View Full Version : SoCal bachelors: Where do you live, and how much do you pay?

04-15-2005, 01:10 AM
I am moving out from college in about a month, and I need to start apartment hunting. I am hoping for a 1 bedroom around 7 bills or so (yah that really limits it, but oh well) in LA county or nearby. I have been looking in long beach so far, any other recommendations?

04-15-2005, 06:13 AM
jesus I live in one of the nicest areas in michigan, and 7 bills will get you a decent 2 bedroom or more, sux for you guys, I knew it was bad but damn, anyway sorry im no help at all.

04-15-2005, 06:55 AM
Damn, I'm in DC and $700 won't get anyone a 1-bedroom around here.

That won't even really get you an efficiency...

04-15-2005, 07:07 AM
For $400 you can rent a room form someone. $700 will get you a 1 bedroom in Compton. Find a roommate. You can rent a 2 bedroom apt. for around $1300 or so on average.

04-15-2005, 07:31 AM
Damn, I live in a 5-bedroom HOUSE for 700.00/month in NC... Damn california sucks

04-15-2005, 09:59 AM
In San Francisco, a 1 bedroom apt will set you back $1200-2000 a month. Depending on location and how good it is.

04-15-2005, 10:29 AM

my condo in la ran so much more than in ohio =/

04-15-2005, 10:31 AM
just stay away from west LA

A Spec Products
04-15-2005, 12:13 PM
just stay away from west LA

not necessarily true, with $700 you just gotta find a roommate. a lot of good 2 bedrooms start around $1200-$1500.


used to live there, at the time me an a roommate paid $1200 something, but it was rent controlled since 99 or so. now i think it's $1500 at least for a 2 bedroom. it was safe there and had covered parking so i have no complaints.

also check out:


some people swear by this, but it sucks cause you gotta pay. hit up some usc kids or ucla kids, someone's always looking to split rent.

04-15-2005, 12:51 PM
my total bills for the month are 1500 or so (including food) and i live in a two bedroom house by myself.

small towns Pwn.

04-15-2005, 01:14 PM
Yah I might split with my old roomate. He was trying to get me to look at a place on the edge of compton/norwalk, hehe. California rent blows, I wish we had arizona prices

04-15-2005, 01:37 PM
im in san diego, me and my roommates pay 900/ month for a nice 2 bedroom 2 bath

there's 3 of us so I pay 300 for rent

04-15-2005, 02:00 PM
not necessarily true, with $700 you just gotta find a roommate. a lot of good 2 bedrooms start around $1200-$1500.


used to live there, at the time me an a roommate paid $1200 something, but it was rent controlled since 99 or so. now i think it's $1500 at least for a 2 bedroom. it was safe there and had covered parking so i have no complaints.

also check out:


some people swear by this, but it sucks cause you gotta pay. hit up some usc kids or ucla kids, someone's always looking to split rent.

I think he means bring soap on a rope if you have a room mate in west LA or FOR SURE in west hollywood haha

04-15-2005, 02:41 PM
Hey man

A few placed I've lived in the last few years down here...
Woodland Hills 2 bd/2ba + 2 car garage + office = $2700/mo
Downtown LA loft ~1600sqf = $2000/mo
Downtown LA loft ~1000 sqf = $1500/mo
Reseda 3bd/2ba condo = $2000/mo

Good luck finding a cheap place that isn't a crack house.... U should be able to find something around $1000 for a single bed studio tho.


s14srpilot: ROFL aint that the truth

04-15-2005, 02:43 PM
California rent blows, I wish we had arizona prices

My mom owns a couple houses in AZ; the prices are slowly reaching CA levels.

It won't be cheap out there for much longer, so if you were planning to buy a house there, better do it quick.

AZ is a shithole, but I guess it was a good investment for my mother as her property value has nearly doubled since she bought the houses about a year or two ago. :P

04-15-2005, 06:39 PM
Looks like you're moving to SUNNY GLENDALE!
Where the men are hairy and the women are too!
Everytime you roll by Glendale HS you get "hey bro!" as your welcome.
Get 2 days of food poisoning at taco azteca.
Pray you dont get 2 day food poisoning at the 1$ chinese place.

The Good
I had a glendale place 1 bed, 1 bath, kitchen, living room, garage for 700 a month plus utilities. It was a nice place. Everything was walking distance(KFC, Ralph's, Post Office, etc.) Glendale is also extremely safe.

The Bad
I'm pretty racist so, I couldn't take the 15 year olds with S500's and AMG 55's harassing me. Also the cops don't stop you if you are the correct race so I got followed home a lot. =) Seriously though, I found a huge house with a bunch of my car loser friends next to a fun road in the middle of nowhere so I moved.

The Ugly
My nextdoor neighbor was this Italian guy from NYC in his 60's. He was so fucking racist it was AWSOME, but alas... I woke up to the smell of his lazy eye'd toothless wife that DID NOT SHOWER every morning, and it was enough to make a grown man cry... and puke... and cry some more.

04-15-2005, 07:10 PM
I am going to be moving to Long Beach, CA on May 15 with 2 friends. Hope I find something quick.

04-15-2005, 07:15 PM
I am going to be moving to Long Beach, CA on May 15 with 2 friends. Hope I find something quick.

Really... Another Hawaii escapee eh?

Theres 3 people from hawaii in my house right now. =)

04-15-2005, 07:26 PM
this sounds like a gay add

04-15-2005, 09:54 PM
im in san diego, me and my roommates pay 900/ month for a nice 2 bedroom 2 bath

there's 3 of us so I pay 300 for rent

Yea I am in san deigo also. ANd La Jolla is the most expensive place to live in san diego. 1500 for 2 bedroom, 1 and 1/2 bath, 3 story house with a 2 car garage. Consider that cheap cause most of my friends are paying 1800 for a 2 room apartment.

04-15-2005, 09:56 PM
damn, va is the place to be 350-400 for a nice studio.

04-15-2005, 11:08 PM
Really... Another Hawaii escapee eh?

Theres 3 people from hawaii in my house right now. =)

wow. where are they from?

04-16-2005, 01:15 AM
I lived in Panorama City for about 6 months last year. It was a studio with all utilities paid. Monthly was $615. But P City isn't exactly the nicest place in LA.

wow. where are they from?

From Hawaii! Duh! :bash:

just kidding :bigok:

04-17-2005, 10:57 PM
shit where are you? here in richmond we were getting a 5 bedroom house with parking and dowtown for $370 plus utilities....

but the nicer places run more...

Cali prices suck donkey dick..

04-18-2005, 06:10 PM
Nice apartment close to campus and everything else soembody in their early twenties could need for $442/mo. plus electric.
On a sucks-to-be-you-guys note, I would never move to so cal unless I was riding on dad's wallet.
Why not just move out of cali? deep roots?

04-18-2005, 09:26 PM
I moved out to arizona, and I have 2 roommates and we have a 3 bed 2 bath townhouse and its only like 285/month and that includes utilities. I am planning on moving to Tempe in the Phoenix arizona area and the cost of living is cheaper than in Flagstaff here. California is out of control high I think, but oh well....good luck finding something.

04-18-2005, 10:43 PM
wow 700 dollars is a payment for my 2600 square ft house ! only thing I miss from cali is the food !

Andrew Bohan
04-19-2005, 01:36 AM
used to split a 2 bedroom two ways in the mountains of central washington. we each paid $272.50 + electricity

then i moved to cali... in hayward we split a 2 bedroom four ways and each paid $250 + electricity + replacing one car window every 6 months

now in union city split a 2 bedroom three ways and we each pay $400 + electricity

my buddy in burbank was splitting a 3 bedroom three ways for $600 each

04-19-2005, 02:29 AM
I suggest look in the san fernando valley ... about as cheap as its gonna get besides compton or east l.a. lol . ah im glad i moved to arkansas haha 300 a month for a brand new 1 bedroom apt with a pool , gym , private lakes , walking trails , b ball court , and PLENTY of parking . and this is in the heart of downtown , in the outskirts you can get an apartment here for like 150 a month no joke .

04-19-2005, 08:39 AM
Looks like you're moving to SUNNY GLENDALE!
Where the men are hairy and the women are too!
Everytime you roll by Glendale HS you get "hey bro!" as your welcome.
Get 2 days of food poisoning at taco azteca.
Pray you dont get 2 day food poisoning at the 1$ chinese place.

The Good
I had a glendale place 1 bed, 1 bath, kitchen, living room, garage for 700 a month plus utilities. It was a nice place. Everything was walking distance(KFC, Ralph's, Post Office, etc.) Glendale is also extremely safe.

The Bad
I'm pretty racist so, I couldn't take the 15 year olds with S500's and AMG 55's harassing me. Also the cops don't stop you if you are the correct race so I got followed home a lot. =) Seriously though, I found a huge house with a bunch of my car loser friends next to a fun road in the middle of nowhere so I moved.

The Ugly
My nextdoor neighbor was this Italian guy from NYC in his 60's. He was so fucking racist it was AWSOME, but alas... I woke up to the smell of his lazy eye'd toothless wife that DID NOT SHOWER every morning, and it was enough to make a grown man cry... and puke... and cry some more.

I'm buying a house in sunny Glendale!!. I know what you mean about the "Hey Bro" and the kids driving high end MBZ's. Most of those idiots live in 2 bedroom apartments with their parents and between insurance fraud combined with selling stolen stereos and their welfare check, they somehow pull it off. Glendale gets more welfare checks than the any other city in cali(so i've heard) . And they have the highest number of Armenians(70k i believe). The cops are pretty damn relentless too. They have to deal with too many idiots down there, much like most of LA, so the courts gave them more power. A lot of stuff you get harassed for in LA would turn into a lawsuit up here in SF but it's so commonplace and the kids dont know any better to stand up for their rights. Too many Tupac fans in that town. And the girls are damn hot but they can be snobby. But it's worth it just to go to Island Burgers. mmm cheddar fries.

04-19-2005, 11:19 AM
And the girls are damn hot but they can be snobby.

Very true. ever heard of Valley girls? You'll know what that means soon enough.

04-19-2005, 11:46 AM
Really... Another Hawaii escapee eh?

Theres 3 people from hawaii in my house right now. =)


another hawaii "escapee" here, hawaii is too damn small sometimes.

then again, i just came up here for college and don't have enough money to come back. plus, you got everything you need up here...marukai, mitsuwa, L&L's, yada yada. cept the ocean is too fuggin cold.

and dammit, if they close hawaii raceway im sure as hell not going back.

and cmon guys, its the 00's, not all of west LA is homosexual. glendale is too scary, horror stories driving a modded car around there.

^ but yeah, hawaii chicks > mainland chicks. that is all.

04-19-2005, 11:24 PM
1799 (split 3 ways) 2 bedroon 2 1/2 baths in the Only decent area of Anaheim.

Expensive as hell, and I will be moving soon too. I'm so sad, its off to the ghetto part of Anaheim for me now. Kind of seems similar to the cesspool I endure in SB.

980 for 2 bedroom and 1 1/2 bath in San Bernardino, decent area, right down the street from CSUSB. I need to becoem a transferable student soon, this shit is getting expensive.

04-20-2005, 03:20 AM
you can get a spot in Pico rivera for good price, but it is kinda crazy down there. or you can try whitter, you can get something that is either very good neighborhood or very ghetto nieghborhood. But they are very close to long beach. or you may try Westminister but dont try Compton

04-20-2005, 03:54 AM
Imma check out Long Beach. My uncle owns an apartment complex out there. Quite nice too. Like 3-5mins from CSULB and still close enoungh for a short drive when LBGP comes to town hehe. Seriously we are better off renting a house. You can fit more bachelors in it and have roommates, garage access, a backyard, and when you have a lady friend comeover, just kick your roommate to the coach in the family room, haha.

04-20-2005, 09:55 PM
As mentioned above, Westside Rentals is the key. So many places don't even advertise anywhere else... You'll never find them without it. Well worth the $60. My gf and I are moving from Silver Lake (trendy urban neighborhood sandwiched between Los Feliz, Hollywood and Downtown LA) to a place in Hollywood we just found through Westside Rentals. Just put the deposit down on it today. $1k + utilities for a 1bed/1bath 1000sqft. house with yard, built in the 1920's with hardwood floors, new appliances and one PITA-to-get-in parking space. If you don't mind living in a single, you can pull some decent areas off for $700. You may even be able to do a Downtown loft (not the nicest or the largest) for that kind of cash... We were looking into it but my gf has two cats and they need a yard.