View Full Version : let me shit in peace!

Andrew Bohan
03-15-2005, 04:42 PM
okay, architecture and history lesson

my building has 12 floors
there are computer labs in the basement and classrooms in the upper and lower malls
there are math professors' offices on the 7th floor
the rest of the building is administrative
the restrooms are in the same place on every floor
on either side of the elevators
usually the mens room has 2 stalls and 2 urinals
but on the 5th floor, where i work, they remodeled it
cut half the room off and made it into a telecommunications equipment closet
now there's just one stall and no urinals

so anyways, i was in there, doin my business
and someone comes in.
usually if the door to the stall is closed, someone's in there.
but he pulled the door.
yep, it's locked.
at that point, most people would go upstairs or downstairs to use the restroom.
but he stood there a few seconds.
and pulled the door again.
"yep, i'm here" i said.
then he says "how long are you gonna be?"
and i said "not too long"
and he said "cuz i have an exam and there's only one here"
so then i'm thinking, why is he even on this floor if he has an exam?
then i say "you can go upstairs or downstairs"
he said "i know but i'm in a hurry. are you almost done??"
jeez, it's totally faster to run up the stairs and go than to wait for me.
i said "yeah a few more minutes"
then he stood there for a few more seconds and left.

can't a guy take a shit in peace anymore?

Ritz S14
03-15-2005, 04:45 PM
bwahahahahahahah couldn't he see your feet under the door?

03-15-2005, 04:46 PM
hahahahahhaa...... :wtf:

dumb ass, this is why i dont like taking public number 2s. that, and i just dont like shitting in public. i like to chillax on the one at home n curl up with a good magazine, hw, or good jams :bow:

03-15-2005, 04:50 PM
buhahah thats not as bad as what happend to me.

Comeing back from D1, we ate some Japanese food. We stopped at a gas station in middle of the Grapevine mountain- L.A. side. I took a crap, walked out, and couple min later the Japanese food attacked. I ran in there took another crap, while i was on the can, my friend Josh came in to pee, he was like oh man whats that smell etc. etc. he then left, I was in their a while, and some other random guy comes in and pisses. as he leaves he turns off the lights, I yelled and said im in here, no answer just continued to walk out the door. so I finished my business and used my cellphone light to open the door and find the light switch.
I was in their a long time from what I was told.

Drunk Bastard
03-15-2005, 04:59 PM
hahahaha, the bastard turned off the lights. classic.
andrew, thats a shitty situation to be in. :keke:

03-15-2005, 05:05 PM

anyways, heres my story. about a year ago in the morning, i really had a take a shit during class. so i told my friend who sat next to me that i needed to take a dump. i left and went to the bathroom, i usually dont like it when there ar epeople around while im taking a shit. so i ran to the closes building with a restroom in there. this building is huge with 3 levels, level 2 is the normal around, 3 is up and 1 is down. so i walk into the building knowing level 2 is the most busy restroom, level 3 is upstairs and i needed to take a shit badly and knowing walking upstairs would probably make me shit in my pants. so i went downstairs knowing the restroom down there is the one lessed used.

so i walk into the restroom and sit down and dump. while shitting the food i ate last night, somebody walks in and sits in the stall next to me. im thinking "wtf!? there are 3 stalls, why couldnt u sit in the one one away from me. its a rule dammit!"

so this guy sits down next to me taking a shit, of course i dont say a word. so i look down and notice his shoes. and behold it was my friend!! hahaha the one in my class that sat next to me and told him i was taking a shit. so knowing it was him

i said "Andrew?"
"wtf dude, y couldnt u sit the one away from me? hell why did u have to come into this restroom, theres 3 in this building dude"
"i dunno"
"anyways, what you eat that u need to take a shit, its 8 in the morning"
"nah, its the chinese food i ate last night, fuck! what you eat?"
"some chicken sandwhiches from last night"
"anyways, lets never speak about this whole thing about you coming in and sitting next to me to take a shit out of all the restrooms"


Ritz S14
03-15-2005, 05:10 PM
He sat next to you cause he wanted to sniff out what you were pooin... either that.. the stall next to him was full of shit. lol

Andrew Bohan
03-15-2005, 05:14 PM
"lets never speak about this whole thing about you coming in and sitting next to me to take a shit out of all the restrooms"

oops, you fucked up

03-15-2005, 05:17 PM
WTF???HAHAHA...damn sucks to be in that situations.

one time when i was in anaheim working, i went to take a dump and ended up using a roll of tp up(small roll. probably about 1ft. with none of those toilet bowl protectors thingy's) i left one square left on the roll. then the guy walks in while i was washing my hand.........i don't know what happened afterwards cause i took off as fast as i could........wonder what he used;D

03-15-2005, 05:21 PM
oops, you fucked up

eh, i was mainly referring about bringing it up between him and i, but i thought id share since it was funny as fuck and this is the next poop thread

03-15-2005, 10:05 PM
See, Andrew, you should have told him "Well, asshole, I WAS jerking off, but you killed my woodrow, so now I gotta start all over again, you may wanna try a different bathroom," then slapped your thigh a couple times to make him think you weren't shitting (pun intended) him

03-15-2005, 10:22 PM
haha, i like turning the lights off on people... i know, im an asshole

03-15-2005, 11:37 PM
man havin the shitz in the morning is the worse... espacially if its bad all u can eat chinese food...trust me i know never gonna attend a all u can eat restaurant function ever again......daymn it was like the vietnam war... droppin bombs and machine gun fire..

Drunk Bastard
03-16-2005, 02:10 AM
B ^^^^that was some funny ass shit!

03-16-2005, 11:25 AM
wow.. that kid is a dumbass.. you should of said that you were taking a phatty and won't be done for a good 1/2 hour =)

03-16-2005, 12:09 PM
you should have p*ssed on his shoes....