your money. If you want to only buy stuff that I will like, well, let me have your credit card.

05-04-2005, 06:50 PM
IMHO p11driver's black S14 in his sig looks like a pile of donkey shit. Nothing lines up or matches, its got a 4x4 lift kit, and ugly wheels. =)

:squint: my weak springs on the tanabe coilovers wont allow me to lower it anymore in the rear. I think the bumper lines up with the sides, and thats why its on my car.

05-04-2005, 07:27 PM
what was the pont in bashing another persons car.. anyway i think stock looks best..
Because i think it is fucking ugly. Plus it makes me feel better about myself.

05-04-2005, 07:28 PM
:squint: my weak springs on the tanabe coilovers wont allow me to lower it anymore in the rear. I think the bumper lines up with the sides, and thats why its on my car.
What coilovers?? Were they made for a Jeep Cherokee? Jeez, its higher than stock man! You gotta be tucking rim in the rear!!!

05-04-2005, 07:37 PM

I think that looks absolutely hot. The only things I would change:

Zenki Sideskirts

OE or Gandorf or whatever mirrors

No decals

Then it would be perfect. From the side it looks great. I don't know what Zenki kids are complaining about with the kouki being to sharp for the smooth body, I think it looks awesome.

05-04-2005, 07:43 PM
What coilovers?? Were they made for a Jeep Cherokee? Jeez, its higher than stock man! You gotta be tucking rim in the rear!!!
the coilovers are tanabe sustec pro. Do you think i want to raise up my s14 and go offroading?! I did drop the car and everytime i pulled onto my driveway, the spring would fall out of place because theyre not long enough.
if hating on my car makes you feel better, then i feel bad for you.

05-05-2005, 06:12 AM
front = sharp
sides = sharp
rears = round

which does not belong?

also ihmo the sides are just plain ugly

I think those sides are great. They are one of the best I think. Now I hate the front....

05-05-2005, 10:20 AM
the coilovers are tanabe sustec pro. Do you think i want to raise up my s14 and go offroading?! I did drop the car and everytime i pulled onto my driveway, the spring would fall out of place because theyre not long enough.
if hating on my car makes you feel better, then i feel bad for you.
..... I dunno how you are operating your coilovers. I assume then, by the fact you have springs flying everywhere, that you are not running a height-adjustable coilover. GOD OH WHY!!! FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS!! FOR HUMANITY!!

Fuckit, do what you want with your car, i'm just noticing in your sig you are "Drifting". Well, take some kind advice from someone with some sort of credibility... dump the shit out of your car with some REAL coilovers. I'm telling you this... Koguchi told me that. "Koguchi-san how low should the car be?" "Until you hit something." If you don't trust my 3+ years experience, trust his 15+!!!

05-05-2005, 11:19 AM
How low in comparsion would hte Zenki sides compare to the Yashio factory ones??? Would they too match up with the VS front, or should I Just go with the VS front and sides???

05-05-2005, 11:22 AM
How low in comparsion would hte Zenki sides compare to the Yashio factory ones??? Would they too match up with the VS front, or should I Just go with the VS front and sides???
Didin't we go over this? Zenki sides won't come close to matching up. Def. get the v:S sides and front. And imo rear, but at LEAST the sides and front.

05-05-2005, 12:12 PM
For all. . . Those mirrors are known from Craft Square... Yes the Original development promoted off of the NOB HKS S15, great addition to any Zenki/Kouki chassis. . . Focus

05-05-2005, 01:42 PM
..... I dunno how you are operating your coilovers. I assume then, by the fact you have springs flying everywhere, that you are not running a height-adjustable coilover. GOD OH WHY!!! FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS!! FOR HUMANITY!!

Fuckit, do what you want with your car, i'm just noticing in your sig you are "Drifting". Well, take some kind advice from someone with some sort of credibility... dump the shit out of your car with some REAL coilovers. I'm telling you this... Koguchi told me that. "Koguchi-san how low should the car be?" "Until you hit something." If you don't trust my 3+ years experience, trust his 15+!!!
as you can see here, http://www.upgrademotoring.com/performance/tanabe/pros-sII_sus.htm , the s14 can only be lowered 1 1/2" in the rear. Which is what i have it at. Believe me if i could i would love to have my car on the floor. Im not happy with the way it looks in the rear, buti cant afford new springs or coilovers.

on topic, i think the yashio sides look very similar to the ones on the gp sports kit.
codyace, i think it will look fine with those sides and the vs front bumper. if you like it do it :)

05-05-2005, 01:58 PM

OMFG ma!!! Killer Transformer is back! killer robots!!

sorry dont flow at all. yuck

05-05-2005, 02:06 PM
zenki aero won't look right with aftermarket aero. They are made a little shorter than aftermarket. Get jdm front aero bumper and zenki sideskirt. You can lower ur car little more too without worry too much about being not streetable.