View Full Version : supersymmetry

03-06-2005, 03:38 PM
*disclaimer* mods this is an off topic post if you lock it you are doing so unjustly.

this is jim gates

hes a supersymmetrist. are any of you folks into supersymmetry? if you are you should check out this http://superstringtheory.org:8080/forum/index.jsp forum.

03-06-2005, 04:12 PM
I'll leave this one open as long as you talk about the guy and what he does instead of asking retarded questions and talking about 'mammy'.
There's no way for 90% of us to know he's an MIT professor pointing to his own book, so it's dumb to ask, especially when you already know.
If you really want to talk geek with someone, go to that forum and have a blast.

03-06-2005, 05:24 PM
ALLLRIGHT! ::Highfives mrmeph:: well his name is jim gates, no relation to bill gates. He received his B.A. and Ph.D. at MIT, and is currently the John S. Toll Professor in Physics at the University of Maryland.

03-06-2005, 05:30 PM
... and now I need for one of the 2 of you to explain what the fuck a "supersymmetrist" is and what some overtly (insert racial slur of choice here)- ish individual sporting a sheepish grin could be doing pointing at some (to me) random book on a shelf could actually mean to me to make me actually REGISTER for that board to read more.

... now shoot

03-06-2005, 05:44 PM
Well its got a whole lot to do with Mammy, but we wont go there.... A supersymmetrst is this guy with his friends http://www.cmps.umd.edu/pics/wallace_toll_gates.jpg he is someone who studies supersymmetry. Mathematically, it can be described in terms of extra dimensions that are rather peculiar. Whereas ordinary space and time dimensions are described by ordinary numbers, which have the property that they commute: X·Y = Y·X, the supersymmetry directions are described by numbers that anti-commute: X·Y = -Y·X.

03-06-2005, 05:55 PM
you have not yet told me a fucking thing... you have only shown me pictures of some coon with a relaxed hair do cheesing in fronto of a book and grinning up with the nice white folks, now what is "supersymmetrist," beyond one who studies "supersymmetry"?

03-06-2005, 05:59 PM
idunno but i think he looks pretty suspicious. what's be lookin around for?

03-06-2005, 06:00 PM
Well its got a whole lot to do with Mammy, but we wont go there.... A supersymmetrst is this guy with his friends http://www.cmps.umd.edu/pics/wallace_toll_gates.jpg he is someone who studies supersymmetry.

dude you suck at explaining things. that has told phlip nothing

im sure if i knew wth supersymmetry was, i would be able to explain ti better while im drunk than you are doing now

03-06-2005, 06:01 PM
He is looking around because his skin is darker than everyone else on that stage and he knows that if any one of the three of them is accused of a felony, he stands a credible chance of going downtown for it

03-06-2005, 06:03 PM
yep, i knew it. his story is ALL full of holes. everyone knows black people can't read books let alone WRITE them *country club chuckle*

03-06-2005, 06:10 PM
I agree, seeing as how I, as a black man, am trying to get elected to the senate to create a bill to have drafted into law to have it made a felony to teach black children under the age of 26, to learn to read.

03-06-2005, 06:15 PM
Whereas ordinary space and time dimensions are described by ordinary numbers, which have the property that they commute: X·Y = Y·X, the supersymmetry directions are described by numbers that anti-commute: X·Y = -Y·X.

that just doesnt make much sence. im math inclined and that just seems absurd to me. supersymmetry looks more like probability. :nono:

03-06-2005, 06:18 PM
a theory that tries to link the four fundamental forces; "according to supersymmetry each force emerged separately during the big bang"

edit: Found more info... Many physicists have developed theories of supersymmetry, particularly in the context of Grand Unified Theories, which attempt to unify the Strong, Weak, and Electromagnetic interactions to help explain why particles have the masses they have. The supersymmetric theory postulates that every particle we observe has a massive "shadow" particle partner. For example, for every quark there may be a so-called "squark" tagging along.

03-06-2005, 06:44 PM
well kinda for every plus theres a negative , right?

03-06-2005, 06:56 PM
First of all, I have to say...420sx....your avatar is something which is drawing serious curiosity from me...;)

Second of all, Alligator, are you inquiring as to a supersymmetrist because you are interested in his profession and you are hoping to follow in his footsteps, or because the picture was on a site of interest to you and you felt the need to discuss the book pointing pic? If there is another reason, shoot it my way so as I can continue my perusing of this forums with peace of mind. :D

Third of all, makoto, are you from vidor here in texas? I was just wondering because I noticed alot of negativity towards african americans in most of your posts and how you are opinionated, to say the least, concerning this subject...

I especially remember the sig you had, and was simply inquiring as to the reasoning for it. Or am I just looking at this in a very wrong way and am not understanding your tone at all?

Please, help this zilvian out!

Damn, look at those tig ol' bittys!!!!

EDIT...Am I missing some rectification of a past situation for the appeasement of peers concerning a very touchy subject?

03-06-2005, 07:16 PM
yea the avatar is a really hot chick doing knee curls. thats about it. cant find any more pics of her, darn too bad, huh? lol

well u can actually hear her voice recording in my other thread :Ownedd:

03-06-2005, 08:00 PM
hey Phil, just google 'jim gates supersymrmephistopheles'

it's what I did.

03-06-2005, 08:07 PM
Third of all, makoto, are you from vidor here in texas? I was just wondering because I noticed alot of negativity towards african americans in most of your posts and how you are opinionated, to say the least, concerning this subject...

well last time i checked (and i did check) the percentage of african americans to actual americans (and/or africans) was a figure too small to even give attention. furthermore, if i Did harbor any blind hate for these people (which i've never met or even heard of) it wouldn't matter and you've never heard of it.

03-06-2005, 08:18 PM
i think led zeppelin is better than this.

03-06-2005, 08:22 PM
hey Phil, just google 'jim gates supersymrmephistopheles'

it's what I did.

i just googled for that. i'm so stupid. haha.

well here is something i found while seartching

"Well that’s the basic idea of supersymmetry -- to say that matter can either be fermion or boson, and that energy can either be fermion or boson. So the idea of supersymmetry actually breaks an interesting stereotype. And let me argue by analogy here. All Republicans are supposed to be conservatives, and all Democrats are supposed to be liberals. At least that’s the stereotype. But, in fact, some Democrats are conservative. And some Republicans, are, well, moderate. "

still doesnt make any damn sense to me tho...

03-07-2005, 05:24 AM
you fools, you dont shit about mammy.

03-07-2005, 10:22 AM
no we don't... want to explain it further to us?

03-07-2005, 11:54 AM
one time I crapped a superturd... does that count?

03-07-2005, 12:17 PM
you fools, you dont shit about mammy.

Your Mammy left my house this morning about 7am. Thats all I know about it.

Sorry I couldn't resisit. :wiggle:

Whats really funny though is the fact that this thread is 20 something posts long and noone still knows wtf he's talking about. :goyou:

03-07-2005, 05:35 PM
its the little things in life =)

03-07-2005, 06:05 PM
i think this thread is worth closing now.

03-07-2005, 06:08 PM
=/ no fun at all. where is your spirit at? i think this thread is progressing very nicely. for once can i have a thread that dosent get closed?

03-07-2005, 06:13 PM
for once can i have a thread that dosent get closed?


why i think this thread is useless and should be closed to save bandwidth AND time:

1. we've gone through 26 post with only two post that were somewhat informative.
2. original poster wants to debate/talk about supersymmetry, but has givin next to none about it.
3. thread is about suupersymmerythery yet there is no info about it at all from anybody, all comes from a dictionary
4. nobody gives a crap about supersymeeryetshsyeaz
5. the black guys hair style is worth enough to close this thread

03-07-2005, 06:25 PM
the black guys hair style is what makes it thrive, dont you get it?

03-07-2005, 07:34 PM
I saw this guy in real life. His hair is really freaky. I have flashbacks looking at these threads. So freaky I want to :lockd:

Please reference SilviaDriver's point's for why it was locked:
why i think this thread is useless and should be closed to save bandwidth AND time:

1. we've gone through 26 post with only two post that were somewhat informative.
2. original poster wants to debate/talk about supersymmetry, but has givin next to none about it.
3. thread is about suupersymmerythery yet there is no info about it at all from anybody, all comes from a dictionary
4. nobody gives a crap about supersymeeryetshsyeaz
5. the black guys hair style is worth enough to close this thread