04-04-2002, 01:49 PM
I noticed that alot of people purchase JDM parts from ebay and such so I wanted to throw this site out there for everyone to check out Here (http://www.japanupdate.com) Its Japanupdate's website. Its a local newsbulletin that comes out once a week in Okinawa and they have a pretty nice classified section with a section just for auto parts. You can find some nice things for cheap there like stock silvia and 180sx parts. If you can get hooked up with some of the guys overthere you can have stuff shipped for a pretty good price because the military runs the USPS out there. Shipping from there is pretty cheap as long as you keep the item under 70lbs and under 70inches in combined lenght and width. You can't get fenders and stuff but you can get the little stuff like turbos and rims and whatever. I just wanted to throw that out there for anyone who was interested.