View Full Version : Japanese websites suck.

04-07-2005, 04:00 PM
I've been to a lot of japanese websites and they all look like shit. Even big companies dont make their websites look decent at all. Like tein.co.jp, .bee-r.com/jp their websites look crappy they might have nice pictures and what not but the layout/color sheme sucks. I dont even know if their websites are effective because most of the information is hard to look at or get to.

It pisses me off looking at crappy websites its just not proffesional i guess. It makes me wonder if their website looks/works like shit how do their products looks/works. I mean rayswheels.co.jp and hks-power.co.jp both look good why cant all those sites be the same when im trying to buy or research something. :down:

04-07-2005, 04:15 PM
They have a totally different view of the web than we do...

In Japan computer use is not as widespread as here in the US and comparison shopping is still done mostly through traditional outlets like magazines, retail stores, and word of mouth. Online shopping is not very big so they don't need big good looking web sites to attract customers.

04-07-2005, 04:21 PM
Uh look at the company size of rays/hks compared to bee-r. I doubt a small shop like bee-r has the funds or need to hire a professional to do their website. As for tein, it's not flashy like other company's websites but I can find pretty much all the info I need about their products quickly and easily.

Content > flash.

04-07-2005, 04:57 PM
Uh look at the company size of rays/hks compared to bee-r. I doubt a small shop like bee-r has the funds or need to hire a professional to do their website. As for tein, it's not flashy like other company's websites but I can find pretty much all the info I need about their products quickly and easily.

Content > flash.

Spoken like a webdev. :werd:

I've been to a lot of japanese websites and they all look like shit. Even big companies dont make their websites look decent at all. Like tein.co.jp, .bee-r.com/jp their websites look crappy they might have nice pictures and what not but the layout/color sheme sucks. I dont even know if their websites are effective because most of the information is hard to look at or get to.

It pisses me off looking at crappy websites its just not proffesional i guess. It makes me wonder if their website looks/works like shit how do their products looks/works. I mean rayswheels.co.jp and hks-power.co.jp both look good why cant all those sites be the same when im trying to buy or research something.

Content and ease of navigation is everything in eCommerce. The easier it is for someone to get info and add the item to their cart and speedily checkout is what's more important for any site whose purpose is to make $.

Additionally the companies you've listed as "BIG", are only our perception of "big" here in the states, Bee-R is fairly small, and Tein is no where near the household (or more accurately garagehold?) name it is in japan compared to here... in factI think there was a whole thread about how Tein is shunned in japan, as it's known as an entry level, lesser company in JDM land.

Then there's the cultural thing. Japan might as well be on another planet, becuase socially, they have very little in common with america. I've been caught between the two worlds my whole damn life being Yonsei. What may be completely illogical for us most likely makes a lot more sense across the pacific.

Besides, you're taking on the typical american mentality, me Me ME.
Cater to ME and MY needs... despite the fact taht "I" am not the intended audience, nor who the site was created to entice. Clearly an american viewing an japanese site website is NOT the target demographic... hence why such companies have US versions of websites... not "English Version"s, US Versions, intended for US audiences. Don't be mad because they don't cater specifically to your own personal idealogy of what a "Good website" should look like.

04-07-2005, 05:18 PM
Yeah i guess you are right but when doing a business site they usally look good and most of them dont host their videos on a geocities server (http://www.bee-r.com/english/revlimitter/inde.htm check the video section). I agree with the content vs flash but it dosent need to have flash to look nice plain html can look really good. Its like comparing a s14 thats has flush wheels with nice matching aero and a s14 that is primered has a 42+ offset chrome with a body kit that looks out of place. Who knows how to drive it better probably the guy who knows his stuff right? Thats how i think about it atleast.

But im just saying overall that most dont look organized even personal sites on geocities look better. Still the japanese volk site looks really sharp. I just think that japanese web designers aint that good at their job and with my believe that japanese have better technology than here. That their computer industry would be better than ours like i would imagine a web design thats all flush like the Blitz r34 instead of the Blitz website http://www.blitz.co.jp/.