View Full Version : So I got my first speeding ticket

S13 Charlie
03-22-2005, 11:08 AM

After almost 9 years of driving, I finally got pinched for speeding. One of the streets I take to get to work is wide, straight and about a mile long with no traffic. Usually, I can just blast down this street peacefully, without incident. This time, I saw the sheriff, but didn't slam on brakes in time. 60 in a 45, *dammit*. (edit so as to not hurt sensitive folks)

Anyway, I think I can do traffic school so it won't affect my driving record, and jack up my insurance.. Does anyone know how much a 60 in a 45 fine is?

Needless to say, it was a super-fantastic-number1-lucky way to start my day.. :smash: :rant: :Ownedd:

03-22-2005, 02:12 PM
i got one two days ago damn first one in my 240

03-22-2005, 07:35 PM
Yeah I just got my first ticket after 2 years of driving... 61 in 40 w/ expired inspection, came to a total of $200... I'm paying, not fighting because I was a dumbass.

03-22-2005, 07:48 PM
woah weird. i got pulled over yesterday but i wasnt in a 240. i was in a stock integra and it was me vs. 3 cops :( i wasnt even able to show em insurance/registration cuz the dumb glovebox was jammed. they said i was speeding and that i ran a bunch of stops (nope). i dont know how i got out of it but they let me go with a warning (whew) but before they left they asked me who's car that was (they pointed to my 240) and they asked about the owner and where he lived etc. kinda got me worried now.
sorry just thought it was weird all of us got pulled over around the same time.

anyway i dont think your ticket will be over $200..

03-22-2005, 08:12 PM
This time, I saw the sheriff, but didn't slam on brakes in time. 60 in a 45, bastard.

Comments don't come much more ignorant than this. Why call the Sheriff a bastard? Because he was doing his job and you got caught being stupid? Shit like this really pisses me off. Until you work a job where you are putting your own life on the line to protect the lives of others, STFU and stop whining. Think about that next time some "bastard" arrests a child molester.

I'm sure these words fall on deaf ears for most. They'll dismiss my comments as just some Dumb-ass Jar Head Marine, or some Power Tripping Mod. It doesn't really matter though. Just like most Police officers, I didn't choose my profession to make friends. I choose it to help others, for little to nothing in exchange. Grow up kids, this world is a lot bigger then your petty pride and need to look cool by talking down about those who choose to serve their community or country.

03-22-2005, 08:43 PM
I hate these over-zealous mods. We need to do something about them...

Annoying Eric
03-22-2005, 08:54 PM
I agree with That Guy..I dont understand why people bad mouth officers. There doing there job. They didnt MAKE you speed. You took the chance and got caught.. Oh well. Thats my .02 cents

03-22-2005, 09:02 PM
I agree with That Guy..I dont understand why people bad mouth officers. There doing there job. They didnt MAKE you speed. You took the chance and got caught.. Oh well. Thats my .02 cents

Exactly, that's why I'm just paying for my ticket, why protest something I'm 100% responsible for... I drove like dick and will pay because of it. That's life.

03-23-2005, 07:22 AM
"you have to badmouth the cops or else they wont respect you and give you a ticket." something stupid a friend said.

03-23-2005, 07:38 AM
Damn Barry, that was a little harsh, maybe he was calling the sheriff a bastard because he knew the officer personally and is aware whether or not his parents were married when he was conceived, the deciding factor on whether or not he actually IS a bastard... Did you consider that?

S13 Charlie
03-24-2005, 02:56 PM
In defense of my post, I was not trying to "badmouth" a figure of authority, or the laws in general. I was going faster than the posted limit, and I know it. I was looking to find out if any of my fellow Californians knew about what my fine will be.

Until you work a job where you are putting your own life on the line to protect the lives of others, STFU and stop whining. Think about that next time some "bastard" arrests a child molester.

The "bastard" comment, was me cursing the fact that I got pulled over, not calling the cop a bastard. I will edit my post to reflect that, so "chill, yo". Most of the time, I have the utmost respect for Policeman (and -women), I know the majority of them are out to protect the public. I won't bother going into the King or Louima cases..

Grow up kids, this world is a lot bigger then your petty pride and need to look cool by talking down about those who choose to serve their community or country.

You're right, I'll tell my mom to change my diapers and give me a bottle to stop crying. I don't know what I was doing driving a car in the first place, I can't even reach the pedals, let alone count past 4...

the head
03-24-2005, 03:41 PM
I bad mouth cops when it is needed that is it you know a cop an be a bastard just as much as the next guy and it is someone's right to call him on it, cops don't get the right to become assholes just because they serve the community but a signifigant percentage of them do.

and before you get all high and mighity on the serving the community trip I worked on the local FD and EMT (volunteer) Plus I am a rescue diver so even though I ain't gettin shot at (don't happen much around here anyways) my ass can still be at risk. Nothing like the armed service stuff but dead is dead no matter how it happens.

03-24-2005, 04:32 PM
S13 Charlie, my appologies for taking your comment out of context. It just struck a nerve with me when I thought you were referring to the poilce officer. However this level of immaturity right here:
You're right, I'll tell my mom to change my diapers and give me a bottle to stop crying. I don't know what I was doing driving a car in the first place, I can't even reach the pedals, let alone count past 4...
makes me not really give a fuck how you meant it.

the head, I also ran with a Volunteer FD and EMT unit back home before I joined the Marine Corps. You're right dead is dead, and I applaud your choice to give back to the community in the face of that danger. While it is true that Cops can be assholes just as much as the next guy, when you give them a reason to pull you over (i.e. speeding, wreckless driving, etc.) you really don't have a right to complain.

03-24-2005, 11:55 PM
I bad mouth cops who pull me over for not using my turn signal "a full 5seconds before you turned" and while explaining that to me inserting quotes like "i know you got weed, where's it at" and "you know what i could get away with" then to hear gun fire on the next street over. dammit bust people for doing more serious offenses like speeding and following too closely. using your turn signal a full 5seconds before you turned at 1230AM and the only cars on the street is you and the cop. Better yet when cops actually harass lifted trucks for being too high (pretty every truck out here is beyond 54inches). I love cops just get people for more costly fines instead of trying to be the "man".

Off topic: Charlie was this Iowa or Palmyrita??

the head
03-25-2005, 10:00 AM
. While it is true that Cops can be assholes just as much as the next guy, when you give them a reason to pull you over (i.e. speeding, wreckless driving, etc.) you really don't have a right to complain.

Definately If you drive like an ass then expect it but the guy that wrote me a ticket for no front plate and other jackassery such as passing a field sobrity test only to receve a ticket for careless driveing after being pulled over for having my third brake light out is just some guy being an asshole