View Full Version : fatal ending to a street race due to 240 (socal)

04-26-2005, 12:35 AM
i saw the accident earlier today. it wasn't a surprise to me to see a 240 destroyed

Girl killed in Fountain Valley crash
One of the cars could have been street-racing according to a man who said he witnessed the collision.

The Orange County Register

FOUNTAIN VALLEY – A girl died today after the silver Ford Mustang she was riding in collided with another car, police said.

The accident occurred about 2:45 p.m. at the intersection of Brookhurst Street and Heil Avenue. The girl, whose name was not released, died at the scene.

A woman driver and two other female passengers in the Mustang were taken to a local hospital with serious injuries following the crash, Capt. Dan Llorens of the Fountain Valley Police Department said.

The other car, a white Nissan, was driven by a man who also sustained serious injuries, Llorens said. His name was not released, but a man who said he was his brother described him as an 18-year-old Anaheim resident and graduate of Magnolia High School. There were no passengers in the car.

The Nissan was speeding and racing a white BMW just before the crash, said Jose Guillen, a 26-year-old Santa Ana resident who said he witnessed the accident.

Llorens said the Mustang turned left in front of the Nissan but it was unclear who was at fault. No citations were issued pending the results of an investigation, Llorens said.


04-26-2005, 12:55 AM
might i add.... i could somewhat recognize the car from previous 240 meets

keep it off the streets. all of it.

04-26-2005, 12:59 AM
i drove by the scene earlier today too... that mustang was in bad shape, from what i've heard the girl that died was only 10 years old.

Andrew Bohan
04-26-2005, 01:31 AM
it's sad, but does it require 3 threads?

the head
04-26-2005, 08:28 AM
they (of course) will blame it on the street racing but in all fairness the lady probably turned out right in front of him

If you are going to street race find a secluded palce and get it done stoplight racing in busy parts of a town or in residential shit is unsafe and stupid

04-26-2005, 09:11 AM
they (of course) will blame it on the street racing but in all fairness the lady probably turned out right in front of him

If you are going to street race find a secluded palce and get it done stoplight racing in busy parts of a town or in residential shit is unsafe and stupid

ANY street race is unsafe and stupid.... It's always the street racer's fault. Hopefully one of these days dumbfucks out there will learn before they kill themselves or anyone else.

04-26-2005, 09:27 AM
"Keep it off the streets." Yeah, it sounds good but I highly doubt it will ever happen. When other people get hurt in a street racing accident that weren't racing, it's sad, yes, but it's not like they planned it to happen. Wrong place at the wrong time imo.

04-26-2005, 10:26 AM
wrong place at the wrong time? duh, and if you ever hurt someone in my family in a similar situation your life is over. its as simple as that. true, the accident may be the bystanders fault or whatever but that in no way diminishes the fact that these kids were racing on a public road. everyone is to blame here because we wouldn't know about it had that chick been more observant or they been more cautious.

04-26-2005, 10:42 AM
When other people get hurt in a street racing accident that weren't racing, it's sad, yes, but it's not like they planned it to happen. Wrong place at the wrong time imo.

WTF is that?
Wrong place at wrong time? That is seriously one of the stupidest, most asinine things I have ever heard. Like the racers responsible should just shrug it off as bad luck or karma or whatever? They've broken multiple laws, the most prevalent in this case being INVOULENTARY MANSLAUGHTER. Look it up. You think a drunk driver intends to hit people? He/She probably doesn't want that on their record OR their conscience, yet it happens far too often... and it's ALWAYS the drunk driver's fault. This is ethically no different. a DD chooses to drink and then get in the car; street racers knowingly endanger people. Everyone, street racer or not, has read stories or knows someone who has gotten hurt or almost hurt at these things. People involved, directly or indirectly, are at risk of serious injury or death, but the odds are in their favor so they do it anyway.

You've clearly never lost someone you cared about to the negligence of another.

Narrow-minded, self-absorbed statements like that are the reason the gene pool needs thinning... try at least wading away from the shallow end man, cuz it's pretty transparent to all, that's where you're currently floating. Way to trivialize humanity, thanks for doing your part to contribute to the downfall of western civilization.

the head
04-26-2005, 10:54 AM
ANY street race is unsafe and stupid.... It's always the street racer's fault. Hopefully one of these days dumbfucks out there will learn before they kill themselves or anyone else.

ANY RACE IS UNSAFE AND STUPID just one proving to another who is faster and there is always a chance for death the only difference is on hte track it is far more difficult to kill bystanders but it still happens

I can say with certianty that the last time someone was killed at the actual street races (not stoplight shit though busy parts of the city) was 1994 it was a 1929 bucket T with a 427 ford in it and he slammed into a tree the guy was dead on impact

deaths happen because people are not careful that is it that is all end of story

04-26-2005, 11:52 AM
When i said "wrong place at the wrong time" i was refering to street racers. There are places out in the streets where you can race and not endanger anyone but yourselfs. Industy areas are an example. I've gone there with friends at night and not see one car. Sure there is a risk, there always is, but your more likely to get hit by a moronic old fart or some dumb woman talking on her cell phone than you are a street racer. And your right, i've never lost a loved one in an incident like that. Would you like to explain how i am contributing to the downfall of western civilization? because i have no clue what you mean by it.

04-26-2005, 12:37 PM
survival of the fittest/ darwinism at its best! jk

But really thats a sad incedent, but then again i'd question the account if they were racing or not. if the person is charged w/ manslaughter then u can confirm it. Remember to most folks fixed up car moving = racing.

sLip techniques
04-26-2005, 12:41 PM
ICKY well said, i agree with you.

04-26-2005, 01:02 PM
It wasn't a speed contest. The 240 was just speeding in a right turn only lane, says witnesses. The 240 proceeded straight through the intersection and T-boned the Mustang.

Lets all slow down on the roads.

04-26-2005, 02:33 PM
When i said "wrong place at the wrong time" i was refering to street racers. There are places out in the streets where you can race and not endanger anyone but yourselfs. Industy areas are an example. I've gone there with friends at night and not see one car. Sure there is a risk, there always is, but your more likely to get hit by a moronic old fart or some dumb woman talking on her cell phone than you are a street racer. And your right, i've never lost a loved one in an incident like that. Would you like to explain how i am contributing to the downfall of western civilization? because i have no clue what you mean by it.

okay, in that case I apologize for flying off the handle.
The way it was worded, it looked like u meant that the mustang deserved what happened because they were in the wrong place... but really, that's not much different. Many tracks now stay open late to help prevent things like this.... if AIRSOFT is right, then it was just a bad accident, and poor judgement.

I can say, in no uncertain words, that the 10 year old little girl did NOT deserve to die.

I personally have had one of my best friends killed not 20ft in front of me by a drunk driver when I was in jr.high, so i'm pretty passionate about the sad fact that people are becoming increasingly self-centered, self-important, and self-justifying of any and all actions, regardless of how their actions affect the people and world around them.

However... my point about the downfall of western civ, is that younger generations are increasingly cold-hearted and self-centered. It's not really any fault of their own specifically in most cases (mostly), but it's a societal issue. I'd bet 90% of people around here would not stop to help someone broke down, or maybe even at an accident scene, they'd just stare and drive right on by. The "good sumaritan" is a dying breed, and it's no wonder the rest of the world hates Americans, pretty much all teh stereotypes about us are true, I'm just constantly fighting to do my part to slow the process.

One of the best discriptors of our societal shortcomings can be best summed up by one of my fav movies:
"Evil dwells not in the hearts of our enemies, but at home; in the indifference of good men" (and women).

04-26-2005, 03:08 PM

from the mustang's standpoint, it's not a yielding left. the mustang had the right of way, hence the green light for the mustang, and the other two were racing down and ignoring the light. ignoring the light is so common around my area, this area.(one time, a civic coupe did a ricer flyby on me when i still had my s14, and ignored the light. fortunately, it was late at night. another incident happened to me on magnolia, where he ignored 2 to 3 lights that i can still see ahead.) if the 240 had t-boned the mustang, the bmw would have t-boned the mustang too since the mustang attempted to make a left into the recreation center. unless the bmw was much further ahead of the 240 and already beating the light. as for using the right turn only lane, there are 3 more lanes to the left of that right turn only lane plus cars that are usually parked on the other side of the light on the street. no one would keep strolling on a right turn only lane even at normal speeds and avoid parked cars in front of them. the right turn only lane is available from about 100 feet from the light. i cannot see why the 240 would switch lanes into in the right turn only lane; car's too fast(lane's too short) to switch to the right turn only lane and to recover back to the normal lane due to cars parked outside. again, three more lanes to the left. the witness(es) that claimed using the right turn lane is wrong. besides, no one would have sped on a right turn lane to start off with. rest assured, it was a speed contest.

04-26-2005, 03:13 PM
ANY RACE IS UNSAFE AND STUPID just one proving to another who is faster and there is always a chance for death the only difference is on hte track it is far more difficult to kill bystanders but it still happens

I can say with certianty that the last time someone was killed at the actual street races (not stoplight shit though busy parts of the city) was 1994 it was a 1929 bucket T with a 427 ford in it and he slammed into a tree the guy was dead on impact

deaths happen because people are not careful that is it that is all end of story

I'm not gonna even get deeper in this subject. Its so absurd to me. I'm against street racing, that's the bottom line.

04-26-2005, 04:41 PM
Street racing is lame. And street drifting etc, any sort of motorsport should be either done on the track, or somewhere not readily available to the public, and at an insane time. Not a public road at 3pm =\

04-26-2005, 04:50 PM
someones dead, no matter how much you fuckers bitch about weather it was street racing or not or how dumb street racing is, its not going to bring them back. we all know how to drive in highly populated areas.

04-26-2005, 05:11 PM
Seriously you fcukin hypercritics should shut the fcuk up...we've all street raced or gone over the speed limit its the same damn thing, for you to sit here act like gods when someone messes up makes me sick. Who knows if he was actually street racing or if something else caused the accident. My friend was locked up for 5 years cuz witnesses say he was street racing but in actuality he was side swiped and that's why the light pole he hit came down on two lil girls walking home. No one plans these things that's way they are called accidents, its sad that a lil girl is dead but don't jump all over him until all the evidence is presented before you, then you can make your decision. Call me an asshole if you want but, it doesn't change the fact that a lil girl died because of someone mess up. Just don't run around pointing fingers at anyone cuz things aren't always what they seem...i'm not taking any of the drivers sides until i know that with out a doubt it was that persons fault...that's how our justice system works right...or does it?

sLip techniques
04-26-2005, 05:40 PM
^agreed also, plus the people that say to keep it off the streets are usually older.

04-26-2005, 05:44 PM
right on and well said.

thats the true tho, everyone has gone over the speed limit or done something wreckless one time or another, i for one have done so. i try to keep my wreckless to a minum and away from people..

and btw yes the little girl was 10 years old

04-26-2005, 05:45 PM
i'd love to keep it off the streets but there aren't enough racetracks or track days for eveyone so people will keep dying to accomodate our selfish needs. I think major cities should build their own racetracks using taxpayer's money and they shouldnt allow any proffessional racing there so the people in the surrounding areas can get their fix once a week at least. if not, i have no problem with racing in the mountains late at night. If i hit a deer or a wall or another racer even, i wont feel THAT bad. But if i was racing through busy intersections or freeways and i killed a little girl i wouldnt be able to forgive myself.

04-26-2005, 07:47 PM
so that's why I kept hearing engines revving yesterday. This happened about a mile away from where I lived.

04-27-2005, 02:36 PM
1. Street racing is different than speeding. You're talking about a contest of speed over a public street versus one person exceeding the speed limit. Both are bad, but street racing is worse, so the penalty is more severe.
2. Just becuase it happens (or everyone's done it) doesn't make right, that's no excuse.
3.There are enough venues in Southern California where this is not necessary.
4.At a track EVERYONE assumes the risk of death from a contest of speed. Not so on the street, the street is for public transportation.

04-27-2005, 02:49 PM
if you want to go fast and dont have the funds for the track, go to the boondocks... where the only thing you might hit is a rabbit, deer, or worse a cow.... if you do you will prob wish you had gone to the track... i can see where both sides are coming from.... if you wanna speed that bad, and you dont live in the sticks, get a radar detecter and hit the interstate... my final say is when someone dies there is no right side....

04-27-2005, 03:30 PM
, plus the people that say to keep it off the streets are usually older.

WTF is that supposed to mean?
Are you wiser or dumber than you were 10 years ago?

04-27-2005, 04:16 PM
people that are older with more money that have the time and money to take their racecars to the racetrack without having to worry about taking time off work or their car breaking down cause it's a racecar not a daily driver.

04-27-2005, 05:43 PM
My .02
If you have a car that you constantly feel the need to race it, run it, proove it, mash it, floor it, and there are no forseeable consequences, even to you personally, then you need help. You need help as soon as possible.
In my opinion, street racing on public roads shows absolutely nothing more than a lack of self control, and you (streetracers) are pathetic for it. The last thing it shows, or will ever show, is that your car is faster than another car. If some ricey, p.o.s. civic pulls up to you and blips the throttle, not even necessarily in your direction, and the only thing that rolls through your little brain is, "ha, this fucker wants to race, I'll show him," then you need to be taken away from your car, because you are using your privilige to drive in the most unresponsible way possible, you are now using your car as a weapon, PURPOSELY AND VOLUNTARILY, and it needs to be taken away from you immediately.

If you cannot control yourself while you are behind the wheel, you might as well be drunk and behind the wheel. It is in no way a different state of mind to me.

Yoshi, I like what you said too.

I apologize if I came across as a hypocrite. I do speed, speed limit in Michigan here is 70, and the cruise is set everyday on the way home at 74. I went through 4 years of uncontrolable driving, and it resulted in the revocation of my right to drive a car. It helped me grow up quick, realize a few things, and know that your right to drive can be taken away faster than some of you dumbfucks can race down a city block. You had better believe it.

BTW, I'm 20. I have a job, 60 hours a week, and I make money to spend it on my car. But what I also do is I always plan on a couple hundred bucks every month in track expenses, etc. If some of you guys can't afford to set aside money for tracking your car in a legal manner, then how are you able to have enough money for your new taillights and paintjobs? Figure out your priorities.

04-27-2005, 06:57 PM
who ever races on the street brookurst are idiots because that street is filled with cops and the cop station is right on the street.

04-28-2005, 10:25 AM
who ever races on the street brookurst are idiots because that street is filled with cops and the cop station is right on the street.

I worked off brookhurst, and night we would always hear idiots screaming by, stupid.

04-28-2005, 07:08 PM
"Evil dwells not in the hearts of our enemies, but at home; in the indifference of good men" (and women).

Connor: These decent men with loving families, they go home every day after work, and turn on the news and you know what they see? They see rapists and murderers and child molestors and they're all getting' out of jail.
Murphy: "Mafiosos," getting' caught with 20 kilos, getting' out on bail. Same fucking day.
Connor: And everyone, everywhere thinks the same thing: that someone should just go kill those mother fuckers.
Murphy: Kill 'em all. Admit it, even you've thought about it.
Connor: Now you will receive us.
Murphy: We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry.
Connor: We do not want your tired and sick.
Murphy: It is your corrupt we claim.
Connor: It is your evil that will be sought by us.
Murphy: With every breath, we shall hunt them down.
Connor: Each day we will spill their blood, 'til it rains down from the skies.
Murphy: Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.
Connor: These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior, and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.
Murphy: There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, in to true corruption, into our domain.
Connor: For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day you will reap it.
Murphy: And we will send you to whatever god you wish.
Il Duce: Never shall innocent blood be shed, yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The Three shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeful striking hammer of God.
Connor, Murphy: And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine patris, et filii...
[they cock their guns]
Connor, Murphy: ...et spiritus sancti.

04-28-2005, 08:58 PM

from the mustang's standpoint, it's not a yielding left. the mustang had the right of way, hence the green light for the mustang, and the other two were racing down and ignoring the light. ignoring the light is so common around my area, this area.(one time, a civic coupe did a ricer flyby on me when i still had my s14, and ignored the light. fortunately, it was late at night. another incident happened to me on magnolia, where he ignored 2 to 3 lights that i can still see ahead.) if the 240 had t-boned the mustang, the bmw would have t-boned the mustang too since the mustang attempted to make a left into the recreation center. unless the bmw was much further ahead of the 240 and already beating the light. as for using the right turn only lane, there are 3 more lanes to the left of that right turn only lane plus cars that are usually parked on the other side of the light on the street. no one would keep strolling on a right turn only lane even at normal speeds and avoid parked cars in front of them. the right turn only lane is available from about 100 feet from the light. i cannot see why the 240 would switch lanes into in the right turn only lane; car's too fast(lane's too short) to switch to the right turn only lane and to recover back to the normal lane due to cars parked outside. again, three more lanes to the left. the witness(es) that claimed using the right turn lane is wrong. besides, no one would have sped on a right turn lane to start off with. rest assured, it was a speed contest.

Wow, I did not know all that. I just listened to the witnesses that night on the news.
Thanks for the update.

04-28-2005, 09:47 PM
Connor: These decent men with loving families, they go home every day after work, and turn on the news and you know what they see? They see rapists and murderers and child molestors and they're all getting' out of jail.
Murphy: "Mafiosos," getting' caught with 20 kilos, getting' out on bail. Same fucking day.
Connor: And everyone, everywhere thinks the same thing: that someone should just go kill those mother fuckers.
Murphy: Kill 'em all. Admit it, even you've thought about it.
Connor: Now you will receive us.
Murphy: We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry.
Connor: We do not want your tired and sick.
Murphy: It is your corrupt we claim.
Connor: It is your evil that will be sought by us.
Murphy: With every breath, we shall hunt them down.
Connor: Each day we will spill their blood, 'til it rains down from the skies.
Murphy: Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.
Connor: These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior, and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.
Murphy: There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth, not to push the bounds and cross over, in to true corruption, into our domain.
Connor: For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day you will reap it.
Murphy: And we will send you to whatever god you wish.
Il Duce: Never shall innocent blood be shed, yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The Three shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeful striking hammer of God.
Connor, Murphy: And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine patris, et filii...
[they cock their guns]
Connor, Murphy: ...et spiritus sancti.

Make sure you say all of this with a heavy, badass Irish accent.
As Napoleon would say, "Probably the best movie ever made."

04-28-2005, 11:17 PM
i was coming home and brookhurst was blocked cuz of this accident and this morning when i was going to work i saw some fllowers where it happened. since i moved to Westminister fountain valley area i always see crazy accidents do to people who live in garden grove and westminister. who are mostly asian.

05-05-2005, 05:01 PM
WTF is that?
Wrong place at wrong time? That is seriously one of the stupidest, most asinine things I have ever heard. Like the racers responsible should just shrug it off as bad luck or karma or whatever? They've broken multiple laws, the most prevalent in this case being INVOULENTARY MANSLAUGHTER. Look it up. You think a drunk driver intends to hit people? He/She probably doesn't want that on their record OR their conscience, yet it happens far too often... and it's ALWAYS the drunk driver's fault. This is ethically no different. a DD chooses to drink and then get in the car; street racers knowingly endanger people. Everyone, street racer or not, has read stories or knows someone who has gotten hurt or almost hurt at these things. People involved, directly or indirectly, are at risk of serious injury or death, but the odds are in their favor so they do it anyway.

You've clearly never lost someone you cared about to the negligence of another.

Narrow-minded, self-absorbed statements like that are the reason the gene pool needs thinning... try at least wading away from the shallow end man, cuz it's pretty transparent to all, that's where you're currently floating. Way to trivialize humanity, thanks for doing your part to contribute to the downfall of western civilization.

says a guy who as a gif of a guy drifting on the streets in his signiture

05-05-2005, 05:05 PM
^Actually if I remember correctly, that's a closed road, not a public road. I'll let him verify if he wishes. BTW, you're a week late to this thread.

05-05-2005, 05:18 PM
they should make street racing illegal. people keep crashing nice cars

05-05-2005, 05:55 PM
they should make street racing illegal. people keep crashing nice cars

But then movies like "The Fast and The Furious" would be unrealistic. Who wants to watch that? I mean the attention to detail was awesome. Jeeze Var, first a pink drift car, now this. Keep these thoughts to yourself.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

05-07-2005, 02:50 PM
they should make street racing illegal. people keep crashing nice cars

isnt it illegal? or did i miss something?

05-27-2005, 02:45 AM
i saw the accident earlier today. it wasn't a surprise to me to see a 240 destroyed

Girl killed in Fountain Valley crash
One of the cars could have been street-racing according to a man who said he witnessed the collision.

The Orange County Register

FOUNTAIN VALLEY – A girl died today after the silver Ford Mustang she was riding in collided with another car, police said.

The accident occurred about 2:45 p.m. at the intersection of Brookhurst Street and Heil Avenue. The girl, whose name was not released, died at the scene.

A woman driver and two other female passengers in the Mustang were taken to a local hospital with serious injuries following the crash, Capt. Dan Llorens of the Fountain Valley Police Department said.

The other car, a white Nissan, was driven by a man who also sustained serious injuries, Llorens said. His name was not released, but a man who said he was his brother described him as an 18-year-old Anaheim resident and graduate of Magnolia High School. There were no passengers in the car.

The Nissan was speeding and racing a white BMW just before the crash, said Jose Guillen, a 26-year-old Santa Ana resident who said he witnessed the accident.

Llorens said the Mustang turned left in front of the Nissan but it was unclear who was at fault. No citations were issued pending the results of an investigation, Llorens said.


For those of you that were following this incident.....just a followup...

Two men who were allegedly street racing when one of the cars crashed into a vehicle turning into a recreation center lot, killing a 10-year-old girl, were in custody Thursday, police said. The two subjects, (Ahmed Shakir Dakhil, 19, of Anaheim, and Carter S. Hasan, 27, of Fountain Valley), were placed under arrest by Fountain Valley police department on Wednesday May 25th, 2005. This information is NOT listed in the below listed web articles but was stated during a news broadcast on KCAL 9 news earlier today. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the driver responsible for this accident was traveling at a high rate of speed, (80 mph), at the time of the incident.
NBC Channel 4 News report...
Images of the scene...
LA Times article

PD Crime Scene Tech

Drift Style S14
05-27-2005, 04:30 AM
thanks for the update, guys please, keep it to the track, if you can't wait to get your fix, then go to the boonies, and keep it safe.

05-27-2005, 12:50 PM
i jus saw this on tv... they showed a pic of the 19 year old kid and his 240.. lol

05-27-2005, 12:58 PM
If you have to street race do it like the locals here in Birmingham in highly secluded industrial parks where everything is closed at night so the only people there are the racers. If you manage to hurt someone racing on the street its your fault and nobody elses. You took the risk, you broke the law, you caused the problem. But if your "smart" about it you wont do it where theres any normal public activity.
any of you who live anywhere near a track don't have an excuse, you should be there. The nearest track to birmingham AL is 50miles away but its only $10 to get in and race all day. But because its 50miles away we have a huge street racign scene. But at least they keep it in the industrial parks like previously mentioned.

05-28-2005, 03:01 PM
^Actually if I remember correctly, that's a closed road, not a public road. I'll let him verify if he wishes. BTW, you're a week late to this thread.

Wow, I didn't even realize I was being trash talked to in this thread, heh.

Precisely Correct. That is a road that is both closed AND private (and chained off for that matter). Note the wheat field in the background, not a lot of those in public places. paved farms rule :P

And Makoto goes up a notch in my book for being the first to guess one of my fav flicks :) omg.

05-29-2005, 11:35 AM
I've been on the other end of the stick when it comes to street racing, guys it's not worth it. It took 9months of my personal life away, and for what, a few seconds of what some people might consider fun. The lesson has been learned and branded in my mind forever.

05-29-2005, 01:29 PM
[QUOTE=SilviaBoston]Seriously you fcukin hypercritics should shut the fcuk up...we've all street raced or gone over the speed limit its the same damn thing, QUOTE]

i disagree going 10 or even 15 over the speed limit is not the same as 40 to 50 over the limit next to a car also going that fast. and i have never street raced, my good friend was killed in a street race. a car coming up on hime going 80 in a 35 didnt know the road went from 2 lanes to 1 lane. he was killed instantly. he was 18, 2 months from graduating. every time some one chalanges me to a street race i think of him in his coffin and i decline the race.