View Full Version : man got beat down while ordering pizza

02-21-2005, 12:29 AM
lesson learned: never mess with black ladies!


Ritz S14
02-21-2005, 12:33 AM
WTF. Eye for an eye + some jail time since he started it.

Andrew Bohan
02-21-2005, 12:36 AM
yeah.... that doesn't get to happen

i saw a fight on the train once. i was very capable of stopping it but i didn't have to cuz they stopped by themselves

02-21-2005, 12:59 AM
idunno about you but if i'm getting hit in the face i'm either going to:

a- move out of the area as quickly as possible


b- attempt to inflict some kind of damage (perhaps with a chair across the kneecap or pizza cutter in the eyeball.)

people like this are the ones that give the KKK and jesse jackson the proof they want to rattle on about stuff that shouldn't matter.

racism will always live so long as people like this keep the stereotypes alive.

02-21-2005, 01:03 AM
damn that first hit looked painful. if that was me i probably would be in a coma from a brutal punch like that. fucked up

02-21-2005, 01:13 AM
The others did not help due to intimidation. What a bunch of pussies...

02-21-2005, 01:30 AM
The others did not help due to intimidation. What a bunch of pussies...
I would like to say I would stand up for that guy but I know I sure as hell wouldn't want to take on a 300 some pound black dude that's beating the shit out of some guy for simply making a comment about his girlfriend cutting in line. Course maybe it would be different if I didn't tip the scales at 170.

02-21-2005, 02:04 AM
dude that thats fawked up.. such a bad incident.. im half black and i recall seeing some people with short tempers like that.. its bad. Does no good for the community.

Drunk Bastard
02-21-2005, 04:25 AM
man, that guy got FUCKED up :Owned:

02-21-2005, 04:57 AM
he got fucked up because he made a comment about the lady cutting in line :ugh:

02-21-2005, 12:06 PM
thats fucking bullshit that no one tried to stop the guy. fucking douche sacks

02-21-2005, 12:19 PM
idunno about you but if i'm getting hit in the face i'm either going to:

a- move out of the area as quickly as possible


b- attempt to inflict some kind of damage (perhaps with a chair across the kneecap or pizza cutter in the eyeball.)

people like this are the ones that give the KKK and jesse jackson the proof they want to rattle on about stuff that shouldn't matter.

racism will always live so long as people like this keep the stereotypes alive.
Yeah because im sure he fought him because he was white right, not because he(the black guy) was just a dick. People like Makato keep sterotypes alive because when they see a fight between a white and a black person it always has to do with race.

02-21-2005, 12:22 PM
yeah,and you would be the first to jump in and knock him out,huh?Even big guy near the door was scared shitless.

The others did not help due to intimidation. What a bunch of pussies...

02-21-2005, 12:39 PM
what kind of person would spit on someone else..? trash

02-21-2005, 01:02 PM
300lb guy< kick to the balls.

Seriously if he's enough of a bitch to start something over his girl cutting in line I'd make sure he didn't have balls left. lol

02-21-2005, 01:06 PM
Ball kick works with most, but if you break his knees right off the bat, there is nothing he can do. :D

02-21-2005, 01:09 PM
the problem was that all those people in there were probably unrelated so they wouldn't know if one would help out if they made a move to stop it. I'm sure if it was a group of friends in there they would have interpreted through each others body language that they want to do something to stop it.

02-21-2005, 01:17 PM
Yeah because im sure he fought him because he was white right, not because he(the black guy) was just a dick.

i didn't say he attacked him cause he was white, you're assuming. the fat black chick and black guy were acting like what the KKK want to see to give them fuel for their cause. they'd make the white guy out to be a victim and talk about how they see this every day when in fact ghetto/white trash are no different... they're still trash that only drag down society.

but yeah, i'd have kicked that sucka in his kneecap then stepped on his windpipe.

02-22-2005, 12:26 PM
hes probably gonna end up with A LOT of money!

02-22-2005, 12:49 PM
i didn't say he attacked him cause he was white, you're assuming. the fat black chick and black guy were acting like what the KKK want to see to give them fuel for their cause. they'd make the white guy out to be a victim and talk about how they see this every day when in fact ghetto/white trash are no different... they're still trash that only drag down society.

but yeah, i'd have kicked that sucka in his kneecap then stepped on his windpipe.

You break this guys knee caps and you also end up in jail. Not worth it to me.

I would say the best thing to stop something like this would have been either a blunt object to the head (knock him out) or pepper spray. That would have been funny as shit to watch....300 lb man throwing his arms around wildly. hahahahahahaha

02-22-2005, 01:10 PM
oh dang , that's in ohio!
and that adds another reason to why i hate it here :smash:

02-22-2005, 01:38 PM
idunno about you but if i'm getting hit in the face i'm either going to:

a- move out of the area as quickly as possible


b- attempt to inflict some kind of damage (perhaps with a chair across the kneecap or pizza cutter in the eyeball.)

that first blow looked way too intense for him to function his body to move out of the way. it prolly knocked him out pretty hard he didnt evne know what hit him. (trust me ive been knocked out before and im sure it wasnt even half as bad as this poor guy.)

You break this guys knee caps and you also end up in jail. Not worth it to me.

You wouldnt go to jail if you broke his knee cap would you??? its totally self defense...the guy's life was in dangered. i would break the fucker's knees for life. and then laugh at him when he can never walk the earth with his bare legs again and piss on him after...

that bitch pissed me off too...fucking crack whores. ill clock that bitch to the temple too...

those guys standing around are a buncah pussy faggets...7 guys againts 1....cmon now...that can kill. but no...those bitches stood around like brainless robots...GHEY!

thats why im contemplating about buying a glock to cap on some fool who ever disrespect me like that...real talk

02-22-2005, 04:26 PM
better stun gun

.........or pepper spray. That would have been funny as shit to watch....300 lb man throwing his arms around wildly. hahahahahahaha

FastBack 240
02-22-2005, 05:09 PM
Son of a bitch. All it would have took is one person to jump in and im sure a few more would have followed. 300lb black/white/latin/asian.....wtf's the difference?

P.S. That guy is a pure example of animals in today's society. :ugh:

02-22-2005, 05:15 PM
thats why im contemplating about buying a glock to cap on some fool who ever disrespect me like that...real talk

Good idea. That way, when you get knocked out, and he see's your gun, he can shoot you while you're down.

Weapons aren't a solution for anything, only when you have the upper hand does having a weapon help you, and that's for pussies. That guy was crazy and flew off the handle like some fuckin savage.

02-22-2005, 05:22 PM
people like that make me sick. if your going to fight a guy fight when hez paying attention. only pusses sucker punch

if i was the pizza owner, i would of jizzed in their pizza, took a shit on it and smear it under the cheeze

"try our new brown tomato sauce"

funny how the worker get spat on walks up to handle the lady till he saw a big black guy walk through the door and walks the other direction

02-22-2005, 06:02 PM
god how stupid was that... the lady cuts in line and someone gets mad and then the guy gets the shit kicked out of him for saying something... fuckin reminds me of my old city/school : long beach. =|

02-22-2005, 07:08 PM
no offence

but whats with all the guys watching ??? i would have jumped in beat that fat idiot down. this shit makes me really mad. nobody did anything.

02-22-2005, 07:57 PM
Good idea. That way, when you get knocked out, and he see's your gun, he can shoot you while you're down.

Weapons aren't a solution for anything, only when you have the upper hand does having a weapon help you, and that's for pussies. That guy was crazy and flew off the handle like some fuckin savage.

biiitch...quit tlakin outta your ass. if you had a gun/knife/bat and a fucker liek that was comin at you with a flying fist, what would you do???....EXACTLY...:mephfawk: atleast threaten the mother fucker and tell him if he takes one more step, hell never walk again. my ass or his ass...HIS

You shoot them in the head before they get to you...doom style. put down counterstrike style to the fool. :rl: im kidding...i wouldnt kill noone. but if a guy like that was charging at me relentlessly, i would atleast shoot him on the foot.

i aint scared of being a chicken with a fatass bitch like that fool. i wouldnt even think twice to take out my weapen and take the guy down.

in the first place, if a fat bastard liek that came up to me to sock me, i would already bolt about 20 feet away....who wants to be confrotned by a 300 pound black guy anyway.

02-22-2005, 08:04 PM
biiitch...quit tlakin outta your ass. if you had a gun/knife/bat and a fucker liek that was comin at you with a flying fist, what would you do???....EXACTLY...:mephfawk: atleast threaten the mother fucker and tell him if he takes one more step, hell never walk again. my ass or his ass...HIS

You shoot them in the head before they get to you...doom style. put down counterstrike style to the fool. :rl: im kidding...i wouldnt kill noone. but if a guy like that was charging at me relentlessly, i would atleast shoot him on the foot.

i aint scared of being a chicken with a fatass bitch like that fool. i wouldnt even think twice to take out my weapen and take the guy down.

in the first place, if a fat bastard liek that came up to me to sock me, i would already bolt about 20 feet away....who wants to be confrotned by a 300 pound black guy anyway.

he got sucker punched buddy.. he didn't have time to do anything.

02-22-2005, 08:17 PM
Id say something too! They would have ate all the pizza they had available for the next 3 days.

02-22-2005, 08:22 PM
Bear spray

02-22-2005, 10:09 PM
he got punched real good too. if this happened back in Russia or in Texas.... well you figure it out

02-22-2005, 10:41 PM
dude got fucked up!...sue sue time

02-22-2005, 10:59 PM
hes probably gonna end up with A LOT of money!

yeah i don't think so. who's he gonna get the $$ from....the black guy, b.s. him and his gf are likely on goverment funding i.e. welfare so they have no $$. he's not gonna get it from the restraunt owner, he didn't have to help out if he didn't want too. i would have been shocked to see that, plus what bystander other than a trained person like a cop or military would try to help? that guy is huge. she should go to jail for at least 4 years seeing as it was her fault. oh to to any of you who think carring any type of weapon is a good idea, you're retarded. an old "friend" who thought he was hard used to have a police telescoping batton made of steel and one night after drinking decided to call some smaller guy a fag. the "fag" punched my "friend" and knocked him down and was walking away when my "friend" got up and whipped out the batton. take a guess what happened. the "fag" wrestled it outa his hand and wailed on him. i didn't do anything cause he deserved it and needed it to make him realize he's not hard or tough.

02-22-2005, 11:13 PM
[QUOTE=DamnedButDetermined]You break this guys knee caps and you also end up in jail. Not worth it to me.

If one of those guys jumped in they wouldn't go to jail would they? I know nothing was done directly to them, but they would just be trying to help the guy out.

02-23-2005, 12:43 AM
I think the pizza shop owner might have insurance for his shop....which including if customer is injured at his shop, the insurance would pay for it. I had that option for my house insurance.

02-23-2005, 10:21 AM
yeah i don't think so. who's he gonna get the $$ from....the black guy, b.s. him and his gf are likely on goverment funding i.e. welfare so they have no $$. .

I think it's too funny that you can assume that.

02-23-2005, 10:47 AM
if i was there i would of made him bite the curb

02-23-2005, 12:25 PM
what kind of person would spit on someone else..? trash
I said the same thing when I saw this footage @ work yesterday.

02-23-2005, 03:27 PM
that first blow to the face was crazy!!

02-23-2005, 07:42 PM
HAHAHAHAHAH GET MONEY?!?!?!?! those people are defending each other from comments about their loose asshole ethics, like cutting in line. fuck that, those people aren't worth shit. their wallets are nothing, and any feelings/thoughts/soul/etc that they own is TRASH. FUCKING GARBAGE. those people can eat shit. i hope that 300 lb piece of crap gets assfucked by a 450 lb piece of crap in jail.

02-23-2005, 08:25 PM
biiitch...quit tlakin outta your ass. if you had a gun/knife/bat and a fucker liek that was comin at you with a flying fist, what would you do???....EXACTLY...:mephfawk: atleast threaten the mother fucker and tell him if he takes one more step, hell never walk again. my ass or his ass...HIS

You shoot them in the head before they get to you...doom style. put down counterstrike style to the fool. :rl: im kidding...i wouldnt kill noone. but if a guy like that was charging at me relentlessly, i would atleast shoot him on the foot.

i aint scared of being a chicken with a fatass bitch like that fool. i wouldnt even think twice to take out my weapen and take the guy down.

in the first place, if a fat bastard liek that came up to me to sock me, i would already bolt about 20 feet away....who wants to be confrotned by a 300 pound black guy anyway.

oh to to any of you who think carring any type of weapon is a good idea, you're retarded. an old "friend" who thought he was hard used to have a police telescoping batton made of steel and one night after drinking decided to call some smaller guy a fag. the "fag" punched my "friend" and knocked him down and was walking away when my "friend" got up and whipped out the batton. take a guess what happened. the "fag" wrestled it outa his hand and wailed on him. i didn't do anything cause he deserved it and needed it to make him realize he's not hard or tough.

Thank you, I needed an example. I dont really agree with the ultra steriotype though.

02-24-2005, 03:23 AM
man that fool and his lady friend are gonna die this life and come back as a piece of shit :rl:

02-24-2005, 07:35 AM
the guy that got jacked used to be my sales manager at Best Buy. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. I'm not saying he deserved it, but he is a royal asshole. knowing him, i wouldn't be surprised at all if he threw in some racial slurs to the black woman before he got destroyed.

oh well. it was just crazy to see a post on zilvia about this guy i know.

02-24-2005, 10:07 AM
those two make me sick. what kind of civilization is this when you cut in line, yell at the owner for you cutting, spit at the owner, tell your bf to wail on a dood that kind of stood up?...it looks like this couple is used to punkin ppl cuz she just stood at the doorway for a second and the dood already knew what to do and rushed in ready. animals...

you can't say anything until you are face to face with this guy. stepping up? that's stupid. youll get fucked. step up and get some hits in? youll send him from "training mode" to his "challenge mode." not a good idea. c'mon, look at the footage, this guy is toying around, he's not even fighting seriously. step up and beat his ass? (highly unlikely) good job, now his boys are gonna "break your face." and not to play the race card or anything, but blacks (especially) and whites can take hits. im asian, and asians cant take hits for shit, unless if you practice muay thai . ( tough guy asians please dont respond). but yeah, good luck trying to get him even dazed. the human race has a long way to go...