View Full Version : Those with College Majors, need input

04-10-2005, 08:01 AM
I'm at a crossroad in my life. I'm about to decide on my college major. I'm about to get my A.A. degree, and am going to transfer to a 4 year college. I was leaning towards something in finance/economics. (business major) But I want to know, what exactly are people out there with that kind of education doing, and how much are they getting paid for it?

04-10-2005, 08:11 AM
no matter what you choose you're going to be working for the "man." i think a lot of people choose business and economics majors because that's where they think the money is and it may be true. but i also hear that a lot of these people hate their jobs.. A LOT. i was considering this also, but i've also been considering what everyone has been telling me my entire life...study something that interests you and makes you happy, regardless of the money.

04-10-2005, 08:38 AM
^^^ you dont wanna be the person that hates his job. because work is what u do for the majority of your day. the other one - you sleep. the other lil bitty part - u rest. and if u got kids and etc, u dont. haha. good i dont have that.

you need to pick any major. i mean ANY since u probably will end up working in a different field anyway. im sure you will find something you like, just i will. so pick BBA for now, im majoring in finance right now and i have no idea what im gonna do after. if it really matters, you can go to the army as an officer after a BA and make decent money.

04-10-2005, 01:08 PM
Whatever you do, make sure it's something you like or could handle doing your whole life. I've talked to people who have stuck to majors they didn't want or like because of either parents or some other reason and most regrett it later in life. I just switched majors my sophmore year and now I'm a little behind but I think it will be better in the long run for me because Its what I like to do. You should go to the academic advising and talk to people there.

04-10-2005, 01:33 PM
you need to make some observations or interview of some professions. Otherwise you might choose a job that you would hate for rest of your life. However, the higher the education will gurantee more stable and high income. pick something that you are really interested in it.....i seen some people change majors 2, 3 times in university and spend 6 years tried to graduate. I think health field is the most stable job that will not affect by the economy

04-10-2005, 02:24 PM
im telling you you're going to want to do something your interested in, because if you dont you're going to hate it..every single day and every single class....

i changed my major 3 times until i finally decided to stick with something (psychology), and honestly i know the money factor plays into in...but if you dont atleast like what you're doing the money isnt going to help you.


I have a friend in school with me who's a ME( mechanical Engineer) and he absolutely hates the classes and studying and everything..i honestly think he'll be happier just being a mechanic but he's so far in now that he has to finish (under a year left)..

Money will not buy you happiness and change your major a little bit and you will find exactly what you're going to do...

04-10-2005, 03:56 PM
somethinb absurd like 80% of people who graduate with a degree work in a field thats not related to their major :tweak:

i've changed my majors 3 times also, twice pretty late in the game, but the last 2 have been in the field i like- Art (Digital Media)

for business, you'll find a job depending on your area/economy (obviously) but make sure its something you'll like and can handle..... MIS (Management Information Systems) was the hottest major at my school for a few years in a row and hot in the real world job market, but it got too cluttered and left lots of people with an MIS degree working at a shoe store/starbucks/Macy's etc....
buuut, then theres Marketing, something that will ALWAYS be there in the real world, just competitive....

research extensively into what career you wanna take, talk to career advisors, etc....talk to people with experience from School>real world

04-10-2005, 06:18 PM
Go into healthcare. People will never stop getting sick and the shortage of healthcare technicians and nurses is at an all-time low. My fiancee is finishing up the radiology tech program at her school. Starting salary here in FL (one of the lowest cost of living/lowest paid areas of the country) is around $20/hr. Two of the best paying specialties in that field are medical dosimetry and radiation therapy. Radiation therapists (or radiation oncology) make $30+ hr to start.

Although it may sound gay, being a nurse you will easily clear $40k a year just about anywhere in the country.

I don't know what your take is on a medical career, but if you want job security with excellent benefits and a good retirement program, it's a good place to be.

04-10-2005, 06:20 PM
Hope you see this throught to the MS or PHD level, otherwise it will all be done for nothing really. Too mnay Pysch majors in my life, but i will eloborate.

My example: A friend and I were replacing a valve on our grill as we were modfying it for dual dynamic range. We walked into Home depot where we were greeted by an old friend of my accomonied friend. It seems they knew each other from elementry times but lost contact, well as it turns out in every, "catching up" situation a life story is permitted, as such it turns out this guy obtained a BA in Psych, from what instituion is unknown, and somehwat irrelevent. He kind of had a shameful slouch to with every action, he perpetuated the need to go back to school becuase as he said, "everyone and there mom has a BA in Psych, but there are no jobs outthere for us."

His brother however, not there at the moment, who majored in bio (my major as well) turned out to be a vast success. With simply a BS he was belived to have just acquired a home and making his own schedule. Seems he was working in a Pre med bio feild; the term eludes me (i'm not in pre med bio) but it was the synthesyzing of blood from lucumeia (sp?) patients. And conducting other lab work.

But all that aside, it is in your best intrest to practice with your own discretion when deciding your major. This is your carrer path, you are paying VASTS amounts of money resources, and time to obtain a mastery and a title that makes you adept in a given field. Wouldn't it be worth it to have it be somthing you like/love/wouldn't mind doing for a living etc.... Seriously Reflect on to what and who you asspire to be, and the conclusion will be rather apparent.

Reflection, Critical thinking, and experience create clarity.

im telling you you're going to want to do something your interested in, because if you dont you're going to hate it..every single day and every single class....

i changed my major 3 times until i finally decided to stick with something (psychology), and honestly i know the money factor plays into in...but if you dont atleast like what you're doing the money isnt going to help you.


I have a friend in school with me who's a ME( mechanical Engineer) and he absolutely hates the classes and studying and everything..i honestly think he'll be happier just being a mechanic but he's so far in now that he has to finish (under a year left)..

Money will not buy you happiness and change your major a little bit and you will find exactly what you're going to do...

04-10-2005, 06:23 PM
another advice. if ur going for BA like me, dont stop there, get ur masters. u will get a job.

04-10-2005, 06:28 PM
420sx: Ideally, but there is a common practice of denying people jobs/employment becuase they are, "overqualified" it is sad but true, research is needed and must be followed after making the decesion. Risk managment/Human resources all have a hand in this but it still cannot be denied.

04-10-2005, 06:47 PM

either that ur "over quialified" or the fact that you have zero experience points, and they arnt going to higher "the green kid" 20K+ more cuz he has a MBA. point of advice like all the other guys say, pick up ur BA, get some job experience, and then get your MBA.
also, doing what you like is the difference between living life and hating it. like me, ima chemical engineering major. that shit is STOOPID HARD, but fuck, i like to blow shit up, and it'd be great to land a job as a pyrotechnicial :hsdance: ....and if that blows....i guess i can be a pharmacist or something....

bust as heartwork said,
just because its your major, doesnt mean itll be relavent to your job. exp, my cousin graduated ucd witha ba in "Forestry..." :loco: but shit, he works for B of A now and makes 75K + hes going back to skool for his MBA, meaning his gonna make sum maddd skriiillllaaa

04-10-2005, 07:01 PM
i'm graduating with a BA in psych. frankly i switched into psych not because i want to be a shrink, but because the classes are interesting to me and i've learn a lot of useful stuff. I've learn stuff that won't help me in getting a job but will help me as a person. To me thats what college is all about, its about personal growth, inside and outside the classroom. College isn't just a prep for your future job, it shouldn't be treated as such. And yes, your MA and PhD matters more for a job and your undergrad doesn't really matter that much in chosing a masters program, unless its med related.

I'm actually going into the army enlisted, trying it out, maybe go career or take that experience into the working field.

A very successful alumni told me that companies don't look at what you know, they look at what you can do. You can be a smarty 4.0 student with a BS in EE and still be completely useless to them.

pick a major based on what you like. Even if its "art history" or "psych". You'll end up learning more than if you picked a major that you think will best place you in a job in the future. I was AE, physics for 3 years, i was psych for only about 3 semesters so far, i've learned much more in less time because i enjoy the classes and the topic more.

as for the entire psych major working in fast food or whatever, then that is the person's fault for not doing free internships, not networking, not working hard enough, not doing what is necessary to find a job. Even MDs don't get job offers and fat paychecks by sitting on their ass and just studying for tests. I know plenty of psych majors here at SC with nice things lined up after graduation.

04-10-2005, 07:10 PM
Hope you see this throught to the MS or PHD level, otherwise it will all be done for nothing really. Too mnay Pysch majors in my life, but i will eloborate.

My example: A friend and I were replacing a valve on our grill as we were modfying it for dual dynamic range. We walked into Home depot where we were greeted by an old friend of my accomonied friend. It seems they knew each other from elementry times but lost contact, well as it turns out in every, "catching up" situation a life story is permitted, as such it turns out this guy obtained a BA in Psych, from what instituion is unknown, and somehwat irrelevent. He kind of had a shameful slouch to with every action, he perpetuated the need to go back to school becuase as he said, "everyone and there mom has a BA in Psych, but there are no jobs outthere for us."

His brother however, not there at the moment, who majored in bio (my major as well) turned out to be a vast success. With simply a BS he was belived to have just acquired a home and making his own schedule. Seems he was working in a Pre med bio feild; the term eludes me (i'm not in pre med bio) but it was the synthesyzing of blood from lucumeia (sp?) patients. And conducting other lab work.

But all that aside, it is in your best intrest to practice with your own discretion when deciding your major. This is your carrer path, you are paying VASTS amounts of money resources, and time to obtain a mastery and a title that makes you adept in a given field. Wouldn't it be worth it to have it be somthing you like/love/wouldn't mind doing for a living etc.... Seriously Reflect on to what and who you asspire to be, and the conclusion will be rather apparent.

Reflection, Critical thinking, and experience create clarity.

Yea i know thats why im getting a minor in criminal justice and then attending law school (those are the plans anyways)
:eek3d: :eek3d:

04-10-2005, 08:08 PM
I hear ya guys. I really appreciate the input. I'm so torn right now with what I want to do in life. I work at a restuarant now as a cook, and I can't imagine being stuck in an enviroment where I have to work with people without a high school education. I enjoy my accounting classes, it makes me think. But I wouldnt say i LOVE it. Only things that excite me in life, are cars, and music. I cant play music for shit, but I can work on cars... But lord knows being a mechanic is hard, knuckle breaking work. I dont want to mix my hobby with my job.

I think I might want to do something in marketing the more I think about it. I want to make TV commercials. That, I would enjoy. Kinda like Mel Gibson in "What women want".

Anyone in marketing?

04-10-2005, 08:19 PM

either that ur "over quialified" or the fact that you have zero experience points, and they arnt going to higher "the green kid" 20K+ more cuz he has a MBA. point of advice like all the other guys say, pick up ur BA, get some job experience, and then get your MBA.
also, doing what you like is the difference between living life and hating it. like me, ima chemical engineering major. that shit is STOOPID HARD, but fuck, i like to blow shit up, and it'd be great to land a job as a pyrotechnicial :hsdance: ....and if that blows....i guess i can be a pharmacist or something....

bust as heartwork said,
just because its your major, doesnt mean itll be relavent to your job. exp, my cousin graduated ucd witha ba in "Forestry..." :loco: but shit, he works for B of A now and makes 75K + hes going back to skool for his MBA, meaning his gonna make sum maddd skriiillllaaa

i was assuming u guys knew what i was talking about. it is almost mandatory you get an INTERSHIP before last year in school. this would be ur senior year. and work all the way thru mba. sorry but that is almost necessary to get hired in corporate world if thats what u want.

overqualification means u r an underachiever, apply for a better job.
you should get a job you want if u get an intership w/ a company /work for them afterwards for a few years. thats how everyone i know does it. its called smart :tweak:

04-10-2005, 10:47 PM
Well if you wish to persue law school this is somthing i know first hand. I'm a Criminalistics major/Biology Major (misnintripted as Criminal Justice Major due to the facilties indescresions) but the emphaiss is placed on science rather than anything else. I thought perhaps this wasn't all bad and thought perhaps I should minor in CJ just for law enforcement background. Well in the duration i encountered several CJ major who wished to be counslours/lawyers as well.

This struck me as odd, becuase at a young age i researched the divsions between the majors within law. It seems they were told by there inadequete advisors that CJ was there way to Law school. Now there is a way to get into Law school with any major, but convential thought and procedue is to major not in CJ but Paralegal studies. They are vastly diffrent have diffrent requirements.

So before you go ahead and change your major/minor reserach was it needed to get into the law school of your choice. I know that the only institution in So. cal to have Criminalistics MS/Phd program (CSULA) will not allow you in if you only minor in physical Science you must meet a GPA requirement, Satifactory relationships/Criteria, Major, and several other mandates need to be abided as well. So seriously, i know its redundant but do your homework do not rely on advisors; in my situation they have done nothing but fail me when i needed them the most. But it has allowed me to become far more responsible for my actions and decesions. Practical? ha none of my decesions have mass appeal but it works for me, and allows me to be the persevering/successful individual that I am.

Internshps? Well that is neccesary, personally i'm going to enroll into police academy at 20.5 (and sworn in) I personally do not enjoy nor agree with law enforcement (or lack there of) in my Universities city but I do not seek to stay much longer, and hope to simply distribute and manage the fire arms. I asspire to be a Criminalist in Fire arms id. Perhaps even fire arm examiner for the ATF if things do not pan out. Detective if all else fails.

Yea i know thats why im getting a minor in criminal justice and then attending law school (those are the plans anyways)
:eek3d: :eek3d:

04-10-2005, 11:30 PM
the law schools i have looked at around here have stated that a social science (psychology) is fine for attending law school around here. I dont know how is it out there in soc cali but i got the minor because i wanted to adventure into the field and see if that was also something that interests me. It's not a prerequise to getting into the school when i could apply without it, it's just a way to "test the waters" so to speak...

btw what is your major in school now stock-s13, your writing ability is very proficient and you speak as though you have been through some years of education...

04-11-2005, 12:02 AM
I know 2 people in marketing.

1) Jobless, damn smart girl.
2) 90k a year bonus, applied materials sales management, 2 years at some community college. Not too bright, but has an A type personality, and can make anything intresting.

04-11-2005, 12:13 AM
You only further allow me to boast/feed my ego. Please refrain, or cotinue, i don't know I have mixed feelings.. haha. Which is funny becuase i have made a slew of grammatical errors and my English professor would have my head for it. I just don't correct myself on Message boards, i lack the will and effort.

As i said before there are other ways to be accepted into law school with any major, its just conventional thought to be in paralegal studies prior to law school. But i was never one to follow such mandates. I just thought it would be a good percaution to let them know, what they had been told wasn't 100% accurate, and there are other means to obtain there goal.

Major? Criminalistics, which in essence is the study of, uhh god i hate the buzz word, "forensic science" in the undergradute level it is to be a a study in a given Phyisical Science. I choose Biology, not pre med bio mind you, to satisfy my requirements. In doing so it still allows me to encompass several fields of employment. But I asspire to be a Criminalist in Fire arms Id, benchmarking. nothing is known for certain, but i will thrive to accomplish my goals. in the graduate level it is a MAjor all of its own, and further details practise of Lab work and procedure in Crime labs and all antics to follow. I'm still entertaining the idea of minoring in CJ, but as it stands my CJ 106 class (Unnecessary Criminal investigation class) it was a rather lack luster ploy to create a slew of Crime scene investigators, which is not my intention. Now as soon as i enrool into my actual required class CJ 200 (minor requirement) it will allow me to draw paralells and deduce any fallacies in my potential declartion.

Education level? Im a freshman, at my current university. I have my equilbrium and discontented will for convential and tradtional education to thank for my current use of rheotoric, and voctional skills. I thought these to be essential to aid me to convey my ideas and succeed in life all together. I made a routene to solidfying these attributes. As well as a certain person to thank for enlightening me to said "epiphany."

04-11-2005, 12:21 AM
I know 2 people in marketing.

1) Jobless, damn smart girl.
2) 90k a year bonus, applied materials sales management, 2 years at some community college. Not too bright, but has an A type personality, and can make anything intresting.


basically there are two types of people:

A) people who are super duper smart, brainy, and are textbook people, but lack people skills and have no experience....

B) people who arent as bright, but have strong real world skills, have leads, and has lots of experience....

alot of the times a company will hire someone with more experience. When you go into an interview do they ever ask for your GPA??? NEVER....but the school you went to does have some kind of role... Companies dont have time to train a person with no experience, but are brainy...Im not saying a brainy person will never get hired, but if there was only 1 opening for a specific job and Types A and B show up on the same day of an interview, Type B will most likely get the job....

go to the career center or advising and see what kind of person you are...Visit each department adn see what they have to offer and what type of stuff the alumnis have been doing since they graduated.....but most important, do something that you LIKE...dont get stuck with a job you'll hate...... if you like cooking now, consider some sort of restaraunt/business field....

04-11-2005, 12:21 AM
Just, for the love of God, don't major in English... The only thing you will be able to do is teach English...
Then you find yourself in my position, unwilling to take the paycut necessary to deal with someone else's badass kids in high school, then going back to school to do something else

04-11-2005, 12:23 AM
I'm at a crossroad in my life. I'm about to decide on my college major. I'm about to get my A.A. degree, and am going to transfer to a 4 year college. I was leaning towards something in finance/economics. (business major) But I want to know, what exactly are people out there with that kind of education doing, and how much are they getting paid for it?

in general its a bullshit degree.

in other words 3 options:

1. you either have super honors everything, 4.0GPA and get recruited out of college
2. you have average grades, but you worked all through college so you get picked up b/c of exp and make a career out of whatever you're doing (doesn't have to be major related)
3. you have shitty grades, no job exp, and you become a bum with a 4 year degree.

i only have one friend with a econ degree, and he is now a IT administrator working at novo-nordisk making good money.

04-11-2005, 12:34 AM
^^^ And I am LIVING option 2 (sort of, graduated with a 3.5 but an english degree is WORTHLESS), while re-creating option 1 right now

04-11-2005, 08:00 AM
Odd. From what I've heard a finance degree is very versatile.

However, the more I think about what I want to do, it all comes back to marketing. I'm a very charismatic person. I'm outgoing and confident. Everyone who meets me likes me for some wierd reason. I'm just a likeable person I suppose. I can bullshit like its no one's business too. Marketing might be the way to go for me. I'm going to read more into marketing majors.

04-11-2005, 08:03 AM
^^^ And I am LIVING option 2 (sort of, graduated with a 3.5 but an english degree is WORTHLESS), while re-creating option 1 right now

you did the english degree thing too huh?

im stuck in that as well. what i plan to do with it though is go teach in the north of japan. so i can ski...not drift like every other fan boy that has his heart set on teaching in japan so they can drift.

but yea..make enough money then come back and pay for law school..maybe.

04-11-2005, 09:53 AM
go into game design......
or as a photographer.... for playboy........ (^_^)

04-11-2005, 10:42 AM
Im going to say that you shouldnt be afraid to try different classes or change your major and let me intenerate DO SOMETHING YOU LIKE....

04-11-2005, 10:46 AM
do criminal justice and become a cop, fbi, etc. that's what I'm doing, I've already got a guarenteed spot at the local sheriff's dept. but am going to apply for FBI and Homeland Security.

04-11-2005, 12:33 PM
man this is a good thread! Helps me get some insight on my future.. keep it up :)

04-11-2005, 12:37 PM
Im an auto tech major at siu, its a 4 year program, job placements are mostly corporate. . . you could be doing something you enjoy then.