View Full Version : Car stereo alternatives

04-12-2005, 12:20 AM
I am stereo less now and plan to keep it that way, but I still want music. I decided to ditch the stereo since I am running amps for all my speakers anyways. I am thinking either:

Ipod (5-10 GB, cant see myself using more than that)

PSP (damn those 1GB memorysticks are expensive, but its a PSP!!)

Carputer (dont really want to spend all that $$)

Any other suggestions? On a side note I found it ridiculous that they can make a portable MP3 player with a 20 + gb harddrive for $300, but a car stereo with a HD is $1k plus.

04-12-2005, 12:33 AM
pretty dangerous and illegal to have headphone while operating a car....

just do what my friend does....deck... one speaker with wire as an antena...

Andrew Bohan
04-12-2005, 12:41 AM
pretty dangerous and illegal to have headphone while operating a car....

who said anything about headphones? he's gonna plug shit into his amp(s)

04-12-2005, 09:40 AM
yeah if those were my choices id just get a PSP and rock the 16mb card for a while until the memorysticks come back down in prices

04-12-2005, 01:20 PM
I forgot, but also a PDA could be used. I hooked up a friends PDA and Ipod and they sounded great with the amps.

04-12-2005, 01:21 PM
Thats a good idea just plug your ipod onto your amp. The only thing i hate on my ipod is that it runs out of battery fast so invest on a car charger. Regular cd players are a pain in the ass for me everytime i go out drifting, do dirt drop, pull 1 g going around a corner or when i just hit a pot hole it sucks they skip like a mofo.

Dont use anything that runs out of battery fast. Or anything that is hard to get too or use fast otherwise you are going to end up hitting a curb. The ipod sounds really clean on my home stereo and it has some settings like bass boster and crap. Its a really good deal compared to the $800+ 1 gb head units.

04-12-2005, 01:51 PM
The 1GB Memory Sticks are only $125, not all that expensive if you ask me. Actually pretty cheap when considering the size of the media, and that fact that you are practically stealing the PSP from Sony for $250.

04-12-2005, 02:08 PM
pucker ur cheeks and blow toot a toot uve never tooted before and be come a mad stereo mix man....or just talk to ur self....or just sing out loud... :eek3d:

personlly probably a psp or what about a ipod shuffle? 1 gig
or XM reciver? :aw:

04-12-2005, 02:11 PM
i decided against a shuffle just because sometimes i have that craving for that one song, and dont want to have to go through every song sequentially to get to it.

04-12-2005, 03:55 PM
Do an Ipod mini with a car charger. This is my next project. This is your cheapest alternative. Its not hard to connect and very easy to manage.

04-12-2005, 06:42 PM
Look into OmniFi, it's like a 20gb hd for your car. They go cheap on ebay, like <$200.

04-12-2005, 07:26 PM
wow thats a good idea. i think i'm going to get an amp to power my speakers and just run an iPod shuffle for my stereo. what kind of amp should i get?

04-12-2005, 07:41 PM
now I want this too...

an amp will easily plug into the Ipod or do you have to get a bunch of shit to get it going?

04-12-2005, 09:29 PM
plugging your ipod into an amp is just like plugging it into your home stereo. all you need is a headphone jack-RCA plug.

wow that omnifi looks good. pretty cheap also. Imma do some research on it (RCA outputs, voltage, etc)

04-12-2005, 09:35 PM
wow thats a good idea. i think i'm going to get an amp to power my speakers and just run an iPod shuffle for my stereo. what kind of amp should i get?

Theres way too many opinions/elitist responses to what amp you should get. Just ask your friends what they have if you like how there stereo sounds.

04-13-2005, 05:19 PM
my friends don't have stereos they have decks and speakers, mostly stock decks. all our money is put into more important categories (not trying to be a dick). so i searched and found alpine v something 4-way amps 4x40 watt should be good enough right? then just plug shuffle into that and speakers into amp?

04-13-2005, 05:56 PM
plugging your ipod into an amp is just like plugging it into your home stereo. all you need is a headphone jack-RCA plug.

wow that omnifi looks good. pretty cheap also. Imma do some research on it (RCA outputs, voltage, etc)

i have an omnifi and it basically sucks (at least for me)

wiring is straightforward, but you do need an aux input. preferable with volume control. i hooked mine up to mine and it has only one volume.(low) if i turn it up i end up hearing my radio or my cd player.

and the unit can only be placed flat or having the cartridge pointing upwards..

has good music space. but interface is poorly designed. (kinda like. hit knob once then roll one click forward, just to skip songs)

04-13-2005, 06:24 PM
so the ipod will plug into an amp huh?? i tried pluggin it into my head unit (has 2 pairs of output jacks, but can be changed to input via the headunit menu) and i tried pluggin in my ipod to one of the pairs (either front or back) and it wasnt that great.