View Full Version : '96 Silvia Q's for USD$4400?

04-24-2005, 03:52 AM

Obviously would never been street legal in US though.

04-24-2005, 04:11 AM
automatic sr20..DE.

its a waste of money if you ask me. its cool, i guess, but its just not worth all the hassle.

04-24-2005, 10:01 AM
Seems like a waste of money for an automatic SR20DE with an automatic, simply to have the novelty of RHD, pass on it

04-24-2005, 10:56 AM
Seems like a waste of money for an automatic SR20DE with an automatic, simply to have the inconvenience of RHD, pass on it

there, fixed. then again, for a kouki S14 its a pretty good prie. swap the interior and put in a real motor, you'd be golden.

04-24-2005, 11:00 AM
Good point(s)

04-24-2005, 11:10 AM
no need for swaping motors. just go manual. sell the fugly wheels. get coilz and lsd. and put the correct us spec dash into dat nigga and u good to rol

04-24-2005, 02:29 PM
that signal light extension aint cuttin it :nono:

04-24-2005, 02:35 PM

04-24-2005, 02:46 PM
Once again, Makoto doesnt know what hes talking about...

04-24-2005, 04:52 PM
cheap kouki and n/a 300zx, but hardly worth the hassle IMO; and not necessarily cheaper when all is said and done.

04-24-2005, 06:39 PM
There are ways to be street legal, some legal, some not, but it really depends on your state's registration laws. Aznpoopy is right, not necessarily worth it in the end. I should know, I have one!

04-24-2005, 07:09 PM
^^^ And you're in Michigan, he is in California, now I want you to tell me how this would be a monetarily sound way of going about it in Cali, and THEN I want you to justify even going through with it, given the fact that it is SR20DE (no T) AND automatic

04-24-2005, 07:34 PM
I think these cars would be great for track-only use.

04-24-2005, 08:34 PM
since the car is an auto and the NA sr20 its really not worth trying to bring the car over

as for importing a car for track purposes only.......you can't do that unless you have written verification from the MANUFACTURER that the car was in fact built for racing purposes...or stating that there has been enough modifications done to the car (prior to importation) to justify the classification of the car as a race car.......if you don't have that major component you won't get the car in legitimately as a race car


04-24-2005, 08:41 PM
I would part it out.

04-24-2005, 08:54 PM
^^^ That would lend some monetary practicality to importing an otherwise useless car, and you would more than make your cash back on selling that car into a crazed fanboy's market

04-24-2005, 08:57 PM
Once again, Makoto doesnt know what hes talking about...

wow, what an astute observation. i sure am glad you offered a few FACTS to back up your proposterous claim.

04-24-2005, 10:43 PM
wow, what an astute observation. i sure am glad you offered a few FACTS to back up your proposterous claim.
my thoughts exactly

sLip techniques
04-24-2005, 11:48 PM
and why would you swap the interior?

04-25-2005, 12:05 AM
and why would you swap the interior?
I believe to change from RHD to LHD.

04-25-2005, 12:23 AM
I think he mean dash. Or specifically RHD to LHD. Really that isn't a big factor. I seen a few RHD honda around my area. No big deal these days. More rice to me than anything.

04-25-2005, 12:51 AM
wow, what an astute observation. i sure am glad you offered a few FACTS to back up your proposterous claim.
I think the fact that he has had a right hand drive car in the States and you have'nt is enough facts. Also 4400 for a q's is just stupid, you can get those for around 1500-3000 in Japan. 4 lug, auto, non turbo, no thanks.

04-25-2005, 05:51 AM
^^^ Please spare us the e-sparring in yet another thread

04-25-2005, 09:51 AM
okay maybe i missed the boat. here's what i see:

really nice S14 kouki shell for a like half what i usually see em for. i dont need to own a rhd car to know i wouldn't want it. you're saying that not having aids makes me unquallified to say i wouldn't want it?

get a grip.

04-25-2005, 12:29 PM
Youre right its not worth buying, what I was disagreeing with was your comment about it being inconvenient. It has its advantages, and no 999 people asking you if its a skyline is not one of them.

04-25-2005, 12:54 PM
actually my point was that it could be worth buying compared to the price of usdm koukis.

04-25-2005, 04:09 PM
okay maybe i missed the boat. here's what i see:

really nice S14 kouki shell for a like half what i usually see em for. i dont need to own a rhd car to know i wouldn't want it. you're saying that not having aids makes me unquallified to say i wouldn't want it?

get a grip.
Diseases and cars are different,no one in their right mind wants aids. Once again you compare apples and oranges, I love how you always do this with your "analogies". I also disagree with your statement because it might be cheaper then a kouki in the states but it is still going to be harder to register and still 4 lug and auto.

04-27-2005, 10:46 AM
Diseases and cars are different,no one in their right mind wants aids. Once again you compare apples and oranges, I love how you always do this with your "analogies". I also disagree with your statement because it might be cheaper then a kouki in the states but it is still going to be harder to register and still 4 lug and auto.

okay, first of all it isn't comparing diseases to cars, genius, its comparing two situations where i have the exact same opinion in relation to what i know. if someone offered me an S15 i'd sell it and buy a car that was lhd why? cause rhd in america is retarded and i simply do not like it. like the hansons or gay porn, its just fuggin queer and i do not need to drive one or swap one to be qualified to say this since the only difference is that the driver would be on the wrong side of the car.

what you feel to be my arrogance is only my superiority contrasted by your inferiority. if you didn't suck so much and constantly use bad logic i wouldn't need to point out your falicies.

i'm not even gonna bother with your other crap due to the fact that you can't even keep up when i take baby steps.

04-27-2005, 12:16 PM
G_Fish240 and Makoto, If you'd like to continue this conversation I'd suggest you take it to PM or find some other means. I'm sick of every thread that one of you posts in turn into a debate with the other one. It's perfectly fine not to agree with each other, just stop hijacking threads with your debates.

Now back to the thread already in progress. Thank You.

04-27-2005, 12:35 PM
don't lump me in like i start it. this guy is always trying to whine about me.

04-27-2005, 04:17 PM
G_Fish240 and Makoto, If you'd like to continue this conversation I'd suggest you take it to PM or find some other means. I'm sick of every thread that one of you posts in turn into a debate with the other one. It's perfectly fine not to agree with each other, just stop hijacking threads with your debates.

Now back to the thread already in progress. Thank You.
I kept on topic with my post and only disagreed on what he had to say. No where did I go off topic making stupid analogies that don't even make since (because there are good and bad sides to having a JDM car, opinion mainly, there are no good sides for diseases, only bad to having AIDS, thats why your analogy is stupid makato) Or make a poor attempt at witt. If I did anything wrong then go head and just ban me right now.

04-27-2005, 05:42 PM
if someone offered me an S15 i'd sell it and buy a car that was lhd why? cause rhd in america is retarded and i simply do not like it. like the hansons or gay porn, its just fuggin queer and i do not need to drive one or swap one to be qualified to say this since the only difference is that the driver would be on the wrong side of the car.

Heh, Id like to see you sell an s15 after having drivin it.....that shit would not fly. And for what particular reason is RHD gay? Let me hear five solid reasons for your passionate hatred towards a RHD vehicle.

04-27-2005, 06:06 PM
if someone offered me an S15 i'd sell it and buy a car that was lhd why? cause rhd in america is retarded and i simply do not like it. like the hansons or gay porn, its just fuggin queer and i do not need to drive one or swap one to be qualified to say this since the only difference is that the driver would be on the wrong side of the car.

Heh, Id like to see you sell an s15 after having drivin it.....that shit would not fly. And for what particular reason is RHD gay? Let me hear five solid reasons for your passionate hatred towards a RHD vehicle.

well to stay on topic this S14 in question would have to be lhd for a few reasons. who said i hated anything? and i think my view on aids and rhd are quite accurate. the S14 in question is no doubt a hot car BUt i'd make it LHD for the simple fact that i like LHD because i live in AMERICA and im not some JDM rice humper.

okay, i'll humor you just this once. i only need one reason to form my opinion.

-learning curve
-all cars in america drive on the right side of the road
-japanese novelty is not that high on my priority list
-i don't like it
-getting it registered would be a nightmare

oh and anybody that says that a 4 year old S15 is really worth 20 grand i'd have to point out that you can get a C5 vette or 350Z for that price (or less) and it has the drivers seat on the right side.

350Z > S15

kinda funny how you kids are flyin off the handle when i actually said that car was a good buy for $4400.