View Full Version : full coverage insurance

04-29-2005, 09:11 AM
okay so a lot of us have pour retarded amounts of money into our cars effectively tripling (or more) the value of them if only for the cost of parts. now, i dont know about you guys but this isn't my daily driver. it lives under a car port, wont be seeing rain, and will prolly get less than 10K a year in miles. it isn't a track slut, daily driver, or pristine show queen. anybody else in a similar situation with full coverage?

04-29-2005, 09:44 AM
if i were you i'd switch it to liability only only, weekend car, driven some stupid low miles / year.

when you finish fixing it and start driving it alot, switch it back.

then again, i live in NJ where insurance is stupid expensive. maybe in TX it's different. but here, that would save hundreds of dollars per year.

04-29-2005, 09:48 AM
well thats the thing, i have zero insurance right now and all i need are seatbelts and plates for it to be legal. i've been putting around town carefully sans plates and tags for the last year getting it fixed up.

04-29-2005, 09:59 AM
I have full coverage although it's not really worth it because the insurance will not cover all the additions you've done to the car if anything happens. They'll just pay you the blue book value of your car.. which is not much.

04-29-2005, 10:12 AM
wrong. if you have documentation (proof) of everything you've had on the car and how much it costs and none of it is salvagable (like if it gets stolen) then you're entitled to compensation for your loss. its just like someone stealing 2 grand in stereo stuff... full coverage covers it. now, you can let the insurance company know about this stuff before hand but your rates will go up along with your peace of mind.

i just know there has to be programs for fully covered, older, low risk cars that aren't driven hardly at all thus don't have the rates of say a brand new corvette.

04-29-2005, 02:57 PM
Ineptitude spwes from your skin.

Look further into that will you? If you were place x amount of money into your car and have it stolen, they would take x multiply by 1/2 take that sum and multiply ut by a depreciating value and then possibly conjure up tyhe balls to give you less than that. It happend to to a guy in San Ant. On FA. And believe he had more done than simply KTS and 5 lug... He took a major loss, from that i can deduce is that ones ability should yield a more viable solution.

Perhaps an M4 and a .45 as a sidearm(texas right?) old remingtons for the purists... or even better liabilty with plenty of theft deturrents. Now stop posting pics of that car on ballon sidewalls, and horrible height will you!

And there are plans that comply on "weekend car only" pretenses. Such that they are driven for a set amount of miles, and so on. Call Geico or your broker already..... My charitable deed for the week.

04-29-2005, 02:59 PM
Geico is the best for low mile cars. Look into the 50mile plan.

04-29-2005, 03:01 PM
Ineptitude spwes from your skin.

Look further into that will you? If you were place x amount of money into your car and have it stolen, they would take x multiply by 1/2 take that sum and multiply ut by a depreciating value and then possibly conjure up tyhe balls to give you less than that. It happend to to a guy in San Ant. On FA. And believe he had more done than simply KTS and 5 lug... He took a major loss, from that i can deduce is that ones ability should yield a more viable solution.

Perhaps an M4 and a .45 as a sidearm(texas right?) old remingtons for the purists... or even better liabilty with plenty of theft deturrents. Now stop posting pics of that car on ballon sidewalls, and horrible height will you!

And there are plans that comply on "weekend car only" pretenses. Such that they are driven for a set amount of miles, and so on. Call Geico or your broker already..... My charitable deed for the week.


04-29-2005, 04:42 PM
Ineptitude spwes from your skin.

ya know, i guess that i could point out that i asked:

"anybody else in a similar situation with full coverage?"

but that'd be too easy and you'd look like a jackass. i'd hate to hurt your feelings, especially since you put so much work into that long winded excercise in futility.

i have tons of safegaurds already in place protecting my investment including multiple firearms. im asking if anyone on this forum actually has full coverage on a 15 year old 240 and if so share your story.

what i did not ask for was some kid to take a cheap shot by making the assumption that all of my resources are limited exclusively to this forum. i propose a healthy discussion and while i do not wish for a flame war i'll be happy to oblige anybody that's feelin froggy.

04-29-2005, 04:48 PM
Just keep rockin zero insurance, you've done good so far

'it isn't a track slut, daily driver, or pristine show queen'

just for e-bragging?

04-29-2005, 05:49 PM
I guess I should take the ins off the beater even thou it's not a track star or a Daily. Even if it's not our primary car you still need Ins. In most states it's illgeal. Most of use can't fork out the thounsands of dollars we would be out if we wrecked it. I know of a verry nice 240 that is being sold on ebay now that is being sold cause the owner wrecked his miata without Ins.

04-29-2005, 05:55 PM
for aftermarket things its called "special equiptment coverage"
does not cover suspension parts or performance parts....only things like certain rims upto a certain amount of money and like stereo....nothing really performance wise.
i just went over this with a insurrence broker firm and thats all you can get....
full coverage...all ur gonna get is blue book.

04-29-2005, 06:23 PM
blue book is better than nothing.

04-30-2005, 11:33 AM
this guy in florida got his sr insured... i think.. it was progressive.... but yeah... i dont have deep pockets....

04-30-2005, 12:06 PM
blue book is better than nothing.

nah blue book is like 1500 for an 89 240sx..

when im "finished" i will easily have 15-20k into it...
already have more than 10k into it...

if it gets stolen and i get $1500 back, i might as well have saved my $1500 over the coarse of a couple years lol...

full coverage on an old as car is a waste IMHO - we all know going in to "modding a car" that we are screwed if anything happens...

04-30-2005, 01:37 PM
Agreed, I'm sure the money saved over time by not having full-coverage will probably be more than what you get back form insurance.. regardless of how much you put into your 15yr old car.

04-30-2005, 01:51 PM
i don't buy it. i'm in the process of seeking out real insurance. i'll let you guys know when/if i find anything useful that doesn't rape our buttholes.

04-30-2005, 02:46 PM
I pay about $14 a month for full coverage on my '93. That's with multi-car and multi-policy (renter's insurance as well) discounts. This is Nationwide and it was only about $1-$2 cheaper a month for liability only.

I already got screw when my old one was totalled by an 18-wheeler, basically got book value, but did get to buy the car back for $300 (over $10K of parts in it).

The Jabberwocky
04-30-2005, 10:23 PM
got Allstate insurance, full coverage with coverage on AFTERMARKET parts which includes ANYTHING, paying $120/month w/ good student discount...

i crashed a few months ago and they pretty much covered all damaged parts (coilovers, wheels, aftermarket bumper, even tires)....all the parts that were damaged on my car was jsut the driver side front, so they just valued at my broken coilover/wheels at 1/4th of what a full set would cost, 1/2 cost of tension rod...pretty much covered the parts that were broken.....now if i broke all of my coilovers and wheels they would replace all corners :)

04-30-2005, 10:56 PM
Full coverage! You have to be kidding me. Just get liability, if anything. You barely drive the car? Drive civilized when you do decide to take it out of preservation.

04-30-2005, 11:46 PM
Full coverage! You have to be kidding me. Just get liability, if anything. You barely drive the car? Drive civilized when you do decide to take it out of preservation.

i think you're missing the point. if someone steals the car or it gets totalled i want full coverage for at least a good chunk of what its actually worth. i'm asking the guys on the vette forums right now.

ya know, since they actually know what they're talking about and understand what real value is.

04-30-2005, 11:59 PM
Drive civilized when you do decide to take it out of preservation.It's the other fucktards on the road he has to worry about.

05-01-2005, 09:10 AM
Put a fuel cut switch in the trunk, or hide it under the dash. Then if you want to get fussy, hide a push button starter somewhere in the cabin of the car. Still not worth getting full coverage on. Just my 2 cents, dont get fired.

05-01-2005, 09:18 AM
Put a fuel cut switch in the trunk, or hide it under the dash. Then if you want to get fussy, hide a push button starter somewhere in the cabin of the car. Still not worth getting full coverage on. Just my 2 cents, dont get fired.

look newb, fuel cut switch is already in place. how the hell is that going to protect against a tree falling on my car, a tow truck, or some retard on a sunday afternoon that decides he wants to Tbone me?

my time, energy, and money is important to me. if you can't make the same claim i'd suggest you stop projecting your lack of self worth onto our cars.

05-01-2005, 10:18 AM
I would say that full coverage is an ass-raping because the insurance company didn't pay me a damn thing when my car was looted. I was totally shocked at the insurance's lack of coverage after I had payed full liability the whole time.

05-01-2005, 10:28 AM
It really all depends on the insurance company. I know some people who have gotten nothing when they wrecked their car, and at the same time I know a guy who even got money to replace his vinyl graphics after an accident. Take the time to discuss your options with the insurance company to see what your options are. They may require you to report modifications when you do them, which could cause your premium to increase. But then if you ever have an accident, you have the peace of mind that they know what your vehicle is worth (to an extent). When it comes down to it, you are building a car for yourself, not for resale, so you are always going to take a loss if something happens. It's a gamble you have to take when you make a vehicle something personal and not mainstream. The guy that spends $500 to buy a bunch APC stuff for his vehicle wants the same coverage, even if we know the APC stuff is worth about $50. Just like the guy with the Saleen S7 and gem stone encrusted spinners expects to get back every dime if he wrecks. Neither of them will get what they think they deserve, but they can at least get something back, especially if they've work in collaboration with the insurance company.

drift freaq
05-01-2005, 10:38 AM
I had full coverage on my old low mileage 91 36k when the car got hit while parked. It had Performance parts on it. It was a salvage title(front end hit in early life and just sat after that untill it was fixed). The Insurance company was going to give me $4300 outright, but I wanted the parts back . They gave me the car back and 3k after all was said and done I had recouped my purchase price of the car and performance parts selling stuff off. It was totalled beyond belief.
Word from the insurance company was if the title had been clean they would have given me even more. Though 3k and keep the car is good for a salvage title car.
Company is Wawanesa a canadian company and they do full coverage on salvage titles and they also do performance upgrade coverage. They are A rated as well. You can find them on the net www.wawanesa.com the other company that I am with right now cause they have a low consumer complaint ratio and great rates is Metlife !! yup the lifer insurance people do cars as well.
check it good luck makoto, oh ya and for theft insurance nothing beats lojack!!!

05-01-2005, 11:30 AM
heh.... makoto, its a fuckin 240, not a ferrari. Shells are cheap as shit, not a major loss if it gets wrecked. You got your fuel cut? Why you worried about it getting stolen then? Big fuckin deal if it gets stuffed, you not know how to spin a wrench? :mephfawk:

05-01-2005, 11:33 AM
heh.... makoto, its a fuckin 240, not a ferrari. Shells are cheap as shit, not a major loss if it gets wrecked. You got your fuel cut? Why you worried about it getting stolen then? Big fuckin deal if it gets stuffed, you not know how to spin a wrench? :mephfawk:

Spin a wrench? Why does that make money grow outta your ass to replace parts that are lost in the accident? Does spinning a wrench magically spit out money for a downpayment on a diffent vehicle if the car is totaled by some dumbass drunk in an SUV? Stop trying to hate on Makoto (no matter how much he asks for it in other threads) and focus on giving intelligent, realistic answers.

05-01-2005, 11:48 AM
I am telling it how I see it, in my opinion. And Im not trying to hate, I said in a previous post "just my 2 cents, dont get fired". If he has money in his car where it belongs, then most of the important stuff wont get damaged. Just my opinion makoto, get all fired up.

And my answer was 100% realistic. He doesnt drive the thing, which makes my answer clearly more realistic.

05-01-2005, 12:08 PM
I am telling it how I see it, in my opinion. And Im not trying to hate, I said in a previous post "just my 2 cents, dont get fired". If he has money in his car where it belongs, then most of the important stuff wont get damaged. Just my opinion makoto, get all fired up.

and my answer was 100% realistic.

actually your answer is not in any way pertinate to this discussion. why? because you answer does not offer a reasonable full coverage option that'd give much more than the car is worth. thus, you kid are off topic and merely trying to show how "hardcore" you are or how little you value your work.

it isn't about how awesome i think my car is. its about the fact that if it were stolen or totalled right now i'd be physically sick and even 60% of what i put into it would be sufficient to ease the pain.

why is it that you kids take such little pride in your work and cars? the car should have value to YOU who cares what kbb.com says?

He doesnt drive the thing, which makes my answer clearly more realistic.

if i didn't drive the car how would i be tuning the suspension or have any need for full coverage? do you really believe that i'd spend all that extra cash every month for a 2600lb paperweight?

your answer stopped being realistic when you started ignoring the criteria for relevant answers.

walk on home boy.

05-01-2005, 12:21 PM
You could always go with stated value. My friend had that on his scirocco for like 10 grand and his insurance wasn't too bad. Unfortunately he rolled the thing a few times, and the insurance company claimed he had dropped the comprehensive on it, something that he contests he didn't do, and they wouldn't pay out. Another friend has stated value on his RX7 and pays out the ass for it, but he has a horrendous driving record so I am sure that is why. But nonetheless might be worth looking into.

As has been said, alot of companies will insure your aftermarket parts if you provide receipts and let them know what has been done to your car, but in most cases they will make you pay for it.

Personally, I am not going to put full coverage on the 240, because I dont really like the idea of giving the insurance company any more money than I have to and the blue book value of it is pretty much next to nothing. In the end if something happened to it, I would probably just take the parts off and sell em or get another chassis.

05-01-2005, 01:27 PM
Per me working at an insurance company for a long ass time (NOT as an agent):

As others have pointed out, SOME providers DO cover ALL or MOST of your aftermarket parts, PROVIDED that the policy you get has provisions for it.

In other words: Don't expect "full coverage" to cover aftermarket shit, cus it usually don't.

You need to discuss these types of things with your agent before you get your policy.

And keep your receipts... makes things easier.

Have fun guys

05-01-2005, 01:42 PM
"It lives under a car port, wont be seeing rain, and will prolly get less than 10K". Aww thats so cute. Your 240 wont see rain? :wtf: You must not care about honing your skills and becoming a better driver huh? Do you even have an LSD fitted? You sound like a wet quim, Id bet money your the type of pussy that doesnt like to "beat" on your gem.

Im done, this is garbage, you over reacted right from the get go. Go talk to your boys on the vette forum who own 40K cars. I wonder if they drive them in the rain? :mrmeph:

05-01-2005, 03:28 PM
"It lives under a car port, wont be seeing rain, and will prolly get less than 10K". Aww thats so cute. Your 240 wont see rain? :wtf: You must not care about honing your skills and becoming a better driver huh? Do you even have an LSD fitted? You sound like a wet quim, Id bet money your the type of pussy that doesnt like to "beat" on your gem.

Im done, this is garbage, you over reacted right from the get go. Go talk to your boys on the vette forum who own 40K cars. I wonder if they drive them in the rain? :mrmeph:

Knock off the name-calling or I'll start calling you 'Pinky'.

05-01-2005, 03:38 PM
Do you even have an LSD fitted?

no, i decided that the best configuration for my car is open diff and 350 rear wheel horsepower.

child, the only overreacting here is yours. i have a career and another vehicle so this one is a toy BUT it is a toy that i value very highly and i feel the need to reitterate that you should not be projecting your lack of self worth onto me because I rock and you do not. on a similar note i'd be willing to bet that i've put a lot more time into my car than you have yours.

hell, you're probably just a bandwagon ricer here without any real appreciation for a good performance vehicle.

you'd do well to refrain from such talk in the future should you want a pleasant stay in this here S chassis haven.

05-01-2005, 03:41 PM
"It lives under a car port, wont be seeing rain, and will prolly get less than 10K". Aww thats so cute. Your 240 wont see rain? :wtf: You must not care about honing your skills and becoming a better driver huh? Do you even have an LSD fitted? You sound like a wet quim, Id bet money your the type of pussy that doesnt like to "beat" on your gem.

Im done, this is garbage, you over reacted right from the get go. Go talk to your boys on the vette forum who own 40K cars. I wonder if they drive them in the rain? :mrmeph:
I think you are missing a couple of important points here... Doug happens to own another automobile, has been working on the car with the intentions of tracking the car, lives EXTREMELY close to his job and to answer the least sensible of your points made, lives in Houston... Do you know how often it rains in Houston? I bet you see more rain in a new hampshire week during a drought than he sees in a houston spring MONTH... I would think anyone with his extreme level of research involved and anal attentive attention to detail would at least care enough to learn to DRIVE the fucking car... I, myself, only have liability on MY 240, but there is a reason for that, and that reason has NOTHING to do with the shit that I have and will do to the car, shit happens... I will refrain from name calling, as it has been recently warned against, but just because it is an "opinion" doesn't necessarily make it "right" or "helpful."

05-01-2005, 11:43 PM
All imma say is, its time for me to call my insurance company and ask exactly what my full coverage would cover if i do loose my car to anything. When I asked them bout aftermarket parts, all they told me is that, as long as i have receipts, they are covered. Now i need to let them know/understand that, i got bout $15k in receipts...does that mean ill get $20k since my cars blue book is bout $5k?

05-02-2005, 02:51 PM
[QUOTE=drift freaq]
Company is Wawanesa a canadian company..........QUOTE]

My moms civic was tottaled by some idiot w/o insurance on a suspended licensce at a stop sign and they decided to side with the guys side. Never really understood why? they had a case for sure, until i read the bolded. Never had an idea they were canadian, in fact i think she took her car to San Diego to get it left behind at the junker.

Makato: Having endured one one of the events you hope to avoid, tow truck incident, and having my car damaged I can say with confedence is that if you were to simply purchase liabilty on weekend ins. you can easily purchase another shell.
I know how it feels to be raped of all your time and effort by people who simply do not give a fuck. Its not somthing one should even fathom but it does happen. I have only liabilty I asked if they would cover certain aspects of the car due to mods and so forth there reply was somthing to this tinge, "well we could but we won't without almost tripling your current coverage. We see your CBBV it just isn't worth it." I wish death to ensue by means of the plauge on this world, then i calmed down decided to take the loss, cancel my coverage w/ that company, and put my efforts towards school.

05-02-2005, 03:32 PM
they make specialty programs that are shaped for my particular case that recognize the low risk/low miles and have a price that reflects such. i've found a couple places so far and im still looking.

i'm not one to just lie down and accept a loss if i can still fight it.

05-02-2005, 04:05 PM
Perseverance should not be mistaken for absent mindedness...

I envy you for having this much time of leisure in which you can trouble yourself fighting for the ills of society and wrong... Perhaps a revelation will soon adruptly find you.

05-02-2005, 04:26 PM
just because you like to drink piss from a cup doesn't mean i should call it lemonade too.

05-02-2005, 04:32 PM
Perseverance should not be mistaken for absent mindedness...

I envy you for having this much time of leisure in which you can trouble yourself fighting for the ills of society and wrong... Perhaps a revelation will soon adruptly find you.
I don't get it, what is it that you are trying to say here? Are you trying to say that he spends too much energy on wanting to make sure that the things he lays out his hard-earned cash for are adequately protected in a way that he sees fit, considering that it IS his investment? And what exactly is it that YOU propose that we all do to "fight for the ills of society and wrong"?

drift freaq
05-02-2005, 04:42 PM
[QUOTE=drift freaq]
Company is Wawanesa a canadian company..........QUOTE]

My moms civic was tottaled by some idiot w/o insurance on a suspended licensce at a stop sign and they decided to side with the guys side. Never really understood why? they had a case for sure, until i read the bolded. Never had an idea they were canadian, in fact i think she took her car to San Diego to get it left behind at the junker.


dude, you do not know what your talking about, if you think wawanesa sided against your mom, due to the fact that they are based out of Canada. They have a large American office in San Diego. I am not trying to champion them, but there is a chance your mom made a illegal manuever. You need to learn your driving law,before you just go assume the company sided against your mom, based on the fact that they are Canadian. Thats pretty much a prejudiced statement you made. Unless, you can give us facts, proving your mom was in the right, I would be willing to bet she made a manuever that put her at fault. Regardless of what you think was right.

05-02-2005, 06:49 PM
Well your right I'm prejudice against canada(ians). Blind hate, and assumptions incorperated by biasesare All there, where's that Family Guy "Canada Sucks" JPEG when you need it? No need to defend nor justify this, for it will not bring her health nor the car back, not worth my effort, and has been "resolved'.

To assess to situation without error: It is rather Ideal to belive that all situations can be adverted or compensated for. The simple fact is that even with Insurance everything will not be compensated for.

Phillip: What he seeks is desirable, but obtainable? Perhaps.... Like i said I envy his ample amount of time. What I personally do not understand is his way of assessment. Its a 240sx, granted with some amount of money put into it. Now Persoanlly I have more money/time/effort invested in my car than, his car, BUT I value my time far more. So if this means placing focus on somthing that I have put plenty of effort/time (I refuse to divulge at the time) and most likely will be damaged.. Or take into account Murphys law and abide by it accordingly and account for the matter. I personly chose the latter.

It was all implied in my reply you qouted, I do not question your skills but don't you obtain a BA in english? My writng my have not been in prose, but it was rather distinct and apparent.

05-02-2005, 07:16 PM
Yes, as a matter of fact I do have a BA in english that I am not curently doing shit with but writing books and short stories, but the point made in the post I quoted was not what was conveyed in what you just laid out for me... Granted, I am able to see both sides of this, I too have a 240SX which is probably not worth collision insurance to anyone but me, and a blemish on my driving record causes liability to cost me 250% what I actually paid for the car, so I only have liability insurance currently.
Personally, there is nothing on MY 240SX currently worth stealing outside of stereo shit and a lot of it, but trust me, it is protected by me parking in plain sight while I am working (seniority allows me the ability to demand a window seat) and by a dog who barks anytime someone enters my yard and a gun if they are not soon knocking upon or turning the key on the door.
All of those things being spoken, I don't drive the car enough and nothing I could fuck up would cost me enough to consider it a terrible loss. When I have amassed enough onto the car to rationalize the addition of collision insurance and request special coverage for the mods I might add, you bet your ass I will, but I have 1 year 1 month and 13 days before that becomes anything CLOSE to a monetarily wise idea.

05-02-2005, 07:36 PM
What I personally do not understand is his way of assessment.

fair enough

Its a 240sx, granted with some amount of money put into it. Now Persoanlly I have more money/time/effort invested in my car than, his car, BUT I value my time far more.

so what you're saying is that you've put like over 8 or ten grand into your car plus more time, blood, and sweat than can even be calculated... but you fail to properly assess the fact that i value my car much much more than what the outside world does?

you've contradicted yourself by either underestimating my car or overestimating yours. in any case, you're a hypocrite.

just because a car looks stock doesn't mean i just bought it.

BTW my time is worth 50 bones an hour at least... what's your rate?

05-02-2005, 08:33 PM
Priceless I'm educating myself. To put forth a dollar amount towards education is not possible.

BUT my comment about valuing my is in relation to spending every waking moment that an unaccounted varible hinders MY vehicle is inept is what i tried to convey. What i was doing is deminishing all the other attributes when placed next to my current time.

Not clear? Ok how about this; Neither My money nor my PAST work nor time PASSED that i have exerted onto this car, is as VALUEABLE as my current time (i.e. Time in the present or future) as it has not yet been accounted for. I learned this and tried to extend this onto even those who i find to be vile, and an obscene person.

You speak of being compensated for somthing that cannot (in my opinion) be payed in dollar, perhaps blood but thast another discussion. Bbecuase you interprit somthing one way does not entitle you to set convictions.

But that aside, I thought it was possible to instill reason onto others but in my current state of disposition (not envoked here) such a notion is atrophying before me. Do what you please, but i have brought you evidence to solidy my position with another individuals hardship. All you have done is fail to acknowledge it and make discussing metaphors, which in my opinion reflets your intellegence. With that said you are entitlted to continue as you wish, All i know is that my efforts in believing others can be brought to an openminded PRACTICAL assessment has failed, in this case and just as others.

Also just for claritys sake, and none other really, you post about every modifacation you have done. So you are right they my not be fully apt but given this evdence is my assumption (which is what is) not credable?

05-02-2005, 08:36 PM
aside from all the bullshitting between one another has anyone acutally found anything relevant regarding the stated topic? I too would like to know of any companys that outright say "yeah its all covered"

05-02-2005, 09:57 PM
Priceless I'm educating myself. To put forth a dollar amount towards education is not possible.


All i know is that my efforts in believing others can be brought to an openminded PRACTICAL assessment has failed, in this case and just as others.

Also just for claritys sake, and none other really, you post about every modifacation you have done. So you are right they my not be fully apt but given this evdence is my assumption (which is what is) not credable?

seriously, if you're going to be claiming intellectual superiority i'd suggest you not try to fly such large amounts of psuedo philosophical bullcrap my way... cause your turds aren't floaters.

see, i'm a genius and that probably isn't very common in so cal but i see through fruitcake hippies like you on a daily basis and have been since 1982. this is where you either say "well age doesn't bring wisdom" or "im older so i'm smarter" to which i give two fat cleveland steamers.

practical? practical is NOT owning my car and having a boring life. practical would not be living in a house as opposed to an apartment so i can work on my car at any time of day under a nice big carport. practical is not spending 2 grand in two months on parts that most people dont even know exist.

kid or deluded old man i must strongly suggest that you step away from whatever crack you're smoking and stop raping the english language for one day... honestly... it isn't pretty... children view this forum.

zeek - yes, i'm researching REAL companies that do this. stay tuned.

05-02-2005, 10:05 PM
Here, I think I fixed it, but I swear, there is still not a point made that matters that I see in this:
Priceless, I'm educating myself. To put forth a dollar amount towards education is not possible.

BUT my comment about valuing my [car?] is in relation to [my] having spent every waking moment that an unaccounted varible hinders MY vehicle as inept is what I tried to convey. What I was doing is deminishing all the other attributes when compared to my current time.

Not clear? (teacher's note: HELL no it ain't clear) Ok how about this; Neither My money, my PAST work nor time PASSED that I have exerted onto this car, is as VALUEABLE as my current time *(snipped for necessity)* as it has not yet been accounted for. I learned this and tried to extend this onto even those who I find to be vile, and *snip* obscene people.

You speak of being compensated for somthing that cannot, in my opinion, be payed in dollars, perhaps blood, but that's another discussion. Becuase you interpret somthing one way does not entitle you to set convictions. (convictions are subjective in most cases, and in such, this point makes itself moot)

But that aside, I thought it was possible to instill reason onto others but in my current state of disposition, not envoked here, (oh, but in your statement of such, you are envoking it) such a notion is falling apart (big words don't make us cooler) before me. Do what you please, but I have brought you evidence to solidify my position with another individual's hardship. All you have done is fail to acknowledge it, and make [a point of?] discussing [it with?] metaphors, which in my opinion reflects your intelligence. With that said, you are entitled to continue as you wish. All i know is that my efforts in believing others can be brought to an open [space] minded PRACTICAL assessment has failed in this case, just as others.

Also just for clarity's sake, and none other, really, you post about every modification you have done. So you are right, they my not be fully apt, but given [that] this evdence is my assumption, *snip* [is it?] not credible?

... corrections presented in bold and suggestions are underlined. Keep this up and you will need to take 2 English classes next year in order to graduate on time.

And since we have expressed our inability to allow this thread to stick to the subject, could we please allow it to die?

05-03-2005, 11:04 AM
Everybody cancel their insurance and see what the cop says when he pulls you over.