View Full Version : legality of using a spotlight to shine cops?

03-19-2005, 04:59 AM
i hate it when the jerks flash me with thier damn spotlight it blinds me for a few seconds and usually they do it when im driving or worst taking a turn. Once I almost hit another car. Now i keep a million candle power flashlight in my car so if im in a bad mood and they happen to fuck w/ me i'll flash em right back. think this will land me in jail?

03-19-2005, 05:07 AM
get in the van

i have candy

probably not a good ideda dued.

03-19-2005, 06:29 AM
i hate it when the jerks flash me with thier damn spotlight it blinds me for a few seconds and usually they do it when im driving or worst taking a turn. Once I almost hit another car. Now i keep a million candle power flashlight in my car so if im in a bad mood and they happen to fuck w/ me i'll flash em right back. think this will land me in jail?

bad bad bad idea. dont intentionally mess with cops. they will find a way to get you back

03-19-2005, 07:11 AM
fuck em, do it.

just don't go down like a bitch if they mess with you.

03-19-2005, 10:59 AM
haha those flashlights rock!! my mom got one and that thing shines

03-19-2005, 11:04 AM
I don't think it is "technically" illegal, but I wouldn't suggest it

03-19-2005, 12:27 PM
there is probably a reason they are doing it, you are probably driving like an asshole or something. though I'm sure you'll say no they just do it for no reason whatsoever.
and I really would suggest against doing your plan, though it probably would be damn funny to watch you do it.

03-19-2005, 01:15 PM
I say go for it. Just be sure to video tape it and post it on the boards so the rest of can get a good chuckle. That reminds me of this one video I saw a while back. Some kid decided to walk up to cop give him the finger, figuring he wouldn't be able to do anything to him. Well the kid ended up getting beat down with the nightstick. I don't know if it was fake or anything, but yeah, it probably wouldn't be in your best interest.

03-19-2005, 01:35 PM
I say go for it. Just be sure to video tape it and post it on the boards so the rest of can get a good chuckle. That reminds me of this one video I saw a while back. Some kid decided to walk up to cop give him the finger, figuring he wouldn't be able to do anything to him. Well the kid ended up getting beat down with the nightstick. I don't know if it was fake or anything, but yeah, it probably wouldn't be in your best interest.
God, I remember that one, he is gettign the hell beat outta him while his homeboy tapes it... It starts with them both speaking on some "dude, this is gonna be so sweet" and he runs up and gives the cop the finger with BOTH hands, to IMMEDIATELY have the brakes beat off his ass, I WISH I had saved it

03-19-2005, 02:11 PM
my family is in the HPD. you do that kinda stuff to a cop and i garuntee you they'll make your day way worse than you could have possibly imagined.

03-19-2005, 02:42 PM
best lube your arse and get ready for the night stick

03-19-2005, 04:50 PM
I hate cops here they put that spolight on you and it sucks especially the helicopter ones im scared of those when i hit up parking lots at night i usally see a helicopter going around the city at night so i guess when he sees headlights going sideways he puts the spotlight on me.

03-19-2005, 05:27 PM
i hate copes.. period havent met one that i liked.. i think theyre above the law like any politician..

03-19-2005, 05:57 PM
i would love to see you flash a cop with your flashlight!!! (even though its a bad idea to do it :nono: )

03-19-2005, 06:03 PM
it isn't their job to be liked. it is their job to protect your ungratefull arses even if it means spotlighting you every once in a while.

get OVER it and grow up.

03-19-2005, 06:21 PM
^I agree with you this time Makoto. Don't let that go to your head though. :D

03-19-2005, 07:15 PM
I think they can either kill you or arrest you for shinning the light on them. Because they cannot see you and they would felt insercue, than they would take any action if they need too.

But i am guessing most likely cop will arrest you and get your cherry pop in jail for maybe like a week.

03-19-2005, 11:06 PM
it isn't their job to be liked. it is their job to protect your ungratefull arses even if it means spotlighting you every once in a while.

get OVER it and grow up.
agreed 100%,

03-19-2005, 11:17 PM
i say go ahead and do it, because we all know that when someone does something to us that we don't like, the best way to let them know is do the same exact thing back to them. welcome to 2nd grade.

03-20-2005, 04:22 AM
i had a cop do this to me tonight. i was coming home (raining) and i took a turn to fast and lost some traction and started sliding. and the cop was sitting at a light ahead of me and he flashed the fuck out of me, but didnt do anything else after that. Its still annoying though... :tweak:

03-20-2005, 05:17 AM
i hate it when the jerks flash me with thier damn spotlight it blinds me for a few seconds and usually they do it when im driving or worst taking a turn. Once I almost hit another car.

its happened to me a couple of times. i mean sure if im doing something stupid then yea i understand but if im just driving and minding my own business then its annoying. it only happens though here in torrance, ca. where they flash the light at me for no reason. i was at a stoplight once behind another car and when i was crossing the intersection he flashed me. so i put my hand in front of me so i can see and when i looked ahead, the car in front of me had stopped. seeing this i braked and my car went towards the cop. he turned off the light and drove off. i get pulled over/followed by the cops a lot. ha! one time they pulled me over for just having a key in the ignition. now thats the lamest excuse i ever heard. i mean....how can they see my keys while following behind me ?

03-20-2005, 10:09 AM
No one likes cops until you need them.

I would never try to piss off a cop... We all know they can bend the law a little cause they enforce it.

03-20-2005, 11:15 AM
i can imagine, they trying to shoot you in protest "He was trying to attack us with a weapon of mass destruction".. Blu808 ish... hah

03-20-2005, 01:35 PM
:fawk2: :fawk2: tha police

03-20-2005, 02:04 PM
:fawk2: :fawk2: tha police

i'll paypal you 20 dollars if you say that to a houston police officer and don't get beat like a red headed step child while you whine about police brutallity.

03-20-2005, 02:10 PM
i'll paypal you 20 dollars if you say that to a houston police officer and don't get beat like a red headed step child while you whine about police brutallity.

sure give me their phone number.

:fawk2: tha police

if you say "no, you have to say it to their face". then, whats the use of paypal? i take cash.

03-20-2005, 02:17 PM
alright I looked at this thread a while ago and it passed me as just another thread, but i look back, at just the title, and I have to say wtf that is the absolute dumbest thing i have ever heard of, its something a hermit would do, jesus, no offense to you, I just think thats the funniest thing someone could ask,

03-20-2005, 02:17 PM
i'll paypal you 20 dollars if you say that to a houston police officer and don't get beat like a red headed step child while you whine about police brutallity.
I'll double that.. but I want video footage of you going up to the cop, getting basically in his face, flicking him off and saying fuck the police and then you walking away and not getting arrested or the shit beat out of you.

btw what we are talking about is police harassment and is illegal

03-20-2005, 02:21 PM
^^^ I don't even like Kevin in the least little bit and I would add a hundred to see you do that shit

03-20-2005, 03:41 PM
houston sucks monkey balls. (used to live in texas)

03-20-2005, 06:44 PM
sure give me their phone number.

if you say "no, you have to say it to their face". then, whats the use of paypal? i take cash.

fine, come to my house, i'll drive you to the NE houston precinct where my uncle works and at the morning briefing you can tell 30 officers exactly what you think you have the balls to say.

what makes an Ethug and Ethug is not trashtalk. we all talk trash, thats what the internet is for. the Ethug (yourself for example) sets goals that are either impossible or higher than the amount of testicular fortitude that the said Ethug (yourself) curently possesses.

i piss of a lot of people. i do not, however, tell them i'll go to their house and physically kick their butt or have delusions of grandeur like you seem to.

basically i'm calling you chicken so in the future i'd advise you to set realistic goals that you have the balls to back up.

03-20-2005, 06:48 PM
^^^ And that being said, I up my original facecard to 200 beans if you will do that shit and provide Zilvia with video of the ass whooping that would immediately follow

03-20-2005, 06:49 PM
if phlip will give 200 i think i can double that. 400 greenbacks plus the refunded price of your round trip air fare to houston texas.

03-20-2005, 10:22 PM
i'll throw in a box of easymac

03-20-2005, 10:39 PM
one time they pulled me over for just having a key in the ignition. now thats the lamest excuse i ever heard. i mean....how can they see my keys while following behind me ?
you mean were not allowed to drive our cars with a key in the ignition?? wtf? california is fucked up! lol jj

03-20-2005, 10:43 PM
as much as me and phlip don't get along (and if I remember right it was all started over a comment that I typed that was supposed to seem sarcastic but didn't... anyways I digress), I will match whatever him, and doug pay you. not trying to be a high baller, I just really really want to see you do this.

03-20-2005, 10:43 PM
addition: and I'll even provide the pain killers you will need afterwards

03-20-2005, 11:02 PM
lol, you guys should really warn him that he wont be walking away from this stunt un-harmed!!! :Ownedd:

03-20-2005, 11:06 PM
wow... that would be pretty damn nuts,

i want to see the flop too..

im in 200.00 = 600.00 total.

03-21-2005, 01:07 AM
check this out. I'm going to e-push makotos buttons.

like 2fourDsx said...."One Eight Seven on a Undercover Cop!" :rl:

:fawk2: tha police

03-21-2005, 02:58 AM
makato should come to cali and have cops pull him over 10 times a day for exhaust :naughty:

03-21-2005, 06:42 AM
check this out. I'm going to e-push makotos buttons.

kid, apparently you don't get it. you've been offered an all expense paid trip to houston plus 600 dollars to do what you said you have the balls to do. you're stupidity can't possibly huwt my wittle feewings.

keep provin me right just like all the rest... that'll show me.

03-21-2005, 07:56 AM
I'll up it a 100 if you get the vid of the ass kicking. You take a MO? :rofl:

03-21-2005, 08:00 AM
There, we have commitments totalling 700 bucks, plus round trip transportation, and still no more commitment from the troll than to make a phone call... Ain't THAT some shit?

03-21-2005, 08:56 AM
fuggin get me a deep fryer and we got some KFC kickin here.

soembody has been officially owned

03-21-2005, 10:52 AM
im just having fun getting makotos13 panties in a bunch.

Eazy-E says:

:fawk2: tha police :fawk2: tha police :fawk2:em!

the head
03-21-2005, 12:30 PM
It is illegal for the cops to do that to a moving vehicle in my state

last year they were running a speed trap on the interstate and the cop radaring from the ditch was shinig his spotlight on the car that was speeding (night) well some lady panicked jerked the wheel on her car and went into the ditch...parked her 2500 suburban on top of the squad car the cop broke his arm and was soon after fired for somthing regarding the endangerment of motorists. The police don't want to have another lawsuit so they passed a state law regarding the use of police spotlights on moving vehicles.

03-21-2005, 12:48 PM
dude you guys are faggots....who fucking cares what he says? hes just saying he doest care about em. fuck em. so what? who cares if your uncle is a cop in texas? i certainly dont. fuck your uncle man. i dont give two shits about him. Granted it was a cliche lame comment by SS045 but whatever, take a joke and stop being so serious. how old are you 50? quit being so uptight and learn to just shrug things off.

...get OVER it and grow up...

Heed your own advice. Especially when youre in texas, nowhere near him...no one cares what you say or about your stupid uncle/family of cops, so grow up and learn to ignore things rather than make the gayest thread ive seen on here in a while since the last "street racing is illegal omg stay on teh track" thread

nice fauxhawk by the way...

03-23-2005, 09:11 PM
God, I remember that one, he is gettign the hell beat outta him while his homeboy tapes it... It starts with them both speaking on some "dude, this is gonna be so sweet" and he runs up and gives the cop the finger with BOTH hands, to IMMEDIATELY have the brakes beat off his ass, I WISH I had saved it

I remember seeing that. Could the kid not file for police brutality? I mean whatever happened to having the punishment fit the crime? If you go out and murder someone, sometimes you can get a shady lawyer and you will get off clean, and if you go and flip off a police officer, you get the hell beat out of you. That incedent just seemed like the office overreacted. Whatever happened to freedom of speech?

03-23-2005, 10:38 PM
I remember seeing that. Could the kid not file for police brutality? I mean whatever happened to having the punishment fit the crime? If you go out and murder someone, sometimes you can get a shady lawyer and you will get off clean, and if you go and flip off a police officer, you get the hell beat out of you. That incedent just seemed like the office overreacted. Whatever happened to freedom of speech?
freedom of speech is cool so long as it's not threatening. usually "fuck you" is intended to be threatening. i think the officer was well within his rights to beat the shit out of the kid.
let me put it this way: if someone you didn't know were to walk up to you and give you the finger and just stand there, would you just stand there and smile? unless you're Gandhi, i doubt it.

03-23-2005, 11:20 PM
Yeah, "fighting words" aren't protected by the first amendment.

Oh yeah, fuck makoto's uncle. :rofl:

03-24-2005, 06:38 AM
dude you guys are faggots....who fucking cares what he says? hes just saying he doest care about em. fuck em. so what? who cares if your uncle is a cop in texas? i certainly dont. fuck your uncle man. i dont give two shits about him. Granted it was a cliche lame comment by SS045 but whatever, take a joke and stop being so serious. how old are you 50? quit being so uptight and learn to just shrug things off.

Heed your own advice. Especially when youre in texas, nowhere near him...no one cares what you say or about your stupid uncle/family of cops, so grow up and learn to ignore things rather than make the gayest thread ive seen on here in a while since the last "street racing is illegal omg stay on teh track" thread.

no one's panties are in a bunch cept for this guy and maybe yours. our point is that this guy doesn't have the balls to back up any of the trash talk he's been spouting off. i respect people that put their life on the line to protect mine and you guys don't because sometimes its a "inconvenience" to you.

my ability to shrug things off is unmatched. i was making a point and every intelligent mind within this thread got it (which would clearly exclude you).

03-25-2005, 12:50 AM
anyone have a vid clip of the kid getting beat down. nd yeh if one of u guys crash from the spot light cant u do somthing bout it?

03-25-2005, 01:07 AM


03-25-2005, 06:43 AM
^^^ That is the ONE sir!!!

03-25-2005, 09:30 AM
koukimonster WINS!

if my friend suggested i do that i'd simply reply "hell no".

03-25-2005, 09:33 AM
wtf? was that real? that cop should be tied to a chair and forced to watch his family killed slowly by dismembermant

03-25-2005, 09:46 AM
wow. this is getting old...

i said 'fuck tha police' cause, thats exactly what it is: a lame cliche statement given the perfect timing, you can piss people off ie: Makoto (SUCCESS!!)

sure put words in my mouth.

i said:

if you say "no, you have to say it to their face". then, whats the use of paypal? i take cash.

meaning, if in that particular situation that im in the cops face, why use paypal instead of cash?

you got boned by logic. good bye.

03-25-2005, 02:00 PM
damn that vid is hella crazy... the cop hella hit the guy in the face after he turns around.... but maybe i'm seeing something the cop saw that made him decide to beat the shit out of the guy.... i personally think the cop was way over reacting... i mean if u get flicked off by some other driver do u get soo pissed to beat the living shit out of them? :ghey: .... anyways funny thread some people in here seem to be too egotistic in here :p ... having the last word is important to them :blah:

03-25-2005, 03:51 PM
wow. this is getting old...

i said 'fuck tha police' cause, thats exactly what it is: a lame cliche statement given the perfect timing, you can piss people off ie: Makoto (SUCCESS!!)

sure put words in my mouth.

i said:

if you say "no, you have to say it to their face". then, whats the use of paypal? i take cash.

meaning, if in that particular situation that im in the cops face, why use paypal instead of cash?

you got boned by logic. good bye.

you turned down 700 dollars in crisp cash (from my hand to yours) plus airfare. your word is worthless because you obviously can't stand by it even with extraordinary incentive.

it'll be a cold day in hell before a nothing like you can drive me to anger and when i got off the phone with the big D last it was still pretty toasty down there. walk on home boy.

03-25-2005, 09:39 PM
i mean if u get flicked off by some other driver do u get soo pissed to beat the living shit out of them?
Yep, that road rage is a bitch in heat... Now we will apply this into an analogy based on a term I will call "life rage;"
I choose to employ myself in a position that will see me arbitrarily disliked by every kid who must find out the hard way that he is not above the law. I continue to do my job within the limits of the law that I am working to preserve, I do this for YEARS... Frustrating? fuck yeah it is... One day I am walking down the street and some kid jumps out of an SUV and his pal is filming him running up to me, flipping me off with both fingers with the corresponding "fuck you," just because he thinks it's cool. This is the day that shit will come to a head, I will blow my top and beat the FUCK out of him.

fuck that kid, he got what he deserved if the shit was real and it was still damned funny if it wasn't

03-25-2005, 09:48 PM
respect is something that can be givin to people even if you don't like them. its what seperates the men from the boys. those that deserve respect are those that put their life on the line day in and day out to protect those that are too short sighted to protect theirselves from theirselves.

without order and men willing to police our state we would have anarchy and you same whiners pissing and moaning about something you cannot change are the very ones that would surely be exterminated if the land were ruled by the strong.

their weakness is evident by the thin facade of defiance that they so arrogantly wave for all the world to see.

03-25-2005, 11:07 PM
i respect people that put their life on the line to protect mine and you guys don't because
amen to that one
for makoto's respect can be given to people even if you don't like it thing... put it this way, say you don't really like your boss. he's basically a jackass etc but to his face do you talk bad about him? no you show him respect. same principal people, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out
and to mr owned by logic... uh the whole paypal thing is because not all of us live in houston texas, douchebag. we all won't be there so paypal is the next best thing. sorry I had to own you with a bit of logic just now.

03-26-2005, 12:59 PM
Okay, personally, anything that Draws attention to you, From the Police, is Bad... they do a dangerous job that most people would not do, but if it were not for them, things would be much worse....

I hate cops. i hate them with a Passion infact, But the job they do is one that is needed, and why draw attention to yourself, Keep your head low, dont do stuff that draws attention to yourself, and when they " Mess With you " Keep in mind that your not the first, there not being unfair, and you WONT be the last they do it to....

I may not like them, but i do respect them, Imagine dealing with the lowest of the low everyday, yeah, of course your going to look at everyone suspiciously when you spend your days wondering if someone is going to test your kevlar vest with a .357 round, or if some Tweaker is going to attempt to shank you during a routine trafficstop...

03-27-2005, 02:49 PM
pigs will be pigs will be pigs. They are always out to brutalize your but hole :boink:

03-27-2005, 04:33 PM
You guys are giving cops too much credit.. In some areas, they are busy doing the important things. For example in downtown SF, a cop will not pull you over for having a loud exhaust. They are actually fighting crime . It's the towns that have too many cops and less crime that are bad. They patrol the streets and concentrate more on traffic stops cause they have nothing better to do.

Cops should NOT have the authority to stop you, ask you to open your hood, or anything ridiculous like that. It's not fair that we are treated as criminals because of our cars. The state is using them to do it's dirty work against us because that's where the money is. It's all a business at this point and it's damn unfair.

03-27-2005, 05:00 PM
don't blame a cop for the screwed up laws that he has to enforce.

03-27-2005, 05:07 PM
Yeah, especially when those laws are being exacted by the state of California, America's urethra

03-27-2005, 05:12 PM
All this hate on Police Officers is really getting old. They don't make the laws they enforce them. They are people, and people make mistakes. But what am I saying, all the mistakes you make on Zilvia are my fault because I'm a Mod enforcing the rules of Zilvia. Silly me. In short, grow up kids, and please stop thinking that ALL Cops are just assholes out to harass you and ruin your day.

03-27-2005, 07:06 PM
Cops are hired to enforce laws, but they are still people which means they have free will and judgement. Half the cops that have ever pulled me over were normal, and the other half were on a power trip. Some cops treat you like human beings, and some think they are above you. The ones with a healthy personal life arent the ones that give you a hard time about stupid things. They understand that this isnt martial(marshall?) law and there should be some freedoms in our day to day lives, so they give us a break from time to time.

One time we were out smoking some reef in an alley and this cop drove up , got out, and lit a cig and started talking to us. He wasnt worried about making money for the state. If he gave us a ticket or took it away, he knew damn well that we'd be out smoking again the next day. So he just said be careful, dont drive and keep it off the streets. Done..thank you.

Then there were 2 bastard Daly City cops who pulled me over cause they thought i was going too fast around a turn(no tire noise, in my lane..completely safe) Then they told me to pop my hood and gave me a 350 dollar ticket for my intake! :squintd: They dont enforce laws cause they have to, they use laws as an excuse to enforce punishment on people that they think deserve it. It's not their job to judge people like that.

03-28-2005, 10:24 PM
damn i totally forgot about this post i made -

anyways yes all cops are slobs pigs wutever you call em..

i did meet one cop i did like but it was his 1st fucking day thats why he was nice to me. he prolly got buttfucked but his partners for it afterwards

cops are not protecting us from criminals this isn't tv they just write tickets and harass innocent ppl.

ever see crap like they show on "COPS" in real life?
the LAPD is just a bigass street gang w/ badges they will harass you for no reason and never give you the help you need when you need it.

actually who here has ever been help by a cop?
Makato your family is full of cops so i get why u would stand up for them cuz u'd be a shithead if u didn't and im sure u've had cops help u b4 but.. thats not the case for me and allot of others plus this cali not tx things are different over here so unless u been to my area you don't know what its like.

and the clip of the cop beating that kid down if u look closely the cop was scared when that guy threw his arms up.. hes lucky he didn't get shot innocent ppl have been shot for less offenses than that.

instead of flashing the damn cops i think ill just plow into them hahaha that will be better and when i get shined im not driving like an ass
my car was STOCK w/ NO mods its b/c its dark and im a freaking asian male ...
some times im not even driving IE warming up my car getting ready to go home/out

yea its getting old but fuck the police
they are useless
firemen have helped me more than police and i've never had a fire!

03-28-2005, 11:30 PM
actually who here has ever been help by a cop?
me after my dsm was broken into 4 years ago, within 2 days they had found out who did it and recovered all my stuff (electronics basically, s-afc, avc, couple other things).
also my sister broken down on the side on 495 in the rain, who stopped to change her tire? a cop
I can count tons of times where people have been helped by cops. I guess the times that cops have died saving other peoples lives doesn't count huh? What about 9-11, lots of cops passed away trying to get people out of the twin towers, and thats not even in their job description.

crxsir - just like everybody else in this thread, you need to grow up.

03-29-2005, 06:53 AM
damn i totally forgot about this post i made -

anyways yes all cops are slobs pigs wutever you call em..

your lack of intelligence is probably genetic but that really is no reason to give up on trying to improve yourself.

my grampa must be lying and was really harrassing some ricer bout his mods when he got shot.

03-29-2005, 07:00 AM
damn i totally forgot about this post i made -

anyways yes all cops are slobs pigs wutever you call em..

i did meet one cop i did like but it was his 1st fucking day thats why he was nice to me. he prolly got buttfucked but his partners for it afterwards

cops are not protecting us from criminals this isn't tv they just write tickets and harass innocent ppl.

ever see crap like they show on "COPS" in real life?
the LAPD is just a bigass street gang w/ badges they will harass you for no reason and never give you the help you need when you need it.

actually who here has ever been help by a cop?
Makato your family is full of cops so i get why u would stand up for them cuz u'd be a shithead if u didn't and im sure u've had cops help u b4 but.. thats not the case for me and allot of others plus this cali not tx things are different over here so unless u been to my area you don't know what its like.

and the clip of the cop beating that kid down if u look closely the cop was scared when that guy threw his arms up.. hes lucky he didn't get shot innocent ppl have been shot for less offenses than that.

instead of flashing the damn cops i think ill just plow into them hahaha that will be better and when i get shined im not driving like an ass
my car was STOCK w/ NO mods its b/c its dark and im a freaking asian male ...
some times im not even driving IE warming up my car getting ready to go home/out

yea its getting old but fuck the police
they are useless
firemen have helped me more than police and i've never had a fire!
The incredible amount of stupidity in that post made it EXTREMELY difficult to read, thank you for nothing

03-29-2005, 07:22 PM
yea its a rant its not like i had a rough draft or anything..

and makato like i said thats your area not mine - sorry about your gramps if he was a great man then he was an exception to the rule but that still doesn't disprove the rule.


03-30-2005, 02:01 AM
I can attest for some of the negative things said about cops in this thread. I have had my fare share of mistreatment buy the cops, but when I look back on all the times I was pulled over, their are only a few times that I can say I didn't deserve it.

Westboroughpimp, was right in some of the things he said, I moved from a quit over policed town to a shitty town with actual crimes being committed. The first thing I noticed about living here is that cops don't even look twice at me.

Funny thing is I like cops, they are good people most of them. I had a cop pull me over for something stupid that he wasn't even going to write me up for, and didn't actually. Unfortunately I was driving on an expired license, now the cop could have impounded my car and given me a ticket for something else too (cant remember what). But he didn't he let me park my car and then gave me a ride to work. He did give me a ticket for driving w/out a license, but that's is his job. Anyway cops are cool, if you try not to be an ass hole then most of the time they return the favor.

03-30-2005, 06:28 AM
yea its a rant its not like i had a rough draft or anything..

and makato like i said thats your area not mine - sorry about your gramps if he was a great man then he was an exception to the rule but that still doesn't disprove the rule.


the point is that you are an arrogant kid whining about laws that your stupid state has created. i know tons of great cops. your "rule" is nothing more than a naive opinion that should be directed to your lawmakers instead of those appointed to enforce those laws.

03-30-2005, 12:21 PM
drive a car you don't care about at all. Next time they shine the light at your face, crash into them

Cop - "WTF you HIT MY CAR"
you - "I couldn't see, you shined your light on me and now I'm suing"

03-30-2005, 12:35 PM
freedom of speech is cool so long as it's not threatening. usually "fuck you" is intended to be threatening. i think the officer was well within his rights to beat the shit out of the kid.
let me put it this way: if someone you didn't know were to walk up to you and give you the finger and just stand there, would you just stand there and smile? unless you're Gandhi, i doubt it.

Yes, and if you beat the crap out of the guy, and the guy presses charges, then he will win. If you tell the judge "He was provoking me! He said "F*ck You" to me." The judge will look at you and say, "So? You need to control your anger. Your an adult, so act like one."

Yep, that road rage is a bitch in heat... Now we will apply this into an analogy based on a term I will call "life rage;"
I choose to employ myself in a position that will see me arbitrarily disliked by every kid who must find out the hard way that he is not above the law. I continue to do my job within the limits of the law that I am working to preserve, I do this for YEARS... Frustrating? fuck yeah it is... One day I am walking down the street and some kid jumps out of an SUV and his pal is filming him running up to me, flipping me off with both fingers with the corresponding "fuck you," just because he thinks it's cool. This is the day that shit will come to a head, I will blow my top and beat the FUCK out of him.

fuck that kid, he got what he deserved if the shit was real and it was still damned funny if it wasn't.

Please, cops know going into their career that people dislike them. They know this. There is no excuse for the cop to act like he did.

03-30-2005, 02:30 PM
sure it isn't an excuse. its a right. that cop was minding his own business till that guy decided to go out of his way and distract the officer. lets see, if someone is preventing me from doing my job and my job is to keep the peace i have the right to subdue them by whatever means necessary to ensure that my job is done. anybody who seriously thinks that infantile lemming didn't deserve a beat down oughta be shot in the street.

why can't you people just not insult the ones that try to keep you alive despite how worthless you really are?

03-30-2005, 09:50 PM
wasnt lemming a video game?

03-30-2005, 10:42 PM
1. There are many diferent kinds of people.
2. Among them are pricks and nice people.
3. It is accepted that both groups have an equal chance at becoming a police officer.
4. Therefore, a police officer might be nice, or a prick.
5. Corollary, you too might be nice, or be a prick (but most likely a prick)

03-31-2005, 07:08 AM
wasnt lemming a video game?

I remember that game. Was really dumb, but challenging.

03-31-2005, 07:22 AM
lemmings rocked.

03-31-2005, 03:41 PM
I can probably say that ive met maybe 2-3 cool cops ever. 1 of them is a relative too but he can sometimes act liek the typical cop even when he is off duty at a family party.

another one, back when i worked at safeway, unknowingly that he was a cop (he was off duty in his normal cloths), i questioned about his awesome yamaha bike in the parking lot. We started talking about cars and illegal mods and shit and he was talking about racing and all. He asked me what car i had, and i pointed at it and told him i had an SR20. We were hella choppin it up and then he told me he was a cop (sherrif). i choked a little but he was still hella cool and we started talking more about catrs...the guy was a car enthusiast.

the other one, at 3 oclock int he morning, i was comng home from a party and i was driving maybe 38mph on a 35 road, and he followed me and stopped me. he came up to me and was like :

"hey hows it going? you were driving a little over the speed limit, but im not gonna site you for that. But i noticed that you dotn have a license plate on your front bumper, try to get that on alright? by the way i wanted to see if everything was alright? its pretty late...did you drink or anythign tongith?"

i lied and said "no i didnt..i was coming back form my girlfriend's house"

"alright cool cool...drive home safe. have a goodnight"

i was like WOW! wth just happend there...that guy was HELLA nice!

but then the rest of the cops out there...always harrassed me and my friends for doing nothing. a lot of them are good for nothing pricks that have no crime to fight so they look for the littlest things to bust people for. for example:

my cousin was sitting in his car listening to music and just tlaking to his friend in front of his house until 2 bastard cops out of nowhere come up to them and caused a ruckus and ruined the peace. made them put up their hands lean agaisnt the car, totally harrassing the shit out of them and talkig shit. int he end they found nothing on them and left. turns out there was a fight near by and the cops "thought" they were involved. what a buncha assholes.

another time, a cop pulled me and my friends over because he said i wasnt wearing a seat belt in the back seat when i really was...what an idiot.

by the way...makoto and phlip...you gusy seem to love kissing each other's asses.

of course (makoto), all the cops you met were cool because your related to them. alot of people have their own opinions about things and they got somethings to say about them, just like your ass has some ridiculous comments sometimes.

you guys just shut up. annoying man.

03-31-2005, 04:22 PM
by the way...makoto and phlip...you gusy seem to love kissing each other's asses.

of course (makoto), all the cops you met were cool because your related to them. alot of people have their own opinions about things and they got somethings to say about them, just like your ass has some ridiculous comments sometimes.

you guys just shut up. annoying man.

i'm related to 2 cops and last time i checked there were a lot more than 2 cops on the planet earth. i've had cops dick me around, yeah, but i didn't give em flack. why? cause usually I WAS IN THE WRONG. im sure it blows your mind that someone can take responsibility for their actions but it happens. i've never once been pulled over for doing nothing wrong and i've been stopped like 40 times. hell, i've done more illegal stuff in my life and gotten off scott free so 5 citations really isn't keeping me up at night.

yeah, you kids are fuggin angels in your cars... i'm sure. never one top speed run, late night blast on a backroad, or tearin it up in some parking lot.

nope, not a single one... cause all o' you's are angels.