View Full Version : my gf is the best

Andrew Bohan
03-16-2005, 11:56 AM
she got her tax return ($2500) so she said i didn't have to pay my share of rent this month and i can use that money to fix up my car :eek:

:mepoke: :D

DOES it get any better?

03-16-2005, 12:04 PM
thats a big ass return! if i were her i would buy turbo with it. or partial turbo setup. haha

03-16-2005, 12:04 PM
i need a new tire, send $200.00 please.

good work !

03-16-2005, 12:51 PM
My girlfriend can deepthroat and is buying me an Ipod.HA!

03-16-2005, 12:54 PM
My girlfriend can deepthroat and is buying me an Ipod.HA!

yea she can..she's a champ....oops :duh:

03-16-2005, 01:00 PM
I wish I was telling the truth =.(

03-16-2005, 01:27 PM
DOES it get any better?


My fiancee got a $6,500 return...she got me the S13 and she got herself some mods... aka BOOBIES :)

03-16-2005, 01:29 PM
i only got 70 dollars j/k

03-16-2005, 01:31 PM

My fiancee got a $6,500 return...she got me the S13 and she got herself some mods... aka BOOBIES :)

pics of the mods?

03-16-2005, 01:37 PM
What size are those mods as well

Andrew Bohan
03-16-2005, 01:40 PM
she got a boobjob with her tax return? it better be good. i hate fake boobies

03-16-2005, 01:41 PM
Pffffft dont be jealous

03-16-2005, 01:46 PM
she got a boobjob with her tax return? it better be good. i hate fake boobies

Oh.... they're good :bigok:

I think S14DB can vouch for 'em...

Drunk Bastard
03-16-2005, 02:01 PM
andrew, that should be just enough money to get new studs for the turbey...and some 17's....and some paint....and some coilovers....and a front mount. :bow:

03-16-2005, 02:26 PM
on the one hand i hate fake boobs.

on the other they're real if i can touch em.

03-16-2005, 03:05 PM
yeah I agree with makoto (I think thats a first...;-)) fake boobs is a 50/50 thing, I'm not a big fan of them, but if I get to play with them it makes them better, though I'd never want my girlfriend to get them...

03-16-2005, 04:40 PM
Oh.... they're good :bigok:

I think S14DB can vouch for 'em...
Too bad you never get to use them... :fawkd:

03-16-2005, 04:44 PM
i have to pay nearly a grand in taxes!!!

03-16-2005, 06:32 PM
YAY tax time. Its like chrishakquanzamasws!!! Free money that I already shelled out to the government.

03-16-2005, 06:36 PM
yay! taxes, going straight to my zero-2's.

03-16-2005, 06:48 PM
YAY tax time. Its like chrishakquanzamasws!!! Free money that I already shelled out to the government.

more like getting jacked and getting a small portion of it re-imbursed.

03-16-2005, 09:06 PM
I only got like a grand back but i've only been working for 6 months.

03-16-2005, 09:10 PM
more like getting jacked and getting a small portion of it re-imbursed.

Yea, taxes do suck, I agree, but what works for me personally is thinking of taxes as paying for the right to live here...sort of. I guess we could live someplace else and dream of living in the U.S. as a lot of people do in the world today. It makes me happy! :mepoke:

oh yea, and to stay on topid (in the off topic forum, lol)... my gf got me a new TV last year with her returns. Girls are good.

03-16-2005, 09:49 PM
I got $111.00 back this year, this is bullshit I need more money dammit. my g/f is a pain in the "yay" most of the time that only spends money on me when she knows she can use it against me later.

03-17-2005, 03:19 AM
Oh.... they're good :bigok:

I think S14DB can vouch for 'em...
OK, OK, I'll be the judge and settle all this.... ;)

Bring her over.

03-17-2005, 09:32 AM
funny guy you. nyuk nyuk nyuk.

03-17-2005, 09:58 AM
i have to pay nearly a grand in taxes!!!

changes your dependents to 0 on both state and federal. I had to pay 1200 last year but got 1400 back this year. In this instance.. it's better to receive than give. :-D

I'm buying a house with my return.. :rawk:

03-17-2005, 03:34 PM
F complaining about taxes. What roads would you drive on if you diddnt pay?

Andrew Bohan
03-17-2005, 03:37 PM
i would drive on the ones that would still be there.

i'm talking about not giving gold pens to senators and other useless bullshit.

03-17-2005, 06:20 PM
pics of the mods?

+1 i would also like to see the mods...lol

03-17-2005, 06:23 PM
your girl is kewl...my bitch would buy a purse rather than givin me some of that chedda

03-17-2005, 06:50 PM
pics of GF pls.

03-17-2005, 10:01 PM
pics of your gf mods or shens

03-17-2005, 10:04 PM
thats not very much for a good boobjob, enjoy the hackjob that guy is gonna do. my sis who just had to get a double masectomy due to breast cancer just got hers done, 4k a piece.... now thats quality.

03-17-2005, 11:08 PM
thats not very much for a good boobjob, enjoy the hackjob that guy is gonna do. my sis who just had to get a double masectomy due to breast cancer just got hers done, 4k a piece.... now thats quality.

Hackjob? She got them done back on Feb 22nd. They came out PERFECT. The guy who did it is the President of the Florida Society of Plastic Surgeons where he has been a member for over twenty years.

Also, your sister had to have RECONSTRUCTIVE surgery, which is a LOT more expensive than simple cosmetic. Matter of fact, $4k was $500 more than all the other places in town charge. And she has seen many examples of his work from others.

Andrew Bohan
03-17-2005, 11:30 PM
pics of his other work? :naughtyd:

03-18-2005, 01:16 AM
my gf is taking me on a vacation tomarrow to san fran and sacramento yay

03-18-2005, 02:11 AM
that's good for u, andrew, just marry her!!! hahahaha!!! also, if u can, send me money for my SR!

03-19-2005, 11:10 PM
fake or not theyre still tit's.. can i touch them also, so i can tell how realistic they are?.... only reason why is i want to persuade my gf to get them also.....