View Full Version : GT4 Released TODAY

02-22-2005, 10:17 AM
So guys, what are you looking forward to the most in the latest installment? Personnaly, I cant wait to see the amount of cars.

02-22-2005, 10:30 AM
good grief

02-22-2005, 10:34 AM
I hope they have NOS!

02-22-2005, 10:36 AM
I hope they have NOS!
GT4 actually does, ahha

02-22-2005, 10:37 AM
i am looking forward to the grand national GNX, its about time its in a game!

oh and after reading the reviews in different game mags, it doesnt seems that theres much difference between GT3 and GT4 other than the graphics.....which could or could not be a good thing. they keep saying that its the same game every so many years with better graphics and different cars.....i honestly dont see what they could add otherwise, but thats just me!

02-22-2005, 10:37 AM
i've already seen some of the cars, they gave a GRIP of nissans..

02-22-2005, 10:45 AM
dope! ill be picking up my copy in a few hours

02-22-2005, 10:46 AM
damn i hope i can get a copy today

02-22-2005, 10:50 AM
GT4 actually does, ahha


Well. I am about to go get GT4 and stop by Nissan to get some tune up shiot ordered.

02-22-2005, 11:06 AM
i preorderd that shit last year and im stuck in class till 9:45 tonight....sucks!!! oh well i guess i gotta wait till tomorrow...i cant wait to test out nismo 350

02-22-2005, 11:12 AM
man i am so stoked for todays release, my a.d.d level has gone crazy this weekend knowing it was finally coming out! yea i checked out the car list for NISSAN and there are a grip of cars! i cant wait gonna pck up my copy in a few hours....see you guys online when the online expansion comes out

02-22-2005, 11:22 AM
I look forward to seeing all the new cars, and VERY excited about the new tracks! I got to play it about four months ago down in Atlanta and I've been looking forward to it ever since......


02-22-2005, 11:26 AM
yeah, i can't wait to drive my zenki s14 on the Nurburgring =)

02-22-2005, 11:46 AM
just got back from Game Stop.
supposed to come in at 7pm tonight.
so i payed for it this morning.
pick it up tonight.

well, so much for getting good grades this semester...

02-22-2005, 11:50 AM
hah i feel u on the good grades thing. I always find something that sucks up my time and attention.

02-22-2005, 11:52 AM
wow. You guys are getting it this early? Everyone around here isnt gonna have it for sale until Thursday.

02-22-2005, 11:53 AM
my copy is coming in today but i can't touch it til im done with midterms which is like another week after this week. :(

02-22-2005, 12:19 PM
it's my bday you guys HAVE to buy it for me.

02-22-2005, 12:23 PM
Where I'm from, you get an ass beating for your birthday. How about it?

02-22-2005, 12:36 PM
i am looking forward to the grand national GNX, its about time its in a game!

oh and after reading the reviews in different game mags, it doesnt seems that theres much difference between GT3 and GT4 other than the graphics.....which could or could not be a good thing. they keep saying that its the same game every so many years with better graphics and different cars.....i honestly dont see what they could add otherwise, but thats just me!

I have been playing the japanese prologue for about 6mo. now with the logitech driving force pro and it most def. is not the same game the physic's engine is sooo much better in gt4 and the 900 degree wheel support is amazing. GT3 supposedly supports 900degree mode but it is impossible to use bust the 900degree in gt4 and it is like a real car. And this is all on a demo they released almost a year ago if not more I cant imagine what the finished product will be. The only reviews I trust are ign and they loved it except the online or lack there of. Cant wait!!!! I wont get mine till friday damn blockbuster! :)

the head
02-22-2005, 12:38 PM
mine shipped today should be here late tonight or tomorrow

02-22-2005, 12:39 PM
I'm going to get this when it comes out for the Sony PSP. GT4 mobile has online play on the PSP! Plus the graphics are the same. Does GT4 have the 240? I know forza motorsports (xbox's GT equivalent), has like 5 different 240s, including the silvia S15 Spec R

02-22-2005, 12:45 PM
damn im just gonna set all my cars so they can drift i dont really care about nething else hahah...but the lame part is that i heard you have to get your liscense before you do anything in the simulation mode...i cant wait to work on my 240 and all the other nissans in the game hhahahha...my grades will also be affected!

02-22-2005, 12:46 PM
a 240? lol there is i belive 75 nissan's on the game. not to mention the hidden cars and the used car lots have cars you cant buy new.

02-22-2005, 12:47 PM
dumbass u should post this in off topic, who cares if it was released today! everyone knew it would be!

02-22-2005, 12:47 PM
o ic.. comes out later tonight ehh?? I just ran to bestbuy after my classes where over and was freaking out they didnt have it yet.. haha.. I just want to use my gift card from christmas on it..

Andrew Bohan
02-22-2005, 01:17 PM
i don't even have a ps2... i was thinkin about gettin one JUST for GT4. anybody got an extra one for free?

02-22-2005, 01:49 PM
I'm going to Circuit City on thursday, i'm buying a PS2(149) and GT4(49) and a memory card(24) and then GT3(25) and i'm gonna save about 1000 dollars over the next 2-3 months in bar tabs and club cover charges cause i'm gonna stay home every day.

02-22-2005, 01:54 PM
Should be at most places sometime around 5ish depending on location and store and how lazy employees are... And when fedex delivers.

02-22-2005, 02:06 PM
Nevermind..Just got home with it. Gotta go. Good old walmart slipped and started selling them already.

02-22-2005, 02:09 PM
i don't even have a ps2... i was thinkin about gettin one JUST for GT4. anybody got an extra one for free?

haha im on the same boat as you man..LoL

im going to be picking up the new slim ps2 just for gt-4

02-22-2005, 02:36 PM
I'm going to Circuit City on thursday, i'm buying a PS2(149) and GT4(49) and a memory card(24) and then GT3(25) and i'm gonna save about 1000 dollars over the next 2-3 months in bar tabs and club cover charges cause i'm gonna stay home every day.
Goto EBgames and get that stuff used. You can get the PS2 for 129, GT3 for $14-7, and memory cards for like $4.

Andrew Bohan
02-22-2005, 02:43 PM
i might just wait for GT5 :keke:

02-22-2005, 02:53 PM
Goto EBgames and get that stuff used. You can get the PS2 for 129, GT3 for $14-7, and memory cards for like $4.

the EBgames at my local mall sucks a fatty. IIRC they dont sell used stuff, but i'll go check em out. I'd rather buy a new PS2 for the peace of mind but i'd defintely go for a used game and memory card. i heard they have websites where they sell refurbished consoles that are already chipped. You guys know of any?

02-22-2005, 03:04 PM
oh yeah! i just picked mine up right now, i've been waiting forever, i can't wait to play!

02-22-2005, 03:08 PM
Id perfer the older Ps2 for you guys wanting the slim, you can swap a hard drive into it and upload games to teh hard drive so it loads up instant fast...

02-22-2005, 03:19 PM
what is it about the new PS2 that doesnt accept the hard drive? Is it a space issue or is there a port missing? Cause you can always get external ones...

02-22-2005, 03:35 PM
There's a bunch of chipped ps2's on craigslist Var.

02-22-2005, 03:39 PM
Everywhere around me dosent have them for sale. They say tomorrow, or thursday.


02-22-2005, 03:42 PM
This is not a Chat topic, Moving to Off Topic where it belongs.

P.S. If someone wants to buy me a PS2 and GT4, I'll play. I have already had two PS2's die on me and Sony wanted more to fix them then a new PS2. My XBox hasn't let me down yet. :D

02-22-2005, 03:43 PM
what is it about the new PS2 that doesnt accept the hard drive? Is it a space issue or is there a port missing? Cause you can always get external ones...

Sadly, the new PS2 is built w/ the Network Adapter for online play, but the fact that there are almost no games (w/ the exception of FF XI, Socom (maps), and RE: Outbreak) that use the Hard Drive means that they decided it wasn't needed for the slim PS2. Definitely sucks for those who want to put the game on the HDD and load it from there.

As someone already mentioned --- just buy one from someone on CL.

BTW: Is GT4 online ready? If it is, then you might be better off getting an original since Sony is cracking down on pirated games. (This is a completely different topic I'm going off on, so I'll just leave it at that).

Though, I should ask -- If this version of GT4 was delayed and has no Online capabilities... will the have a later release that does? ;)

Or will we have to wait for GT5? :jerkit:

'91 240sx coupe

02-22-2005, 03:52 PM
I went and grabbed mine and Steeles' in EBGames in the mall the INSTANT they got the box in from the courier at 230, I was pre-paying for them when the manager comes in and asks "You don't want to take it with you now?" to which I instantly replied "HELL YEAH BITCH!" And to the person who mentioned it, GT3 should be used in EB for 9.99, it was here, and I recently re-purchased GT1 and GT2 for 9.99 and 14.99 respectively, brand ass new at wally world

02-22-2005, 03:58 PM
So is 2 player memory card battle back in the game? :)

02-22-2005, 04:11 PM
stupid ass stores around here won't have it in till wed or thurs

02-22-2005, 04:17 PM
Goto EBgames and get that stuff used. You can get the PS2 for 129, GT3 for $14-7, and memory cards for like $4.

ps2 memory cards still go for $20 used. but shit who in socal got there copy? i went to gamestop today to pick it up and they told me it was not going to arrive till tomorrow. i wanna play so fucking bad. grrrrrrr!!! i reserved this game last year when it was supposed to come out in october. WTF!!!!

02-22-2005, 04:32 PM
ps2 memory cards still go for $20 used. but shit who in socal got there copy? i went to gamestop today to pick it up and they told me it was not going to arrive till tomorrow. i wanna play so fucking bad. grrrrrrr!!! i reserved this game last year when it was supposed to come out in october. WTF!!!!
Sorry, I was thinking PS1 cards.

02-22-2005, 04:34 PM
So nobody answered my question..is it a space issue or did they remove the port into which the hard drive plugs?

02-22-2005, 04:37 PM
This is not a Chat topic, Moving to Off Topic where it belongs.

P.S. If someone wants to buy me a PS2 and GT4, I'll play. I have already had two PS2's die on me and Sony wanted more to fix them then a new PS2. My XBox hasn't let me down yet. :D

you might wanna go over http://store.richspsxparts.com/ to have them fix for you or fix it yourself.

02-22-2005, 04:38 PM
stupid ass stores around here won't have it in till wed or thurs

Same shit around here.

I think Civics with SR20's hijacked the Semi's that had our shipments.

02-22-2005, 04:48 PM
GT4 is not online, but there is a program, I forget the name (this is now useless), but you can trick your PS2 into thinking its on lan and play online 4 player GT4. My roomate found it out through some mag. Anyway getting my copy at 7 tonight. Hope I can fix my TV (GF broke it GRRRR)

02-22-2005, 05:49 PM
you might wanna go over http://store.richspsxparts.com/ to have them fix for you or fix it yourself.

Thanks for the tip, but I trashed those POS PS2's a while ago. :D

02-22-2005, 05:51 PM
damn i wish i had ps2 and gt4. but i did preorder 2 PSP for resale! ima juss wait till ps3 comes out even tho it will be a century till it will

02-22-2005, 06:27 PM
Its official. it rocks. Where the hell is the drifting and drag strip though???

02-22-2005, 07:10 PM
got mine 11am 2/22/05 ... love the game!

02-22-2005, 07:22 PM
Called gamestop to check up on my reserved copy... the truck ran into bad weather and wouldn't come in untill the mall closed. But you bet your @$$ when i get out of school im going right to the mall and into gamestop to get my copy! LoL, not to mention i have a PS2 with no games... and im gonna hook the PS2 up to the new 61 inch HD TV we got. WOOT! its gonna be bangin!

02-22-2005, 07:27 PM
just got back from gamestop.


02-22-2005, 07:50 PM
i might buy it if i still had a working PS2.. :-/

02-22-2005, 07:54 PM
Dont you live in the land of cheap ass electronics?.....

02-22-2005, 07:57 PM
Its official. it rocks. Where the hell is the drifting and drag strip though???

Its called Grand Turismo... not, Grand Trendo.


Also, you can drift if you know how to.

02-22-2005, 07:59 PM
Its called Grand Turismo... not, Grand Trendo.


Also, you can drift if you know how to.

West pulled a Funnay

02-22-2005, 08:06 PM
am i the only person who is completely distraught by the physics engine??

i set up a car the exact same way as i usually would and drove it on the same tracks i usually do and i cant drift for SHIT

i'm usually pretty good but all taht's happening here is snap oversteer when countersteering and super out of control slides

Ritz S14
02-22-2005, 08:13 PM
Damn.. I was trying to sell my PS2 for $100.... but now I have a reason to keep it :)

02-22-2005, 08:18 PM
am i the only person who is completely distraught by the physics engine??

i set up a car the exact same way as i usually would and drove it on the same tracks i usually do and i cant drift for SHIT

i'm usually pretty good but all taht's happening here is snap oversteer when countersteering and super out of control slides

my friend's had the JDM version for over a month and everyone who's played it says drifting is way harder now. That's why i'm gonna pick up GT3 as backup :)

02-22-2005, 08:20 PM
my store wont sell it to me until 8:30 pm :(

02-22-2005, 08:28 PM
hey hows the music in it?? any better then gt3 ? i got tired of the music.. but i love the music from GT2 so i think they could have done a good job.

02-22-2005, 08:44 PM
Uhh, if your main concern of the game is the music perhaps you should not be buying Any of the Gt series.

Seriously who the hell cares? You can mute the sound after all.. But hey If you want to really know first hand ill sell you a copy of the Offical Soundtrack, and you can find out for yourself, hows that sound?

Cool game, i played the J version some time ago. Still can't get used to not being able to read what the hell it says, but with school and stuff i really havent played more than 2 hours...

02-22-2005, 10:03 PM
Just a heads up, friend went to the Sony store in the Metreon and they had a lot of copies in stock. So any of you Bay Area guys could get yours tonight.

I did find a car list -- don't know how accurate but its new on Gamefaqs.com

List of Cars (http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/gran_turismo_4_car_list.txt)

Is this the same list that's been circulating around the 'net months ago? Confirmation would be appreciated.

'91 240sx coupe

02-22-2005, 10:50 PM
finally got it today around 5pm have been playing it eversince....its freaking the best racing so far! this is a must have game for all playstation owners! :hitit:

02-22-2005, 11:03 PM
The game is pretty damn good. I've been playing with the steering wheel, pretty tough, especially when going off course.

Graphics are noticably better, and the menus are a lot more visually appealing!

02-22-2005, 11:26 PM
Was playing with my friend who just got his reserved copy. Pretty bad ass. I think they should have added more Tuners to "Tuner Village", and made the parts more unique. But oh well. It's still a tight game.

02-23-2005, 03:26 AM
I went at 7 and preorderd my copy since the one I preorderd from my work wouldnt be in till tommorow and the guy told me if I wanted it tonight I needed to stand in line with a bunch of guys that had been there since like 5 I was like f that I have to go back to work (was still on the clock) he was like well you probably wont get it tonight then since we are only giving out a limited number tonight and main release is tom. So I call them on my break at 8 and they are like come down we have plenty. I go down there is no line no waiting just walk in and pick it up. I felt pity for all those people that waited in line for no reason hah! But got off work at 1a.m. and got some games in I bought an s14 k's aero and suspension lsd drivetrain and it is super quick with the limited supension tuning I have gotten to do. The game is so much more fun with the logitech gtpro and the racing seat its really an amazing game. I get so much more involved in the game with the seat and wheel its wierd I am almost always somewhat bored with the dual shock but the wheel I am always concentrating and racing hard. My lap times arent as fast with the wheel yet but they will be and its sooooo much more fun. I suggest the logitech to anyone serious about this game as the main programing was done around the wheel with the d.s. as an option not like gt3 where the wheel was just kinda added in afterwards and never really worked that great. Alright I am off to sleep I have to work at 8am so everyone enjoy their gt4's I will play it all day thurs on my day off and probably every night I have off for a long time.

02-23-2005, 03:53 AM
WORD! the game is tight!cant get enough of it...haha just stopped playing right now...got class at 8am (5 hrs!) :bash:

02-23-2005, 03:59 AM
same here...got a midterm at 9am and freakin played for a few hours...talk about getting addicted and being irresponsible. i'm gonna pay for that...

anyway, I agree, with the wheel its so much harder to earn good lap times and pass for silver/gold licenses, but it's well worth it. just need to get used to the crazy 900 degree steering for such a small wheel.

02-23-2005, 04:06 AM
been playing since 8 pm... its 3 am now.
i got 13 cars in my garage already.
some crappy shit, but some cool shit
Z33 race car
Z33 option/JUN Dai spl.
some skylines.
zenki s14. haha. after i bought it, i found out it was a Q's. lame.

02-23-2005, 04:37 AM
zenki s14. haha. after i bought it, i found out it was a Q's. lame.

:keke: Sounds like your car, man! :keke:

02-23-2005, 08:07 AM
wow you know whats sweet, you can transfer licences from GT3 to GT4, and up to 100,000 credits! My first car was an R-34 GT-R Nur spec! HAHAHA!

02-23-2005, 09:50 AM
damn...you guys are lucky...i skipped out on the gt3 so im doing all the beginners stuff right now hahaha still fun though....too bad you cant transfer from any gt game hahah that would tight...also does anyone notice any differences from tuning from your own manufacturers and the tuning village manufacturers...? :2f2f:

02-23-2005, 10:09 AM
oh SNAP! Time to go transfer all my shit from GT3!

02-23-2005, 11:18 AM
no words can describe this game...i think im in love

02-23-2005, 11:33 AM
Damnit, I bought the game and it had a tiny scuff mark on the bottom so nothing loads! OMFG#$##[email protected]@[email protected]#$!

I got the logitech super wheel too. It was pretty fun with NFSU 2. 900 degree steering. Awesome.

02-23-2005, 11:58 AM
Just brought the wheel on amazon.com for 104 dollar SHIPPED. Game is suppose to come in today at EB near me. I called them, they said their manager went to pick it up. I am gonna go to EB and wait there until the game comes in I am grabbing my copy right htere. SWEET. I am gonna hardly have time to play it thou. Freaking Midtermz and Finals. Stupid UC quarter system.

02-23-2005, 12:44 PM
The game is sick!! i cant wait to get off work, ignore my gf, and play til i pass out. :mephfawk:

02-23-2005, 01:56 PM
hah I took off early today to get some more time in and I have tommorow off. Looks like my real car is going to get neglected no time to wash it this week :)
also wondering if it matters what tuner you use or not or if it is just for fun so you can use the tuners you like? been rolling the used blue s14 zenki aero with 244hp and a 2way with full suspension setup to my liking the car hauls ass. Need to work on turn in a little but I out brake all the computer cars in every corner thats where all my passes are done on the brakes like tsuchiya heh :)

02-23-2005, 02:01 PM
man! imma go pick it up in a few... i called bestbuy and they have alot on stock they said... finally get to use my gift card... im glad i didnt spend it cuz im now a poor college student... so my life outside of home is gonna be screwed.. haha

02-23-2005, 02:08 PM
this games fuckin nuts. skipped my 5:30pm class to go n get it yesterday after havin it reserved for a YEAR, been playin the whole fuckin time, try playin someone in Nürburgring with jgtc cars...

02-23-2005, 03:53 PM
lol i dunno why but the first thing i tried to do was drift a s14a...man i love the tuning options so far... i gotta relearn how to drive in this game because so far everything feels so different from gt3. so far its great..im still having a tough time choosing a first car XD i just got it..... 110,000 to spend and so many cars to choose from ;_;

02-23-2005, 04:24 PM
I didn't read how to get your stuff from GT3....can someone tell me how?

02-23-2005, 04:27 PM
LoL. Im having alittle trouble getting used to the feel also. Too bad i got rid of my old PS2 Memory card. Oh well, I wouldn't mind building up another profile from scratch.

02-23-2005, 04:40 PM
Picked mine up when I got off work this morning, I won't be able to tackle it until this weekend though...but I've got my steering wheel ready!

02-23-2005, 05:45 PM
You go to your garage, gives you the option to load data from GT3, it basically just give you some credit for playing gt3, it unlocks a few license test that you already did, and up to 100,000 credit. Im doing the international B license stuff right now..

02-23-2005, 06:44 PM
Okay, I know you get cars for each level of medal for each license group. Bronze gets you a car, Silver does, and Gold obviously.

When loading GT3 stuff, what exactly does it give you in terms of licenses? Do you still have the option to pass the GT4 ones and win the prize cars? If not...I'd rather redo all the licences on GT4 again.

02-23-2005, 08:28 PM
This sucks. I have GT4 but someone is still working on Kingdom Hearts so, I don't have the PS2 right now. :rant:

02-23-2005, 08:46 PM
I dont think it was worth the money the graphics look cleaner and the cars feel cleaner handling and stuff. I"m still loveing the third.

02-23-2005, 11:21 PM
What is the icon labeled? I still don't have my licences from gt3.

Edit: Nevermind. It's under "status" you hit start in that menu. :doh:

02-24-2005, 12:00 AM

Somewhat OT: Anyone knows any vendors in the USA that sell custom seat/wheel/pedal set ups for use with Gran Turismo?

Yes, I know I can make my own, blahblahblah but I don't have the time, tools or place to do it, so I'll just buy one.

Tried googling but the terms are too vague.


02-24-2005, 12:41 AM
yah there is a fold out one they sell at best buy that you sit on the ground or something, dunno if its any good...

well uploading from gt3 got me a and b license, and 100,000 credit... not much but its a start. OH yah, if you buy a used car, be sure to get a oil change.. =D I guess the chassis also takes wear too, since you have the option to go to the dealership and get it reconditioned..

They got Tuners in there, like HKS, Amuse, Blitz, Spoon etc, pretty cool. I put a Mine's ECU and a Nismo 2 way lsd in my silvia haha

Ritz S14
02-24-2005, 09:37 AM
I played from scratch last night.. pretty damn fun getting the Ls. I do have like 1000000000$ on GT3 with every car pimped out.. But I got that hooked up from my friend. So I figure I might as well develop some "real" driving skills..instead of relying on speed/power to win the races.

I have a ati HDTVcard .. and GT4's quality isn't that great, just above level suck..but game play is fun..so that makes up for it.

I hooked up to my brother's TV, the graphics are very crisp(Flat screen panasonic)

My work's computer has a Ominivision HDTV card, and the graphics are crisp as well..

02-24-2005, 09:41 AM
well uploading from gt3 got me a and b license, and 100,000 credit... not much but its a start. OH yah, if you buy a used car, be sure to get a oil change.. =D I guess the chassis also takes wear too, since you have the option to go to the dealership and get it reconditioned..

I read somewhere that you should look for low mileage used cars because they actually have different HP depending on the condition of the car... And there are some "10k specials" which are low mileage special edition cars that only appear sometimes in the used car selections like the Toyota Sprinter Trueno APEX Shuichi Shigeno Version '00.

02-24-2005, 10:00 AM
wow i didnt know that.. thanks!!

anyone else hate that autosave feature? i thought I turned it off in the options but it still always flashes the lil memory icon. I usually like buying a car to check if i like it or just reloading the game with my money if I didnt like it.

Oh yah, you can go into the options and have the game skip the intro video and load straight into simulation mode.. :bowrofl:

Anyone else get jittery screen sometimes??

02-24-2005, 10:04 AM
Ya..that sucks cause i didn't know there was autosave and i was playing at my friend's house. So i bought a turbo for his S15 to see the difference, then it saved without me knowing.

Ritz S14
02-24-2005, 10:08 AM
Yeah it does autosave.. but when I was doing the licensing BS.. I finished 4 of em..but it only saved two of them. WTF mate.

$20 MIR when you purchase GT4+ logitech wheel http://image1.cc-inc.com/rapcoupons/2837ecost.pdf

02-24-2005, 10:51 AM
hey art..
i sell the gran turismo cockpit..
it is to be used with a recaro seat..
and it costs 400 dollars.
its the official one or some bs.

02-24-2005, 10:51 AM
also.. for gt4.. i finished all licenses from scratch the first night i got it.. and then i went on to the missions.. the missions are damned ass hard.. I LOVE IT
for those who are bitching about graphics..
GO aND PLAY GT3 and see the difference

02-24-2005, 11:05 AM
are the tracks better in gt4?

02-24-2005, 11:14 AM
yes the tracks are more detailed, and updated.
for instance, Laguna Seca is updated. the walls around the corkscrew were moved back.
You'd have to know about it, to understand.

Zen S14
02-24-2005, 11:18 AM
The tracks are way better in GT4 in my opinion. The cars are better too. I feel the physics of driving actually is pretty good. Bumps in the road makes a major handling difference if you hit it at high speed. Weight transfer while entering a corner is important too. Too much sharp steering movements and you'll lose control just like with a real car.

I find that if you got 110,000 credit to start, a good car to get you far is the HPracing R32. 500+ horsepower AWD brand new for 30+K credits. You can do quite a few of the races without any skill and still win.

02-24-2005, 12:20 PM
so why are there different tuning companies, but all the same parts...? i beat all beginner, japan, professional, 1st set of driving missions... i've been playing non-stop! i love the used car garage, but i wish I could sort through the list from newest to oldest. i hate having no money when a super rare car pops up... b-spec is also pretty hard. anyone get online yet... i'm not getting any connection.

Ritz S14
02-24-2005, 12:32 PM
Um.. it's not available online.. so I thought???????

02-24-2005, 12:47 PM
:2f2f: yea the online version isnt going to be available. i heard that they skipped out on the online version so that the game wouldnt be delayed any further, but i heard that there will be an online expansion thatll be release in the near future (i hope) the whole LAN thing is so that you can use your network adaptors to hook up to 6 ps2s at once and play each other on your own tv (kinda like system link on xbox) except i think you have to configure the network adaptor first. BTW the game is awesome, i cant stop playing it myself! :2f2f:

02-24-2005, 01:02 PM
btw for cheats and hints for this game can be found @ www.gamefaqs.com esp. the car/prize list

02-24-2005, 01:13 PM
yeah, i was wondering what the lan thing was... so is there any word on offering online later?

02-24-2005, 01:17 PM
Just got the Nike car. Crazy looking. Ran 12s though. :)

02-24-2005, 01:21 PM

I will check out the GT setup when I'm at yer shop on friday.

The LAN thing is you can link up multiple consoles/TVs and play GT without gay split screens.

or do the 3-screen setup from GT3 that few people knew about. :D

Got Sileighty?
02-24-2005, 10:30 PM
3-screen setup?? elaborate please....

autosave sucks. but if you put it on "restricted" it autosaves whenever u change cars, i dunno why they didnt just give you the option to manually save your own game :rl:

and that jittery thing that happens, i think its the ps2 being overwhelmed.

02-25-2005, 04:06 PM
Is B-Spec mode based on A-Spec points? I'm just wondering cause I can beat the tracks in A-Spec but not B-Spec.

02-25-2005, 04:16 PM
Actually, you can do six screens. Hook up six PS2s, six TVs, and you can have double height three wide setup. Not sure why you can't do 360* or at least full 180, though.

Also, there is a service that allows you to use the LAN gaming to play online, sorta fools the PS2 into thinking the other PS2s are on the same LAN. I'll see if I can get info.

02-25-2005, 04:21 PM
The auto save is sorta a drag, I wanted to buy a car just to test it out and see whats what, but the damn thing saved it and now I'm stuck with a cat 7. Nice car...but I didn't really want it

Ritz S14
02-25-2005, 04:33 PM
You can turn off autosave in options...

02-25-2005, 06:31 PM
Any time you get in a new car it saves....auto save on or off.

02-25-2005, 11:00 PM
just finished the super license... tired... but i love nurburgring..

02-25-2005, 11:22 PM
ok, it might be just me but ive doen like allt he races i can... and im out of money to buy a specific car to do a race.. i was just wondering if you guys are all repeating races to make morem oney? or if im doing somethign wrong.. i made it through a lot of the beginning winning a certain car and then using that for the next mission but i need a FAST american car... and i need a 60's and 70's japanese car.. and i never won any of those... any suggestions on which race to repeat for the most money easiest win idea?

02-26-2005, 01:36 AM
I'm experiencing a similar problem. I had to win the car from the Sunday cup a couple times just to mod my miata enough to be competitive in the FR races.

02-26-2005, 10:07 AM
you get pretty good amount of cash from the driving missions if i remember

02-26-2005, 10:14 AM
if you go to the special conditions races and do the second set, you win 10,000 credits and a toyata rsc that's worth 265,000 credits

02-26-2005, 12:01 PM
i repeated a bunch of the 2-lap beginner races as i was tuning my suspension and LSD, so i made more money that way. Right now i'm doing the BMW M series races. After i win it should give me an M3 GTR.

02-26-2005, 11:32 PM
daymmm i finally tried that GT Force Pro steering wheel/seat setup at best buy on a wide flatscreen HDTV... i jumped into the RE Amemiya FD in Nurburgring in arcade mode so I could run the whole thing.. all I can say is it really brings this game alive.. I feel depressed playin on my old 27inch and ps1 dual shock controller (all my ps2s busted)....

02-27-2005, 12:46 AM
I am planning on getting the iA license asap(I just got the iB) and just mod a GTR and repeat the Red R all skyline races in Nissan dealer area. 15000 credit everytime win first and I bet a pretty fat car for sale.

02-27-2005, 01:25 AM
Var, I own, I already got my M3 GTR, and I have 2 cars I can drift ;P. 71 240z and an 83' Levin GT-Apex

02-27-2005, 04:19 AM
Well I picked up a copy yesterday, and it's really nice to play a game that feels so close to the real thing. I need a wheel, playing with the controller just does not do it.

02-27-2005, 06:54 AM
look at this dudes write up.... this man has a love for the game greater than many...


02-27-2005, 10:24 AM
wow, that guy is totally nuts!! i would never race a 4 hour long race!

02-27-2005, 12:21 PM
i won an option z33 stream car, cool!

02-27-2005, 12:31 PM
i have that car too. it was easy to get. I have a 270R and a 400R and a D1GP R34 Blitz tuned skyline among others.

02-27-2005, 01:26 PM
that r34 blitz skyline is totally awesome, i got the stage 3 turbo and it drifts awesome!

02-27-2005, 01:56 PM
I just finished getting all the licences, my friends cheated and got there licences from there gt3 save. I thought I would get all of them before I started racing so I could get some free cars. I like the 270R :rawk:

02-27-2005, 10:04 PM
TV tuner card sucks but this is all i can get right now...
my Ruf BTR (409 hp right now)

02-27-2005, 10:47 PM
what do you guys use to upload your gt4 pics on your computer?

02-27-2005, 10:58 PM
You plug a USB memory stick into the front of the PS2.

02-27-2005, 11:31 PM
where do i get this so called memory stick?

02-27-2005, 11:53 PM
where do i get this so called memory stick?
The store :keke:

02-28-2005, 12:26 AM
wait... can i use my ipod?

02-28-2005, 01:17 AM
i read on gtplanet that the ipod works.. i just need to get a usb cable for mine since it came originally with a firewire cable..

02-28-2005, 05:56 AM
Anybody buy the used S14 (93 Zenki) and fix it all the way up? Anyway I would like to compare times on nurburgring (sp?). My best so far is a 7:23:XXX with full down force "original suspension and turbo" at 422hp. So if you have done this post up some times I would like to see just how much I suck. Oh and I am using a regular PS2 controller, and no NOZ. If I have left anything out let me know.

02-28-2005, 07:29 AM
really? the ipod didnt work for me. i had it in hd mode and it didnt detect it at all.. i used my Nomad MUVO Mp3 player which also had a memory stick to upload my pics to the comp. I never figured such a weird feature in a game would be interesting to use haha

02-28-2005, 08:58 AM
would i be able to connect my mp3 player to it? or a mini disc player?

02-28-2005, 10:12 AM
I figured since there's a large audience of players, someone can answer the following for me:

1) The auto-save problem... wouldn't it be easy to just remove the memory card before buying a car and messing around with it so the auto-save doesn't kick in? That way you can screw around w/ a car just to see if you want it or not? In relation, would there be a problem w/ the auto-save looking for a memory card to save it to and freeze the game until you put one in?

2) The credit/license transfer. I know that you get 100,000 credits and the A/B licenses, but no "Reward Cars" for completing them if you had done them w/out the save. Just wondering if you can just re-run the last race of each license test (Graduation Test, I think... don't have the game yet) and see if completing that race again w/ the Bronze time gives you the "Bronze Reward" for those licenses?

It would be an even bigger bonus since you would now have 110,000 credits and 2 cars in the garage to start with (which you could sell for more credits if you didn't want them)

Now to await my copy for delivery...

'91 240sx coupe

02-28-2005, 11:44 AM
When the licenses transfer, you just get the licenses themselves, you have no trophies for the individual tasks in the license tests. I started to do the B license tests (even though I had transferred it over), and was starting to get the trophies. However, I haven't had time to finish it yet, but I assume that you would win the car after you have actually gotten all of the trophies.

Anyone have their wheels that they bought suddenly disappear? I bought some BMW rims for my FD in the 'Today's Specials' section a few days ago, and then when I was playing last night, those rims were gone, replaced by the stock rims. Anyone else experience this? Kind of makes it useless to buy rims if they just disappear.

02-28-2005, 12:24 PM
Can you use a digi cam to transfer images? I have a Cybershot P73.

02-28-2005, 01:32 PM
When the licenses transfer, you just get the licenses themselves, you have no trophies for the individual tasks in the license tests. I started to do the B license tests (even though I had transferred it over), and was starting to get the trophies. However, I haven't had time to finish it yet, but I assume that you would win the car after you have actually gotten all of the trophies.

Anyone have their wheels that they bought suddenly disappear? I bought some BMW rims for my FD in the 'Today's Specials' section a few days ago, and then when I was playing last night, those rims were gone, replaced by the stock rims. Anyone else experience this? Kind of makes it useless to buy rims if they just disappear.
You got your rims jacked... :rofl:

02-28-2005, 01:52 PM
1) The auto-save problem... wouldn't it be easy to just remove the memory card before buying a car and messing around with it so the auto-save doesn't kick in? That way you can screw around w/ a car just to see if you want it or not? In relation, would there be a problem w/ the auto-save looking for a memory card to save it to and freeze the game until you put one in?

'91 240sx coupe

You can turn off auto-save. :)

02-28-2005, 04:10 PM
some reports that some digicams work.. mine didnt.

The auto-save feature... even pulling the memory card out, still can not change cars/buy a different one.

About missing rims, I had that too.. another thing is if you buy racing tires, you can buy seperate rims for those. Seperate rims for dirt tires, and seperate rims for snow tires. So if you bought rims for snow tires, and then say you jumped into a race that only allows street tires, then the rims will change to whatever you have on street tires.

02-28-2005, 04:50 PM
well im gonna try my digital camera (minolta) to see if it works! Im keeping my fingers crossed!

02-28-2005, 06:56 PM
is there a way to reload the last point you saved instead of having to restart the ps2 over again? i'm trying to keep my record good.

02-28-2005, 07:15 PM
About missing rims, I had that too.. another thing is if you buy racing tires, you can buy seperate rims for those. Seperate rims for dirt tires, and seperate rims for snow tires. So if you bought rims for snow tires, and then say you jumped into a race that only allows street tires, then the rims will change to whatever you have on street tires.

That's right, I forgot that I had upgraded from sports tires to race tires. That sucks, those rims were sweet, and now I have to find another set.

03-01-2005, 09:07 AM
Whats up guys, jsut got the game and i wasnt following this thread. Anyways i transfered over my gt3 stuff and then i bought a s14. Has the stage 4 turbo all engine work and suspension. Let me tell you this thing is [email protected]! im trying to race in the turbo tuned races and im getting smoked. So what is a better option to start with? i have a 110,000 credits and id like to know whats a more powereful car to start off with that has more potential. Right now im looking at the M3, evo8, and the skyline/supra. What are your opinions?