View Full Version : andrew: 2, cops: 0

Andrew Bohan
03-22-2005, 09:45 PM
for cliffs notes, see below

ROUND 1 (some time in 2003. many of you have heard this part before)
the scenario: drivin my gf's best friend's (really cute) sister to work.
so i'm moseying along, see a motorcycle cop and put the clutch in to kill the exhaust noise. well, he pulls out anyway and pulls me over.
he wants to get me for:
1) speeding
2) no front plate
3) no seatbelt
4) modified exhaust
great! so he sees that i'm wearing my harness. so seatbelt is out. i have my front plate in the windshield, he tells me to put it on the bumper. okay. he sees the cute girl in the passenger seat. never mind the other 2 things, have a nice day.

WIN for ME

ROUND 2 (today)
the scenario: on my way from radio shack to kragen.
i wanna go left, but it's a boulevard so i have to go right and do a U turn. well it's raining like a bitch and there's hella traffic and 4 lanes to get across. i get out, and over, and over, but the last jack ass won't let me in to the left most lane so i can do a U turn. i gun it to get ahead, just in time, but i underster on the U turn cuz it's so wet. then i add throttle and get the back end to come around so i can make it. well i didn't wanna have to do it like that, but that's how it happened. soon enough, i'm gettin pulled over.

mind you, my car is pretty illegal. my engine is legal but i have no cats (turbo FC has 3 cats from the factory), car isn't registered to me yet and i JUST cancelled my insurance to switch companies. so i hid my safc and hoped my boost gauge looked stock enough (yeah right). needless to say i was expecting to get it impounded.

cop comes up, asks why i'm driving like an ass and asks for my license and if i've ever been arrested(?). so i hand over the goods and he goes back to the car. in the meantime, a police suburban comes up too, like i've been trafficking narcotics or something. he tells me to cut the engine.
first cop comes back, gives me my license and a lecture, tells me to stop driving like an ass, and goes back to his car. then the spins the tires as he pulls out.

WIN for ME

cliffs notes: got pulled over once in 2003 and again today, both times breaking several laws, and getting out of it each time.

03-22-2005, 09:53 PM
im sorry dude but thats fuggin lame lol.

i've been stopped almost 40 times and have like 4 tickets on my record.


03-22-2005, 09:53 PM
you fail... i mean win?

03-22-2005, 09:57 PM
Damn, CaliFuckinFornia sucks

03-22-2005, 10:05 PM
p.s. exactly almost all of them were for speeding at least 10mph over but usually 20

03-22-2005, 10:19 PM
Knock on Wood. 3rd time's the charm

03-22-2005, 10:53 PM
cute girls help...really they do :)

Drunk Bastard
03-23-2005, 12:00 AM
bah, tickets suck

03-23-2005, 12:20 AM
Here's to hoping your luck runs out, Andrew!


03-23-2005, 12:44 AM
enough BS, lets see some pics of the girl

03-23-2005, 01:00 AM
Ok wtf everytime i've gotten pulled over i either get 2 + tickets or get arrested. Why is it that when young people driving nice cars and you dont have a licence plate in the front you get butt raped by the cops. One day i totally forgot my insurance card because i just gotten the card and i get stopped that same day going down my street. I get pulled over just for having my licence plates in my windshield or cops follow me until they see something wrong. I can probably drive my moms Odyssey without licence plates for a whole year and i would never get pulled over.

I know cops are doing their job and thats good but why do they have to be assholes or even racist. Im mexican and some cops just dont like mexicans where i live because our town is made up of 98% white people so they pick on the mexicans here so they can reach their goal one day of a 100% white population. :rofl:

03-23-2005, 02:47 AM
enough BS, lets see some pics of the girl


100% white population. lol

03-23-2005, 03:43 AM
Pays to be white doesn't it!

03-23-2005, 03:50 AM
Ok wtf everytime i've gotten pulled over i either get 2 + tickets or get arrested. Why is it that when young people driving nice cars and you dont have a licence plate in the front you get butt raped by the cops. One day i totally forgot my insurance card because i just gotten the card and i get stopped that same day going down my street. I get pulled over just for having my licence plates in my windshield or cops follow me until they see something wrong. I can probably drive my moms Odyssey without licence plates for a whole year and i would never get pulled over.

I know cops are doing their job and thats good but why do they have to be assholes or even racist. Im mexican and some cops just dont like mexicans where i live because our town is made up of 98% white people so they pick on the mexicans here so they can reach their goal one day of a 100% white population. :rofl:

true that..damn racist bitches...sux to be u man..NEBRASKA..haha. I aint hating but that is definitely nothing but white people (no offense to you white people) At least u don't have strict smog laws like us californians and get pulled over for a loud exhaust and have ur hoods popped.

Andrew Bohan
03-23-2005, 03:51 AM
i was thinkin the same thing. i got 3 tickets when i lived in rural washington. one for left on a red light (hey, i looked both ways first!) and two for speeding. i guess i don't have that advantage where everyone is white...

in washington it's andrew: 2, cops: 3. gay

03-23-2005, 01:45 PM
ive been pulled over maybe 3 times out since 02... always got away with warnings.. first 2 just cuz I was prolly profiled.. 3rd time cuz my tags where expired, I just told the cop my car didnt pass smog but im trying, and he jus said to go to dmv and get temp papers since they will give it to me, and let me go..

So I think as long as your a nice guy and keep your record clean, you should be ok.

03-23-2005, 03:12 PM
dont feel bad white doesnt get you shit in rural VA... where im from i'll give you the exact score...

Brian : 1 Va State Police : 12

those suck ass....

Andrew Bohan
03-23-2005, 03:19 PM
ouch. 12 huh. time to change your strategy :)

03-23-2005, 05:36 PM
(bay area)
so far
aure: 7 cops: 1
in less than 2 yrs.
and im mexican. they always ask me 2 or 3 times if i really own the car/if registration is right. i guess they keep thinking i stole it or something? :( either way my record is clean and reg/ins is fine so i dunno, i just get hassled a lot and am getting tired of it. i drive normally and i get pulled over, lol
the one time i did get a ticket i wasnt even in my 240. i was just speeding on the freeway (80mph) and i knew i couldnt lie my way out of it.

03-23-2005, 06:05 PM
Lawrence:20, SFPD:1, Marin CHP: 2, SJ Transit: 1, SC Sheriff: 1, Tracy CHP: 1

Some of them I took traffic school. Others were a long time ago.

03-23-2005, 08:13 PM
way too many for me. points galore. sometimes youll run into good chp. ive been tagged going top in my s13 (dont really know cuz the speedo stops as you all know). but he let me go for no proof of insurance=10 dollar fine. actually got caught dragging with my sw20 and was let go with impeding traffic.

"you have any modifications done to your vehicle? pop your hood and get back into your car!"
"... ...ah... officer...its in the back..."
"what's in the back!"
"... ...the engine" (girlish giggles)

my girl got tagged at 55 in a 35 in her bright white z33

"you know how fast you were going?"
"ah...iono, 45 or 50?"
"no, im afraid not. you were going 55"
"oh, really? (smile)"
walks back to the patrol car; comes back
"you already have two points?"
"i guess so"
"one more and you get your license suspended. you know that right?"
"oh...." (looking sad)
"all i ask is that you take it easy and be safe" (smiles and a bling comes from his teeth)

LEO, there nice people...

03-24-2005, 12:09 PM
so i hid my safc.

and why?

is it because a safc ISN'T illegal?

or is it because California FUCKING BLOWS AND I HOPE THAT STATE BREAKS OFF AT THE FAULT AND FLOATS AWAY because they would consider that an illegal electronic mod to your car and impound it?


Andrew Bohan
03-24-2005, 02:18 PM
yes, safc is not legal for street cars.

03-26-2005, 06:22 AM
only in california

03-26-2005, 04:35 PM
haha, cute girl really helps a lot!