View Full Version : Co-Op Abroad: Japan

04-15-2005, 01:25 AM
I know this is pretty off topic, but i need to start applying for co-op jobs for the upcoming fall/winter terms. I completed my application for permission to TRY for a co-op abroad, but I'll need to find my own job.

Since my distant family haven't responded to my emails, i turn to my distant-distant family: zilvia.net.

Does anyone know of places in Japan that would hire for 6 months?
The job has to have something to do with engineering, so i could pull off a job that's very tangent as long as I describe it to DrexelU the right way.

Or even better, does anyone work in Japan and could help me get a job?

If anyone can seriously help me with this contact me via PM or:
[email protected]

Thanks in advance!

04-15-2005, 04:55 AM
Only readily available jobs in japan are english teaching jobs. Engineering stuff will be insanely tough to find.

04-15-2005, 10:38 AM
Haha reminds me of that Michael Keaton movie in the 80s called Gung Ho. Lol classic movie. Being an engineering student as well (Virginia Tech), getting an internship in JDM land would kick arse, but seems a bit impractical, especially if you don't speak Japanese. Granted they deal with english speaking countries every day, I don't know if interning in a non-english speaking country would work out too well with a language barrier like that. Try talking to your advisor at school and see if they have any ideas, or go find one of your engineering professors and ask them, they may have some ideas.

04-15-2005, 11:27 AM
Who gives a shit about the impracticality of not being able to speak japanese while on an internship in Japan when it is actually all about getting over there for the drifting and getting parts to send?

04-15-2005, 11:56 AM
Who gives a shit about the impracticality of not being able to speak japanese while on an internship in Japan when it is actually all about getting over there for the drifting and getting parts to send?
ROFL, truth, sorry for thinking logically.

04-15-2005, 12:27 PM
One of my friend's brothers had a co-op there for Fuji. He didn't speak any japanese, but by the time he was done, he could find he way around the cities there. Sooo jealous..

he also had his room and board all paid.

04-15-2005, 06:00 PM
I hope you've been there before you decide to work there.

Japan's a fucked up place.

Not in a good way.

04-15-2005, 06:12 PM
care to elaborate maeda?

04-15-2005, 06:21 PM
The shit there is weird and cool, and its weird and cool with reason.
The people are FUCKED UP.

I'm 100% Japanese. I speak the languagem but I'm also fully americanized born and raised.
The people operate COMPLETLY different from how you would expect people to behave.

It's all honor and respect to your face but behind your back they just talk SHIT. TONS OF SHIT.

Like this lady working a takoyaki stand called my mother something VERY offensive because they thought she was chinese and wouldn't understand. She did and got very pissed, and then had the nerve to pretend like nothing happened and did a 180 to super polite.

My cousins girlfriend looks very white, but shes 100% fluent in japanese(her mothers from japan), and at work everyone would talk shit and mistreat her because it was
A. a womans role
B. shes a dirty foreigner that doesn't understand
C. shes younger

One of my friends is born and raised in japan. Speaks very little english and ONLY japanese. She has a japanese name, first and last. She's korean. Her family did this to avoid discrimination. They have to pick up and move everytime somebody finds out they arn't really japanese.

Even when I spoke japanese well enough to pass, I STILL got hassled because of my height and build.
The culture there is so shallow and superficial it boggles the mind! If you don't fit in they go out of their way to ignore you or hassle you. and by fitting in I mean...
Be 105lbs, 5"5, and androgenous and wear whatever's 'cool' or 'trendy' and expensive.

The ONLY reason they enjoy white/black foreigners is because there was, and i repeat, was an USDM trend(just like cultural fetishism for the JDM here). Its a TREND to be with foreigners. Thats discrimination too isn't it?

I'm saying all this as a GENERALIZATION. I'm sure you can find examples of people actually appreciated who you are. My experience is mine and mine alone. Your experience maybe very different, but I don't think my experiences should be ignored either. I am of japanese decent, and speak the language, but yet have an American's point of view(I call myself american with very little pride).

And it's not that people don't act like that around the globe, it's just that it seems to be a perfectly acceptable social norm there!!! It's so prevalent it reallllly bugs me...

Thats what I mean I hope you know what you're getting into when you move/work there.

You guys want a post about all the things I love about japan now?

I'm planning to move there regardless as a JET.
Only for a year or two before I get SICK of the people and leave AGAIN, and do what I usually do over there.
Buy beer and cigarettes from a vending machine and act like a drunk jackass.

04-15-2005, 07:38 PM
i can speak a little, and will be in class until i would leave in september.

as far as fitting in. im white and japanese. so in the mainland people hate me for being asian and in hawaii they hate me for being white. so i figure it's not going to change wherever i go. live on.

Anyone with more information, or opinions trying to discourage me. so far i can deal with that 180personality deal so.

my sensei told me i should definitely go. she even wrote my letter of reccommendation! if she's THAT nice to my face...

concerning slingin parts for you guys... you find me a job ill send you whatever you want

04-15-2005, 07:59 PM
Thanks for the contribution. I really had no idea it was like that...very interesting.

The shit there is weird and cool, and its weird and cool with reason.
The people are FUCKED UP.

I'm 100% Japanese. I speak the languagem but I'm also fully americanized born and raised.
The people operate COMPLETLY different from how you would expect people to behave.

It's all honor and respect to your face but behind your back they just talk SHIT. TONS OF SHIT.

Like this lady working a takoyaki stand called my mother something VERY offensive because they thought she was chinese and wouldn't understand. She did and got very pissed, and then had the nerve to pretend like nothing happened and did a 180 to super polite.

My cousins girlfriend looks very white, but shes 100% fluent in japanese(her mothers from japan), and at work everyone would talk shit and mistreat her because it was
A. a womans role
B. shes a dirty foreigner that doesn't understand
C. shes younger

One of my friends is born and raised in japan. Speaks very little english and ONLY japanese. She has a japanese name, first and last. She's korean. Her family did this to avoid discrimination. They have to pick up and move everytime somebody finds out they arn't really japanese.

Even when I spoke japanese well enough to pass, I STILL got hassled because of my height and build.
The culture there is so shallow and superficial it boggles the mind! If you don't fit in they go out of their way to ignore you or hassle you. and by fitting in I mean...
Be 105lbs, 5"5, and androgenous and wear whatever's 'cool' or 'trendy' and expensive.

The ONLY reason they enjoy white/black foreigners is because there was, and i repeat, was an USDM trend(just like cultural fetishism for the JDM here). Its a TREND to be with foreigners. Thats discrimination too isn't it?

I'm saying all this as a GENERALIZATION. I'm sure you can find examples of people actually appreciated who you are. My experience is mine and mine alone. Your experience maybe very different, but I don't think my experiences should be ignored either. I am of japanese decent, and speak the language, but yet have an American's point of view(I call myself american with very little pride).

And it's not that people don't act like that around the globe, it's just that it seems to be a perfectly acceptable social norm there!!! It's so prevalent it reallllly bugs me...

Thats what I mean I hope you know what you're getting into when you move/work there.

You guys want a post about all the things I love about japan now?

I'm planning to move there regardless as a JET.
Only for a year or two before I get SICK of the people and leave AGAIN, and do what I usually do over there.
Buy beer and cigarettes from a vending machine and act like a drunk jackass.

04-15-2005, 09:07 PM
i can speak a little, and will be in class until i would leave in september.

as far as fitting in. im white and japanese. so in the mainland people hate me for being asian and in hawaii they hate me for being white. so i figure it's not going to change wherever i go. live on.

Anyone with more information, or opinions trying to discourage me. so far i can deal with that 180personality deal so.

my sensei told me i should definitely go. she even wrote my letter of reccommendation! if she's THAT nice to my face...

concerning slingin parts for you guys... you find me a job ill send you whatever you want

That being said. I wish you good luck. Don't let the people get you down.

In hawaii you'd be the majority(everyones mixed they just don't like the all white straight from the mainland types).

I had been taking japanese classes for some 8 years, and I couldn't speak jack crap until I actually had a few friends that only spoke japanese... so you'll learn a LOT through immersion. It'll be fun.
When I got back from living there for 6 weeks I had 2 exchange students for another 2 months, so I didn't speak any english for a good 3 months. I went away for college right after and found I forgot how to speak english properly.

If you're a college graduate try the JET program. They'll hook you up with a job teaching english for decent pay.

04-18-2005, 02:48 PM
might mean nothing to you guys, but i gt the answer for permission to go and my advisor passed me!

japan here i come

04-20-2005, 02:08 PM
i'm yellow and I went to jpn and had a fine time. everyone thought I was japanese(i am japanese by the way).

racism yes.

if you're not jpnz then you're wrong. and if you're a foreigner they only really pay attention to white and black. somtimes its negative, sometimes its positive.

regardless I had a great time. i'm not typical 5'5 105. i'm like 5'11 and 210.
nobody ever gives you shit. its 99% safe.

but you're gonna have a tough time getting a job if you don't know japanese there.
if you want to work there try jet. its not gonna be a great job, but its not gonna be hard either.

04-23-2005, 12:26 AM
maeda is my hero =(