View Full Version : moments in the life of me...

02-21-2005, 02:50 AM
Friday night, was driving with kazuo in my car on 101 in san francisco. we get on the freeway and start smelling burning tire??? i know it isnt me so i continue driving, but the smell becomes more intense as we go. about half a mile later i spot a miata starting to billow smoke from under it. the smoke just got thicker and thicker and thicker until.... the fucker's TIRE FELL OFF and rolled off to the side of the freeway!!! and you know what, the DUMBASS didnt stop!!! nay, he even went faster (80-90mph). By this point we were both incredulous. so the miata is actually pulling away from us by this point and about a mile or two down the road we run into a bunch of flying rocks on the freeway. i can only assume that he dropped the wheel onto the concrete, but true to dumbass form he kept on going. that was about the last we saw of him because we exited onto i280. later that night being curious as to wether he dropped the entire wheel or just the tire we went back to pick it up. pictures to come later.

Then tonight, i was driving with a friend to drop off a movie at blockbuster in san rafael. we were taking the road by 101 into northgate and what do we see but a chick (hot) standing in the rain (naked) on the side of the road (with a camera man) and a parked porno van. who the hell films porno on the side of the road in the rain!!! after dropping off the movie i went back hoping to inquire about a possible cameo (and get a picture lol) ^^ but they were already inside the van getting ready to leave.

thats it for now.

02-21-2005, 03:17 AM
what a fun night! :coolugh: what would have sucked if that wheel flew off and hit your car.

02-21-2005, 05:16 AM
interesting, was the miata maybe stolen or something?

02-21-2005, 12:59 PM
haha..i thought those rocks were just falling off a truck or something. You think they were actually pieces of the rim?

02-21-2005, 02:45 PM
I think the rocks were chunks of pavement gettin pwned by his rim... or something.

Nolan, you didn't even mention the ricer flyby on 280... lol

02-21-2005, 07:41 PM
oh yeah, also on friday there was a poo green integra with a total G driving and he was way WAY mean mugging. i'm talking full on gansta mug. i was like "he must want to race, ok" dropped it down into 4th and whipped his rectum. let off the gas and slowed down to take the exit and what do ya know? RICER FLYBY with his Gangsta'd out passenger sitting out on the door at 90+ waving his arm like a monkey. hate to know what would have if they had hit a bump going that fast lol...

02-21-2005, 08:27 PM
LOL ricer fly-by