View Full Version : Shop to Rebuild alternator in Socal?

03-09-2005, 02:40 PM
I want to upgrade my KA24DE alternator to one that outputs at least 100A (if not 125, 150). I did some searching and I see that I basically have a few options:

1) install s14 SE alternator (measly 90A)
2) have my alternator rebuilt (buy used s13 or s14 SE alt off ebay)
3) PAY $$$ for H/O Stinger alt

I'm most likely going with #2 and I would like to know if any of you have had your alternator rebuilt by a Socal shop (SFV/LA area). How much did it cost, and what is the new amp rating?

Would it be better to take an S14SE alt to the shop to be upgraded?

Thanks :coold:

03-10-2005, 11:18 AM
no one eh...

03-11-2005, 07:01 PM
yeah man, i wish someone knew, this is somethig i've always wanted to do myself as well. Well good luck on ur search and if you do find anything, let me know as well. Im sure there are many ppl on this board that might find it useful as well.

03-15-2005, 11:13 PM
Well I'm in San Diego and a local shop here did a rebuild on my alternator for about $150 and bumped it up from 90 to 130.
