View Full Version : KA-t burning oil problem...

03-28-2005, 02:07 PM
I just got my car running with a used S13 T25. I'm using a JGS tools oil line kit with a .060 restrictor on it. The car is billowing white smoke out of the exhaust. The turbo has not been run in at least a few months. It had no shaft play on the exhaust side, but it did have some play on the compressor side. I'm going to pull the intake pipe as soon as it cools off some. Is this normal when first starting up, something I can expect to go away, or is this the sign of a blown turbo? I'm having some idle and vacuum issues still, so I haven't had a chance to drive it. The smoke really has me worried though. Here's my setup:

SSAC KA manifold
S13 T-25
Custom intercooler pipes (stock ones would not work)
370cc injectors
Walborro 255lph pump
Stock recirc valve
3" downpipe & exhaust
Innovative Wideband

I'm also getting 16.9 AFR at idle, which I think is a combination of the vacuum leak and the oil burning.

Any ideas? Any help much appreciated!

03-28-2005, 11:55 PM
piston rings,valve seals,headgasket, have you done a comppression check? checked oil? is the oil milky? coolant ok?

03-29-2005, 09:17 AM
Engine is fine. Did a compression test before starting this project. No coolant in oil or vice-versa.

03-29-2005, 11:22 AM
White smoke on startup only? That just sounds like condensation in the exhaust to me. If it were oil, the smoke would be blue, and you would smell it.

03-29-2005, 03:05 PM
id run it a bit before u jump to conclusions, my roomates car smoked a bit on the first startup (ka-t with a sr t25).. do u have a restrictor in ur feed line, and make sure ur return line isnt backing up with oil, aka pinched, or not gravity.. where do u have ur return welded into ur pan? how much oil do u have in the motor.

03-29-2005, 04:17 PM
got my .060 restrictor like 15 inches away from the turbo(ideally the restrictor should be on the turbo) does anyone has their restrictor in the feedline ? if so how far from the turbo? cuz even after the restrictor i'm getting smoke (just started today)
(it didn't smoke for a week after the restrictor was put in the feedline) you think its cuz i let it idle for 30 min today?

today when driving it was smoking (bluesh) as usual as when i didn't have the restrictor. smokes more when i'm driving fast and especially during and after shifting.

03-29-2005, 04:26 PM
I'm gonna agree with boostedS13, how cold is it out there? Maybe you're just a little paranoid bud. Its understandable though.

Let her run for 20min and see if smoke is still coming out, have someone watch to see if its blueish or pure white. Finally smell it if it smells sweet you've got coolant getting into your air tract, likely through the headgasket.

03-29-2005, 05:08 PM
what about your oil line??

03-30-2005, 11:47 AM
I purchased the oil line kit from jgsturbo.com, and I am using a .060 restrictor. Due to the threads, I can only mount the restrictor at the pressure 'T' fitting, 48" away from the turbo, and not directly on it. I tried swapping it around yesterday, but could not find a way to make it work. The drain is as straight down as possible, though it does have to make a slight bend to clear the motor mount. I had the return bung welded as high up on the oil pan as possible, and I have about 3 1/2q of oil in it right now. It stopped smoking so much yesterday, but that was after I drained a little oil out. It smells like oil, not like coolant. I still haven't been able to get it to run well enough to be able to drive it very far, or boost at all. I has a slight but steady stumble at idle, and I can't get it to run on the correct SAFC settings for my car. Hoping to get those issues worked out today... :-/