View Full Version : some questions

04-07-2002, 12:57 PM
hey, another fng here (must  be a lot since the scc article)
got a couple questions
1. 89 hatchback with an automatic, blown motor-$500 bucks, good deal? i plan on sr swap of course and i'm thinking even if it cost me 1g to do the 5sp convo this is still a good deal.
2 what are the stages for the s13 sr20, i mean i know 205 stock, but is stage 2 exhaust downpipe what can i expect hp wise, etc etc. my goal is a a mid 12 in the 1320, full interior- how much hp is needed
3. my crew is mostly honda and supra owners, with pretty extensive swap knowledge i would say 40+ honda swaps, and hybrids under our belts. and about 5 supra swaps and  rebuilds, so even though i have limted knowledge i have some experts to help out. but know one has any real experince with nissans, i understand the sr swap is pretty straight forward but, what surprises can i expect
thanks in advance for any help

04-07-2002, 01:20 PM
ERRR!!! I hate SCC!!
Great.  Now we have newbs, a "crew" comprised of Hondas.  Some person "rep"'n NY.  And someone that wants all the info in the world but wont look it up.

Please, use the search.  If that doesnt work, look in the tech section, where this post should be, and search about 5 or 6 pages back.  This, as you may know, is a very popular subject, and people grow weary of reposting the same thing once a day.  Especially to newbs.

04-08-2002, 02:46 AM
hey dude sorry.  search didnt work and i posted it b/c i was wondering if 500 and knowing i had to do the swaps was worth it.  which i thought was a pretty specfic question. i came here b/c i read 3 or 4 forums and this one seem to be the best one. if i would have known i was going to get a reaction like this i would have never posted it.

04-08-2002, 03:19 AM
Well...the search doesn't work...that is something that we all should know by now (exluding all new people).  Not everyone is as harsh as Jeff is (settle down Jeff), we welcome people of all cars on the forums, so long as they stay on the subject.

Ok...that aside...SR's do not come in "stages", that's going to confuse a lot of people, it sounds like stage 2 to you means minor bolt-ons...but I'm not sure entirely. <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/crazy.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':crazy:'>

Welcome to the forums. &nbsp;It's been a little bit well...tense around here lately, so questions about SR's or "drifting" might set people off.

04-08-2002, 11:27 AM
If the rest of the car is in decent condition, $500 sounds like a decent deal to me.

04-08-2002, 11:48 AM
yeah. thats a decent deal if there is no rust, and the suspension is in good shape. &nbsp;Make sure it hasn't been in any wrecks either.

Sr with bolt-on's should put about 200-210 to the wheels with stock boost

04-08-2002, 11:56 AM
<a href="http://srswap.com/sr_home.htm" target='_blank'>http://srswap.com/sr_home.htm</a>

Go. &nbsp;Read. &nbsp;Learn.

-- Ps: Stupid question, but if you have the SCC article (or are familiar with it), they have pretty much everything covered as far as the swap goes. &nbsp;Did you give it a read?