View Full Version : 30 Black Teens Beat Up 4 White Girls in "Non-Bias" Attack

04-16-2005, 05:56 PM
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04-16-2005, 06:46 PM
you gotta be kiddin me. reverse the scenario and it'd be on fuggin CNN with jesse jackson holding a candle light vigil and fund raiser telethon. people are supposed to hold each other in check. "white crackers" are fuggin pussies nowadays due to the completely unrelated sins of their forefathers.

04-16-2005, 06:52 PM
I see this thread going to hell very soon..... and its stuff like this that does build racism. like makoto said, reverse the scenario and it'd be all hell breaking loose with the kids being charged as adults and such.

sLip techniques
04-16-2005, 08:08 PM
all i will say is "WTF" was the point of them beating up 4 white girls??, i dont want to say anymore otherwise all hell would break loose on zilvia.

04-16-2005, 08:11 PM
i gotta agree with you guys on this one. Stuff like this makes me sick. And then the same people complain and wonder why we're stereotyped as violent morons....

assclowns... :rl:

04-16-2005, 08:11 PM
invoking the name of martin luther king, eh? i'm sure he'd be real approving of that.

04-16-2005, 08:13 PM
line 'em all up and shoot em. the end

04-16-2005, 08:14 PM
Interesting. I want to hear both sides of the story before passing judgement, but any crime is wrong.

04-16-2005, 08:51 PM
Interesting. I want to hear both sides of the story before passing judgement, but any crime is wrong.

it'll be hard hearing from both sides, anything with 30 vs 4 would be wrong. especially with witnesses.

FastBack 240
04-16-2005, 09:16 PM
Invoking the name “Martin Luther King” and screaming “Black Power!” Witnesses say the attackers were all black and called their victims “white crackers” “It’s getting progressively worse in the community - these types of gangs are not only taking away our parks, they‚re ruining our neighborhoods".

There is so much I could say right now but I dont want to get banned.

04-16-2005, 09:25 PM
Interesting. I want to hear both sides of the story before passing judgement, but any crime is wrong.

agree... definately wonder what caused the fight in the first place.

04-16-2005, 09:28 PM
that is not what they did (according to the article). "After adults intervened and asked them to wait their turn, the teens left - but returned in a pack of up to 30, both boys and girls, and stormed into the park" So it appears to me that the group simply came back to the park, in larger numbers, in order to bully the other girls off the basketball court. The reason they returned in larger numbers with the intent of physical violence was not because the girls were white. The reason (or MOTIVE) WAS TO gain control of the basketball court.

It is true that they were screaming racial slurs, but race was not the motive for the beating. This crime was caused by a group of teens wanting to use a basketball court. It was not caused by hate.

Yes, it would be LABELED as a hate crime by the black community (just as you are labeling this event as a hate crime), but with the same evidence and motive, the verdict would be the same... it is not a hate crime.

Another thing I noticed about this article is it does not include the accounts of the black teens. They were not interviewed for this article. Their parents were not interviewed for this article.

How do WE know (as readers of the article who were not witnesses to the actual events) that the altercation was not started by one (or more) of the white girls spouting off racial slurs to the initial group of black teens? We DON'T know that, simply because we were not present. We are not the jury. We have not been provided with ALL the facts.

And a final thought of the day:
Originally Posted by Jay Leno
If President Bush can make up a BS excuse for going INTO Iraq... why can't he make up a BS excuse to get us OUT of Iraq?

04-16-2005, 09:29 PM
this is stupid.. im sure it didnt happen all that nice, im sure it goes deeper then just "asking" for the basketball court... was this in New York??

Surprised this type of thing doesnt make air waves.. yet a african american child gets shot by police and gets all kinds of media coverage. Yet it is not right for whatever ethnic to face.

04-16-2005, 09:30 PM
revat619 - I had no idea you were black (or should I said African American?)

I really don't know what to say...except that's really fucked up.....but did it really happen? any other reports on this found elsewhere?

04-16-2005, 09:34 PM
Unfortunately racism will always be around. Here in Los Angeles it doesn't seem as blatant. When I went to Brooklyn New York last December it seemed like it was much more of an issue. My uncle who lives there told me that black people weren't welcome in his neighborhood. It's really strange because no one seems to be prejudiced towards him for being Filipino. It's sad but it seems that the best way to deal with it is not to frequent certain neighborhoods.

04-16-2005, 09:46 PM
there you kids go again. do you walk around saying "european american" instead of white people? no. we as a society are so hell bent on pleasing everyone and making up for stuff dead people did that we're taking it up the butt on a daily basis. motive doesn't mean dick. what happened was a bunch of idiots gave KKK enthusiests all over alabama one more reason to be jackasses to the black people that AREN'T retarded jerkoffs.

all we have to do is follow my very simple plan to eliminate racism... but nooooooooooooobody wants to have that. its too "real".

04-16-2005, 10:07 PM
I am refusing to participate in this thread, anyone can feel free to ask me my opinion on AIM

04-16-2005, 10:13 PM
That whole thing is dumb. Just dumbass kids that need to be beat down for doing things like that.

04-16-2005, 10:31 PM
i gotta agree with you guys on this one. Stuff like this makes me sick. And then the same people complain and wonder why we're stereotyped as violent morons....

assclowns... :rl:
Yup, I hate bad apples.

04-16-2005, 10:48 PM
all we have to do is follow my very simple plan to eliminate racism... but nooooooooooooobody wants to have that. its too "real".

elimnating racism is simple... uh huh.

i think you're the one who doesn't think in terms of "real".

04-16-2005, 11:16 PM
there you kids go again. do you walk around saying "european american" instead of white people? no. we as a society are so hell bent on pleasing everyone and making up for stuff dead people did that we're taking it up the butt on a daily basis. motive doesn't mean dick. what happened was a bunch of idiots gave KKK enthusiests all over alabama one more reason to be jackasses to the black people that AREN'T retarded jerkoffs.

all we have to do is follow my very simple plan to eliminate racism... but nooooooooooooobody wants to have that. its too "real".
Makato do you know why black people have so many names or have had so many names, first it was negro, then it was colored, then it was Black then it was Afro-American, now its African American. It all goes back to black people not being able to name themselves in the past, when we were just labeld as niggers. Remember the movie Roots? The whole toby/kunta kintah thing, that was not some made of bs, it happend. White slave owners wanted black people to forget about their past."No African name for you, only white judeo-christian names." To be African was wrong. Now people are starting to embrace their culture and NOT FORGET their African hertage which was DENIED to them before. You need to get a clue before posting.

04-16-2005, 11:26 PM
you know your a sweet gang when you need 30 people to beat up 4 white 16 year old girlies.

04-16-2005, 11:52 PM
If it wass 30 white girls vs 4 black it wouldnt be in the paper either. The blacks would have won! White girls are sissys =P

04-17-2005, 09:49 AM
if ANY group of kids were 30 deep, they'd do the same thing. Black, white,Asian,Hispanic,mixed...whatever. I wasnt there , so I dont know for sure...

One thing I do know is:

Start this same thread title with: "A group of 30 kids beat up a group of 4" and it gets half the page views and a quarter of the responses. ;)

04-17-2005, 11:03 AM
Here in the bay area I hear about asian gangs fucking people up all the time coming with 30+ heads. Anyone had race wars at their high school?

04-17-2005, 11:16 AM
two sides of the story. always.

but yea gotta love the double standard. everybody is so afraid of stepping on eachothers toes and being labeled a racist its fucking ridiculous. so they gonna charge the black kids as teens? and like the the person said if it was the other way around white kids would be charged as adults.

if white kids did it they'd call the behavior not normal and shit. but in this case what happens? yea...normality.

04-17-2005, 11:44 AM
i think those kids need to be charged as adults. non-biased my ass. law should be equal to everyone, no special excuses. lets not talk about what is ok and what is not. i cant believe they are getting away with that shit.

04-17-2005, 11:53 AM
Makato do you know why black people have so many names or have had so many names, first it was negro, then it was colored, then it was Black then it was Afro-American, now its African American. It all goes back to black people not being able to name themselves in the past, when we were just labeld as niggers. Remember the movie Roots? The whole toby/kunta kintah thing, that was not some made of bs, it happend. White slave owners wanted black people to forget about their past."No African name for you, only white judeo-christian names." To be African was wrong. Now people are starting to embrace their culture and NOT FORGET their African hertage which was DENIED to them before. You need to get a clue before posting.

you are african just as i am american. you never being to africa, nor did your moma :yum:

why is it ok for you to call yourself "niggers" ? its degrading. and you giving bad example. if no, then let everyone say that, right? eitherway, the only time i call somebody a "nigger" is when i'm REALLY trying to get it out of them, aka, they already done something to piss me off and im just to offend them/make them throw the first punch. :rl:

and ever since i being in the states, i noticed ALOT of black people are more predjudice towards whites then whites towards blacks.... alot of this is built by media "what is ok" on mtv, or bet. its ok to call white people "crackAs" and etc.

just get along and dont gang bang 30v4 and everyone is cool.

anyone knows if chicks were fat? :naughtyd:

04-17-2005, 11:55 AM
all the people saying "blah blah i dont want to respond here im scurred blah blah my pussy hurts" need to stop sucking on mommy's titty and voice your opinion.

04-17-2005, 11:56 AM
^ do you have sand in your vagina?

04-17-2005, 12:13 PM
i think people are too hung up on certain parts of racism. We all for the most part have learned about the days of slavery and everything, and it definately shouldnt be forgotten, but there's a difference between knowing and embracing your cultural history, and using it as a handicap in life. And I think, there in lies the double standard for a lot of people.

04-17-2005, 12:27 PM
elimnating racism is simple... uh huh.

i think you're the one who doesn't think in terms of "real".

the truth that no one wants to accept is that we all have our prejudices. since prejudice depends on judging before actually knowing someone we are ALL guilty of this everyday. the only reason racism still gets news is cause people still pull the race card. stuff isn't like it was even 20 years ago.

equality has its price and that price is that you get made fun of the same as everyone else be it over race, eye color, sex, age, or weight. ignoring the fact that these differences make us all different is the reason everybody is so afraid to talk about race. instead of dealing with the fact that every single one of us is guilty of what could be labeled prejudice these pussy hippies choose to fight for what they feel to be the underdog.

Originally Posted by G_Fish240
Makato do you know why black people have so many names or have had so many names, first it was negro, then it was colored, then it was Black then it was Afro-American, now its African American. It all goes back to black people not being able to name themselves in the past, when we were just labeld as niggers. Remember the movie Roots? The whole toby/kunta kintah thing, that was not some made of bs, it happend. White slave owners wanted black people to forget about their past."No African name for you, only white judeo-christian names." To be African was wrong. Now people are starting to embrace their culture and NOT FORGET their African hertage which was DENIED to them before. You need to get a clue before posting.

thats the biggest load of crap i've ever heard of. embrace your african heritage? how many black people really want to trade their citizenship for an african one? few and i garuntee you it'd be far between. why? cause its good to be black in america.

the only color that matters here is green and anybody that denies that is either a liar or a fool.

04-17-2005, 12:30 PM
^^you mean mexico? lol

04-17-2005, 02:11 PM
the only color that matters here is green and anybody that denies that is either a liar or a fool.
100% true though.
they do bring up some good points though, and makoto your sig, which I know has been around for a while, says a lot. Schools have to have a certain number of minorities, etc. Its still racism, it may not be negative, but it is racism.
and prejudice happens all the time to people that will even say they aren't racist.

04-17-2005, 03:11 PM
the truth that no one wants to accept is that we all have our prejudices. since prejudice depends on judging before actually knowing someone we are ALL guilty of this everyday. the only reason racism still gets news is cause people still pull the race card. stuff isn't like it was even 20 years ago.

equality has its price and that price is that you get made fun of the same as everyone else be it over race, eye color, sex, age, or weight. ignoring the fact that these differences make us all different is the reason everybody is so afraid to talk about race. instead of dealing with the fact that every single one of us is guilty of what could be labeled prejudice these pussy hippies choose to fight for what they feel to be the underdog.

thats the biggest load of crap i've ever heard of. embrace your african heritage? how many black people really want to trade their citizenship for an african one? few and i garuntee you it'd be far between. why? cause its good to be black in america.

the only color that matters here is green and anybody that denies that is either a liar or a fool.

Guess what Makato, do you know Culture and Ethnicity are VERY DIFFERENT then Citizenship! Im proud to be American just like im proud to be of African descent and Asian. If you think it is good to be black in America (Something to which you have ZERO IDEA how it is) then I just don't know what to say other then that comment alone shows how much you know.

04-17-2005, 03:14 PM
100% true though.
they do bring up some good points though, and makoto your sig, which I know has been around for a while, says a lot. Schools have to have a certain number of minorities, etc. Its still racism, it may not be negative, but it is racism.
and prejudice happens all the time to people that will even say they aren't racist.
The Surpreme Court ended Affirmitive Action a while ago. And racism can not be non-negative, racism means that you feel that one race (even though the idea of race is just a social construct, no "races" are different) is better then another.

04-17-2005, 03:28 PM
cause its good to be black in america.

you think so?

04-17-2005, 03:33 PM
elimnating racism is simple... uh huh.

i think you're the one who doesn't think in terms of "real".

Make it illegal for 2 of the same race to have sex, then everyone will mix and after a few generations, we'll just have a huge race of mutts.

04-17-2005, 03:46 PM
Guess what Makato, do you know Culture and Ethnicity are VERY DIFFERENT then Citizenship!

no way, for real? sure glad you enlgihtened me.

If you think it is good to be black in America (Something to which you have ZERO IDEA how it is)

allow me to stop you right there. what were you doing when my family wasn't black enough or poor enough to get into govt housing just so some drug pusher could park his caddy and move in? you see me pulling the race card cause my family has hispanic in it? hell no, why? cause i have intelligence, strength, and DRIVE to rise above whatever is set before me without expecting a handout.

its a copout. if an idiot like nelly can make it to stardome ANYBODY CAN. sure there is racism in the world today but you're talking like somebody is keeping the black man down. hell, its pretty reversed in todays day and time.

p.s. Gfunk, like i your sig :)

04-17-2005, 04:08 PM
Makoto I am not pulling the race card, I am just responding to what you say. I did not say it was hard to be black in America. You are the one that said it was good to be black in America. Being poor goes across all races. Just because you have had a bad experiance does not mean it is good to be black in America. You look at coporations, how much white people make in the same jobs in regards to women and minorities, people in position of real power and still say it is good to be black in America and I take that as a slap in the face.Maybe your definition of what is good and mine differ?

And then you talk about Nelly for some reason, I don't know why. The music business is very competiteve, for every person who makes it big there are millions who haven't. Same with sports.

I'm curious as to who you think the leaders of black people in America are today, rappers and drug dealers?

04-17-2005, 04:11 PM
Im proud to be American just like im proud to be of African descent and Asian.
"Well, sir, I'm sorry to disturb you in the middle of your conversation with this gentlemen here. But me and my friends were just wondering. Are you a lazy shiftless watermelon-eating black ass nigger, or a sneaky little v.d. infected gook?"


04-17-2005, 04:20 PM

04-17-2005, 04:34 PM
"Well, sir, I'm sorry to disturb you in the middle of your conversation with this gentlemen here. But me and my friends were just wondering. Are you a lazy shiftless watermelon-eating black ass nigger, or a sneaky little v.d. infected gook?"


i think u got him prety good with that one :bigok:

04-17-2005, 04:45 PM
...and the shit hits the fan. I suprized this thread made it 2 pages.