View Full Version : Farts ARE off-topic...

02-28-2005, 05:29 PM
Lighten up chief (ThatGuy)....Just having a little fun in off-topic...

I guess you never spent any time in locker rooms...bars...are anywhere else men tend to gather and talk about utter nonsense.

Andrew Bohan
02-28-2005, 05:54 PM
uh oh, it's another thread questioning moderators' actions

better ban this smiley too, cuz it's about farts

02-28-2005, 06:01 PM
I thought that thread was funny. . .

02-28-2005, 06:20 PM
It was a funny thread and was in the off-topic section. It was just a bunch of zilvia members discussing flatulation, that was all...well, there was some other stuff in there...but not much else. I actually have to give props for the thread making me laugh so hard. I have not done that in a while! :)

02-28-2005, 06:33 PM
i was very surprised to see the thread got closed... and puzzled as well. im also glad to see someone spoke up about it and saved me the trouble... this did seem kinda like an abuse of power, just because a mod "didn't like" or really participate, or... i dont know, you get what im sayin.... nothing against you personally thatguy, but thats just what it seems like to me, and im sure a lot of others. i have noticed that locked threads on this board have gotten VERY touchy... i dont think they should be locked unless its creating utter chaos and deformation of the board. farts are nasty to many, but come on mate.

02-28-2005, 07:30 PM
The thread should have been locked when some dumb-ass brought up scat. It was slightly funny, but also very immature. Starting a new Thread just to bitch about it shows true immaturity. I don't mind off topic, but let's at least try and conduct ourselves like adults. I'm not here for a popularity contest. Get over it being closed.

02-28-2005, 07:35 PM
Are you about to close this thread?

BTW...that thread was kinda funny....but I could have seen it die off easy besides getting locked.

02-28-2005, 07:39 PM
It wouldn't have died off easily, that's why it got locked. People kept coming up with worse and worse stories trying to top the last post. If I was about to lock this thread, don't you think it would already be locked? Like I said guys, just grow up and get over it.

02-28-2005, 07:49 PM
The thread should have been locked when some dumb-ass brought up scat. It was slightly funny, but also very immature. Starting a new Thread just to bitch about it shows true immaturity. I don't mind off topic, but let's at least try and conduct ourselves like adults. I'm not here for a popularity contest. Get over it being closed.

he could have been talkin about the scat man....


FastBack 240
02-28-2005, 08:37 PM
I brought up scat. Big deal its off topic. Why lock? Who does it offend? The 13 y/o's lurking zilvia? They go and ask mommy what it means? Come on now it didnt mean to take shit OFF TOPIC anymore than it already was. Im sorry if it pissed some people off and it was just to get a giggle out of the mature.

02-28-2005, 08:45 PM
^ you were suposto say, hey i was talking about the scat man! ...

02-28-2005, 08:52 PM
i wasn't offended by any of it. it was just for shits and giggles, life isn't worth living if you don't have humor. some people need to relax and take life a little less seriously sometimes. stop and breathe for a second, geez. it would have been a lot better if you (ThatGuy) came out and just told us nicely that you were being offended by this, and we would simply apologize and went the other direction. it's as simple as that. i think it's immature to just hold it in and wait for the second page and just blow up like this. it's just fart, get over it.

02-28-2005, 08:53 PM
It causes more drama locking it then letting it run its course and die out. I never even looked at it until this thread came up...I just dont understand why some mod's lock threads that arent troublesome. Its the same as a neighbor calling the cops on a party that isnt loud or even remotely bothersome.

p.s. Anyone remember this episode?

Beavis: Uhhh, whats this crap?
*Scat man video playing*
Butthead: I dont know but it really sucks: if this were in a record store which section would it be in?
Beavis: Uhhuh, Probably the crap section
Butthead: Wheres that at?
Beavis. Huhuh, the dumpster

02-28-2005, 08:54 PM
Blow up? Yeah I'm just a power tripping mod, hell I'll just go and Ban everyone who posted in that thread. Why do you guys want to talk about flatulance so bad? All the comedy is right here, listening to all you bitch and moan. :rofl: You guys crack me up with your complaints. I'm telling you, just grow up and get over it.

02-28-2005, 08:59 PM
Is doesnt matter what the people were talking about, they care that you are censoring it for a reason they cant seem to find as just.

02-28-2005, 08:59 PM
hey, it's off topic, you read what you wanna read... if you got as far as the scat part, i'm sure you thought it was interesting too. so you need to get over it. btw, i'm not trippin about it being locked, i could care less about it. it's just the way you tripped over the thread. nuff said.

02-28-2005, 10:41 PM
okay, is this the part where I come home after work after a whole bunch of shit has happened and post something in the "fallout thread" to make everyone bitch at me and invite me to come have a fistfight with them at their house?

... actually, now that I look back, the thread was amusing until the mention of the act of shitting upon people as a sexual fetish, I was not around to give the customary "IBTL," but hey, this working for a living thing can be a bitch at times

02-28-2005, 10:54 PM
i dont think anything was too offensive in the original thread, there werent like NAKED pictures or something being posted. you asked if we were in elementary school? if this whole SCAT thing happens in elementary school, i don't know which one you went to.

you said "Why do you guys want to talk about flatulance so bad?" maybe people want to, just cause your not on the same boat of interest, you have to close/lock a thread? its almost like you want people to act/think like you. pink me if you'd like, the censorship is getting so bad here its like anything you talk about, like potatoes is already NC-17. :axe:

03-01-2005, 12:13 AM
mods got things stuck up their ass...always trippin about threads and are alwasy hella serious about stupid shit. and here comes the old motto - if you dont like it, dont read it...other people are interested. soooo... :gives:

i dunno why that guy took it so offensive. obviously, he doesnt know what its like to be close enough with a female to be able to have farting contests with. and seriously what is so bad about talking about scatting? scat scat scat...shit fuck, play with shit, eating shit, smelling shit... = thats all male talk. if you dont joke about those things with your buddies...you are a S-Q-U-A-R-E.

and yes...the censorship is getting hella bad at this forum...its almost like these damn mods are turning communists. thatguy should change his screen name to MAO. holy shit...HahHAhAH im prolly gonna get pinked for posting this but i dont give a fuck haHah! i will hate on mods and admins forever. :fawkd:

i was kinda enjoying that thread. made me laugh. o well...the guy closed the thread. what can we do?

now this thread is prolly gonna get :lockd:

Andrew Bohan
03-01-2005, 12:23 AM
i usually agree with mods about scat like this, but this time i'm siding with those just having some innocent, yet gross, fun. if it generates interest and itsn't another GT4 thread and doesn't have boobies, then let it be.

03-01-2005, 03:15 AM
zilvia ran quite fine before the rampant lockings and moderation came (thatguy), why not chill out a bit.

03-01-2005, 05:00 AM
Perhaps I acted a bit too hastily this time. I can admit when I'm wrong. SoCalS14 I appologize, since it was your thread I locked. However that thread will not be re-opened. I will choose my locks more carefully next time.

Twinkie, why should I listen to anything to you have to say if this is the attitude you have?
i will hate on mods and admins forever.

To the rest of you, get over it already. :D

03-01-2005, 06:05 AM
mods got things stuck up their ass...always trippin about threads and are alwasy hella serious about stupid shit.
:blah: Why the attitude? Would you appreciate it if I said all users have things stuck up their ass and don't give a shit about anything? I don't think you would. Considering we don't get paid dick for doing this job I'd say we act pretty damned professional for what we do.

i will hate on mods and admins forever. :fawkd:

Grow up. You sound like a petulant child.

03-01-2005, 06:05 AM
p.s. Anyone remember this episode?

*Scat man video playing*
Butthead: Wheres that at?
Beavis. Huhuh, the dumpster

I do. I remember the song too. :keke:

potatoes is already NC-17. :axe:

OMG you said potatoes! :eek3d:

03-01-2005, 06:13 AM

03-01-2005, 07:13 AM
okay, i think the sun is starting to shine a lil bit :) it's good to see people gettin along again, i hope... ThatGuy, since you apologized for closing the thread, i apologize on behalf of everyone (including myself) who might have offended you. so everyone, lets have fun in the off topic section.

03-01-2005, 07:42 AM
i'll just quote old-s13 :-/

IMO, if there is anything more pathetic than locked threads its locked threads in OFF TOPIC.

03-01-2005, 10:27 AM
Perhaps I acted a bit too hastily this time. I can admit when I'm wrong. SoCalS14 I appologize, since it was your thread I locked.

Right on. Good deal. Apology accepted. Thank you.

And I sincerely thank everyone who backed me up...You guys rock.