View Full Version : ASE Test Prep it, or spend 15k on School?

02-23-2005, 10:06 PM
I am considering going to DADC for my ASE cert, although I dont want to pay $15k so they can teach me everything I already know. I have Irena's book from Lincoln Tech (same as DADC). I would goto UTI, but since they are out of state it eliminates that option.

Im thinking I should just get the Test Preps for $150 or so and see how I do, If I need some spaces filled in I can read Irena's book.

Anyways, I just wanted everyones opinion if any from these following test prep books. I have only found 3 or so different ones.



Or the Michtell ASE Test Prep Books. Sorry no link.

02-23-2005, 10:59 PM
better idea: don't be a mechanic.

You'll end up spending ~$15,000 on tools alone, and it won't be until after you've paid them all off that you'll actually be able to make decent money. When you ARE making that decent money, you're busting your ass and putting yourself in harm's way (ie. heavy parts, lifts, chemicals, etc).

You'd be better off getting grants and scholarships to do college, get a good degree and get a good-paying salary job. Working as a mechanic can be as bad as slave's wages. Even more, job security can suck and one accident can destroy your livelihood, whether it be negligence on your part or an injury. There's also a scruples issue that you have to deal with (whether you're going to be an honest or dishonest mechanic).
Anyway, that's my $0.02.

02-23-2005, 11:53 PM
im goin to school right now to be a grease monkey, its not bad, i pay 500 a semester, and i can take ASE tests whenever im ready....

02-24-2005, 12:05 AM
my brother makes 60k. He's 23. Plus he doesn't work with heavy equipment. Heck he doesn't even get dirty.

My youngest brother is 18. Makes $14 an hour. Apprentice at Acura already cause of my brother and I influencing him at a young age.

Techs make money. Parts changers don't.

02-24-2005, 12:17 AM
better idea: don't be a mechanic.

You'll end up spending ~$15,000 on tools alone, and it won't be until after you've paid them all off that you'll actually be able to make decent money. When you ARE making that decent money, you're busting your ass and putting yourself in harm's way (ie. heavy parts, lifts, chemicals, etc).

You'd be better off getting grants and scholarships to do college, get a good degree and get a good-paying salary job. Working as a mechanic can be as bad as slave's wages. Even more, job security can suck and one accident can destroy your livelihood, whether it be negligence on your part or an injury. There's also a scruples issue that you have to deal with (whether you're going to be an honest or dishonest mechanic).
Anyway, that's my $0.02.
Some people dont mind working their ass off for a living. If I was in an office all day sitting at a desk I would go crazy I went through all the schooling to get my cisco certifications and was on my way to being a computer science major but to me working on a computer is way more stressful than busting my ass working on a car anyday I still do a lot of computer work now as side work but my real passion and what is going to keep me sane for the rest of my life is driving/wrenching. I work 14 hour days most days and I work hard and I get dirty but at least I enjoy it :) To each is own its rough when you come at someone that already has chosen an career path and just totally try to shoot it down like he had suggested shooting heroin and sleeping on the subway for the rest of his life.

02-24-2005, 12:34 AM
Some people dont mind working their ass off for a living. If I was in an office all day sitting at a desk I would go crazy I went through all the schooling to get my cisco certifications and was on my way to being a computer science major but to me working on a computer is way more stressful than busting my ass working on a car anyday I still do a lot of computer work now as side work but my real passion and what is going to keep me sane for the rest of my life is driving/wrenching. I work 14 hour days most days and I work hard and I get dirty but at least I enjoy it :) To each is own its rough when you come at someone that already has chosen an career path and just totally try to shoot it down like he had suggested shooting heroin and sleeping on the subway for the rest of his life.

Thats where Im at. I did IT for 3 years, as many of you know. I had to build this site somehow. :) As a hobby I like to work with computers, but sitting behind a desk 8 hours a day is not my cup of tea.

Also, job stability isnt a sure thing in MANY careers. Thats why I cant seem to find a IT job... almost 1.5 years later.

I dont plan to be a tech for the rest of my life. My aspirations in life far surpass that, I just think this is a good foundation to begin with.

ANYWAYS, Back to the subject!

02-24-2005, 09:06 AM
I say take the ASE tests and f the training, most people dont go through it anyway. Earlier this month a tech brought in 87 service hours, I'm pretty sure he makes about 23 bucks an hour too so it ends up getting pretty nice if you are good/fast. I say go for it, if you quit doing the job its not like the tools/ knowledge/experience gained is a waste, you are going to use it forever!