View Full Version : who else uses Zilvia email?

02-25-2005, 10:14 AM
who else uses Zilvia email as their primary mail? Has anyone else noticed how shitty it is? Theres a huge delay AND it seems to me i am not getting any of the Ebay email. Just thought i'd like to share.

02-25-2005, 11:41 AM
It is a FREE service after all. :mephfawk:

And if users actually would have signed up (paid) for enhanced services (larger mailboxes, etc.), like they said when we did the initial survey asking who wanted the service, we would have been able to implement better mail routing and kept upgrading the mail engine as the number of users grew and the amount of SPAM continued to overwhelm the server.

I did notice to many users (I know who you are :nono: ) did use it to receive their daily porn email until we were able to block most of it.