View Full Version : Some Kids these days...

04-25-2005, 08:25 PM
I dunno how this kid got my SN.. but he ims me randomly from time to time telling me about how he can drift around the touge and stuff... when he got his license he got a turbo FC, but crashed it shortly.. so now he is driving his dads 4dr civic where he put on some altezzas, muffler, and some wheels...

i checked out his latest xanga entry and i threw up in disgust... I just cant believe people can think this way... so yea read his entry and keep in mind he is driving a civic around....


in case u cant see

Sunday, April 24, 2005

last night and yesterday was sick!!
first, woke up, showered, dressed, etc etc. went to cousins house picked up her friend, when to pharohs, met up with Ken and Sam, went to lollicup, took Gretchen home then went to Riley's work, played DDR all day and went to McDonald's with cousin. Then took her home, went to Marlin's house to meet up with Marlin, Colt, Charles and Greg. When i walked through the door all i saw was Greg dancing to some song and Colt recording it and i was just standing there in confusion lol. then after, went back to pharohs with Colt, Charles and Marlin. played ddr again and initial d. then at 11pm took Charles and Marlin home and chilled at Colt's house playing GT4 and eating Mac and Cheese lol. then at around 1am we got bored and went to the touge, and this time i pushed it a little too hard and drifted around the corners without even touching my ebreak lol that was pretty tight, seriously... i drifted on a frekkin TOUGE!! lol a small little road next to a cliff... mayn... that was fun but for some reason, i wasnt scared at all not even when i was drifting haha, i mean i didnt want to get the car sliding cuz i wanted to grip drive through the touge but since it was sliding on its own i was like "might as well drift" since i already know how to control the car when its sliding i actually drifted 4 faints in a row!!! haha that was sick and my tires where all screching on the touge and i was all sliding around on a small two lane road on a frekkin mountain without touching my ebreak... man... that was soo tight... and all then around 2am we went to Ontario to go to the street races but when i got there it was raining and stuff and i couldnt find any ricers so i went to the Ontario Mills mall and drifted in the parking lot lol, mayn that was soooo fun!!!! ok you know the first corner went you enter? like from milliken street? yeah!! i just went, floored it and drifted that whoooole corner lol that was awesome, mayn i wish i had a cam corder with me lol then right when i was about to leave i saw these two civics a ek9 and a ej6 so i followed them for a while and we got stuck in this intersection for like 10 minutes and out of no where all these ricers were lined up behind me lol then this nismo 350 came up to our left and so i was like "forget the ricers, i'm following that 350" but he turned so i was like damn and frekkin drifted in the middle of the intersection lol, i did a niiiiice hairpin drift and all the ricers were lookin at me hahaha that was saweet!! then i went back to the end of the line where all the ricers were. then drifted in the middle of the streets, the rest of the night, showin up the ricers in ontario haha mayn that was the funnest night i ever had. i didnt spin out not even ONCE and i didnt even get close to ONE mess up!!! haha that was cool after all that, we left ontario like around 4:30am and went to Colt's house slept for about 2 hours and came home... here i am... ready for more drifting and touges!!!!!!!!

7:27 AM - add eprops - add comments - email it


heh... he even challenged me to a "touge battle" when he comes to nor cal for key club....

04-25-2005, 08:33 PM
Who cares? Why not just block him and get on with your life? I'm not sure which is more pitiful, this kids Xanga, or your need to copy and paste it to make yourself feel better. Stop wasting bandwidth.

04-25-2005, 08:59 PM
its not like im trying to make my self better, just venting some frustration... and this guy keeps popping up with new sns and iming me..

if you wish, you can lock/del thread i dont even care

04-25-2005, 09:24 PM
that is funny why not change ur sn? i mean dang dude u make it sound like hes destroying ur online life.

04-25-2005, 09:33 PM
My Ricer buddy is worse than your ricer buddy!!!