View Full Version : judge tosses ban on ephedra

04-18-2005, 09:25 AM
see link ;)



04-18-2005, 10:00 AM
I was reading that last week, made perfect sense to me that they would lift the ban, saying that the FDA would have to prove that is not safe, not that the makers of it would have to prove that it is...

04-18-2005, 01:10 PM
here we go... al ephedra addicts.... hate that shit

04-18-2005, 03:09 PM
it wasnt a problem until everyone started taking massive doses of it...

i know people because of that have lost tons of weight...

04-18-2005, 03:31 PM
I know people that have lost alot of weight on crack.

04-18-2005, 03:34 PM
My moms best friend is completly insane now becaaauuuussseeee of ephedra; its good stuff. I hear that a strict diet of man sauce will make you lose weight too. Just because something makes you lose weight, that means its healthy.

04-18-2005, 04:50 PM
I guess now you can go back to selling it on Zilvia....

04-18-2005, 06:14 PM

i didnt even remember that o.O

04-18-2005, 06:23 PM
woot, does this mean red bull will be worthy again?

04-18-2005, 06:26 PM
RedBull is and always will be worthy of containment in my body

04-19-2005, 12:49 AM
In a country envolped by life in excess it is no wonder that we seek these quick fixes for our indicrestions (being fat) the only thing this is doing is surfacing others inadequcies. By this i mean, if you do not allow to take a precaution (such as placing your disceretion in practice) to make a consice decesion that can severly alter your health, you deserve to die. It only reflects there own lifes worth.Health is not found through stimulants, but the abilty to not throw just about every morsole of food in your mouth. EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.

Darwinsm in practice, and I lOVE IT.

-Commited Darwinian

04-19-2005, 01:02 AM
In a country envolped by life in excess it is no wonder that we seek these quick fixes for our indicrestions (being fat) the only thing this is doing is surfacing others inadequcies. By this i mean, if you do not allow to take a precaution (such as placing your disceretion in practice) to make a consice decesion that can severly alter your health, you deserve to die. It only reflects there own lifes worth.Health is not found through stimulants, but the abilty to not throw just about every morsole of food in your mouth. EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.

Darwinsm in practice, and I lOVE IT.

-Commited Darwinian

In a country enveloped by life in excess it is no wonder that we seek these quick fixes for our indiscretions (being fat) the only thing this is doing is surfacing others inadequacies. By this I mean, if you do not allow to take a precaution (such as placing your discretion in practice) to make a conscience decision that can severely alter your health, you deserve to die. It only reflects there own life’s worth. Health is not found through stimulants, but the ability to not throw just about every morsel of food in your mouth. EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.

Darwinism in practice, and I lOVE IT.

-Committed Darwinian

At least spell check your preaching. It makes reading big words easer.

04-19-2005, 01:29 AM
I have assessed the matter previously, but I will let the link speak for itself.

URL=http://www.zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=77240&page=1&pp=30]Look at my 3rd or 4th reply[/URL]

Big words? I'm simply perplexed... Words to do not possess girth nor mass. Big being an attribute of a physical object living or inadement. Words are neither. Or am i taking this to literal, and scrutinzing your reply more than i have to? (READ THIS AS MANY TIMES AS YOU NEED TO, Irony will follow)

Also it is spelled, "easier", perhaps you should reflect on your own actions prior to judging. "concise" is a word relating to or taking action in a short matter of time, "Conscience" is relating to Human psych or a state of Consciouness. Now grammar aptitude aside, can you conjure up a rebuttle or arguement for the topic at hand or was this some meaning less digression?

04-19-2005, 05:28 AM
Deserve to die, no.

Murderers deserve to die, not people who do not know better.

Deserve to be educated, yes.

Sure they can work out, but when they buy into this all in one wonder pill, they think "why not take it?" Most people are interested in the easy way out. Most people who take these pills do not know to use it with a balanced diet and excersize. Also it is encouraged not to take them if you have certain health conditions, or if it is hereditary to have certain health conditions.

Personally, I don't need it or use it. I worked out and dieted without the use of pills, and over a few months I went from 270 to 215. I'm back up to 230 (got married...trying to make it back to the gym) but when I get back to working out and martial arts, I'm not taking those pills. I feel that anyone can lose weight if they try and are dedicated. You just need that one thing to motivate you. I had a picture of myself at 270 lbs and it made me sick to my stomach looking at it.

Enough of my Jared story..............

04-19-2005, 06:05 AM
A simple oops I forgot to spell check would have been a better response. :D
No, I have no feeling on ephedra really. I choose not to use it, but that’s me. Weather or not it should be band, is really not my place. People do what they want I can't stop them from doing so.

I just found it funny that you needed to use so many "big words" (long words, tall words, whatever). Yet could not make Conscience decision to spell them correctly. Most of the time I don't care, but that much "look at me, I'm smart” talk merited an open mockery.

As for "concise" or "Conscience" I apologize for putting the wrong word in your sentence. Concise: Expressing much in few words.

As for any further insulting or general not getting along, please take it to PM's. There is no point in cluttering up a thread, because we can't get along. Thanks

04-19-2005, 06:39 AM
I know people that have lost alot of weight on crack.

and people overdose on aspirin all the time but we dont get rid of that do we?

I think people need to be educated about what they are taking instead of people thinking that they are candy and that they can be taken whenever and all the time...

04-19-2005, 07:12 AM
people who kill themselves through willingly using drugs deserve help but they also deserve to die. it is an inherant quality within each of us that speaks up when moderation gives way to addiction. sometimes people ignore this and sometimes it results in death.

that is life. death is life.

04-19-2005, 11:08 PM
Although I despise you in any moral and ethical stance Makato, I believe you reiterated my ideas and opinions aptly. I just find it appauling that we can place blame on others and find a need for higher authority as a scapegoat when we do not consider the risk in (improper) use of any drug/supplement/medicine. Its your duty as the occupier of your body to question all things that can be of potential harm. Or have we not yet refined this belief, or implemented in to practice? I just have a a real unsettling feeling when any situation carries the, "well they should have.." tinge of an arguement. I have long endured the repercussions for others incomptence, its not somthing i wish on anyone.

I'm not even going to spell your name: Its fine, we all make mistakes, I have no hard feelings and do not desire to persue this any further than it has. I just find it odd, that you would go out of your way to comment and how my syntax failed to appease you, yet not comment on the topic at hand. But we all make mistakes, today I smacked myself in the face with my knee (6am mind you) in my akido class becuase I wasn't paying attention. In either case, consider it water under the bridge.

04-19-2005, 11:30 PM
cool, you seem like a good guy, and I would hate for us to not get along because I was poking fun. Water under the bridge. :hug:

04-20-2005, 12:12 AM
Stock-S13, I agree that people in general should be able to determine if what they are doing is harmfull and that a law on the matter is plain stupid. But you need to shove that dictionary up your ass. :rofl:

04-20-2005, 12:02 PM
Keep in mind ephedra was not openly known as hazardous for quite sometime, and is still not common knowledge. Common knowledge, rocks are fucked. Not common knowledge, ephedra willmake you go insane

04-20-2005, 12:05 PM
Although I despise you in any moral and ethical stance

so you disagree with all that is good and true in the world? oh i get it, you're the villain.