View Full Version : Vendor Press Release Section? Advise Plz!

04-29-2005, 02:40 PM
I think this is a good idea, and another perk for advertisers here. I don't really have a firm grasp on how it would be implemented, but it would surely stop a thread like this:

It was ASpec's idea, but I really like it. I think one way to do it is to allow everyone to view, only vendors to post (to eliminate a "Hey! New Product!" thread from turning into a sales pitch). This would allow new inventory items to be showcased, or announce reciept of a much awaited product (MR coilovers, the S14 AEM EMS, other big-news items).

Ideas? I'd like user, advertiser, and mod/admin feedback on a system like this bieng implemented.
And... sorry about posting that link and then spotlighting it. But it helps my point. I'm not trying to drag vendor's through the dirt anymore.

04-29-2005, 02:47 PM
I think it's a great idea. You should set ground rules like contact info and such should be included in the first post.

04-29-2005, 03:10 PM
I think any parts that come FOR SALE should be in the sale or GB section.

But, any new product that comes on the market for the 240 would be nice to know about. I would like to see no sales pitch attached("we got 50 in","only $19.95"). Cause some vendors sell the same thing or competing product and might get their toes steped on. I would say make another post in For Sale or GB with the pitch.

I would like to see a 240sx News fourm were only advertisers and Mods can post. A normal user can post a new product too and then we'll move it.

A Spec Products
04-29-2005, 03:41 PM
I would like to see a 240sx News fourm were only advertisers and Mods can post. A normal user can post a new product too and then we'll move it.

It's nice to see that something good came out of that mini fiasco. My apologies, I wasn't trying to start something, but it was just something I felt like voicing since last time DriftFreaq said something last time and yet it happened again. I wish success and profit for all vendors, but we're all grown men so let's play fair.

I think that a press release or news forum would be a good idea, because we often get in parts that are of interest to members, but we don't want to group buy it, or maybe we just have one of them. The only thing that I forsee as a problem is how many times we can post per period. There should be a set limit, but I'm not sure how you can police that or limit it. I kinda see it turning into a "look at my wares i have for sale today" kinda thing if not done respectfully.

This forum would also be good, as we could post news about our company, and what we're doing, our project cars, meets, and the like. I think this might also help to add to the validity of a company, and eliminate those doing shady business or working out of their dorm rooms. I'd suggest to throw it under the Marketplace section, maybe call it "Vendor News / Events."

Thanks mods, we need more boards like Zilvia. :brownnose:

04-29-2005, 03:53 PM
I would say it would have to be new to market. Ether brand new or new to the US. Like "Product X is finaly out" or "We finally imported Y." Anything else should be in GB or FS(if only one).

04-29-2005, 04:45 PM
S14DB - As stated.. sometimes people don't wish to groupbuy something.. take the 1611-U (isn't that s14 EMS?). It's backordered for 2 months. Me, looking to buy an AEM EMS for my S14, would really like to know when a company finally gets them in. But.. I see your point. Company X can't say "We just got more radiators to add to our stock of radiators".

Guidelines would need to be drafted up before any serious action towards implementing this can happen I think.

04-29-2005, 05:25 PM

Hey, that tickles! :D :rofl: :bowrofl:

04-29-2005, 05:59 PM
Honda Tech has a sponsors section in thier classifed where only advertisers can post . Each vendor can have thier own sub cat? and they can create thier own posts etc etc just having 1 main place for all the vendors will result in massive *bumpage* [see honda-tech for example]

A Spec Products
04-29-2005, 06:01 PM
S14DB - As stated.. sometimes people don't wish to groupbuy something.. take the 1611-U (isn't that s14 EMS?). It's backordered for 2 months. Me, looking to buy an AEM EMS for my S14, would really like to know when a company finally gets them in. But.. I see your point. Company X can't say "We just got more radiators to add to our stock of radiators".

Guidelines would need to be drafted up before any serious action towards implementing this can happen I think.

Yeah, definite guidelines would have to been drawn otherwise it really leaves it up to interpretation.

Perhaps the post would have to be approved by a mod before it is allowed to be viewed by the public?

Either way, a press release forum would be nice, maybe limit it to one press release per month per vendor. It would also help out vendors who are fabbing stuff up, and want to test waters, but might not have pricing and cost, etc yet.

^ Good idea Stan, but that would be a HUGE amount of subheadings...it seems that there are a lot of vendors signed up on Zilvia. Perhaps they could make the press release forums for any vendor and make another sponsor forum for those who pay more per month (like a premium membership)?

04-29-2005, 10:39 PM
let them post up new stuff that they just got in, or just RESTOCKED from 0 inventory. if they dont follow rules, pink them for a week or two from that section and delete their thread. becuase they help by paying DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE GOD. they are restricted by rules just like the rest of us. by doing so this would give everybody a fair advantage. do watever you like to gain customers outside of the forum, just dont do it here, because every other company is paying the same as you.

04-29-2005, 10:46 PM
we'll just ban them and still charge them for advetising for the time they are banned.