View Full Version : Need info on this Pivot ACS unit!

s14 blacktop
04-07-2005, 02:03 PM
ok my sr came with this in my front clip. its the Pivot ACS air flow onditioner System, what I need is basic info on this unit, its the one knob one. does anyone know anything about it? I only found one thread about the newer one but not mine.
pivot air flow controller?

can you guys explain how the pivot air flow controller works? does it only work for turbos? or na's? or whateva. is it worth it? i havnt heard much about it and was wondering about it. link to the controller"

I had an older version Pivot ACS on my S13 when I was still in Japan. Piece of crap. lol. Seriously, you can buy a used SAFC for cheaper than that and it's much nicer."