View Full Version : Do you fart in the presence of the G/F?

02-25-2005, 02:27 PM
OK...So ever since I proposed to my fiance, I just seem to have built up an incredible amount of gas. I can't help it, I fart constantly...Unfortunately it peaks in her presence...She is not happy about it, but occasionally we have a good laugh when its a recognizable toon...ur..I mean toot.

"Beans, beans, the magic fruit...."

02-25-2005, 02:42 PM
Fuck is wrong with you? lol

No I don't have gas problems like that....but I have done it once and just laugh it off.

02-25-2005, 02:54 PM
yeah.. it was funny at first.. just like snoring.. but then you get used to it, and it just goes unnoticed.. :-P

Andrew Bohan
02-25-2005, 03:05 PM
farting is unquestionably the best way to get her to leave me the fuck alone when i come home from work and just wanna relax

02-25-2005, 03:16 PM
Ok ok...How many of you pull the 'ol Dutch Oven in bed?

02-25-2005, 03:48 PM
no dutch ovens man, that's just cruel. i have hella gas cause i eat crap loads of protein and work out and my digestive system is in overdrive so i fart all the time. most girls laugh it off, but i have been w/ a few girls who at some point in thier life some dumb ass guy told them they were super hot or royalty or something, but the fact is they were not or every will be. they acted like it was the worst thing ever and like they didn't fart. they didn't last long w/ me. i hate girls that are average and think they are the shit. doesn't your girl fart? my last gf had the nastiest farts and if she farted in the car and she was driving she would lock the windows on me to get me back for something stupid i did or would end up doing, she was the best gf i ever had, miss her alot

02-25-2005, 03:55 PM
why not???
mine has no problem with it....cause she does it too.

02-25-2005, 04:55 PM
no dutch ovens man, that's just cruel. i have hella gas cause i eat crap loads of protein and work out and my digestive system is in overdrive so i fart all the time. most girls laugh it off, but i have been w/ a few girls who at some point in thier life some dumb ass guy told them they were super hot or royalty or something, but the fact is they were not or every will be. they acted like it was the worst thing ever and like they didn't fart. they didn't last long w/ me. i hate girls that are average and think they are the shit. doesn't your girl fart? my last gf had the nastiest farts and if she farted in the car and she was driving she would lock the windows on me to get me back for something stupid i did or would end up doing, she was the best gf i ever had, miss her alot


Seriously when poeple get that comfertable around each other its time to split, atleast thast why I think.

For some reason i see you raiding those used panties vending machines that they have in Japan. Or having that sick fetish were they get-off on J girls farting in there face... SICK!

02-25-2005, 05:40 PM
I never used to until recently. I was watchin' the tube w/ my girl about 2 weeks ago on the couch with my head in her lap, and we both fell asleep... next thing I know my eyes snap open as it sounded like a train was coming at me. Ever had your head on your girls stomach and it growls?... it's loud....... But way louder when one slips out while she's sleeping.
Now I let 'em fly around her as I have a free pass from that little episode...

02-25-2005, 05:51 PM
I dont do it purposely, usually in my sleep and I hear about it later.

Now a question for you. Do you piss in front of your g/f. I usually do, well i dont close the door and she comes in and strikes up a convo. But the worst time was the other day. We f'cked 6 times that day and I went to piss, and my shit was all fucked up. I was pissing on the wall, she didnt apperciate that much. I had to explain it, then gave her a guilt trip why it was all her fault.

02-25-2005, 06:46 PM
lol, tonight me and my gf were sitting on the couch, she was streached out with her feet under my ass (she likes to do that, i duno wamrth i guess) anyway, i had a fart built up and boy did i let it rip hard lol, i cherish the moments like that, or if we are in the bed and shes spooned up on me while were asleep, i see if i can wake her up with a deep bass fart.

02-25-2005, 06:56 PM
i fart in front of her, she farts in front of me... everybody farts, it's nothing to hide.

02-25-2005, 07:05 PM
If you can't fart in front of her, obviously you're not that comfortable with her yet.

02-25-2005, 07:10 PM
man, i know this is kinda off the subject, but if you're at the register lanes, and it's a long line, you can work your way up really fast by releasing some. haha

02-25-2005, 07:26 PM
sort of off topic but in relation tot he above mentioned post...I work at Albertson's, a grocery store, and that is not cool. What is cool, is rippin on the little kids that are in shopping carts behind you and wont shut up hahaha

02-25-2005, 07:42 PM
It happened i accidently fart in front of her, right on her face while she was laying on the bed..........almost lost her after 6 years relationship.................

but i think the best one was that while my professor is in the restroom...i ran up to him and tell him that "Dr.xxx I got a message for you" and fart on him. His face was like wtf...and i ran away.

02-25-2005, 07:52 PM
Ok ok...How many of you pull the 'ol Dutch Oven in bed?

Haha Just wait til you get married John. My dutch oven is ALWAYS fired up. Fortunately my wife REALLY loves me...if she didn't she'd be gone already. My wife calls me the gas company. BTW I talked to Nitin and he mentioned that you're going to SP to get your emanage tuned. Nice! I'm going FCON and will be going there soon too.

02-25-2005, 10:13 PM
you can always do what my cousin does.

blame it on your young son/daughter...

whenever she goes to the mall and theres quite a few people around her she asks her son "kyle, let mommy check if you pooped in your pants.."..
usually this works every time.

02-25-2005, 10:18 PM
i fart in front of her, she farts in front of me... everybody farts, it's nothing to hide.

totally agree with you =]

02-25-2005, 10:44 PM
Yeah, but to this day the surprising thing was when she farted in my presence... I had known her since we were both 19 and we were almost 22 before she would even take a shit when I spent the night at HER apartment... I was 24 before she farted around me, and STILL think she held it in for the occasion to make a big joke

02-26-2005, 01:47 AM
I try and drop ass on the 'ole lady' every chance I get, fun stuff for me.... she tries to pay me back but her power in no way can match mine...hahahaha.....

Dutch ovens rule...another way I show my affection for her. My ole lady is smokin' hot too.

02-26-2005, 02:05 AM
My ole lady is smokin' hot too.


POST PIX :rofl:

02-26-2005, 02:10 AM
haha..such an interesting subject we have here.
i fart in front of my girlfriend..she usually goes "eww Solomon" or "i can't believe u"
Sometimes i pull the "guess what?" trick and she says "what?" and i give a good toot.
I also do some dutch ovens and other things too, like i'll hold her hand..then i'll fart on it..yes, cruel and disgusting to some but we laugh it off. Reason why i do it is becuz i'm comfortable around her. You wouldn't fart usually unless you're comfortable around them. Farting in front of some1 is a way of saying hello and that you're comfortable with them..well through your other mouth..lol

02-26-2005, 03:06 AM
do a flip and a fart my gf loves it

02-26-2005, 04:14 AM
Blame it on the dog. I do. I also am a good crop duster.

02-26-2005, 08:25 AM
all the fuckin time when we're together and over the phone.....by the way she told me she hasn't done this in front of any of her boyfriends

02-26-2005, 08:54 AM
yeah i do it all the fucking time...

and crop dusting is for work situations only...lol

02-26-2005, 09:15 AM
and crop dusting is for work situations only...lol
You mean where you fart as you are walking in order to have no one be able to place specific blame on you? Thos are especially cool when you do it on the stairs and someone comes in like "damn, smells like someone shit in the stairwell"

02-26-2005, 11:36 AM
haha... i sit on her lap and just rip it up... she does it to me too sometimes... i think it's fun. to those who are afraid to let it rip in front of others: you're not the only one who comes with a factory BOV.. man, i'm so good at it, i think i have boost control with it! ahahah..

when i used to work at a grocery store, i used to get so mad at people comin in and destroying the beautiful shelves that i just fixed neatly, i'd fart in the aisle to let them know i'm in charge, and that usually keeps them away until i'm done. ahahaha. did it for 3 months and quit before i got fired, ahahah.

02-26-2005, 11:55 AM
Ofcourse i did, She did it too. She also used to "Fling" her boogers at me....Yeah, Oh and this is my X-Fiance, who just asked me to pay for her schooling. LMAO.



FastBack 240
02-26-2005, 11:58 AM
so what you think of scat?

02-26-2005, 01:31 PM
so what you think of scat?

make a U-turn and go back in the other direction... you've gone too far.

02-26-2005, 01:48 PM
If you can't fart in front of her, obviously you're not that comfortable with her yet.


Coming from a girl's point of view.. I honestly don't give a fuck if you fart. Hell, I'd think it would be abnormal if you didn't.

Buffalo Daughter
02-26-2005, 02:03 PM
Yeah and she does too. Why the fuck should this matter?People fart and take shits. no surprise there. If you dont in front of your woman then you guys arent close, just beginning a relationship, or just to fucking polite or some shit.

02-26-2005, 07:15 PM
She also used to "Fling" her boogers at me....
Well, thats kinda gross....

at least its not poo.....

02-26-2005, 07:24 PM
Well, thats kinda gross....

at least its not poo.....

back to scat

02-26-2005, 09:29 PM
"damn, smells like someone shit in the stairwell"
This was hilarious, and yea I fart in front of my girlfriend, heck I try to fart on her, but it's even funnier when she tries to fart back on me.

And what the heck is scat?

02-26-2005, 10:17 PM
lol, tonight me and my gf were sitting on the couch, she was streached out with her feet under my ass (she likes to do that, i duno wamrth i guess) anyway, i had a fart built up and boy did i let it rip hard lol, i cherish the moments like that, or if we are in the bed and shes spooned up on me while were asleep, i see if i can wake her up with a deep bass fart.
WOW!!! when i was reading this really funny thread, this comment above made me burst out laughing!! I know how you do it man cause i try to do the same thing! Its the best though cause my g/f farts also and the sad part is that her's smell worst then mine! I guess you'll know when you found your soul mate!......... (when you have farting contests) lol

02-26-2005, 10:51 PM
man some of the comments made me laugh hard. haha. =D

02-27-2005, 12:01 AM
^^^ yeah they sure are funny shit!! it reminded me of the good ol times with my old g/f lol

02-27-2005, 12:49 AM
yea i started lettem rip about a 6 mo into my realtionship. but guys you must remeber tooting in a relationship ISNT a 2 way street (at least in my relationship it isnt) its ok for the dudes to bust ass(just make sure you dont shart) but if my g/f does it....she gets the back of my hand! :hammer:

02-27-2005, 05:30 AM
This was hilarious, and yea I fart in front of my girlfriend, heck I try to fart on her, but it's even funnier when she tries to fart back on me.

And what the heck is scat?

why dont you do a google on it? lmao

02-27-2005, 11:35 AM
yea i started lettem rip about a 6 mo into my realtionship. but guys you must remeber tooting in a relationship ISNT a 2 way street (at least in my relationship it isnt) its ok for the dudes to bust ass(just make sure you dont shart) but if my g/f does it....she gets the back of my hand! :hammer:


that is the stupidest comment I have ever heard. Do you still make her do all the cooking and cleaning too? :duh:

02-27-2005, 12:02 PM
yea i started lettem rip about a 6 mo into my realtionship. but guys you must remeber tooting in a relationship ISNT a 2 way street (at least in my relationship it isnt) its ok for the dudes to bust ass(just make sure you dont shart) but if my g/f does it....she gets the back of my hand! :hammer:

i hope you're just trying to be funny. that wasn't a very nice thing to say.

02-27-2005, 12:04 PM
This was hilarious, and yea I fart in front of my girlfriend, heck I try to fart on her, but it's even funnier when she tries to fart back on me.

And what the heck is scat?

scat is when you love each other sooOoo much, that you show affection by pooping on each other.. ahahaha, something like that, i know, it's gross to even think about it. now that you know what it is, don't you wish you never asked?

02-27-2005, 12:17 PM
yesi fart in front of my gf. she says "yuck" and thats it. she doesnt really mind.

02-27-2005, 01:48 PM
yesi fart in front of my gf. she says "yuck" and thats it. she doesnt really mind.
thats what they ussually all say at the start and then next thing youll know..... shes gonna start farting herself!!!

02-28-2005, 09:30 AM
Haha Just wait til you get married John. My dutch oven is ALWAYS fired up. Fortunately my wife REALLY loves me...if she didn't she'd be gone already. My wife calls me the gas company. BTW I talked to Nitin and he mentioned that you're going to SP to get your emanage tuned. Nice! I'm going FCON and will be going there soon too.

Yea, Nitin called me up, and it looks like its a Emanage versus F-Con tuning battle. Hahaha...Should be good times Norm. I am just waiting for the harness on th emanage, and some new intake piping...Looking to produce abotu 300rwhp...

02-28-2005, 02:09 PM
hell ya i do, Ill walk up to her smile and let it rip, she will go eww and try to push me away, thats when i grabe and hug her tight, make her smell the arouma* .
Dutch ovens are awsome, i will give her a big hug, and pull the blanket up then release all hell haha. Only when i cant handle it anymore do I let us breath. hahah.
It is one of the most sentimental things you can do with a woman. Your shareing whats on the inside.

02-28-2005, 02:31 PM
Enough of this Stupid-ass thread. I can't believe I let it get to 2 pages.

What is this, Elementary School?

:lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: