View Full Version : tein tie rod install locktite?

05-03-2005, 02:59 PM
Ok, so I read through Dousan's tie rod install walkthrough, and found the other thread talking about the lock plate, but I've also read a bunch about having to use loktite when you install the new tie rods (I'm waiting for mine to get here).

So, in looking through the FSM I think I found the part that talks about the locktite...in the ST (Steering) section, page 20, step #17, it says to apply locking sealant to the inner tie rod threads (that go into the steering rack) after you've replaced the locking plate.

Is that where the locktite goes?


05-03-2005, 04:09 PM
i never put loctite on mine
ran for 2.5year w/o it
neverhad any problems
and no locking nut thing either. did thesame for my s14..noworries. just tighten it nice and good. and i did hand tight, no torque'n tools

lock plate wont work w/ the inner tie rod spacers! so thats outof the question

loctie goeson the threads that thread into the rackkkkkkkkkkkk

05-11-2005, 10:03 AM
yeah, so i'm doing my tie rods now and i'm having a hell of a time getting the inner part off of the damn rack...i pulled back that locking plate already too...maybe i'll have to hit the plate harder...i'll be back with progress

05-11-2005, 01:05 PM
yeah, so i'm doing my tie rods now and i'm having a hell of a time getting the inner part off of the damn rack...i pulled back that locking plate already too...maybe i'll have to hit the plate harder...i'll be back with progress

Make sure you put a crescent wrench around the rack when you are loosening the tie rod that way you aren't putting any stress on the rack internals.