View Full Version : nasty speed bump removal tips

03-21-2005, 07:14 AM
ok so my work has a speed bump that is like 20 feet high. i just put my side skirts on and rolled to a complete stop after getting the wheel over and driving at an angle I still got a nice scraping sound as my side skirts dragged allll the way down it. that thing is too big and an annoyance and its gotta go. what i wanna know is whats the best way to realistically destroy or remove a speed bump. i read some place that if you pour gasoline on it it will soften it so while cars drive all over it all day it will slowly get squished down to nothing. can anyone else confirm that or tell me any other ideas on how to get that thing lower or gone? no i dont want to go there at 1 am with a jackhammer but i dont mind showing up and pouring something on it. ideas? suggestions? please spare me from any moral obligations you want to remind me of and i know johnny law wont appreciate it so its gonna be incognito.

03-21-2005, 07:31 AM
Park around the corner, like somewhere where you won't have to cross the offending speedbump

03-21-2005, 07:32 AM
this is one of the dumbest threads ever. i've only seen speed bumps composed of cement... good luck.

03-21-2005, 07:36 AM
actually, Doug, some of them here in NC are made of some composite shit that is lower maintenence than the concrete ones... The problem is that they are generally tall as HELL, I know exactly what he speaks of. I would think it to be a more feasible fix, however, to not go over the sumbitch and walk an extra few yards to work than to go about the illegal act of trying to deface or remove the speedbump

03-21-2005, 07:41 AM
besides, lets say you do kill it.

they'll just fix it. it isn't like no one's gonna notice it's gone.

03-21-2005, 07:53 AM
Phlip: Are you talking about the ones that are like bolted down to the ground? Some of those here got torn up by something and they NEVER replaced them. They have better things to spend money on. A bobcat and about 5 min should do the trick. I don't think that would be incognito though.

03-21-2005, 08:02 AM
Yes I am talking about the black ones that are bolted down, and they QUICKLY replace them when damaged around here, but that is because those are usually on private property... The ones on public grounds are usually the concrete ones most of us are used to and are not a problem to get over around here

03-21-2005, 08:12 AM
this isnt really a bolted down one, its either concrete or asphault and its private property. i dont think they would care to really replace it if you knew the company and theres one right after it anyways. this one is just insanely large. the other one is ok. even if i could just get it to sink a little it would be nice. and no lol bobcat isnt very incognito. its not exactly something i can park on the other side of because those are private lots for other companies and i wouldnt want to get towed or anything besides the fact that its much more than a few yards away from the building our lot is HUUGE.

03-21-2005, 08:29 AM
this isnt really a bolted down one, its either concrete or asphault and its private property.

so the only way to commit this crime is with power tools or a pick axe.

good lck

03-21-2005, 09:22 AM
gasoline would evaporate in a matter of seconds. even if that trick worked, which i doubt, you'd have to stand there all day soaking it

03-21-2005, 09:33 AM
i hear each speed bump cost 10000 dollars to build. If you intend to kill it, i believe you might have commit some civil law violation. what about just drop some send or cement right next to it?

03-21-2005, 10:34 AM
10G's! lol.. not even..

more like a couple hundred.

03-21-2005, 11:55 AM
carry 2x4's with you to get over it, just be creative. I carry two 2 foot long 2x4's to get me out of situations like this.

Just the other day I got stuck because my frame bottomed out on a fucking root causing the pavment to push up.(The thing was at least 4 inches high, I sware). Once a back tire is off the ground, well you know, no traction. So I had to 2x4 my way out, took only a minute.

the head
03-21-2005, 12:17 PM
you could always add concrete to the project to lengthen the approaches

and riverside who ever told you that is Lying to you

Andrew Bohan
03-21-2005, 12:24 PM
i hate the speedbumps in my apt complex. there is an even mix of real cement ones and the black bolt-on ones. my gf's completely stock integra scrapes on some of them, even when going 1mph. and it's impossible to get to my parking space without crossing at least 6 of those said speed bumps. that is so ridiculous.

that being said, i think the best option is adding cement to each side, thus making it not as steep. you're not destroying anything, and it will cost money to remove it.

03-21-2005, 01:04 PM
Get some cold patch and in the middle of the night widen it by like 3ft.

03-21-2005, 01:15 PM
Good luck with this. Personally you would be better off investing in a piece of Plywood and a Roof Rack.

03-21-2005, 01:44 PM
Thanks for clear that up the 10G methy

03-21-2005, 03:43 PM
Yeah, I agree with the widening route. It shouldn't be too hard to pull that one off.

03-21-2005, 04:02 PM
Umm I know this may sound absurd to some of you, but why not just talk to the building manager or property owner about removing said bump, or at least lowering it? It'd be worth a shot to at least ask before you go attempting to remove it, or adding concrete or something to it. Just a thought.

03-21-2005, 04:11 PM
Find out who issued it and build a similar one in their driveway.


EDIT: If you cannot source concrete, use nails.

03-21-2005, 05:08 PM
i hear each speed bump cost 10000 dollars to build. If you intend to kill it, i believe you might have commit some civil law violation. what about just drop some send or cement right next to it?

hahahahah. now this is funny.. :duh:

03-21-2005, 05:38 PM
sand bags!!! thats what we used to retrieve my car off a curb one time when it jumped it.. haha

03-21-2005, 07:37 PM
Umm I know this may sound absurd to some of you, but why not just talk to the building manager or property owner about removing said bump, or at least lowering it? It'd be worth a shot to at least ask before you go attempting to remove it, or adding concrete or something to it. Just a thought.
The only problem I see with this is that if the manager says no and a week later the speed bumps are three feet wider on each side he'll know exactly who did it, and that could potentially be very bad for that person..

03-21-2005, 07:52 PM
Umm I know this may sound absurd to some of you, but why not just talk to the building manager or property owner about removing said bump, or at least lowering it? It'd be worth a shot to at least ask before you go attempting to remove it, or adding concrete or something to it. Just a thought.
yeah, seriously. My apartment had huge speed bumps for the longest time and they just recently scraped them down and re-did them lower. I think a couple people got stuck on them (i've been close to getting stuck) so they finnaly did something about it.

03-21-2005, 11:55 PM
screw the concrete method thats too much work... just get some wood dude ur better off.... if u were to go to the manager atleast start a petition with ur co workers... that might help.... other wise your kinda stucked both ways and i dont mean the nasty... good luck.......

03-22-2005, 02:24 AM
10G's! lol.. not even..

more like a couple hundred.

i wouldnt doubt it... 10 gs might be a little toooo much... but it probably alot...
if you think about it, little poles like stop signs, handicap signs, etc are about 2-4g's each...

if its the asphault bumps, just do a long ass burnout until you dig 2 divots into the speedbump.. then you can confidently go over without any worries!

03-22-2005, 02:54 AM
kinda simple solution to your problem. You'll need a lot of the material to take out a speed bump. Roughly a 50/50 mix of iron oxide and aluminum (by volume). The iron oxide has to be very very fine, like talcum powder (motar and pestel), and the aluminum has to be as fine and powderlike as you can make it. Also need a magnesium ribbon. Can get at chemical supply places, find out from a chemistry teacher where they get their supplies. Mix the ingredients and use the magnesium ribbon to set off the powder. A 50 cent stack will go through the thickest part of your car, and a few inches into the asphalt. Play w/ the mixture for optimiztion. You'll need a good blowtorch to set the magnesium off. you didn't hear this from me, and I never really typed this. Good luck, and run once it sets off.

03-22-2005, 03:08 AM
^ wow :bite: thats some good shit...

03-22-2005, 03:13 AM
^ Geezus Krist...

TNT will get rid of said speedbump and will also make a pretty profound statement as well...

Or if you got time and a little bit of $$ to burn, buy a shitload of concrete and fill up the area between the speedbumps....you'll have the up and the down still, but just not at the same time, thus fixing the speedbump prob.

03-22-2005, 04:08 AM
just found this http://realtytimes.com/rtapages/20030428_speedbump.htm

"owever, the long-term impacts of speed bumps can be disastrous. Organizations such as the National Motorist Association, The Federal CMAQ Program (Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality), the Americans with Disabilities, Access Safe Streets, and the city of Portland Maine have gone on record to reported that speed bumps:

* Delay emergency vehicles by 13 seconds for each speed bump.
* Aggravate conditions associated with spinal and neck disorders.
* Increase the cost of vehicle maintenance by 50%.
* Increase neighborhood air pollution by 48%.
* Increase the instances of road rage.
* Decrease property values and increase the length of time homes stay on the market.
* Increase pedestrian deaths because drivers drive erratically to avoid the bump.
* Increase in death and permanent injury as a result of emergency vehicle delays.

03-22-2005, 04:11 AM
Also refering to this forum, each speed bump costed about $1500. So maybe the person was telling me about the whole price of speed bump for 10000.


03-22-2005, 09:51 AM
yea i should tell them my life is in danger because of it lol see how that goes. if i were to bring it up all it would do is bring attention to me. theres only a few cars there that are low so its not really a big issue (although its not really summer yet so nobody has their nice cars out really) i doubt it would be addressed. I found if i drive in the oncoming lane that side of the speedbump clears fine, its just the big nasty sink after the bump on the right side thats causing the issue. maybe ill fill it with concrete, dunno. yea i forgot about being able to burn that down.... he he he. it actually works with magnesium filings or powder and an oxygenate (oxiclean, water, whatever) it burns white hot and will melt through like anything.

03-22-2005, 10:43 AM
Thermite.. will not do the job. It's too concentrated and intense to do large scale (anything more than welding a couple pieces of metal together, or burning a verticle hole in something).

03-22-2005, 10:48 AM
Hmmm..... I'm no genius, but Bolt On --->, Bolt off........

03-22-2005, 11:03 AM
Magnetite thermite burns hotter than rust thermite. Magnesium + oxygenate doesn't sound like it would work, as thermite is:
Fe2O3 + Al -> Al203 + Fe: That is;
iron (III) oxide + aluminium -> aluminium oxide + iron
The Iron oxide used is very important. The Iron oxide is stripped of it's oxygen, unleashing insane ammounts of energy in the form of light and heat. Don't look at the stuff. And.. getting the proper stoich mixture is important. And even then, once you start burning the thermite, the aluminum and iron (or magnetite) separate.. you need to congeal them... with another - third chemical.
To keep this legal and me from spending my Senior year of college in the Pokey, we're not going to spout off what and how. Just.. you will make crap with the posted "recipe" and may go blind by lighting the crap. Crap won't hold a candle to Thermite.. which won't do the job.. so we can drop the discussion of it. Thermite won't do the job because you can't disperse it. For that.. napalm is what the military uses.. and napalm isn't much more than gelled gas, which can't get to a temperature needed to melt concrete. Again.. we can steer clear of that discussion.

03-22-2005, 11:36 AM
actually jeff the magnesium + oxygenate does work ive seen it done. i used to work at a machine shop and my boss was awesome so we had alot of fun doing things we shouldnt lol. it burned white hot and got really bright but it was hard to start. he just lit it and added some water then it went crazy. not sure on how it compares to thermite however.

03-22-2005, 02:18 PM
Magnesium burns at 4000*F or so.. blinding white.. all by itself. In fact.. in air it will ignite, once stripped of it's oxygen (magnesium is rarely seen in pure elemental form.. it's always MnO, or magnesia).
Thermite requires a temperature of 2800*F to ignite, and once it does.. temps at or above 5400*F are common to see in rust-aluminum thermite. Temps of ~850*F are required to ignite Magnesium. And Magnesium burning gives off UV light, which can cook the retina...
Again.. this isn't stuff to play with.

03-22-2005, 02:34 PM
lookat jeff all showing off and stuff.

03-22-2005, 04:38 PM
lookat jeff all showing off and stuff.

It's what I do...

03-23-2005, 08:53 PM
if there bolt on speed bumps... why cant you just unbolt them and move them aside? oh yeah... throw a way the bolt to.. ;)

03-23-2005, 10:06 PM
My friend and I [did some things Jeff snipped out]. It made this really sticky gel that burnt with a blue flame that would last seemingly forever if you didn't blow it out. Would that shit work?

03-23-2005, 10:35 PM
Not hot enough...

03-23-2005, 11:29 PM
We're not going to talk about making anything related to bombs. That includes napalm from RedlineRacer. I only posted to keep people from doing too much damage, or blowing off digits and limbs. And even then, it was a "what not to do" post.